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有关戴尔电脑的战略信息策略与案例研究case study

论文价格: 免费 时间:2014-09-20 09:44:12 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网


摘要 2

1 前言 2

2 影响因素的识别和分析信息的策略 2

2.1 外部因素 3

(1)工业特点和快速更新的技术 3

(2)工序流程 4

(3)不确定的社会和经济环境 4

2.2 内部组织结构 4

2 戴尔实现战略信息策略的案例研究方法和战略影响因素的识别和信息分析 5

2.1 一些背景信息 5

2.2 戴尔战略信息的策略 6

3 对戴尔战略信息系统给定的方法可能带来影响的外部问题 7

3.1 通过有效方法实现战略信息策略的好处 7

3.2 颠覆性技术的定义 7

3.3 戴尔的成功将颠覆性技术转化为快速增长的战略信息策略 8

3.4 戴尔的方法的影响 8

3.5 颠覆性技术的副作用 9

4 结论 9

5 引用 9


随着当今世界的快速发展,全球化正在加速影响着各个经济部门。战略信息策略在经济发展过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,有助于实现公司的目标,并有效维持公司的长期发展(巴迪& Boonstra & Kenndy,2008)。在本文中,作者将首先识别和分析信息战略的影响因素。然后通过戴尔公司和批判性分析带来的影响提出一些战略信息策略,以发挥信息策略的有利影响,避免不利影响。颠覆性技术是一个非常重要的话题,戴尔公司使用不同的方式来实现其长期发展。

Table of Contents

Abstract 2

1. Introduction. 2

2. Identification and analysis of factors affecting information strategy. 2

2.1The external factors. 3

(1). Industry characteristics-fast-updated technology. 3

(2).Process flow.. 4

(3). the Uncertain social and Economic Environment 4

2.2 The Internal Organizational Structure. 4

2. A case study on Dell’s approaches to realize the strategic information strategies and identification and analysis of factors affecting information strategy. 5

2.1 Some background information. 5

2.2 Dell’s strategic information strategies. 6

3. Review of Dell’s approach to strategic information systems given the likely impact of the external issue. 7

3.1 Universal approaches to realize the benefits of strategic information strategies 7

3.2 Definition of disruptive technologies. 7

3.3 Dell’s success in translating disruptive technologies into rapid growth by means of strategic information strategies. 8

3.4 Implications drawn from Dell’s approaches. 8

3.5 Side effects of disruptive technologies. 9

4. Conclusion. 9

5. References: 9


In today’s fast developing world, globalization is speeding up and affecting all departments of the economic. Strategic information strategies are playing a more and more important role in achieving company’s goals and sustaining a long-term development (Buddy & Boonstra & Kenndy, 2008). In this paper, the author will first identify and analyze the factors affecting information strategy. Then it presents some of the strategic information strategies adopted by Dell Company and critically analyze the impacts brought about by them in order to take advantages of the favorable factors affecting information strategy and avoid the unfavorable ones. Disruptive technology is a very important topic in this paper, by means of which Dell uses the various ways to achieve its long-term developments.

1. Introduction

Information systems (IS) and technologies are used to leverage unique business competence, merge companies, restructure industries, and facilitate global competition. So it is of remarkable importance to work out Strategic Information management Strategies which is a necessity for an organization to maximize its benefits or profits. Strategic Information management Strategies encompasses the strategic management of human resources, material resources and latest science and technology (Oz, 2008). Dell computers, as one of the largest computer suppliers, owes its successful business to the effective Information management after identifying and analyzing the factors affecting information strategy and the organizations’ approach to strategic information systems given the likely impact of the external issue.

2. Identification and analysis of factors affecting information strategy

The information system (IS) is a set of procedures which includes the collecting, processing, storing and communicating to support the work of the organization (much broader). A strategic information system is any system that will serve to fulfill the strategic goals and objectives of a business. Generally speaking, the information system strategy is a reflection of the demand for information system as to how to support the business. (Sohal.& Moss, 2001). Companies pay enormous attention to the key factors affecting strategic information strategies due to the benefits of strategic information strategies which can be listed as follows,

On the whole, information strategy involves the planning of the organization’s information resource; the information which is required and relating issues of ways it should be collected, processed, archived, maintained and destroyed; what kind of individual should have access to what information; what kind of information systems are needed; lifecycle management and the organizational management of information. Altogether, there are four types of information system that might be considered strategic (Galliers & Leidner, 2012), they are those which: use technology to share information between customers and suppliers; realize better combination of internal processes; allow the organization to improve products or services referring to information; implement executive management based on information to support strategic decisions.

Broadly speaking, there are four factors affecting the information system strategy (Lucas & Lucas, 2012). They include the external factors and internal factors. In this following part, the author is going to observe each of these key factors and elaborate upon them.

2.1The external factors

(1). Industry characteristics-fast-updated technology

In general, the computer industry belongs to the communication industry. As is known to us all, the communication industry is a fast developing industry, in which new products are emerging while old ones are depreciating or replaced by new ones all the time. So having a large inventory usually means a bad management and control over the company’s production and will indicate a future loss since the finished goods will depreciate quickly. (Peterson, 2002) In addition, limited technology skills will hamper companies from introducing the effective information system.

(2).Process flow

Mohapatra & Singh (2012) holds that in order to manufacture its products, manages have to realize a coordination of global production networks which covers Americas, Europe and Asia. While it makes in-house final assembly a truth, a computer company depends heavily on outside suppliers and contract manufacturers for components and peripherals such as disk drives, mice, speakers, etc. simple environment firms generally peruse. These are external factors which are uncertain to some extent. Thus, it will pose great challenges for a computer company to manage the information system. From a strategic view, the IS strategy is defined as the degree to which the improvements in information processing capability can improve and assist the way in which knowledge is created and shared both within and around an organization. It has a lot of benefits.

(3). the Uncertain social and Economic Environment

High efficiency and cost effectiveness depend a lot on the effective information system. But it is the fact that that in an uncertain environment exerts a remarkable influence on the business operations through influencing or shaping the company’s strategy or playing a direct role in the implementation of company’s strategy (Choe, 2003). This is true in particular in the computer and communication industry which owes its success to the effective information system.

2.2 The Internal Organizational Structure

Factors also refer to the internal organizational structure. First, Strategic alignment between organizational structure- infrastructure and IT structure-infrastructure is of critical importance (see table below). Kathuria and Igbaria(1997) suggest in their researches that the senior managers should take their due responsibility for supporting IS. In addition, the customers should also get involved in IS project it counts a lot for the effective information management system whether these concerned can play their right role effectively.

For a long time, Top Management of companies did not pay much attention to the relationship between information system functions and corporate strategy. Instead, they just took information systems as similar to corporate data processing and some back-room operation which is used to support the day-to-day mundane tasks. It is not until in the 80’s and 90’s that top management in companies became to realize the importance to make strategic information system a strategy in their company technologies (Sinofsky & Lansiti, 2009). As a consequence, strategic information systems planning became a critical issue. In modern information society, companies have to adopt the strategic information strategies and it always positions itself towards a perfect inventory management, a lot of issues and challenges come up. Unemployment is one of them. It is nothing uncommon to cut costs and lay off workers each year, mostly in Austin, Texas area.#p#分页标题#e#

2.2.1  A case study on Dell’s approaches to realize the strategic information strategies and identification and analysis of factors affecting information strategy Some background information

The emergence of a valuable new technology often means opportunities for promising companies to gain a strong and long term edge over the competitors. Since it takes many years for business rivals to replicate the distinctive application of a new technology, and the process of maturing, standardizing of a technology also takes time in order to become part of the general business infrastructures; firms may gradually lose its power to provide competitive advantage.

The fast speed of competitive competition and the changeability of current conditions have made it extremely difficult for companies to keep a long term advantage. Therefore, some businessmen have jumped to the conclusion that the entire idea is becoming old-fashioned and should be sifted out (Holzner, 2006). They hold the view that there is no point for companies to concentrate on pursuing the long-term success. In their opinion, business success is closely associated with a company’s flexibility and agility-with its ability to defeat competitors. What managers need is not to think ahead but to act.

Years’ practice has shown that such a belief is all the way self-fulfilling, and in the end self-defeating. It is true that competitive advantage has become more difficult to sustain, but it does not make it less important; instead, it makes it more important. In today’s global market, buyers are becoming more and more powerful, and companies are becoming more and more similar in products and management for the sake that they copy the technology and information system from each other. Therefore, only the strategically astute companies are entitled to enjoy an edge over its rivals.  Dell’s strategic information strategies

The dell company can be taken as a typical case in emphasizing on the importance of intelligent strategy (Schmid & Kelber & Behrend, 2006). Its special attention on intelligent strategy has been paid back by complex advantages enjoyed by Dell Company that are hard for other companies to copy. At first sight, it seems that advanced technology is the source of the competitive advantage. But a closer observe discovers that is not the case. Instead, through particularly designed approaches to business planning, Dell Company has carefully positioned itself to capture the biggest market share in its industry (Tran & Hoang, 2011).

In the past few years, the company’s core business strategy is built around its direct customer model and highly efficient manufacturing and logistics. Nowadays, they are expanding that core strategy by adding new distribution channels to reach even more commercial customers and individual customers not only in the USA but around the world. Recently, Dell Company also has begun to pursue a targeted acquisition strategy designed to expand its business with more products, services, and technology. Presently, Dell’s goal today is to provide the best possible customer experience by offering superior value; high-quality, relevant technology; customized systems and services; superior service and support; and differentiated products and services that are easy to buy and use (Lgnatiuk, 2009).

3. Review of Dell’s approach to strategic information systems given the likely impact of the external issue.

3.1 Universal approaches to realize the benefits of strategic information strategies

Management of information systems for a company or more precisely, realizing the benefits of information systems, plays an important role in company management. As we have already mentioned in the above paragraph, information systems add value to a company where they are used to support and help the company to realize its business goals (King & Lyytinen, 2006). But it is important for top management to keep in mind that an information system does not only function as a computer that processes stores and analyses data. That was the situation before, but results showed that promised benefits were not achieved at all due to adoption of the old of information system.

Actually, in order to realize the benefits of a strategic information strategy, a crucial stage is to identify user requirements and needs. In order to make the identification process effective, we should develop some type of computer-based system in response to the need-whether it is at the transaction processing stage or at the more complex information and support system stages (Stair & Reynolds, 2011). Such planning for information systems shares several similarities to strategic planning in management. Factors that need to be considered and formalized are objectives, priorities, and authorization.

Dell Company has adopted the direct-to-the-customer and build-to-order approaches in its strategy. And the demands of these approaches have prompted it to adopt a new organizational structure known as virtual company or value web. It focuses on a few key strategic activities, and also extends to several non-strategic activities. In practice, Dell keeps a close working relationship with external partners to produce its PC products and to offer its customers a wide range of additional products and services that add value and allow Dell to cut costs and increase profits.

3.2 Definition of disruptive technologies

A disruptive technology is defined as an innovation that improves a product or service in ways that the market does not expect (such as digital photography). A disruptive technology is often lower priced or designed for different levels of consumers (USB drive) or different market places….while a disruptive process often takes a way different from the traditional ones in working and usually gives the adopting company a competitive advantage resulting from superior performance or lower costs.

3.3 Dell’s success in translating disruptive technologies into rapid growth by means of strategic information strategies

The distinctive strategy taken by Dell Company has been translated into rapid growth. Since then, Dell Company has maintained and strengthened its position as a low-cost supplier in its field since its strategy has helped it achieve the scale economies. Judging from what we have talked about, I think we can draw a conclusion that Dell’s really powerful insights lie not in the advanced technologies but in its business insights. Maybe that is the most important reason why many other companies are trying to imitate Dell’s systems while Dell can still keep its achievements beyond reach.

In addition, Dell’s sustainable success also gives the lie to the idea that strategy is dead or dying. We can learn from Dell’s experience that it is adept at execution and savvy at using information strategies. More importantly, it is not their tactical agility but the stabilities of their strategies that makes a difference in their ability to consistently defeat the competitor in terms of growth and profitability. We can also tell that Dell displays an old-fashioned strategic idea in taking this strategic approach, i.e. a determination to resist change for change’s sake. In other words, they don’t move slowly, but they do move deliberately.

3.4 Implications drawn from Dell’s approaches

Judging from the last two paragraphs, disruptive technologies are disruptive for incumbents, supportive for challengers (Ekekwe & Lslam, 2012). Moreover, they pay a lot of attention to distant and diverse sources of knowledge and rely on new, or hard to enter, social networks. But there are some incumbents who respond to disruptive technologies successfully. Dell is among one of them. From what we have talked about in the previous paragraph, Dell has adopted several approaches to sustain its long term success. And its prospect for and active sensing of new knowledge, worldwide market needs, as well as the development of capability and knowledge melding all make a huge difference in maintaining an edge over its competitors.

3.5 Side effects of disruptive technologies

Looking back on history, disruptive technologies almost always take root in a very undemanding application, and the established market leaders almost always try to cram the disruption into the established application (Subramanian & Goodman, 2005). In doing so, they spend enormous amounts of money and fail in the end. Moreover, some disrupters even view new technologies as a threat in the beginning. Therefore, they found themselves killed finally.

4. Conclusion

The new way of technology innovation is causing massive changes in the way that business can be carried out to relate itself to the world of new. In response to these changes, information system strategy is paid special attention to. Actually, both the analysis of strategic information system and the factors affecting it are used in the case analysis of Dell Company. The case analysis first draws on the specific approaches Dell Company is adopting to sustain its long term success, and then explores how and why Dell Company succeeded in achieving its long term success given the likely impacts brought about by disruptive technologies. In the end, some side effects disruptive technologies are also mentioned for the reference of companies to achieve better developments. In addition, as time and personal insight is limited, this essay may not be that well-organized.#p#分页标题#e#

5. References:

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