

论文价格: 免费 时间:2016-03-21 16:59:26 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Project Management Is A Set Of Techniques Management Essay



The assignment which I summarized is about the project management. First of all in P1 we have described background of project management and principles of project management. Project management began in the modern sense began in the 1950s. Project management is a method and a set of techniques based on the accepted principles of management used for planning, estimating, and controlling work activates to reach a desired end result on time within budget and according to specification. In P2 we have describe success & failure criteria for project and dimensions of project success. Time is very important tool as far as project management is concerned. Cost always was attractive tool for management of a firm. Performance is also important task for a project management if these elements are not managed at proper time this leads towards the failure of the project. In P3 we have discuss project information support system. If project team is financially strong then the project will be successful. Time resource is also an important thing because project team members have to complete their activities on time for sensation of a project. Material used in the project should be good quality material. In P4 we have discuss project close out requirements along with project appraisal. Also I have explained how to terminate a project. Project appraisal is a review system in which project team members solve the problem easily. Project termination means that your project is being completed and goals are achieved properly.

After doing pass criteria of our assignment we done the merits parts. In M1 we have develop a Work Breakdown Structure and Product Breakdown Structure for a project. In M2 we have done contingency planning for project close out requirements and also describe the planned approaches for successful ending of project.

Finally we have done the distinction part of the assignment in which we have given recommendations about the project applicability and its scope.

Task for P1:-

For P1 consider the following tasks:

Describe the emergence of project management as discipline of management

Discuss project management system elements

Discuss external and internal environmental elements influencing project management

项目管理的背景——Background of Project management:-

In this brief history of project management all the major developments and events in the discipline as far back as there are records. Although there has been some form of project management since early civilization, project management in the modern sense began in the 1950s. We have come a long way since then and recognition of how important the profession is has helped it develop, and will continue to push its development over the next decade.

As a discipline project management developed from different fields of application including construction, engineering, telecommunications and defense. The 1950s marked the beginning of the modern project management era. Prior to the 1950s, projects were managed on an ad-hoc basis using mostly Gantt charts, or with informal techniques and tools. This article looks at four periods in the development of modern project management.

The importance of project management is an important topic because all organizations small or large at one time or other are involved in implementing new undertakings. These undertakings may be diverse, such as, the development of a new product or service; the establishment of a new production line in a manufacturing enterprise; a public relations promotion campaign; or a major building programme. Whilst the 1980's were about quality and the 1990's were all about globalization, the 2000's are about velocity.

项目管理的原则——Principles of Project Management:-

Principles of project management are usually associate with the management of people. The management of people includes defining what the business will do, planning for the number and types of staff who will do it. Organizing the staff, monitoring their performance of the tasks assigned them, and finally bringing a close to their effort. Project management is a method and a set of techniques based on the accepted principles of management used for planning, estimating, and controlling work activates to reach a desired end result on time within budget and according to specification.


That is the one of the first task for project managers is to define the work that needs to be done in the area of responsibility. in project management the defining phase is very formal while in people management it can often be informal.

For the project manager, defining the tasks to do is a preliminary phase of the project life cycle. In this phase the (customer) and project manager come to an agreement about several aspects of the project. The defining phase set the scope of project. it forms the basis for deciding if a particular function or feature is within the scope of the project.


Planning is important task in project management. Planning involves deciding on the types of resources that will be needed to discharge the responsibilities of the department. Planning and identifying the types of skills needed and the number of people possessing those skills. The project plane is indispensable. Not only has a road mapped that how the work will perform but it is also a tool for decision making. The plan suggests alternative approaches, schedules, and resource requirement to the project manager. A complete plan clearly state the tasks that need to be done, why they are necessary, who will do what, when it will be completed, what resources will be needed, and what criteria must be met in order for project to be declared complete and successful. Planning reduces uncertainty. Increase understanding and improve the efficiency.


In that stage we authorize our staff to perform the task that defines their respective job. Each staff member knows what to do, how to accomplish the work and when to have it completed. Executing the project involves four steps. In addition to organizing the people who will work on the project, a project manager also needs to do the following:-

The specific resources e.g. person, power, material and money that will required to accomplish the work.

Assign workers to activities

Schedule activates with specific start and end dates

The final specification of project schedule brings together all the variables associated with the project.


Controlling is also the important task in project management. in that stage we have to consider the following points

What must be accomplished in the project?

When each task must be accomplished?

Who is responsible for completing each task?

What deliverables are expected as a result of completing the project?

In the help of controlling process we know t that our project is working according to the plane or not. The project manager must have a system in place that constantly mentors the project progress, or lack thereof. the controlling system summarizes the complete work measured against the plan and also look a head to forewarn of potential problems.


Closing a project is a formal means signaling the completion of the project work and the delivery of the results to the customer. in managing the people, the equivalent action is to signal the end of a task with some sign of completion and assign the individual to another task, the closing face evaluates what occurred during the project and provides the historical information for use in planning and executing later projects. This historical information is best kept in a document every good closing stage provide the answer of basic question.

Do the project deliverables meet the expectation of the requestor?

Did the project team complete the project according to plan?

What information was collected that will help with later project?

What lesson have we learned from this project?

The closing phase is very important in project management.

项目管理系统元素——Project Management System Element:-


The customer specifies a timeframe or deadline date within which the project must be completed to a certain extent cost and time are inversely related to one another. It is consumed weather we use or not. The objective of the project manager is to use the future time allotted to the project in the most effective and productive way. Future time can be resource to be traded within a project or a cross project. Once a project has begun, the prime resource available to the project manager to keep the project on schedule or get it back on schedule is time. A good project manager realizes this and protects the future time resource very carefully.#p#分页标题#e#


Cost is the best thought of budget which is been established for the project. Cost is very important for the project. They create deliverables that are sold either commercially or to an external customer. Cost is a major consideration through out project management life cycle. The first consideration occur an early and informal stage in the life of project. the customer can simply offer a figure about equal depending on how much thought the customer put into it, the number could be fairly closed to or wide of the actual cost for the project. In more formal situation the project manager prepares a proposal for the projected work. The proposal includes an estimate of the total cost of the project.


Mostly every project manager provides detailed performance reporting on a project on a daily basis whether the requirement for that level of reporting was real or perceived. Measuring project performance is an important part of project management. It allows the project manager to identify cost and schedule problems early and take steps for correction quickly. It starts with setting the standards for the size of work packages, applying credit for work performed, and which earned value metrics to track, which should be included in the projectaa??a?¢s Cost Management Plan. Measuring project performance provides the organization with a clear picture of the health of its projects. These performance measures can help the project manager to establish continuous improvement initiatives in areas where projects commonly perform at lower levels.

影响项目管理的外部因素——Internal factor influencing project management:-

Human resource:-

Human resource plays key role in implementing any strategy. Highly skillful and devoted employee can make a project successful. If the human resource is not trained and not capable of delivering their best then the project cannot be successful. In short the employee and management are key in success of any project.


Funds are also internal environmental factor for successful project the sufficient amount of funds should be available to invest with. Only human resource will be of no use in the absence of funds. So the firm should concentrate on the availability of funds.


For successful project firm operation should be of excellent standard. Its all operations should be of good standard. Simply all the techniques should be used of international standard in completion of project. No tolerance for time wastage means any compromise on time while completing any operation during a project.

External factor influencing the project


Customer is the main external environmental factore.customer has great influence regarding any firm or particular project. If customers are satisfied, its mean that firms or its project is going in a right way. If the firm not fulfilling the needs and wants of of the customer in a project so they are badly failed.


Suppliers are those which provide raw material or other items. If supplier provide a quality of raw material then project will be highly successful and vice versa. So supplier has great importance as for as external environmental is concerned,


Competitors greatly affect the business of a firm if the competitor of the firm is strong from every position it means that firm do the project successfully as compared to that competitor which is weak.


Task for p2 includes:

Develop success and failure criteria for project in terms of time, cost and performance analysis.

简要解释维度的项目成功——Briefly explain dimensions of project success



Time is very important tool as far as project management is concerned.mangment authority always keep on trying to know the timing of the project. If the project take more time then given schedule it causes great lose to the firm and firm tries to minimize the time gap between the actual and expected time of a project. The time plays important role in the success of every project for example if the company wants to introduce a new product in eid days if itaa??a?¢s become late its mean company goes in great loss if the firm provide that product on actual time the company earns more profit.


Cost always was attractive tool for management of a firm. Project manager keep on trying to minimize the cost to suitable extent. if the actual cost goes increasing than expected cost. so that cost create a problem for a project the manager monitoring the cost(expenses) of the project if they will no do so, it can cause damage in having profit.


Performance is also important task for a project management. Performance of a project on daily basis identifies to overcome those areas where project performs at lower level. Having complete check on a project performance contribute continuous improvements to make project successful and to manage time and cost in a better way. For a successful project it is essential to have a complete knowledge about the requirements of project, about time estimate and cost. If these elements are not managed at proper time this leads towards the failure of the project.

项目成功的维度标准——Dimension of Success Criteria of Project:-

The condition of satisfaction will contain the beginning of a statement of success criteria an other ways success criteria is a statement of done. It is also statement of business value to be achieved, and there for it provides a basis for senior management to authorize the resource to do detailed planning. It is also essential that criteria be quantifiable and measurable, and possible, expressed in term of business value. For example customer satisfaction, plays a key role in the project success if your customer is satisfied you will gain further projects as a result of their satisfaction.

The best choice for success criteria is to state clearly the bottom-line impact of the project. This is expressed in terms of increased margins, higher net revenues, reduced turnaround time, improved productivity, and reduced cost of manufacturing or sales, and so on. Because we want senior management approval for our proposal, we should express the benefits in the terms of routinely work. While our recognized bottom line impact as the best success criteria, which may not be possible. As an alternative consider quantifiable statements about the impact of our project will have an efficiency and effectiveness, error rates, reduced turnaround time to service a customer request, reduced cost, providing service , quality or improved the customer satisfaction. Management deals in deliverables, so we should always try to express our success criteria in quantitative terms. By doing this we will avoid any possibility of disagreement as to whether the success criteria were met and the project was successful.

Task for P3:-

Task for P3 is to,

Discuss project information support system.

Discuss and give example how human and material resources can be integrated to achieve successful projects.

财政资源——Financial resources:-

If project team has financially strong your project will be successful because if your project team will not financially strong you will not go further cost is very important constraint in project. If manager have financially strong manager will give proper salaries to their labors. Labors interest in work your project will achieve easily. If you prepare a project you should necessary that you have a big money required.

时间资源——Time resources:-

Time is another important thing in project because in time you will do the activities your project wills easily success. Before the project you must considered that in which time we will complete the project. You will prepare a proper schedule for the time. Manager should necessary that he gives the activities to their labors on time. And also your labors should necessary that they do the tasks on time.

材料来源——Material resources:-

If good quality material available with project team your project will be done in proper way manger should necessary that good quality materials available and also your project will properly successful. if you donaa??a?¢t have a good quality of material then your project never will be done on proper way.

Task for P4:-

Here your task is to discuss project close out requirements with detail description of project appraisals also describe project audit trails in termination of project.

项目评估——Project Appraisal:-

Project appraisal is review system in which you solve the problem easily. Project appraisal is very important because you will more train in project evaluation. Project team members will more qualified in project evaluation. For successful project you must considered that communication are good with your project team members and documentation and must necessary time, cost and project performance is better in project. If there is any difficulty in project then manager should will have to support their team to increase their success.

There are four phases which are given below:-

First phase of project involves concept include introduction, designing, technological and economic viability. What are positive and negative social and environmental forces and also assessments of project alternatives?

Second phase is planning for project. Planning for cost, time and project performance. Planning is very important because if any issue arises in future you can solve the problem easily. When planning for the project you will achieve the goals of project.#p#分页标题#e#

Third phase is completing to build the project normally including the stages of detailed designs, materials of building services, tendering and rewards of contracts.

In final phase or finishing your project testing to project any issues in project to solve the problems you will review the project how much cost will spend and how time will spend? What will be the performance of project then you will prepare the project as documented then your project will close out so end of the project.

项目终止——Project termination:-

Project termination means that your project is completed and your project team members finished the project. your goals will achieve and also your project will final or ended project manager to give the task who involve in project team they complete the whole task is know as project termination.

If you want that how to success the project when:

You must know that objectives of project will achieved there is no issue in project your project manager is fully satisfied and also your project team agree then your project will fully successful. Your tasks have been completed or close out. If your architect accepted the project result or products so you consider that your project will accept. Two basic reasons of project termination project success or failure. if your project is been run for strategic plans then you considered that project goes to be successful. If your project has been failure then you lost your strategic planning for the future. Your project termination doesnaa??a?¢t mean that project ended or success. There is some steps should be taken in termination. First of you final all contracts with your supplies, vendor and customers then you also finalize payments. Before the project termination that is profit and you earned after the project termination that is your outdoor sale. How many resources is free remaining after the completion of project. Before project termination you have to assure that all the payment such as final cost, bills etc are paid. All the documents must be prepared before termination of a project because if any risk occurs in future then it will help in solving the problem. Presentation is must because project depends on presentation. Project rejection or acceptance depends on presentation. Project dealings three restraint cost, time project qualification. These three things are very important because these three things are depending on your project and find out any problem in project how this will be solve. In reviewing of project you discuss with project team members because project team member give the better decision for saving the future project. These techniques are very important for future project and also we applied these techniques in future project including monitoring, motivating, team building, controlling and satisfying etc.

M2的任务——TASK FOR M2

Task for M2 is to discuss contingency planning for project close out requirements also describe planned approaches for successful ending of project.

项目关闭需求——Project Close Out Requirements:-

The project manager handles the remaining administrative tasks of project termination. These will include:

Ensuring that the project is officially accepted. The contract and the Product Acceptance Plan will describe the requirements. In the end, what is required, in effect, is signed agreement from the customer that all contracted delivery have been made, meet the contracted supplies and are accepted into ownership by the customer; all contracted activities (including approval test, if any) have been successfully completed; and that the buyer takes all further responsibility (warranty and hidden defect claims aside), for the products and any remaining issues and actions associated with them.

Settling the project's money - making sure all payments have been acknowledged and all suppliers and subcontractors paid. Organizational policy or other regulatory requirement may also require a more official audit process at project termination, covering the project's funds, budgeting process, and assets.

Archiving all project documents and records.

Transferring any remaining (non-deliverable) hardware and environment assets to the own organization's pool of assets.

Transfer the project dimensions to the corporate historical database.

Reassign remaining project staff: if possible, this should not be done suddenly. Most projects can lodge a gradual ramp-down of staff levels, and allow a smoother change of staff to other projects. The project manager should ensure that the project knowledge and responsibilities of passing staff have been transferred to those remaining. Staff performance reviews should also be conducted as staffs are transferred.

应急计划——Contingency Planning:-

A contingency plan is simply a imagine way of saying, that should a risk occur, you have thought of a way of falling its impact to the project. You could also call it a "Plan B". This is absolutely very important because sods law being what it is, if you don't spend the time to do some serious contingency planning, the risk will happen and your project will fail taking you down in the route.

The key thing you need to do is to make sure that you have done sufficient work without going overboard. A good way of achieving this is to follow the 5 points below:

1. Decide which are the key risks which have the prospective to occur and which would serious expose the project.

2. Priorities these risks in terms of degree

3. Conclude which ones are under you control and which ones are completely out of your control.

4. Instantly escalate the risks which are out of your control upwards to your project / planned board for their information and also knowledge in how these could be mitigates.

5. Start unforeseen event planning on those risks within your control.

成功结束项目的方法——Approaches for Successful Ending of Project:-

If the project is completed on given time and the cost incurred by the project does not exceed the project budget means that the project is successful. After project completion if customers are satisfied and presentation of project being accepted means that project is successful. Project is successful when the objectives of the project have been achieved to the full satisfaction of the user and all close out activities have been completed.


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