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澳大利亚论文指导英语教育类论文:高职院校市场营销专业改革分析Marketing Vocational Practic

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-10-23 15:12:57 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Comprehensively deepen educational reform in the context of urgency , college organizations all teachers listen to and learn about the deepening educational reform reports. Through the study, I deeply realized that if you want vocational colleges in the fierce market competition to establish advantages and strengthen college characteristics, the quality of education needs to be improved . Improve education quality , is the urgent requirement of development of the Institute , is a teacher of the important mission. And as vocational education , the emphasis is competency-based , employment-oriented, trained people to adapt to the workplace . Improve the quality of personnel training , to equip students with professional skills, practical teaching is an important part . Here, I combine several years teaching marketing professional touch , talking on the marketing reform of practical teaching thinking .

First , at this stage in our hospital Practical Teaching in Higher Vocational Marketing issues the following aspects

(1) traditional mode of teaching is difficult to break
In recent years, college marketing professional teaching model for change , but most of the teachers teaching methods are mostly adopted a " principle + case " model. Although some teachers in teaching but also strive to introduce foreign cases, but in the traditional principles of light weight methods of teaching practice under the influence of a "case" actually only played an "example " role.

(2) to strengthen the abilities of students are not
In the teaching process , students generally lack of " hands-on " opportunities , training , internships have much time , even in the period of practical training in most cases is to verify that teachers teach but also of the " principle " and was unable to mobilize the students' interest in learning.

(3) experienced marketing expert is difficult to appoint
Experienced business marketing experts , especially senior marketing experts are mostly busy business people , they can not institute a more rigorous curriculum at the table , strict teaching requirements ( such as requirements along all the "seven pieces " ) to come to school lecture and the College of hours remuneration is relatively low, this reduces the corporate marketing experts to give lectures enthusiasm.

(4 )pairs of practice teaching is not enough depth inquiry
In assessing the promotion, we have launched a vigorous college , an unprecedented practice teaching reform . But by many other factors ( such as less funding , fewer instructors , space is limited , training conditions ) affect mostly floating on the surface , deep enough practice teaching , students do not make a comprehensive , systematic , high-quality complete their professional skills training.

(5) internship instructor coaching skills vary, affecting the practical effect
Because many teachers are from the hospital " gate " to " gate " , the lack of practical work experience , and are subject to their own practical ability, social experience , qualifications and other conditions , it can not correct , the perfect guide students to complete an internship training mission , thereby reducing the effects of practice .

(6) The lack of practical teaching quality evaluation index system
It should be said , in marketing theoretical classroom teaching , the college has established a set of teaching quality evaluation system , although not very scientific and rational, but to a certain extent, can help monitor the quality of teaching theory . As for the practical teaching quality monitoring are still imperfect, did not form a more standardized quality control system. Due to lack of scientific , standardized criteria , making it difficult for the evaluation of the level of practice teaching , instructor their own ways, the quality of teaching practice has been a great influence .

Second, the reform of marketing in the Teaching of Thinking

(1) fully understand the importance of teaching practice
Knowledge comes from practice , competence comes from practice , the quality of training need in practice . Strengthen practice teaching , we must first fully understand the students practice teaching in practice , innovation and the important role of overall quality , fully aware of the practice teaching schools teaching in promoting reform and development , highlighting the school's features and highlights important aspects , the complete eradication mind "heavy theory and practice of light ," the wrong ideas .

(2) curriculum system reform , highlighting the dominant position of teaching practice
Practice is the basis of innovation , should completely change the traditional mode of education practice teaching in a subordinate position under the status quo. To establish the dominant position of practice teaching , curriculum reform the existing system should be set up from the start . Highlighted in the curriculum teaching practice dominant position , practical means to increase the proportion of teaching hours . According to the teaching practice , professional training courses hours accounted for the proportion of total hours of the course is a 70% to 60% is more appropriate , other types of practice teaching methods should also be a corresponding increase in the proportion of hours , the only way to truly achieve "outstanding practicality teaching the dominant position . " There is no doubt that this change will bring the school running mode , the way teachers impart knowledge and learning methods and other aspects of major change , therefore , should be on the basis of full investigation and study of gradual progress.

(3 )Establish employment-oriented practice teaching system
Marketing Science Teaching Center is a main line of students practice teaching , the students of the Vocational Ability broken out from a theoretical teaching ; student-centered , focusing on students' professional knowledge of integrated application ability, in the " theory Enough use " of the premise, and effectively improve the students' professional practical ability and integrated practical application ability . To this end , the need to further clarify the personnel training objectives, training of professionals have the right positioning , emphasizing personnel training ability, comprehensive ability and employability . To quickly develop high-quality high-skilled personnel is critical to employment-oriented Constructing a vocational marketing professional features Practical teaching system , and make it organically into teaching practice .

(4 )practice- oriented , flexible and diverse forms of teaching organization
Since the reform goal is employment-oriented and industry-university cooperation , and therefore teaching organization should take this as the guiding ideology , the implementation of practice -oriented teaching . To start their own businesses in the knowledge and skills required for teaching and practice of the main line , and from prominent market research , marketing planning, product marketing , sales management and other core skills training , practice a theory has repeatedly taken segmented practice teaching, or completely replaced by training teaching the theory .

(5) enhanced simulation training room and build and practice meet the requirements of practice teaching base
Simulation training room is the practical teaching basic carrier system can be implemented . Although the College has basic accounting, e-commerce and other related courses training room, but the training capacity , training effect is very different, and there is no real marketing professional training room, it should be said , really be able to fully meet the teaching demand is not much. So college to increase investment as soon as possible to establish marketing professional training room, training room in the marketing of construction professionals , we should highlight the nature of the simulation environment . Teacher training courses for students The main purpose is to improve their skills , improve their vocational skills. If the training room can do full simulation of future work processes, work environment, job functions , will be more conducive to practice teaching .

(6) deepening school-enterprise cooperation , combining production practice models to broaden vocational education educational ideas
Vocational school-enterprise cooperation to make school education and vocational training in complementary social development. Training can be timely feedback through social needs of the community , in order to adjust teaching academic content and methods of education , curriculum and teaching materials to promote the improvement of features and advance professional structure optimization and the new curriculum . Industry-university cooperation is conducive to improve teachers' teaching, research and practice . Through industry-academia cooperation can be achieved either teachers, especially young teachers' knowledge structure, capability structure optimization , but also can enhance the practical teaching targeted. The college although some companies have signed a school-enterprise cooperation agreement, but the depth of their cooperation is still not enough , you also need to further explore specific ways of cooperation .


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