presentation report格式 case study Summary范文 PEST分析法 literature review Research Proposal Reference格式

Marking Schedule for Research Proposal

论文价格: 免费 时间:2010-03-04 10:20:05 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网


Student: XXXX                                            Submission number: 1
Allocated Marks:                                            
¨        10% introduction
¨        40% literature review (must score at least 30% in this section to pass)
¨        35% methodology section (must score at least 25% in this section to pass)
¨        15% presentation
¨        You will need a total of 65% on the proposal to pass the Research Methodology paper

Comments -  The background you gave for the business was helpful although a little hard to understand because of the writing. The objectives could be expanded upon. What specifically do you want to find out about marketing, technology etc. be more specific. Mark – 6%


Comments – This section had some good information which makes a good case for the business idea. On pager five you have 3 trillion, what do you mean here. Fifi this section is hard to understand in places. On page six you write “it has been seldom used paper to communication”. I am not sure what you mean here. You have linked the material in some places back to your business idea but this could be done a little more often especially on pages seven and eight. Some of your references are not on the reference page. A summary at the end would be helpful. This section should be rewritten to help make it more understandable. Mark – 20% (must score at least 30% in this section to pass)

Comments – The research tools you have chosen will get you some good data. However, there is some confusion on how this data will be collected and what procedures you will use. The secondary section was alright but maybe you could provide more detail on how you will analyse the data. You talk about interviews on page 14, then surveys and questionnaires on page 15 but it is hard to tell exactly what you will be doing. The reader should know exactly how and why you are carrying out the research. You need to explain in greater detail what you have chosen (e.g. interviews), why you have chosen this, how will you do the interviews, what topics will be covered , who will do the interview etc. You need to do this for each method that you select. The ethical section had sufficient information. Mark – 10% (must score at least 25% in this section to pass)


Comments – The budget and timeline where well done and seemed realistic. The APA referencing still needs some work especially the reference page. Please see the examples you where given in class. The major area that needs to be worked on is the writing. I think you have some good material here it is just hard to understand. The whole proposal need a good proofread for readability. Can you get someone to help you with this. Mark – 6%
Total Mark for Proposal (65% is passing mark) – 42%
Pass -                Need to resubmit –#p#分页标题#e# X
Date due for resubmission – 26 June 2009



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