Personal Statement Motivation Letter Application Letter recommendation letter Admission Essay

个人陈述Personal Statement介绍

论文价格: 免费 时间:2015-10-04 11:43:41 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
Personal Statement主要用于描述个人的背景、申请目的、研究方向等信息,是留学申请材料中较重要却也比较难把握的部分。当申请者苦恼于GRE、TOEFL等标准化考试的成绩,一份得体的个人陈述却有可能让你力挽狂澜,从众多申请者中脱颖而出。在某些学校,个人陈述已经代替了面试,作为评价学生的一个重要依据。因此,个人陈述在整个申请材料的准备中占据了举足轻重的地位,也有必要赢得众位申请者的重视。
个人陈述是每个人个性和独特经历的体现,并没有统一的语言要求和写作格式。但是在留学文书的准备中,个人陈述属于正规的书面文体,用语最好符合书面语的规定。版面的安排应该整洁有序。同时在个人陈述的准备过程中应该仔细阅读申请学校的网页,寻找学校是否对于语言和格式有明确的要求。 在个人陈述的写作中切忌不要堆砌辞藻,不要过多使用长句和难懂的单词。否则会使阅读者头疼,可读性降低。写作要真实、诚恳、具体,语言要流畅,逻辑要清晰,内容要有血有肉,富有感染力和说服力。一般以1-2页600-800字为佳,太长则令人没有耐心仔细读完。另外,不要把文章写成炫耀你词汇量和句法的“GRE阅读文章”。

推荐一篇Medicine 个人陈述资源供您参考:

I am currently studying A level in Chemistry, Biology, Urdu and Physics. I gained my As level in computing. It has been my ambition to enter the medical profession since I was a child, and grew deeper during my primary school exams, which were hindered when I contracted measles so I couldn’t perform that well. A doctor helped me to cope with pressure. Therefore I thought of becoming a doctor so I would be able to help others. I enjoy studying the sciences and very keen in learning the facts about human body. Chemistry and biology have been my favorite subjects at school. I am very fond of reading new things discovered and invented in the medical fields.
I have gained an insight into the medical profession through shadowing my uncle who is a specialist in pediatric care. I thoroughly enjoyed working under a medical professional and how much hard work is covered in treating patients. It was a valuable experience for me to work in a clinic. I have done Voluntary work experience in Ashford Hospital located in West London. In this work experience I visited different departments and wards in the hospital and experienced that how the doctors carryout their jobs I also do more voluntary work among other things like giving meals to patients, making their beds, chatting with them, sharing their views. I have worked in the stroke ward for 1 week in the same hospital, and have seen how doctors treat patient that are mostly old aged people with strokes , and how the physiotherapists and occupational therapist helps them to get back to their normal life again. Moreover I have done two days work experience in the emergency ward, and have shadowed the doctors who work in the emergency ward at Ashford Hospital
I was born in Belgium, but I did my O lewwwvels from Overseas Pakistanis Foundation (OPF). During my O levels I have been member of UNICEF team in the school, and have organized fashion shows and fun fairs to raise funds for poor and needy. I was elected as Joint secretary at my school, so I had a chance to contribute to my school life. I also took part in many projects related to science for example I achieved a distinction when I made model of a human brain. I have also taken part in a discussion seminar of how to control HIV virus and aids, and have made many posters related to science where I have won prizes. Here at Cranford I have participated fully on open evenings, where I have demonstrated experiments to parents and prospective pupils and talked to them
I am very good in sports, and I used to play Basket ball, netball, Tennis, cricket and badminton at school level. Once I also took part in a hiking contest, in which I had to hike Margalla Mountain in Pakistan, and fortunately I won 1st price. I often used to take part in debate contests in the school. I am also fond of reading good fiction stories, and I also enjoy oil painting, which I think brings me near to nature. I enjoy writing poems. I have also designed three websites, and have won awards in making these websites and moreover I am very keen in gaining new information through the new way of IT i.e
the web.I have also won British Language flag award in French and Urdu
I think that I am really helpful in nature to which my teachers agree as well. I am really friendly with my classmates and help them whenever they need help. I am very creative in nature. I have a strong and good character, and easily adjust new situation. Due to late arrival in this country I joined A level in mid November, but I worked hard and covered part of syllabus that I missed on time. I am determined to realize my ambition to be a medical profession. I have visited two of the medical colleges during my High school, and I am determined to become a professional doctor through commitment, dedication and enthusiasm.

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