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美国名校留学文书的写作——MBA Essay篇

论文价格: 免费 时间:2017-12-27 15:40:09 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
        申请美国名校的MBA专业都要写essay,但简历与个人陈述中已经对自己的情况进行了介绍,MBA Essay又要写什么呢?MBA属于商科,主要培养高级管理人才,在招生时,除了要看学生的教育背景、学习成绩、职业规划等信息,对学生的领导力、洞察力、思维能力等素质也有要求,而MBA Essay就是给申请者展现这些综合素质的。那么MBA Essay具体要写什么?写作步骤是什么呢?阅读完全文,你就会知道啦。此外,小编还精选了一篇MBA Essay范文,供大家参考。
一、MBA Essay写什么   
二、MBA Essay写作步骤
        第一步: prewrite 腹稿   
        第二步: drafts 草稿   
        所以,申请6—8所学校的同学,应该要有2篇不同方面的main essay,并且在投稿时需要一定的修改。而draft就是要从prewrite中筛选你不同的但是优秀的性格方面,有侧重学术的,有侧重社会活动的,有的可能仅仅是一个小故事,然后,形成一篇文章。   
        这是很有必要的,因为,本科申请不光有main essay,还有形形色色的why essay,short answer,这些东西都需要提前做功课。不然的话,到需要的时候,逼不得已有时候一天就需要写出来一篇中文,然后翻译成英文,质量真的就无法保证了。   
        第三步: revise and format 修改格式   
        检查字数,一定要符合要求,接近规定字数,不要超过。检查语法,拼写,用词不当的地方,要小心不要使用自己翻译的词,比如性价比这个词我们耳熟能详,但美国人表达这个意思一般用cost effective。   
        格式上,美国大学写作一般用 8.5x11 inch的信纸,用time new roman字体,12号字,双倍行间距,首行缩进,左对齐,题目中置等一系列的小规则,提交纸质版的同学要注意。
三、MBA Essay写作要点
        1.职业目标性的Essay:Career Goal Essay   
        例如下面这个题目:Your statement of purpose should identify your desired degree program, summarize your academic and professional background, identify your desired field of study, and summarize your likely career goals and plans after graduation. This is your opportunity to help our faculty to get to know you.   
        2.Leadership ---考察申请人的领导力潜质   
        比如福特汉姆大学的essay:Select a current and relevant professional situation or project that illustrates your ability to lead a team and achieve exceptional results. Please describe the circumstances, your specific responsibilities, and the impact on your organization and the team.   
        3. Teamwork ---考察申请人的团队合作精神   
四、MBA Essay范文鉴赏
Keeping up with the Beat of the Drum
The hindu god, brahma, seeing the plight of a society tainted by envy and greed, presents a boy with a drum that he can only hear, not see. This instrument, which is supposed to bring patience and discipline to humanity, is the foundation of Indian classical music. The boy has yet to discover that musicians use this tool to speak, allowing their minds to transmit messages through the vibrant pulsations of their notes.   
My guru told me this story when I began learning the tabla, a north Indian classical drum. Though he never revealed the ending, he offered one clue. "It doesn't matter how fast your hands can beat the drum if your mind cannot keep up with them."   
A typical American teenager, I had always yearned for raw strength and speed on the tabla. I thought those were the qualities that made the perfect percussionist. During concerts, I saw musicians' fngers gliding across the head of the drum producing the extraordinary impression of force, immediacy of genius and intensity of passion that left audiences spellbound. I knew that to become the best at tabla, I needed to display my talent in a similar way. I wanted to play equally as fast and forcefully, even if it meant sacrifcing precision for power.   
I asked my guru to train me to play like the maestros, but he said I lacked mental focus; I didn't listen to or enjoy my music. He believed the mind and body must be in sync in order to master the instrument. I never fully understood this concept until the imagination of one visually handicapped child attuned my mind to the beat of the drum.As a summer volunteer at the Braille Institute in Anaheim, I developed the musical talents of blind elementary school children through teaching the tabla. My friends and I bought instruments and music with the money that we made during a summer recycling program in our neighborhood. During our frst class, the children jumped into action, thumping erratically on their instruments. I chuckled at the sight of nine jubilant youngsters producing musical mayhem.   
Chaandni was different. Shy and reserved, she felt the drum's smooth texture and stroked the soft middle portion of the drum head. I stood astonished as she performed her ritual. Tap. Listen. Smile. Tap. Listen. Smile. I could see her contemplating the emerging rhythm and resonance of each successive pulse. Watching a budding musician feel the delicate timbre of each drumbeat is a thrilling sensation.I learned more from observing than I did through years of erratic practice. Chaandni would eagerly listen to a musical piece, then strike incessantly until she produced a matching pitch. When she stumbled, she would sit patiently pinpointing her mistake.She didn't speak; her insight and emotion glowed through her music. For the frst time in my life I felt the depth of the drums. For the frst time, I truly comprehended and loved the instrument.   
She was indeed a special soul. Her curiosity was insatiable; her regard for the drum was incomparable; her smile was inspiring. Her joyful progress inspired me to perform in London this summer with my guru. Driven by the spirit of a young girl who never let her disability impede her innate talent, I played gracefully in front of hundreds of spectators and cherished the inner triumph.   #p#分页标题#e#
I am a living example of Brahma's story. The combination of grace and force on the tabla is my channel for communicating emotions. My tale ends with the appreciation that the mind is a beautiful vehicle for the drum.

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