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论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-07-16 09:07:18 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Regression analysis

Identifying the key measurements of customer service is only fulfilling the first research goal. To find the relationship between identified key measurements with the overall customer satisfaction, the impact of the measurements on overall customer satisfaction should be evaluated. The 4 extracted factors were entered as independent variables and the overall customer satisfaction was entered as dependent variable. The regression models for overall customer satisfaction were statistically significant at p < 0.001 (see Tables 8). This regression equation explained 85.9 percent of the variance of the dependent variable.
确定客户服务的关键测量只完成第一个研究目标。要找到确定的关键测量的整体客户满意度之间的关系,整体客户满意度的测量的影响进行评估。提取的因素作为自变量,输入客户的整体满意度为因变量输入。整体客户满意度的回归模型有统计学意义(P <0.001)(见表8)。这个回归方程解释因变量的方差的85.9%。
Table 8: Model fit for key measurements and the overall customer satisfaction

The beta coefficients obtained from the regression analysis imply the degree of impact of key measurements against the overall satisfaction. Based on beta coefficients summarized in Table 9, beta value of two measurements, “Sales & Promotion” and “Order & Delivery Efficiency” are higher than that of others. Beta value of 0.645 implies that if “Sales & Promotion” increases by one unit, the overall customer satisfaction will also increased by 0.645 or 64.5% on its own measurement unit. Thus “Sales & Promotion” and “Order & Delivery Efficiency” were significantly and positively associated with overall customer satisfaction. The other two measurements, such as “Post-Sales Support” and “Product” were statistically insignificant in this regression equation. However, it does not imply that “Post-sales support” and “Product” are not important. They just have little impact on customer satisfaction.
Table 9: Regression analysis results between key measurements and overall customer satisfaction

Figure 8 displays the impact of 4 key measurements on the overall customer satisfaction.

Figure 8:Retailer customer service measurements impact (formed from data collected)

Measurement-level Impact-Satisfaction analysis

To classify key measurements into Impact-Satisfaction model, level of satisfaction to measurements is needed. Simply using mean of items satisfaction as key measurements satisfaction loses sight of different weight of items impact on the loaded key measurements. Johnson and Gustafsson (2000) suggest calculating key measurements satisfaction by using a weighted average of all items included in a key measurement. Component score coefficient matrix got from previous Principal Component Analysis provided the items weights constructing the principle component (see Table 10).
Table 10: Summary of component score coefficient matrix

Based on Johnson and Gustafsson (2000)’s method, items weights, standard deviation, and mean of items satisfaction were used to calculate key measurements satisfaction. Calculate results are presented in Table 11.
Table 11: Key measurements satisfaction

To have a good understanding of key measurement impacts and level of satisfaction, an Impact-Satisfaction chart was formed by plotting 4 key measurements against its satisfaction score showed in Table 11 and impact score got from previous regression analysis (see Figure 9).
Figure 9: Measurement-level Impact-Satisfaction Chart (formed from data collected)

According to the Impact-Satisfaction chart, “Sales & Promotion” has an impact of 0.645 and a satisfaction level of 3.599; “Order & Delivery Efficiency” has an impact of 0.336 and a satisfaction level of 3.111; “Post-sales Support” has an impact of 0.049 and a satisfaction level of 3.502; “Product” has an impact of 0.002 and a satisfaction level of 4.202. Evaluating these values separately is not particularly meaningful as there are no standard criteria for impact scores. High impact and low impact are depended on comparison of 4 key measurements. Impact-Satisfaction chart helps to classify key measurements into high impact category and low impact category. Associating the level of satisfaction, the 4 key measurements were put in Impact-Satisfaction model present in Figure 11.
Figure 10: Measurement-level Impact-Satisfaction Model (formed from data collected)


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