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荷兰留学生管理专业英语硕士毕业论文范文参考-stratages of electricity power industr

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-02-28 21:10:28 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
荷兰留学生管理专业英语硕士毕业论文范文参考-stratages of electricity power industries to reduce air polution emissions in Wuhan
论文题目:stratages of electricity power industries to reduce air polution emissions in Wuhan
论文语言:中文论文 Chinese
论文用于:Master Dissertation 硕士毕业论文
Chapter 1\Introduction
With the rapid development of China's national economy, the environment also faces unprecedented challenges. How to ensure the sustainable development of society, in the eleventh five-year plan it has been put forward in this period to realize unit GDP reduces energy consumption by 20% or so, 10% reduction in emissions of selected pollutants for energy conservation and emission reduction goals, this is decided by the reality crisis facing growing environmental degradation. The electric power industry as the main industry of energy consumption and pollution, of course faces huge environmental pressure, the conversion efficiency and the quality of the pollution control all have an important impact on the resources and environment, the effectiveness in energy conservation and emission reduction is directly related to energy consumption and pollution reduction targets. And the realization of the green power industry will undoubtedly need the support of the regulations and policies of the state. In recent years, China has made a series of policies, including the development of renewable energy and so on electric power planning policy, electric power industry policy, energy-efficient scheduling etc of electric power operation policy, coal-fired power plants, sulfur dioxide emission reduction policy, difference electricity price policy and so on, these measures in the very great degree effectively promote the progress of energy conservation and emission reduction, made outstanding achievements
Problem statement
As the state-owned important backbone enterprises which decide national energy safety and economic lifeline, the national power grid company and its subordinate local electric power companies have the very important economic responsibility, the political responsibility and social responsibility. Especially its liable for political responsibility and social responsibility, reflected many management behaviors, are in fact the concrete execution concerning state policies. 
Research objectives
The author as a member of Wuhan local power company, aims to choose the subject as the research scope. The author wants to use the process of policy implementation related theory to study how to carry out the national policy "energy conservation and emission reduction" in local electric power enterprises, what are the effects of execution, so as to summarize the gain and loss, success or failure in electric power enterprises in the policy implementation process, provide a reference for more effective execution of the policy.
Provisional research questions
-What is the present situation of wuhan electric power industry emissions?
-What are the Wuhan electric power industry emission problems?
-Which strategies will Wuhan electric power industry implement to reduce air polution emissions
Significance of the study
Wuhan as the central China important industrial city, its development is rapid, as a large city in the rising of central China, its development not only considers economic effect, more consider the environmental effects of the power industry and gas pollution problem seriously affect the citizens of wuhan environmental and health problems, so it has the important practical significance to study wuhan electric power industry to reduce the emissions.
Scope and limitations
Research scope of this dissertation is power industries in Wuhan. And the conclusion is to propose strategies to reduce air polution emissions in Wuhan.
Because of this dissertation limited in a short time, all these data collect from these two methods are secondary data. Secondary data is economical and time saving, and helps to improve the understanding of the problems and provides a basis for data’s comparison, however, secondary data not convictive than primary data, and it may have outdated problem.  
Chapter 2\ literature review
Green city
More than one-half of the world’s population now lives in urban areas, but they are blamed for producing as much as 80% of humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, increasing urbanisation can negatively impact everything from the availability of arable land and vital green spaces to potable water and sanitary waste disposal facilities. Living in such close proximity tends to intensify thedemands that urban settlements impose on their surrounding environments.
It is clear, then, that cities must be part of the solution if an urbanising world is to grapple successfully with ecological challenges such as climate change. In concentrated urban areas, it is possible for environmental economies of scale to reduce the impact of human beings on the earth. This has already started to happen in Europe. According to the UN Population Division, 72% of the continent’s population is urban but the European Enviornment Agency says that its cities and towns account or just 69% of energe use. This is achieved in a range of ways, from increased use of public transport due to greater population density to smaller city dwellings that require less heating and lighting.
Many European cities have demonstrated their commitment to reducing their environmental impact by joining the Covenant of Mayors, a European Commission initiative launched in January 2008 that asks mayors to commit to cutting carbon emissions by at least 20% by 2020. This is encouraging the creation — often for the very first time — of a formal plan for how cities can go about reducing their carbon impact, which bodes well for the future.
Of course, environmental performance inevitably varies from city to city, but some encouraging trends are emerging. Of the 30 diverse European cities covered by this study, nearly all had lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per head than the overall EU27 average of 8.46 tonnes. Part of this success comes from several advantages which European urban areas share. Compared to other regions of the world, the continent has enjoyed remarkable political stability, with only the Balkan wars breaking the general peace of recent decades. Moreover, citizen awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and of green objectives has markedly increased in recent years. This is boosted in part by a growing body of environmentally focussed EU legislation.
But even in environmentally conscious Europe, problems abound. Across the cities profiled in this report, an average of one in three residents drive to work, contributing to increased CO2 emissions and general air pollution. The average proportion of renewable energy consumed is just 7.3%, a long way short of the EU’s stated goal of increasing the share of renewable energy usage to 20% by 2020. Nearly one in four litres of water consumed by cities is lost through leakage. And less than one fifth of overall waste is currently recycled. Moreover, encouraging environmentally helpful behavioural change is not a straightforward matter: cities often have little leverage to induce cities of each city, but also highlight emerging best practice and innovative ideas that others might wish to emulate.#p#分页标题#e#
At the first International Seminar on City Green,in August 1958.The three principles of city green were idemiffed as redevelopment, consisting of demolition and reconstruction;rehabilitation, improvement of the original structures and conservation, preservation of historical monuments. And generally not with residential areas. Claude H.Boisti&e, of the French Ministry of Reconstruction and Housing, identified the different approaches to city green as rehabilitation, complete demolition and rebuilding, and a combination of both, considering conservation of rehabilitation (Miller, 1959). Nese approaches to city green correspond to those idenfified by Colboru in 1963. For him.city green projects could be implemented in three different ways:first, they Could involve acquiring and clearing a bligllted area and disposing of the land for redevelopment in accordance with planned uses; second. They COuld consist in the rehabilitation and conservation of structures in such an area by property owners, accompanied by improvement of community facilities by the local government;and.third.they could follow any combination of both.The possible approaches to neighborhood regeneration Can therefore be identified as "redevelopment, wherein a neighborhood is rebuilt anew; rehabilitation, wherein the existing strncRires arc preserved and upgraded; and integration, a combination of the first two approaches.Each approach Can involve the Housing of the population on the origihal site or itsrelocation to another part of the city.The three different approaches are presented here in more detail.
Green industry
By rethinking approaches to urban planning and encouraging small behavioral changes among consumers, China could reap additional savings in energy consumption and a 10 percent reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases, on top of the abatement potential from implementing greener technologies. Dense urban areas, with larger numbers of high-rise buildings, are 10 to 15 percent more energy efficient than urban neighborhoods dominated by low-rise buildings. Cities planned for greater density can also take advantage of public-transport options that cut the use of private cars. We estimate that the abatement potential of increased urban density is 300 million tons of greenhouse gases a year.
Chinese consumers use less energy than their counterparts in developed countries do, but the government could encourage them to be even more energy efficient. They could eliminate 400 million tons of greenhouse gases annually, for instance, by setting room thermostats slightly lower, buying more fuel-efficient cars, making greater use of mass transportation, and forming car pools.
China has set ambitious goals for improving its energy efficiency. Yet we found additional opportunities (Exhibit 1), including even greater use of technologies or policies that China has already committed itself to pursuing, such as building additional nuclear power plants and planting forests. Other opportunities involve current and emerging technologies, such as electric vehicles, new semiconductor-manufacturing equipment that’s better at controlling fluorocarbon emissions, and the use of agricultural waste as a fuel for co-firing with coal (to reduce coal consumption) in cement kilns.
We identified five major categories of energy efficiency and greenhouse gas–abatement opportunities that China could implement between now and 2030. If China pursued them successfully, it could reduce its dependence on imported oil by up to 30 percent more than the 30 percent reduction it currently hopes to achieve. The country could also stabilize coal demand at current levels, substantially reducing the proportion of electric power generated by using this fossil fuel, to 34 percent by 2030, down from 80 percent today. These efforts could enable China to hold its greenhouse gas emissions to roughly eight gigatons by 2030—roughly 10 percent higher than 2005 levels—without hindering growth.
Chapter 3\research design and methods
        Revised research questions
What are the problems of electricity power industries in air pollution essimions in Wuhan? 
What strategies should electricity power industries use to reduce air pollution essimions in Wuhan?
Research objective, approach, techniques
There are four main objectives that support the dissertation aims, include: 
※To identify, through a literature to review the definitions of green city, and green industry. 
※To investigate, through literature review, to explore what are the problems of electricity power industries in air pollution essimions in Wuhan ; 
※To collect and summaries strategies to improve air pollution essimions in Wuhan electricity industry.
 Data collection methods
Literature review is the main method. In this literature survey, the resources are mainly focus on the existing observable online Journal articles, books and some relevant document from website. And because of the limited time, the data used are based on two famous journals. These journal are recorded from 1983 to present, publishes academic papers and case studies which advance the practical and theoretical knowledge of green city. The search aim of this literature survey is to find the existing factors and issues of the pollution that taken on electricity industry. 
AbboR,J.and Douas,D.2001.”A Methodologieal Approach to Upgrading,In-SitIl,of Informal Settlements in South Africa”.Rondeboseh University of Cape Town, Department of Civil Engineering,Water Research Commission Project No.K5/786.
Abramson.Daniel B.1997.Neighborhood Redevelopment as a Cultural Problem:A Westem Perspective on Current Plans for the Old City of Beijing”.PhD Dissertation.Tsinghua University,Beijing.
Anderson Martin.1964.”The Federal Bulldozer:A Critical Analysis of Urban Renewal.1949-1962”.Cambridge.MA.MIT Press.
Arteaga P.M.2000.”Defining Areas for Urban Renewal Projects.Histofical Centre Trujillo Peru”.Intemational Institute for Geo.Information Science and Earth Observation(ITC),Kanaalweg,Netherlands。MSc Thesis。PP:135.
Bties,Roger.2000.”Public Housing and the Postwar Urban RenaiSSance”.In From tenements to the Taylor Homes:In search of an urban housing policy in twentieth. century America,edited by John Bauman,Roger Biles.And Kristin Szylvian.143.62.University Park:Pennsylvania State University P ress.
Bluestone.Barry.and Bennett Harrison.1982.”The Deindustrialization of America:Plan Closings.Community Abandonment,and the Dismantling of Basic Industry”.
New York:Basic Books.Britannica,E—Ed.1994.”The new Encyclopedia Britannica”.Micropaedia Ready Reference.XⅡ.EncyclopediaBritannica Inc.
Broudehoux.Anne-Marie.1994.’.Neighborhood Regeneration in Bering:An Overview of Projects Implemented in the Inner City since 1990”.Master’S thesis. MeGill University,Montreal.
Buissink,J.D..Eel.1985.”Aspects of Urban Renewal:Report of an Enquiry by Questiormaire Concerning the Relation betvgeen Urban Renewal and Economic Development”.The Hague.International Federation for Homing and Planning OFHPl.
Berry,J.N.&W.S.McGreal.1995.”Community and InterAgency Structures in the Regeneration of Inner City Belfast”.Town Planning Review 66.PP:129_142.
Cameron,S.&J.Doling.1994.”Housing Neighborhoods and Urban Regeneration”.
UrballStudies 31,pp:1211-1233.
Research instruments
In this dissertation, the main instrument is excel.

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