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澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学essay:The University of Newcastle-对零售商的主要服务测量及其相对影

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-07-17 15:03:21 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网


Key service measurements from the perspective of the retailers

The first goal addressed in this study was what retailers perceive as the key measurements of service satisfaction. A series of statistics analysis for data collected from customer service survey identified 4 key service measurements: order & delivery efficiency, sales & promotion, post-sales support, and product. It is noted that 4 identified service measurements included all dimensions in the marketing mix of place, product, promotion and price. This study has not limited itself on physical distribution service area. More importantly, some retailers were invited to modify service items used in questionnaire. From retailers’ point of view, they evaluate perceived customer service as a whole instead of separating it into logistics area or marketing area. Thus identify service measurements captured the perspective of retailers.

On the other hand, all 4 service measurements have their own unique service characteristics associating with the footwear manufacturer-retailer environment.
First, “Order & Delivery Efficiency” refers to the manufacturer’s ability to provide easy-to-use order system and efficient delivery service. Consumer demands for footwear products are seasonal and influenced by fashion trend. High level uncertainty of demand forecast make retailers to keep minimum stock to avoid markdowns when season changes or fashion trend alters (Perry and Sohal 2000). On the other hand, ensuring that goods do not run out on retailer shelves is important, otherwise consumer may change to other retailers and loss of sales increases (McMichael et al. 2000). To achieve on-time, in-full supply to end-consumers while keep inventory as low as possible, retailers expect manufacturers provide order & delivery service in a quick response way. Furthermore, with increasing market competitive pressure, retailers are trying to shift their holding and distribution costs to manufacturers (McMichael et al. 2000). Frequent low volume delivery, tight time window, and high requirement on response to problem are found as the unique characteristics in Australian TCF manufacturer-retailer environment (Buxey 2005). Based on these explorations, it is not surprising that order & delivery performance was identified as key service measurement. For service items loaded to this measurement, stock and order systems, accuracy of order, completeness of order have relatively high impact degree. It also implies that manufactures should fulfill retailers order requirements in an efficient way.

Second, “Sales & Promotion” is associated with good performance of sales people and attractive sales package. Good performance of sales people also includes sales people’s quick response to problems. Attractive sales package refers to competitive product price, good product package which meets retailer requirements, and efficient marketing activities for promotion. As mentioned in the precious introduction to Australian TCF industry, quotas were abolished by 2000, and import duties were down to 15 per cent for woven fabrics and footwear (Buxey 1999). With the policy changing, local retailing is dominated by several powerful chain stores that were quick to procure TCF lines offshore. Many retailers outsourced production to countries like China to reduce cost so that improve competitive advantages (Colebatch 1997; Kennedy 1998). They sourced from suppliers depending on quality, price, and response times. Retailers are able to switch suppliers if similar quality and reliability can be obtained at lower cost (Webber and Weller 2001). From this point of view, attractive sales package and good performance of sales people are important parts of service measurements.

Third, “Post-sales Support” includes clarity and accuracy of dispatch documents, clarity and accuracy of invoice, and post-sales service. Post-sales service refers to return handling, customer complaints and other customer requirements after product delivery. High quality trading documents avoid additional time or cost occurs for correcting documents errors. Eliminating inefficiencies from the entire supply chain could assist manufactures service retailers in a Quick Response way (McMichael et al. 2000). In addition, retailers aim to provide superior customer service to consumers to maintain consumer loyalty. Manufacturer’s good performance of post-sale service will assist retailers serve consumer more efficiently.

Finally, “Product” refers to product quality and variety. High level of product variety provides more choice to consumers. These criteria are critical in fashion retailing.

Relative impact of service measurements

Exploring the impact degree of each service measurements on overall retailer satisfaction will help Crocs Australia develop and implement effective service quality improvement policies. According to the analysis results presented in the findings section, two service measurements had significant and positive impacts on overall retailer satisfaction. They were, in descending order of importance sales & promotion, order & delivery performance. Crocs Australia needs to pay special attention on these measurements. More importantly, sales people performance and response to problem had relative high impact degree on sales & promotion. These two items should be put as first priority to improve. For measurement “order & delivery performance”, item “stock and order systems”, “accuracy of order” and “completeness of order” had higher impact degree and should be allocated sufficient resources to improve. For the other two service measurements, “post-sales support” and “product”, had little impact on overall retailer satisfaction.



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