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Portfolio Guidelines and Full Checklist-Guidelines for prepa

论文价格: 免费 时间:2015-09-06 10:21:21 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

留学生作业网Portfolio Guidelines and Full Checklist


Read through this document carefully. It provides details of what you should include in the portfolio and how this should be prepared. It is a summary of what I have indicated to you in class, especially in the opening section. The portfolio makes up 40% of overall marks.
Guidelines for preparing portfolio
Activities and portfolios are a way of stimulating an ongoing critically reflective learning experience. Marks are awarded on the basis that the student clearly demonstrates what they learned from the activity. As indicated during the course, marks will be awarded for
1. Clearly setting out an overview of how the particular process (roleplay etc.) was organised (or not as the case may be!)
2. Marks are awarded where reflective learning is clearly displayed. This learning involves both the process by which you organised yourselves for the activity, and the activity content itself. It is therefore very important to complete the reflective questions as regards the process you designed and used for each activity.
a. Activity Process: Provide a critique of the process. For example, discuss whether or not you were part of a well organised group. Was working with your ‘twin’ role effective in terms of preparing for the roleplay . As regards the process, answers to the following questions display reflective learning.
i. Did the process work well?
ii. Can it be improved? If so how?
iii. How did I feel about this activity? If you have any feelings or particular attitude about the activity please indicate it. For example, ‘I felt this activity worked particularly well because…’ or ‘this activity was not very effective because…’.
b. Course content: the portfolio should indicate
i. what you learned as regards the course content
ii. how you would implement this learning in a real-life project.
3. Where possible, indicate where problems arose and how you solved those problems.
4. Include documentation you and/or your group generated for the activity, for example, minutes of preparatory meetings, speeches, ppt slides.
Absences from roleplay activities
In the event of absence due to illness or bereavement or similar, the student should provide documentary evidence for this in the portfolio (e.g. doctor’s certificate). Where documentation is missing and no reasonable excuse for that omission is included in the portfolio, the assignment will be marked as zero.
Documentation should be signed and dated. Missing assignments will receive zero.
1. Group discussion: Reflective: 500 words.
2. Class discussion: Reflective: Groups A and B reconvene and discuss their respective role play. Each student takes notes and contributes to discussion. This forms the basis of the student’s individual portfolio entry. 1000 words.
3. Individual reflection: Please download the reflection sheet and complete.
Additional Continuous Assessment Notes:
On Thursday 3rf December, the term paper is due.



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