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International Communications 国际交流作业指导需求样板

论文价格: 免费 时间:2010-01-14 20:39:03 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

论文题目: What are the most significant kinds of digital divide and can they be overcome? If so, how and who should take responsibility for this? 
主题是digital divide(数字鸿沟)现象,不要只泛泛而谈,具体谈谈性别、年龄、教育背景、经济状况等等方面的digital divide。请围绕网络和媒体来谈,并根据所写出的digital divide来谈国际上的应对措施。essay格式
论文语种:  英语
您的研究方向:International Communications国际交流
要求字数: 3000words
论文用途: 硕士课程essay

*Assignment detail (必填)
1.科目Subject : Communications and International Affairs
2. 学校University name:  University of Leeds
2.作业字数(如果是计算或画图请写明):  3000words
3.学术级别Study level(Bachelor -Master-PhD): Master
6.作业格式(Essay or Report): essay
7.需要几个References :8个The Essay is provided by UK Assignment http://www.ukassignment.org
8.References Style(APA –Harvard-Chicago-Others):Harvard style
9.建议概述(对这份作业的重点要求和老师建议): focused on the topic, well structured. With relevant critical analysis of central issues. Integration of theoretical and empirical material. Clear organization consistent with approach to the question, Show a good command of appropriate formats and conventions.
*Assignment material(必须提供以下资料)
1.你的教科书名是什么Text Book(s) Used in Class :
1. Thussu, Daya Kishan (Ed) (2009),  Internationalizing media studies, Abingdon/New York, Routledge
2. Nightingale, Virginia & Tim Dwyer (eds) (2007),  New Medis Worlds-challenges for convergence,  South Melbourn, Vic./Oxford, Oxford University Press.
3. Norris, Pippa (2001),  Digital Divide-Civic Engagement, Information Poverty and the Internet Worldwide,  Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
2. 请提供Lecture notes 
It has often been argued that increased access to information will lead to greater personal and political freedoms, This lecture considers the impact of restrictions to access to information whether through censorship, lack of skills or availability of technology or through the limitations of media ownership and industry.

Many studies attribute digital divides to one, or a combination of, four factors:
1. Inadequate infrastructure
2. Socio-economic disadvantage
3. Demographics
4. Culture

Main Topics:
How people suffer from lack of access to the internet?
What are the implications of digital divides?
What strategies can be used to bridge digital divides?

3. 请提供Course outline or Subject outline 
Communications & International Affairs

Course Aims & ObjectivesThe Essay is provided by UK Assignment http://www.ukassignment.org

• To introduce the political, economic and cultural elements of international communications and their interconnections
• To develop an understanding of the complexity of international communications and its implications on local, national and global levels
• To appreciate how media technologies and systems of international communications affect news coverage, entertainment and official systems of information
• To examine controversial issues within the field, especially the role of communications in national development, the relative power of governments and media organizations, the problems of regulation and the impact of communication technologies
• To provide an interdisciplinary approach that learns from a range of social sciences, primarily Media and Communications studies, Sociology, International Relations and Cultural Studies
• To engage students in debates about key issues surrounding international communications, and encourage their independent thinking, as appropriate for postgraduate level.

 Intellectually, students will need to constantly address the following questions: What is international communications all about? What changes and what remains the same in patterns of communication, politics and social action?  What is the role of media and communication technologies for political and social change?  Who influences the flow of international information, why, how and with what consequences? How does the mediation of entertainment relate to the mediation of politics and the other way around?

4. 请提供作业评分标准Assignment making guide or assessment criteria   
5. 请提供作业正文和要求Assignment requirement   The Essay is provided by UK Assignment http://www.ukassignment.org
论文题目:What are the most significant kinds of digital divide and can they be overcome? If so, how and who should take responsibility for this? 

主题是digital divide(数字鸿沟)现象,不要只泛泛而谈,具体谈谈性别、年龄、教育背景、经济状况等等方面的digital divide。请围绕网络和媒体来谈,并根据所写出的digital divide来谈国际上的应对措施。
6. 如果是Case study 请提供case (可扫描)
非case study


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