英国essay 澳洲essay 美国essay 加拿大essay MBA Essay Essay格式范文


论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-07-19 14:06:00 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Conclusions and implication

The aim of this paper has been to explore a strategic approach to customer service management and apply it to a footwear manufacturer in Australian market that distributes its products to retailers. Australian TCF industry has been experienced policy changing and market globalization. Retailers face more fierce market pressure under new business environment. They expect manufacturers or suppliers to respond their requests more efficiently to ensure product availability for consumer satisfaction. Retailers are able to switch suppliers or outsource production to the third party in developing countries for lower cost. Manufacturer or supplier who can not provide satisfactory customer service to retailers will lose their competitive positions. Therefore, it is generally not easy for footwear manufacturers or suppliers to sustain competitive advantages based only on a cost leadership strategy in Australian footwear retailing. Rather, managing customer service enables manufacturers or suppliers to set appropriate customer service policies to enhance retailer satisfaction. This paper examined customer service management models in literatures and developed a strategic approach. Customer service management should begin with the customers’ needs and preferences. If footwear manufacturers or suppliers understand what dimensions retailers use to judge customer service quality, they can take efficient actions to monitor and enhance customer service quality so that the level of satisfaction could be increased. The following conclusions were drawn through the study.

 A total of four key service measurements for the footwear manufacturer were identified. They are: (1) sales & promotion; (2) order & delivery efficiency; (3) post-sales support; (4) product. To achieve a high level of retailer satisfaction, the footwear manufacturer should improve all four key service measurements.

 According to measurement-level impact-satisfaction analysis, “sales & promotion” and “order & delivery efficiency” had relatively high impacts on overall satisfaction but less level of satisfaction. They were assigned to the area of ‘to be improved’ of Impact-Satisfaction model. It is recommended that the manufacturer should focus on service measurements which have high impact degree on the overall customer satisfaction to utilize organization resources efficiently. Therefore, “sales & promotion” and “order & delivery efficiency” are the first priority area to improve.

 For measurements ““sales & promotion” and “order & delivery efficiency” , item-level impact-satisfaction analysis suggested that the following loaded items: response to problem, stock and order systems, accuracy of order, completeness of order, ability of advice on product non-availability, and order status tracking service had high impact on measurements performance. Improving these critical items will help to move measurements “sales & promotion”, “order & delivery efficiency” from “to be improved area” to “excellent area” thus manufacturer’s competitive advantages can be developed.

 For ‘surplus’ service measurement, product and ‘discretionary’ service measurement, post-sales support, maintain current service level to prevent them violating overall retailer satisfaction is necessary.

 Associating the above findings with the footwear manufacturer’s logistics processes, it is noted that logistics processes determine customer service quality delivered while expected customer service requires efficient related logistics processes. The footwear manufacturer should pay attention on related logistics processes and develop relevant improvement plan.

 The customer service management approach explored in this study provided practical information for the footwear manufacturer management to evaluate retailers demand and current customer service policies. The results can help the manufacturer pinpoint which service quality measurements need to be measured and in which of them its performance should be improved or maintained. It is also of immediate benefit to the manufacturer for its customer service policies when dealing with its retailers.

Limitations and future research

There are some limitations in this study. First, this study was focus on specific customer group (retailer) of a specific region (Victoria, Australia). Results could not be generalized to other customer groups in other states of Australia. If the survey is carried out with customer sub-samples, differences in their evaluation can be noted. It could be taken as one of future research directions.

 Second, sample size is very small. Generalization to other firms or industries is low and hypothesis generation is impossible. Only one footwear manufacturer was studied. Although the case study provided detailed descriptive analysis, the findings could not be applied to Australian TCF industry as a whole. If the study is carried out in more organizations, retailers demand can be captured more broadly. Findings will be more meaningful.

Third, the evaluation of the customer service is carried out on an ad hoc basis, because the retailers’ perceptions on the manufacturer’s service may change regularly. The findings may lead to a re-examination at which measurements the manufacturer should improve or maintain it.

Future research should make several extensions of the current study. First, to use more diversified random samples to enhance the verify generalization of the study findings. Next, a future study needs to examine the relationships between customer service management with organization financial performance.



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