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Executive summary执行摘要
报告结束时,将提出结论。Having finished reading the case “singing the same song: multi level HRM systems, the report of introduction, research question (a):The sources HR challenges at Banksias, Research question (b): Recommendations to fix the HR system at Banksia, Research question (c): The impact of an effective communication channel on the organization’s change plan and the ideal organization’s plan to communicate the change decision to the employees, managers and to other levels of the organization, Research question (d): For the position of an HR manager at Banksia. Activities, duties and attributes would enable the HR manager to be successful and conclusion is illustrated. 
In the introduction, an overview of banksias, a health service organization is shown that banksias’ HR faced great challenges. Because it has no the department of HR. the expansion of the organization is so rapid than HR policies and procedure has not kept up with. Newly introduced HRM from other healthcare organization is not consistently applied nor interpreted (Overman, Stephanie. 2004), so the situation is very serious. 
In the research question (a), the sources of HR challenges at Banksias are introduced that the HRM system is complete, the responsibility is not very clear, the strategy of HR or HRM adopted is not executed thoroughly and consistently and banksias is an organization that get funds from the government, so it has to respond to the changing government policy continually, which makes it harder to carry out long-term strategy (Anfuso, Dawn., 1995). In the Research question (b), Recommendations to fix the HR system at Banksia are shown that everyone should be united together both physically and mentally(Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996); leaders and department managers should get some systematic education about HRM, the responsibility should be specific and the sense of belonging or ownership should be built urgently.
In the research question (c), the impact of an effective communication channel on the organization’s change plan and the ideal organization’s plan to communicate the change decision to the employees, managers and to other levels of the organization and in the research question (d), activities, duties and attributes would enable the HR manager to be successful are shown. 
In the end of the report, the conclusion will be put forward. 
Table of contents目录
Executive summary 1
Table of contents 3
Introduction 4
Research question (a): The sources HR challenges at Banksias 5
Research question (b): Recommendations to fix the HR system at Banksia 7
Research question (c): The impact of an effective communication channel on the organization’s change plan and the ideal organization’s plan to communicate the change decision to the employees, managers and to other levels of the organization 9
Research question (d): For the position of an HR manager at Banksia. Activities, duties and attributes would enable the HR manager to be successful 11
Conclusions 14
Reference 15
According to the case, banksia a health service organization funded by the government. With time going by, some problems occur to the organization that it has no HR department.HR faced great challenges at Banksias. Based on what is said in the case,the organization is expanding so quickly that human resources policies and procedures cannot keep up with.  The company brought in a more decentralized structure and senior managers were employed in these key functional areas, but this didn’t work well(Cummins, Carol O, 2003). HRM generated by the organization and adopted from other healthcare organization were particular for a certain situation, which is not consistently used nor demonstrated, and also not well made understood by not only management but all over the organization (Anfuso, Dawn.1995). what’s more, after the organization was re-structured, there was still no HR department andthere were no employees who took complete responsibility for HR, which led to specific problems including heterogeneous interpretation(Alistair M,1990)and usage of most of the HR practices by managers on the first-line managementand in turn led employees to have a sense of unfairness and a lack of trust in management (Overman, Stephanie. 2004), and as a result, the industrial relation disputes came into being. Then what are the sources HR challenges at Banksias, are there any recommendations to fix the HR system at Banksia, what is the impact of an effective communication channel on the organization’s change plan, What would be an ideal organization’s plan to communicate the change decision to the employees, managers and to other levels of the organization and What activities, duties and attributes would you include in this role that would enable the HR manager to be successful? The following contents will illustrate this in details.
Research question (a): The sources of HR challenges at Banksias
According to the case, banksias health service, a fictitious name given, is based in a rural location employing about 500 people. HR faced great challenges at Banksias. Based on what is said in the case,the organization is expanding so quickly that human resources policies and procedures cannot keep up with.  The company brought in a more decentralized structure and senior managers were employed in these key functional areas, but this didn’t work well(Smith, 2001). The top held the view that HRM system was extremely not enough, actually at Banksias, there is no human resource department and the payroll officer, the assistants and the CEO carried out the administrative functions. Many senior managers thought that the HRM generated by the organization and adopted from other healthcare organization were particular for a certain situation, which is not consistently used nor demonstrated(Cummins, Carol O.2003). After the organization was re-structured, there was still no HR department and also there is not particular persons who took all responsibility for HR, which resulted in specific problems including different interpretation and usage of most of the HR practices by the managers of the first-line management and in turn resulted in the fact that employees had a sense of unfairness and didn’t trust in management, and so the industrial relation disputes came into being. What’s more, everyone at banksias lacks a sense of ownership and they didn’t take full responsibility and accountability over their role (Anfuso, Dawn. 1995). Different sites, different layers of management and across functional units didn’t communicate very well with each other, which became one of the key challenges at banksias.#p#分页标题#e#
Then what are the sources of HR challenges at Banksias?
The sources of HR challenges at Banksias can be summarized as follows.
First, the system is not complete (Anfuso, Dawn, 1995). As is mentioned in the case that there was, in fact, no human resources department, it will have bad impact on the good development, which also bring about great challenge for the HR at banksias. No matter what organization it is, the essential department like HR department cannot be neglected(Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996), because it is human that make up a group, management of an organization is management of human. So HR department is a must for the good function of the organization.
Second, the responsibility is not very clear (Anfuso, Dawn, 1994). As is said in the case, without HR department, the responsibility of administration is taken by specific person. That is to say, no one is clearly aware of his or her responsibility in detail, the management is in disorder. As a result, the industrial relation disputes came into being, which leads to HR challenge.
Third, the strategy of HR or HRM adopted is not executed thoroughly and consistently (Bechet, Thomas P, 1993). If you want someone to remember what you want him to remember, the best thing you can do is that you repeat what you want him to remember over and over again(Overman, Stephanie. 2004). So within an organization, the new policy has to be carried out thoroughly, repeated training is one of the best way to reach that. HRM, like corporate culture, is formed through carrying it out consistently. 
Last but not least, banksias is an organization that get funds from the government, so it has to respond to the changing government policy continually(Cummins, Carol O.2003), which on the contrary lead to the result that organization cannot set long-term and clear strategic plans, which in turn bring about great pressure for the organization(Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996). 
Research question (b): Recommendations to fix the HR system at Banksia
When we are faced with the problem, the key is to try to solve the problem. Based on the analysis, how can the HR system at Banksias be fixed, here are my recommendations. 
HMR is a kind of job which needs a lot of professional knowledge about labor market, company history, what the company is for the time being, what the company will be in the future and corporate culture (Condrey, Stephen E, 1998). Based on such knowledge, the management frame of human resource should be built using advanced management tools according to the current situation of the company, including choosing right employees, using them in the proper way and cultivate them. 
On the basis of the current situation of the company of Banksia, in order to build up successful HRM system, first, everyone should be united together both physically and mentally (Laabs, Jennifer J, 1992). As is mentioned in the case that most managers of the first line carried out the HR practices, which resulted in the situation that the employees had a sense of unfairness and they didn’t trust in management, and as a result, the industrial relation disputes came into being. So when the HR practice is carried out by first-line mangers, the employees get a sense of unfairness and their trust in management is becoming less and less(Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996). From corporate leaders to employees, every one of them should be aware that only through effective HRM can the company last long. All should unite in mind. 
Second, leaders and department managers should get some systematic education about HRM (Connolly, Thomas R, 1997). Through it is mentioned in the case that some good management skills are adopted from other organizations, they are not enough. So I argue that systematic management education should be given to them. Whatever you do, you need theory to guide you and you need experience and practical skill to help you (Overman, Stephanie. 2004), so is HRM. For leaders, in order to mange employees in a better way, they are required to learn both theories about HMR and practical skills about how to do management work better such as how to analyze a specific job, how to do performance evaluation, how to train your subordinate and how to put forward good career planning for them, all of which are the job that should be finished by leaders and department mangers (Anfuso, Dawn, 1995). 
At the same time, the responsibility should be specific, that is to say, everyone should be given his or her specific responsibility (Corporate Leadership Council, 1997). In the case, the situation is that not everyone knows about their responsibilities very clear, someone does more than what he or should do;someonedoes not do what he or must do. So the management is in disorder, the responsibility is not clear, which will lead to the situation that some who bear more responsibilities are very tired and some who are not equal to his or her responsibilities escape from doing what he should do but get the salary that he should not have(Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996). With time going by, the situation will change. Some who bear more responsibilities have no incentive to take such responsibilities any more; other who live easy life without responsibilities will keep on the old track to take no responsibilities(Overman, Stephanie. 2004). So the sense of unfairness will occur,everyone no longer have trust in management. 
Last but not least, the sense of belonging or ownership should be built urgently (Overman, Stephanie. 2004). There is no denying that most of people will take good care of things of him or her but will care less about public things and even destroy public property(Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996). At baksia, employees have less trust in management and they also have no ownership. So the effectiveness of management will not be improved. 
All in all, human resources management is the core part of corporate management (Overman, Stephanie, 2004), which needs to be paid great attention to and need every one to participate in it. 
Research question (c): The impact of an effective communication channel on the organization’s change plan and the ideal organization’s plan to communicate the change decision to the employees, managers and to other levels of the organization
After illustrating my recommendation, we need a plan to communicate the change decision to the employees, managers and to other levels of managers. Then what would that be? The following contents would be the answer that I try to illustrate. 
To begin with, the idea that HRM practices are linked with the organizational goals or organizational strategy should be made clearly understood by employees, managers and to other levels of managers (Anfuso, Dawn, 1995). In order to achieve effective outcomes of individual and organizational performance, HRM practices or the department of HR is a must (McIlvaine, Andrew, 1998). 
Then making everyone know the current situation is caused by absence of HR department is another point of plan. For banksia, it has no department of HR, the officer, assistants and even the CEO carried out the administrative functions. Many senior managers thought that the HRM generated by the organization and adopted from other healthcare organization were particular for a certain situation, which was not consistently used nor demonstrated (Connolly, Thomas R. 1997). After the organization was re-structured, there was still no HR department or there was no specific person who took all responsibility for HR, which led to specific problems including heterogeneous interpretation and usage of most of the HR practices by the managers of the first line managementand in turn led to the fact that employees had a sense of unfairness and they didn’t trust in management(Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996), and as a result, the industrial relation disputes came into being. So it is very essential to set up human resources department. Letting employees, managers and to other levels of managers know the necessity of the change is the first step (Overman, Stephanie. 2004).
Third, HR will provide strategic competitive advantage for both individual and for the organization (Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996). Business competence, professional and technical knowledge of the individual and integration competence will be enhanced through HRM(Dennis A.2006)
And what would be the impact of an effective communicate channel on the organization’s change plan. 
With effective communicating channel on the organization’s change plan, HR influence will become apparent(Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996). That is to say, HR practices will have an impacton the employee attitudes in the long term and behaviors so as to make organizational goals come true. For employees, their Health and safety will be guaranteed to some extent. Employee and community relations would be better. For the organization, work can be Analyzed and designed in a better way. For the long-term development of banksia, HR department will help to Recruit and select suitable talents to serve for the company. HR department will balance diversity and work–life (Overman, Stephanie. 2004), which will improve the effectiveness of management. HR department will organize a series of training program where employees can learn a lot of useful things and is good of their career development. For the leaders of the organization, what they eagerly want to know about is employees’ Performance HR department can help finish performance evaluation (Connolly, Thomas R. 1997).
Research question (d):For the position of an HR manager at Banksia. Activities, duties and attributes would enable the HR manager to be successful
For a successful HR manager, his duty should be to draw up strategic planning of human resources and supervise how the strategic planning can be executed (Corporate Leadership Council, 2007). He should also be responsible to build up unblocked communicating channel and effective incentive mechanism(Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996). Above all, HR manger should be responsible for the overall work of HR department. For the HR manager at banksia, he has the following duties and assignment.#p#分页标题#e#
Responsibility 1
Responsibility statement: to formulate the company human resource strategic planning.
Task: based on the company’s development strategy, human resources manger should make the strategic HMRplanningtake part in the company’s major personnel decisions and organize regular relevant personnel meeting (Anfuso, Dawn, 1995). Recruitment, Training and assessment are the basic work that a HR manger should do (Overman, Stephanie. 2004). Collecting Salary information for the company helps to provide information for leaders of the company to making major personnel(Dennis A, 2006). At the same time, he is responsible for collecting employee’s ideas and Suggestions regularly.
Responsibility 2
Responsibility statement: urging the execution of company's HRS.
Task: according to the company, he should make the recruitment system, training system, salary system,employee handbook, personnel file management system, and detailed regulations for the implementation of the rules and regulations, and the work procedure, and organize the implementation related (Connolly, Thomas R. 1997). He is also taking responsibilityanalyze the job, describe the job, and puts forward the establishment of institutions and responsibilities design scheme, put forward the improvement plan for the company organization structure.
Responsibility 3
Responsibility statement: responsible for establishing clear communication channel and effective incentive mechanism.
Tasks: he is responsible for setting up internal unimpeded communication channels for the company and subsidiary company, and knows about the staff’s opinions and ideas and actively listens to and adopts staff’s rationalization proposal, and feedback to the relevant departments. He should be ready to accept staff’s complaints, investigate and send the relevant departments to solve (Overman, Stephanie. 2004). He is Responsible for establishing an effective incentive mechanism.
Responsibility 4
Responsibility statement: overall responsibility for the work of the human resources department.
Task: he should organize and develop company’s annual human resources demand plan and Organize personnel recruitment through a variety of channels to seek appropriate personnel for the company. He is supposed to Organize to formulate the company’s training plan, organize personnel to participate in training, carry out training effect evaluation (Connolly, Thomas R. 1997). He is Responsible for employee assessment, deals with the appeal for the employees' assessment results. According to the company total wages, he should work out the annual salary adjustment scheme and audit staff monthly salary. He takes Responsibility for handling all kinds of labor contract and related matters.
Responsibility 5
Responsibility statement: other work.
Tasks: he is responsible for company department assessment. Standing for the company, he should communicate with the government and other units (Overman, Stephanie. 2004). You know that banksia is funded by the government, so human resources manger should communicate and coordinate with the government. 
Responsibility 6:
Responsibility statement: internal organization management.
Tasks: he is responsible for separating department work to the individuals and supervises the plan to be completed. Evaluation of staff work condition. He should Control the budget of the department(Eisenstat, Russell A, 1996).
Banksia is a health service organization funded by the government. With time going by, some problems occur to the organization that it has no HR department.  HR faced great challenges at Banksias. The sources HR challenges at Banksias are that the system is not complete, the responsibility is not very clear, the strategy of HR or HRM adopted is not executed thoroughly and consistently (Overman, Stephanie. 2004), banksias is an organization that get funds from the government, so it has to respond to the changing government policy continually, and which on the contrary lead to the result that organization cannot set long-term and clear strategic plans, which in turn bring about great pressure for the organization (Connolly, Thomas R. 1997)Recommendations to fix the HR system at Banksia are that everyone should be united together both physically and mentally, leaders and department managers should get some systematic education about HRM, the responsibility should be specific, that is to say, everyone should be given his or her specific responsibility and the sense of belonging or ownership should be built urgently(Smith, 2001). The ideal organization’s plan to communicate the change decision to the employees, managers and to other levels of the organization would be that the idea that HRM practices are linked with the organizational goals, or organizational strategy should be made clearly understood by employees, managers and to other levels of managers, making everyone know the current situation is caused by absence of HR department is another point of plan and HR will provide strategic competitive advantage for both individual and for the organization(Cummins, 2003). For the position of an HR manager at Banksia, he should carry out a series of activities, duties and attributes that would enable the HR manager to be successful(Wang, Jiang Hua, 2006).
Anfuso, Dawn. “Colgate’s Global HR Unites under One Strategy.” Personnel Journal, October 1995, pp. 44-48.
Anfuso, Dawn. “Kodak Employees Bring a Department into the Black.” Personnel Journal, September 1994, pp. 104-112.
Bechet, Thomas P., and James W. Walker.“Aligning Staffing with Business Strategy.”Human Resources Planning, 1993, pp. 1-16.
Condrey, Stephen E. Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998.
Laabs, Jennifer J. “HR’s Vital Role at Levi Strauss.” Personnel Journal, December 1992, pp.34-46.
Connolly, Thomas R., et al. “Transforming Human Resources.” Management Review, June 1997, pp. 10-16.
Corporate Leadership Council.Corporate Executive Board.Aligning Human Resources, Business Units, and Corporate Strategy. Washington, DC: October 2007.
McIlvaine, Andrew. “Window of Opportunity.”Human Resource Executive, June 5, 1998, pp.36-38.
Corporate Leadership Council.Corporate Executive Board.Aligning HR Strategy with Corporate Strategy. Washington, DC: March 1998.
Corporate Leadership Council.Corporate Executive Board.Developing A Strategic HR Function: Aligning Individual Competencies. Washington, DC: January 1997.
Eisenstat, Russell A. “What Corporate Human Resources Brings to the Picnic: Four Models for Functional Management.” Organizational Dynamics, Autumn 1996, pp. 6-14.
Dennis A. Pitta; Margit Weisgal; Peter Lynagh, 2006,” Integrating exhibit marketing into integrated marketing communications”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p156-166.
Smith, Alastair G, 2001, “Applying evaluation criteria to government organization”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p137-150
Corporate Leadership Council.Corporate Executive Board.Assessing Employee Readiness for Strategic Initiatives. Washington, DC: December 1998.
Overman, Stephanie. “Big Bang Change: Re-engineering HR.” HRMagazine, June 2004, pp.50-53.
Cummins, Carol O ;Prochaska, James O ;Driskell, Mary-Margaret ;Evers, Kerry E ;Wright, Julie A ;Prochaska, Janice M ;Velicer, Wayne F, 2003,” Development of Review Criteria to Evaluate Health Behavior Change Websites”, Journal of Health Psychology – London, Vol.8 Issue 1, p 55-62
Hanna, Alistair M.; Lundquist, Jerrold T, 1990, “Creative strategies”, McKinsey Quarterly, Vol.1 Issue 3, p 56-80
Wang, Jiang Hua, 2006,” Research - Evaluating management”, Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol.31 Issue 2, p52-61

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