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指导法国留学生英语类医学论文:药品零售业经营分析Drug retail enterprises diversified

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-10-13 23:37:44 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
Pharmaceutical retail business is directly facing the ultimate consumer ( patient ) circulation of goods , but also the final part of the pharmaceutical distribution . Like other retail pharmacy retailing , from a macro point of view , the survival and development of the law by political , macroeconomic , consumer demand, market competition and other factors, but at the micro, but also by commodity , price, service, location , advertising and promotion , store design and merchandising and other factors affected. These factors are retail operators to develop business strategy and marketing strategy is an important prerequisite . The current retail market conditions , the French non-prescription medicines species have to meet the basic needs of self-medication , the retail terminal expansion rate is accelerating number of drugs increases, smaller profit margins , industry competition, leading drugstore diversification became a trend. In this paper, the implementation of the current pharmacy diversification analysis presented to some of my personal views on pharmacy operations .

An analysis of the status of drug retail enterprises

1.1 From the analysis of the external environment
From the external environment analysis, drug retail enterprises by the following ways:
1.1.1 The relevant policy
National consolidation of the pharmaceutical industry in recent years , prices for pharmaceuticals to many , standardized prescription drug sales , hospital drugs forced to start gradually dropped , GSP certification expires , re- certification. These are the drug retail enterprises pressure .

1.1.2 Competition within the industry
Drugstore retail industry barriers to entry is low, low access conditions , and foreign capital and foreign investment in this industry are constantly entering the retail pharmacy ; addition, large chain pharmacies through mergers and acquisitions , offsite shop, from a regional to a national chain constantly chain , pharmaceutical retail chain market concentration is increasing , but also caused the industry to ask more intense competition , price competition in the form of focus , resulting in drug retail drug prices down , so that corporate profit margins decreased significantly.

1.1.3 From the customer demands
Drug retail enterprises to sell non- prescription drugs , health drugs mainly , the main consumers are the ordinary people , is sensitive to price , bargaining ability. In addition , as people self-care awareness of pharmacy service requirements are also rising .

1.2 from the internal analysis
From the company's internal analysis, the impact on enterprise development mainly in the following aspects:

1.2.1 The quality of personnel is not high
The main pharmacy practitioners with less qualified licensed pharmacist , corresponding by the pharmacists , practitioners, pharmacists, pharmacist Zhudianyaoshi to act as such , bear the pharmacist 's work. Improve the professional standards of employees and the overall quality of enterprises to improve competitiveness and customer safe medication needs. This uses the human cost will be lower than the original increase of 3 to 5 times.

1.2.2 Drug strategy changed little between enterprises operating strategies did not differ significantly .

1.2.3 single pharmacy and medium and small chain pharmacies low level of internal management , management is not standardized , hindering the enterprise to a higher level . The current direction of development of drug retail enterprises are divided into two categories : one is advocating professional management development , the second is the development of diversified business proposition . Now many companies are trying to use each of these two business strategies to achieve the fierce competition in an invincible position .

Two pharmaceutical retail business diversification

The so-called diversification is an enterprise in existing business areas based on the increase of new products or business strategies. Many existing business relationship between the extent of the field , and can be divided into the diversification strategy of related diversification and unrelated diversification of two types. From a strategic management perspective, enterprises can achieve economies of scope diversified , decentralized operational risks, and enhance their competitive strength.

2.1 diversified operations of foreign companies
Large global pharmacy business model can be divided into two categories: the representative of the United States and Japan, as well as diversified as the representative of Germany and Sweden, specialized operation . The United States and most European countries, pharmaceutical chain stores are all diversified, with pharmaceuticals mainly concurrently with health-related products and other daily necessities, the pharmaceutical chain stores , the average gross margin improved from 28.3% to 32 % or so.

U.S. pharmacies to " health and beauty products store " concept as the theme, its core products into three main categories : prescription drugs, non- prescription drugs , beauty care and health supplies. Its wide range of goods , but also by the United States population suburbanization and retail concentration, large and trends, meet people , " one-stop shopping " for new ideas .

2.2 diversified domestic drug retail enterprises Analysis
French pharmaceutical diversification from the United States , the earliest trial is Nepstar health pharmacy drugs outside its operating items, except the first, there are skin care products, daily necessities , etc., after the introduction of Hong Liang sun shop, pharmacy launch photo processing business. Following , the French drug retail enterprises to follow suit.

Drug retail enterprises from the current situation analysis of diversification :

2.2.1 into the form
Related diversification and unrelated diversification : ① related diversification : cosmetics and pharmaceuticals , health products, care products , medical equipment and health products have a greater correlation , which is the majority of drug retail enterprises to adopt the business strategy . ② unrelated diversification : baby products , medical books , glasses , laundry , recreation , printing , supermarket, food market . More typical is Beijing Jia Tong chain boldly tried the "big health " concept , covering baby products , cosmetics, health food, care, medicine books , glasses and other fields , with a unique personalized product structure, it proudly stands in the capital pharmacy retail market.

2.2.2 subjectivity divided by operating
Conscious and unconscious implement a diversified diversified : ① conscious implementation of the diversification - French pharmaceutical retail pioneer of corporate diversification : Nepstar , mainly the study of overseas drug retail enterprises diversified business model , conscious , there are plans to implement , to fundamentally change the business philosophy, after carried out after careful preparation . ② unconscious implementation of diversified - some companies are in the business process does not consciously , unconsciously began a diversification. Benefits such as Jiangsu Pokka Chain Co., Ltd. , and its "diversity " is inadvertently formed a "diversity " has become "100 Hui " features.

2.2.3 Positioning is clearly divided into
There are no clear positioning and a clear position : ① a clear positioning . With a distinctive positioning, implementing corporate diversification strategy. Such as Chongqing Peace drugstore chain pharmacies will be positioned as the four types , namely center flagship store, downtown area drug store , supermarket store shop , community convenience store . Its center flagship initiative " health + beauty ." Downtown area to counter drug store combined with open-shelf , supermarket store shop highlight the " health " concept, community store to convenience store mode of operation. ② no clear positioning . The pharmacies involved in diversified business , economic uncertainty or loss from a pharmacy . I visited the city a pharmacy , about 80m of its original storefront into a small grocery supermarkets, pharmacies and operating footprint less than 30m2 area , outside store signs or pharmacies, but has been a misnomer the .

2.3 French pharmacies diverse problems
Through hair analysis that the French pharmaceutical retail enterprises to implement existing diversified mainly the following problems:

2.3.1 The cost is too high
Diversification projects, products subjective introduction , small, not sharing management costs, diversify sources of goods and procurement of small quantities due to the high cost , liquidity pressure in the container turnover and other issues. Need to increase product sales or increase service items must be invested , the overall cost increased significantly.

2.3.2 Positioning unknown
Blind choice and variety of product diversification project portfolio in recent years, attempts have diversified pharmacy food, daily necessities , cosmetics and a variety of convenient services , etc., to the current set-off effect from diversification , diversification and sales of pharmaceutical goods ( health care ) sales promotion and other rewards of view, to face new, more intense complex FMCG sales market environment shows no distinctive and clear positioning . Operating items and consumer goods category combinations inherent degree of association is not high, failed to form a common supermarket chains kingpin goods and associated interactive relationship between commodities , there is no need to strengthen the analysis of target customers .

2.3.3 store space management issues
Pharmacy stores generally smaller than the area of ​​operations discounters , supermarkets generally have 1500m above the operating area , but the pharmacy because the operating area is limited, in the downtown area more than a few hundred square meters , the district pharmacies around the general area of ​​80m . The pharmacies in the 80m by category display is already very difficult to manage , and then to increase the diversification project , will make professional management area crowded clutter. Customers will pharmacy paramour .

2.3.4 The lack of management talent , no relevant operational guidance
Pharmacy diversification, diversification needs of professional personnel. If you have to have to understand selling cosmetics cosmetics salesperson and management personnel. But now a small pharmacy in the country , diversified business professionals scarce, less professional marketing top -level characters , and rarely let a professional management consulting agencies are involved , and the pharmacy managers themselves on the lack of awareness in this area .

2.3.5 The lack of marketing planning and communication tools
For a long time the domestic pharmacies sell drugs, consumers have already agreed to sell medicine pharmacy related products pattern within the pharmacy to see if consumers in the washing powder , peanut oil and the like other commodities , actually might think pharmacy theme blurring. In addition, consumers buy other consumer goods also have fixed channels , start a new category and pharmacy services , no can do large discounters marketing planning, promotion campaign , etc., it is difficult to have stable customer base, consumer spending is difficult to develop other products in pharmacies spending habits .

Pharmacy diversification process many problems there are two essential reasons: First, pharmacy operations staff did not establish a modern marketing concept , there is no concept of modern marketing 4c , did not stand a strategic perspective to planning, operation and management of their stores. The second is the lack of demand for consumer market research, decision-makers in diverse selection of projects , the basic decision is experience , not considered carefully research the number of consumers within the local business district , social class structure, diversification of consumer choice products, buying habits , purchasing power , use habits. Resulting in low success rate of diversification .

Three pairs of drug retail enterprises diversified business knowledge

In the current competitive market , companies choose diversification strategies should be comprehensive analysis , we should first recognize that drugs are a special commodity , and should consider the external environment and internal environmental conditions change, and then carefully chosen business strategy.

3.1 diversification strategy should be established on the basis of specialization , and should have a certain scale
U.S. diversified learning should be built on top of a high level of specialization . Improve the professional service , the pursuit of higher quality of service , which is the inevitable trend brought about by competition , but also determined by the characteristics of drugs , requires companies to have a certain scale , corporate officers and operated by the diversity of products matching the talents required , other conditions are also in line with the requirements of business diversification , made ​​possible by the success of diversification .

3.2 diversification strategy should be positioned accurately
Diversification strategy should be specifically targeted and accurate analysis of the following aspects :

3.2.1 Operating characteristics
Domestic pharmacies involved in diversification, obvious economic benefits , the reason lies in positioning, no operating characteristics

3.2.2 update concepts
With the improvement of living standards , personalized color has become the fashion . Diversified and personalized shopping has become a standard for the choice of goods , the consumer now has formed emphasized that " the most suitable for my product" concept of consumption .

3.2.3 store design is reasonable
The store is to provide retailers and consumers to communicate effectively places , so the traditional retail pharmacies operate to exclude the impact of classification of goods on display have a certain clarity and relevance , in reflect the personality and strive to do so in easy to buy consumer goods .

3.3 business strategy choices, specific conditions should be
Companies have chosen business strategy, specific analysis should be carried out , should be considered in the main shopping district customers, the company's internal environment ( human resources , etc. ) and so on. Yunnan GPP pharmacies and health of the good , for example, to "people -oriented" and "the people" as the core, " able to provide customers what to do" as the guiding ideology , to avoid detachment expertise diversification, diversification of services provided that surrounds the "service" continuous innovation to health spending as a mode of operation, to form their own businesses operating characteristics.

In short, companies have chosen business strategy, by specific circumstances. Diversification of pharmaceutical enterprises should be established on the basis of specialization , companies should have a certain scale, with a certain economic strength and talent with ; specialization is required drug retail enterprises in the industry , only build specialized pharmacy , pluralistic management of the foundation in order to survive . Otherwise , the blind will cause companies to catch up lost original nature , lead to failure. The emergence of drug retail enterprises in line with diversification and ho Landol Howell 's integration with specialization cycle theory . Retailing is the basis for integration into professional transition , and then from specialization to the path of integration cycles , when the integration of the forms of development to a certain extent , it will appear to specialization as the main feature of the forms ; Similarly, when professional development may to a certain extent, the integration of the forms will emerge , like the evolution of retail formats , like accordion playing from wide to narrow , endless loop . Therefore, this drug retail also , from specialization to diversify , but also by the diversification toward specialization .

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