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澳大利亚悉尼大学经济学留学生毕业论文制定-Are we winning the war on cancer?

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-08-05 11:11:12 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
澳大利亚悉尼大学经济学留学生毕业论文制定-Are we winning the war on cancer?
      This paper has introduce the reason for cancer, and make a analysis of the human’s bad life habitat which is the most reason that can lead a cancer, more over, in the last of the paper, a plan has been put forward to make a good life and help people being away from the cancer. 本文介绍了癌症的原因,在大多数的原因分析后,一个人的不良生活的栖息地是可以导致癌症,,在本文的最后,提出了一个计划,一个良好的生活和帮助人们远离癌症
Keywords: reason for cancer, bad life habitat, being away from the cancer.
Section 1: The cancer has made a great deal of harm to human kind.
 What is cancer? Cancer is a scary word, which is a scary disease and has been a callous killer to all the human kinds. What the aptitude of the human to the cancer. As far as now, the cancer has made a great deal of harm to human kind and has been the most killer disease. What the real mask of the cancer. There is a medical definition which says cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. And cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.
In this definition we can see that cancer is not just one disease but many other diseases. Now there are more than 100 different types of cancer, and most cancers are named for the organ or type of cell in which they start, such as , cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer; cancer that begins in basal cells of the skin is called basal cell carcinoma. While there are many kinds of cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, head and neck cancers, ovarian cancer and so on. All of this disease has destroyed people’s immunity, when a person suffers a cancer he may lost his ability to do his jobs well, more over, once a person who suffers a cancer he will meet many difficulty in his life. For example, his body becomes more weaken, and the cancer cells spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Which makes a great damage to other organs, in the end, the body suffers a great deal of pains and can never have the immunity to defend the damage.
Section 2: What the reason for the cancer.
Although cancer is fatal disease and many kinds of cancer are incurable, we can learn something from the reason for the cancer.
Many cancers are suffering from a bad habitat, such as lung cancer, liver cancer and gastric cancer. The main reason of behind the rising number of cancer cases is that pollution of the environment such as water pollution, the decline of air quality and the problem of food safety. What’s more, a bad habitat will lead a fatal disease.
As we all know that smoking cigarettes has been directly linked to cancer, heart disease, and so many other terminal illnesses. It also costs a fortune which makes your teeth yellow, makes your clothes and hair stink, and is bad for your skin. But most of the young are seeking for enthusiasm in order to have a cigarette, even to have excessive drinking. This is a common phenomenon which happens in big cities such as shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. And this matter makes the fight of cancer more difficult. With more and more young people addicted of cigarette and drinking, the lung cancer and gastric cancer has a apparent rising. Now excessive drinking has caused horrible liver problems. It can also cause you to make lapses in judgment, like drinking and driving. Although a little drinking is fine and even good for your healthy, but now is a good time to start thinking about laying off the heavy or excessive drinking.
Section 3: How to live a good life and avoid suffering from the cancer.
Even cancer is incurable, you have the right to live a good life. You will know that no-one wants to be around someone who is always a downer.  It’s also bad for you! So keeping a positive attitude keeps you from being sick, like catching cold, and a smile is so much more attractive than a frown! It is the same with cancer. In the matter of fact, many persons who suffering cancers are not defeat by the diseases, but lost themselves, in the end they lost the confidence to win the fight.
Except keep a good aptitude, one should to deal with the over-stressing. In modern society, over-stress can cause insomnia, headaches, high blood pressure, and heart disease. So in the fight of cancer, you should learn to worry about the things you can change, and stop stressing about the things you can’t. This is a good way to deal with it. And more over, a good diet can make a benefit to one’s body. If one want to win and enjoy a good life. Keeping away from the alcohol and cigarette and live a good sleep, you can have a strong body and have the immunity to defend many diseases. 
However, in the field of medicine, there are some treatments such as surgery and radiation (X-rays) and chemotherapy, using drugs. They may have a temporary function, But it also make people very weak, the best weapon is to detect it early before the cancer cells spread.
Cancer is not very scary, in this paper, we have make analysis of the cancer’s origin and the curable way in the fight of cancer: Getting plenty of sleep and exercise and eating the right foods can help keep you healthy.
1: Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer Series: Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Head and Neck Cancers, Ovarian Cancer, and Prostate Cancer Package; Stephen Yang, MD, FACS, FCCP, Associate Professor of Surgery and Medical Oncology, Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery,http://www.ukassignment.org/lxslw/  The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Chief of Thoracic Surgery, The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD; published July 2010.
2: Tips to help you deal with cancer, Published May 16.2013, By Nicol Mcintyre
3: Understand cancer and what you can do with these tips, Published May 14,2013, By Nicol Mcintyre.

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