英国作业 美国作业 加拿大作业


论文价格: 免费 时间:2016-10-11 14:47:47 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
Factors Impacting Global Business And Future Of Globalization 
Globalization is a trend for now-a-day economic development. It plays a major role in helping economic integration around the globe, mainly through financial flows and trading. According to the International Monetary Fund (1997), globalization is "the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows, and also through the more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology. This process affects virtually every aspect of our lives, and therefore garners a great deal of attention.
Developments and breakthrough in technology are an outcome of globalization. Innovations like internet have virtually brought together the whole world. Coming together of different nations has provided a platform for new possibilities of advancement in technical space which can be aimed to increase production Technology has lowered prices and technology has in essence shifted the supply curve to the right. In turn, this spurs even more advances in technology, as innovation is encouraged by globalization. As a result, trade and economy for many countries that enter into global markets has been increased tremendously. Overall, the expansion of technology has had a considerable amount of impact in every sector of the global economy.
International trade has long been accepted as the means by which economic growth can be maximized. Through specialization and economies of scale, nations can achieve together a higher standard of living than they can separately. Comparative advantage dictates that all nations are better off when they specialize, as long as there are any differences between their capabilities. (Litonjua, 2010) It seems odd then that so many would oppose globalization so ardently.
However, there has been an overall positive impact among countries which embraced integration but some still believe that globalization is beneficial but not distributed fairly. (The Economic Collapse, 2010) This creates political instability, as desperate nations are more likely to declare war on their neighbors. Moreover, as huge corporations reap the profits of using cheap labor in developing countries, they become extremely powerful. Some argue that their economic power is so great that it undermines that of many nation states. Others argue that our increased economic interdependence will cause nations to work harder to resolve their differences (Litonjua).
Politics and economics are related with each other. The affect on one puts impact on the other. The political decisions affect the economic policies and due to the changes in the economic policies, the political framework also gets affected. Due to the changes in the economic framework of the country, the government's decisions and actions get affected. If the political decision regarding fixation of the price of a particular product in the market, then the market adjusts itself with respect to the fixed price. The economic policies of the country tend to attain growth due to the effective political decisions and vice versa (Kroon, 2007).
Due to the alterations in the economic variables of the country, the political policies get affected to a great extent. We can consider the example of the IT professionals. In US, the IT jobs are mostly acquired by the overseas people. It is due to the reason that the overseas people are willing to do the jobs at lower incomes in US and therefore, US people are losing their jobs. If the government amends regulations for the protection of IT professionals of US, then the IT companies will have to pay more money to them. This implies that it affects the economic as well as political framework of the country.
Sometimes the political decisions are not beneficial for the country, such as the decision of the US government regarding acquiring the oil resources of Iraq was not ethical. It affected the economic environment as well as the defense resources of the country. The economy of Iraq also injured to a great extent (Kroon, 2007).
In addition to the economic and political aspects of globalization, there are disturbing social and cultural implications. These are the reasons most often cited for opposing globalization. Economic interdependence leads also to the rapid exchange of ideas, which affects culture. The dominant media offerings quickly displace local attractions and become the only game in town. Ronald Inglehart (2000) argues that cultural change and developing economy in a society is linked closely, although cultures are not converging towards a "global" one. Others (Wu & Guo) have similar arguments, namely that as a nation undergoes globalization, traditional values are often challenged. In order to compete internationally, greater specialization is required. People often leave traditional occupations such as agriculture and move to cities. This fragments families and the underlying social values that families often represent. Television presents a glamorous lifestyle that many young people are drawn to. In order to fulfill materialistic ambitions, they often give up the values their parents instilled in them.Thus entire ways of life are disrupted. This process is often called "Westernized." This is perhaps because English is the language associated with. (The economist, 2001) The cultural implications of the loss of a native tongue are of course enormous.
Environmental and pollution are important legal issues that come with globalization. Increasing economic growth through industrialization is causing a concern among environmentalists who believe that there is a relationship between environmental quality and the per capita income of the nation.Consensus are of the view that globalization increases carbon dioxide in the environment which causes global warming.
In a nation the impact of globalization on environment can be both positive and negative. Trade may improve the environmental quality through technological advancements. On the other hand, as trade increases, pollution level increases. Polluting activities in a high income country are likely to be subjected to more regulations than hence costs than in developing countries. However, globalization has made it easier for such pollution intensive industries to move to countries with weak environmental practices. Hence, developed countries are expected to benefit in terms of environment quality from trade and developing countries would lose. In other terms, globalization helps developed countries to reduce pollution by increasing pollution levels in developing countries.
Globalization is moving toward a single market system that encompasses nearly every country and corner of the world.While the trade organizations and supranational organizations seem to have leveled off, the global market keeps adding to itself and remaking the markets.The shifts within many regions have helped to reinvent the face of globalization.More markets are opening for labor, resources, and other offering for companies to access.The communication and technology advancements have made reaching those areas that were previously closed much easier.It has also allowed companies to establish relations with workers and companies in those new regions.
The greatest challenge lies in respecting the cultures of the people while expanding markets.Adapting to those cultures and to the people and their traditions will mean the markets can continue to operate and new consumers created.Investment in foreign countries while maintaining ties to home will be the other challenge.So the biggest challenge will be how to integrate both cultures and business without creating incidents that can affect the business and trade communities. This delicate balance of achieving efficiencies, profits and keeping the people in the different areas feeling as though their work and their lives are of value to the company. As communication grows and opens up new areas the information that is shared will need to be respectful of the differences as well. Companies are going to need to make sure employees are trained, management prepped and trained, and services are available for globalization to remain viable.This is going to be most difficult in areas that remain in conflict or closed to world access.
Yes, in many ways, access a global market now is the same as previously and will remain the same.Governments are embracing global companies and work, but companies should never forget the tone of cooperation can change quickly to closing.Cooperation can be denied and rules and laws can change Not respecting cultures and people or attempting to do business with unethical methods can lead to not only the single company being punished, but other companies and groups.Careful following of the rules can prevent loss of control to government's nationalizing companies.Approaching business as honestly as possible, using the appropriate methods of negotiation and trading along with dispute resolutions are how we created the international markets we have now. This is the best way to continue this globalization effort.#p#分页标题#e#

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