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论文价格: 免费 时间:2019-03-07 14:13:04 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
据民政部统计,今年第二季度全国社会捐助累计达到26.5亿元,其中6月份为10.2亿元。今年上半年,全国社会捐助比去年同期大幅减少。民政部相关数据显示,去年上半年,全国社会捐赠100.5亿元,比去年少,74亿元,仅达到73.6%。民政部官员表示,与一年前同期的数据相比,这一数字有所下降,主要是由于去年上半年中国干旱、玉树地震等自然灾害,在一定程度上引发了社会捐赠热潮,今年比较平静(Panet al,2015)。但据民政部记者统计,全国社会捐助10.2亿元,6、7月份为5亿元,5.2亿元,降幅近51%。此外,这一与“国”有关的变化,是在风暴背景下的一家慈善信托公司(Reeves,2011年)。
According to the statistics of the ministry of civil affairs in the second quarter of this year, the national social donation of accumulative total has reached 2.65 billion yuan, with June is RMB 1.02 billion. In the first half of this year, compared with the same period of last year, the national social donations suffered a sharp decrease. The ministry of civil affairs of the relevant data has indicated that in the first half of last year, the national social donation was 10.05 Billion Yuan, which isless than last year, which is 7.4 billion Yuan, only reaches the 73.6%. The ministry of civil affairs department officials said,comparing tothe data from the same period a year earlier, it is dropped, mainly because of drought in China during the first half of last year, Yu Shu earthquake and other natural disasters, to a certain extent, inspired the social donation upsurge, and this year is relatively calm(Panet al, 2015). However, reporters from the ministry of civil affairs, found in the statistics of the national social donation of RMB 1.02 billion, in June and July is 500 million Yuan, 520 Million Yuan, a drop of nearly 51%. In addition, this change that is related to "Guo" in late Junetriggers a charitable trust under the background of the storm (Reeves, 2011).
在红十字会的捐款问题上,此事与郭美梅事件有着密切的关系。此外,2011年6月20日,在微博中文版的Twitter上,一个名叫“郭美美宝贝”的女孩引起了关注。她经常在微博上展示自己的照片,我们可以看到她的玛莎拉蒂跑车,在别墅里举行生日派对,皮包,手机,手表都是昂贵的奢侈品。她的微博认证身份是“红十字会”商业总经理,这引发了一个强烈的公众质疑:20岁的女孩如何成为拥有高质量汽车和财产来源的总经理,尽管中国对红十字会捐款的减少是否与郭美美有着密切的关系,这个问题是关于仍然需要研究(Xia等人,2012年)。With the matter of donation to the Red Cross, the matter has the close relationship with the Guo Mei Mei Matter. In addition, on June 20, 2011, in Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, a girl named "Guo Mei Mei baby" caused the limelight. She often show their pictures on Weibo, we can see that her Maserati sports car, holding a birthday party in the villa, leather bags, mobile phones, watches are expensive luxury. Her Weibo certification status is "Red Cross" commercial general manager, which led to a strong public questioning: how the twenty years old girl becomes the general manager who has highly rated cars, and property source, though whether the decrease of the donation to the Red Cross in China, has the close relationship with Guo Mei Mei, this question still need to research (Xia et.,al, 2012).
Rebuilding the credibility of the Red Cross has become the primary issue to the "one hundred - year - old".Academy of social sciences, for example, social policy research center has published in the charity is suggested in the blue book, Red Cross is necessary to make new governance structure system design, to set up to the President of the council, who should be responsible for the selection committee, President of open selection, in the independence and impartiality of the Red Crossis in need (Baldanetal, 2014).
The independence of the academy of social sciences recommended the Red Cross and Red Cross staff to officials hanging hook to identity has its positive significance. Indeed, from the world Red Cross and the requirements of the international federation of Red Cross, the Red Cross was supposed to become a pure humanitarian and charity organization, but in China, under the special national condition, Red Cross becomes an official organization (Emrich&Pierdzioch, 2015). At present this kind of environment in China, Red Cross's official status and its security administration works, there are disadvantages, which make it difficult to reinvent itself. For example, once considered reform larger red prison society committee, has had many commissioners had relationship with Red Cross has the indemnification, its root lies in as an independent third party supervision organization, club supervisor committee to produce some unreasonable way, is take the route of "elite", make it look more like the inside of the Red Cross the board of supervisors, rather than the social supervision mechanism. Therefore, the general direction of the reform of actually very clear, remove the quasi-official status, return to the public. This is both the premise of general rebuild credibility, and also is the most crucial step. But inside the Red Cross, this is without a doubt the most difficult step. From the state, like general belonged to private organizations have the official status of social organizations, and lots more. In the civil servant status become society under the condition of many people the pursuit of goals, the Red Cross to internal security administration not only encountered strong resistance, can also cause other rebound of the organization. If, however, is responsible for the future development of general, countries can actually go Red Cross as a security administration of the test specimen. In a large number of public charity and public welfare organizations, Red Cross, though still is China's most important humanitarian and charity organization, comparing to its important degree has declined in the past, this makes the reform of China’s charity becomes necessary, otherwise, will cause severe backward of China’s charity. The blank left by the Red Cross charity to security administration will be filled by other public charities. Red Cross once turns into a private charity will also be able to activate Chinese public charity’s strong competition. Only competition will bring vitality to the industry of charity. Red Cross to the town, of course, it can expect a proper solutionin practice. At present, the focus on compulsory Red Cross from the legislative and regulatory make substantive progress in open and transparent, minimize the security administration. International charity proves that the development of open and transparent, independent, third-party supervision is the basis of charity create credibility, including government legislation to enforce charitable projects and the financial openness, the news media supervision, and independent censors such as accounting firm financial review of charity. This principle is also applicable to all the charity and public welfare organizations.Charity with some of the problems of official organization, also can be abandoned by the public.
Imbalance of social material is bound to exacerbate social mentality unbalanced. In terms of the above three aspects, the first level is the most direct material factors, but the accumulation of wealth, professional differences, influenced by the individual talents, need legal norms. The second level is more embodied in the government responsibility and the social consciousness. To ordinary class essence is to consolidate the social Kentucky. The third level is the social member to change the fate of the original fulcrum, lowest cost, the most easy to implement by administrative power and maintenance level. Just distribution of wealth, social security and equality of opportunity, realize the balance of wealth between individuals may be ancient social ideal, perfect security may also be needed for a long time and a lot of input, but the equality of social members the opportunity do not need to wait for, also should not wait. In a society, if the rich wealth growth at the expense of the crowding ordinary class, "the jungle" class, is bound to lead to the tension between the classes. In addition, a class of social tension, who will be the final winner, is in the end. A healthy diverse society, we must take measures to resolve social imbalances, and social mentality, create a healthy and stable and dynamic society(DuBois, 2015). Among these, symbiotic win-win social ideals, in accordance with the practical example, the wealth creation, social security, equal channel flow of talents, should be resolve social anxiety, to build social harmony.
Imbalance of wealth distribution and subject to social security, social relief, comfort and supplement and charity is a key reason. However from the current situation, the social security system construction in recent years, although somewhat faster, but it is still a thrall to lack of financial resources and regional segmentation and institutional barriers. For urban workers, migrant workers, farmers, such as different groups enjoy different system, different levels of social security, "the city" and "the countryside", "system" and "outside" barriers is still not broken(Yan etal, 2008). "BMW affordable housing", "the rich get low" cases such as exposure, charity information opaque, induce the public distrust of social relief. In addition, at all levels of market economy and build rich myths inspired enthusiasm to create wealth, but in reality the chance belongs only to a few people. When horse-drawn carts and Maserati parallel in the way, this kind of disparity will be more outstanding. According to the information and distribution of the impact on work, the stronger the Matthew effect, the stronger are just ordinary class is difficult to adapt to "the market"(Beech, 2014).#p#分页标题#e#
In summary, donation to Red Cross is a window of the social issue. It should be said that in the process of rapidlysocial transformation, some growth in wealth apparently broke through the public perception. Meanwhile, especially when they can’t well explain the source of wealth to the society legitimacy and rationality of preparation. The negative events, such as "Mei-Mei" "high life", in a "daddy", "humble abode" and "ant tribe" of the reality of the society, bring a huge psychological gap between ordinary classes. Due to the desire for the material wealth, on suspicion of justice, the social elite put-downs, "silent majority" inner spark ignition, and sensitive to their abnormal brings social justice topic. Behind the social mentality of anxiety, remind managers alert to three aspects of the social imbalances.
Baldan, M., Gosselin, R. A., Osman, Z., &Barrand, K. G. (2014). Chronic osteomyelitis management in austere environments: the International Committee of the Red Cross experience. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 19(7), 832-837.doi:10.1111/tmi.12311
Beech, H 2014, 'China's Red Cross Is Still Dealing With a 2-Year-Old Scandal Involving Sex and Fast Cars', Time.Com, p. 1, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 21 November 2015.
DuBois, TD 2015, 'Before the NGO: Chinese Charities in Historical Perspective', Asian Studies Review, 39, 4, pp. 541-553, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 21 November 2015.
Emrich, E., &Pierdzioch, C. (2015). Gender and generosity in charitable giving: empirical evidence for the German Red Cross.Applied Economics Letters, 22(13), 1041-1045. doi:10.1080/13504851.2014.997917
Pan, X, Heli, X, Liu, L, Ding, C, & Li, R 2015, 'Preliminary results of transplantation with kidneys donated after cardiac death: a path of hope for organ transplantation in China', Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 30, 9, pp. 1590-1596, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 20 November 2015.
Red Cross aids snow disaster victims. (2001). Beijing Review, 44(5/6), 5.
Reeves, C. (2011). Sovereignty and the Chinese Red Cross Society: The Differentiated Practice of International Law in Shandong, 1914-1916. Journal Of The History Of International Law, 13(1), 155-177.doi:10.1163/157180511X552072
Xia, D., Jia, J., Wei, H., Liu, X., Ma, J., Wang, X., & Chen, F. (2012).Magnetic properties of surface soils in the Chinese Loess Plateau and the adjacent Gobi areas, and their implication for climatic studies. Journal Of Arid Environments, 7873-79.doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2011.10.012
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Xia, D., Jia, J., Wei, H., Liu, X., Ma, J., Wang, X., & Chen, F. (2012).Magnetic properties of surface soils in the Chinese Loess Plateau and the adjacent Gobi areas, and their implication for climatic studies. Journal Of Arid Environments, 7873-79.doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2011.10.012
Baldan, M., Gosselin, R. A., Osman, Z., &Barrand, K. G. (2014). Chronic osteomyelitis management in austere environments: the International Committee of the Red Cross experience. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 19(7), 832-837.doi:10.1111/tmi.12311
Emrich, E., &Pierdzioch, C. (2015). Gender and generosity in charitable giving: empirical evidence for the German Red Cross.Applied Economics Letters, 22(13), 1041-1045. doi:10.1080/13504851.2014.997917

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