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计量经济学硕士毕业论文修改范文演示稿 瑞典硕士论文

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-02-28 21:19:25 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网


进口总量  不同产品的进口  不同地区的进口作为解释变量
利用 OLS  panel date 等计量方法进行估算
说明 这些变量 对技术进步的贡献
贡献大小 就是系数的大小


The correlation ship between the import and domestic manufacturing development in different

countries has been studied by many experts from different viewpoints. According to Harrison

(1994), there was no obvious relationship between the industrial productivity growth and

import penetration, while in America, from the studies of MacDonald (1994) on the domestic

manufacturing in the period from 1975 to 1987, a positive relation was proved between

industry productivity growth and import penetration. Nan Nan Lundin has also executed lots

of analyses on the complicated relationships among mark-ups, market power and import

penetration based on firm-level data of Sweden. It showed that there was disciplinary effect

of import penetration on the domestic mark-ups of manufacturing. Harry Bloch (2000), and

James Ted McDonald (1994), did studies on the effect of import on the labor productivity in

Australia. Their methods in study were also complicated and comprehensive. They considered

many other macroeconomic factors such as, industry concentration and domestic competition.

And the final results showed that the industry productivity would rise along with both the

increasing import penetration and domestic industry concentration. Although the results may

be more specific, there should be more direct and intuitively description on the

relationship between import competition and domestic manufacturing productivity. This paper

would critically http://www.ukassignment.org/rdlxslw/ analyze this relationship in Sweden based on the study of Harry Bloch,

while in this paper complicated factors effects would be dropped. It simply needs to divide

the Sweden manufacturing into three segments, capital intensive industry, labors intensive

industry and technology intensive industry, meanwhile select 5 typical products in each

segment as the studying objectives in the analyses.

1.0 literature review
Harry Bloch and Ted McDonald, critically analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of their

research. And principle of what I would do in this paper is to use the fewest variables and

basic regression model to explain and summarize the relationship between import penetration

and labor productivity in Sweden.

2.0 methodology and model
By analyzing the relationships of import amounts and domestic gross profits of 15 products

belonging to different manufacturing segments, labor intensive industry, capital intensive

industry and technology intensive industry, the report will try to reveal whether their

relationship is obvious and what the relationship is. And basic regression model would be

used in the analyses.
 Autocorrelation function would be used to stationary test of the time series about

y, x, yl , yt , yc, xc ,xl ,xt

 Regression model 1:
y=a0 + a1x + b
                 y: the gross profits gap from domestic industry between each two years.

                 x: the import amounts gap of industrial products between each two years.

 Regression model 2:
yc=a0c + a1cxc + bc
                 yl=a0l + a1lxl + bl
                          yt=a0t + a1lxt + bt
                          yc: gross profits gap from domestic capital intensive industry

between each two years.
                 xc;the import amounts gap of capital intensive industry products between

each two years.
                  yl;gross profits gap from domestic labors intensive industry between each

two years.
                  xl;the import amounts gap of labors intensive industry products between

each two years.
                  yt;gross profits gap from domestic technology intensive industry between

each two years.
                  xt;the import amounts gap of technology intensive industry products

between each two years.
 Check the DW value and confirm whether the error term is serial correlation.
  if it is ,add AR(1) into the above model and improve the regression model to generalized

difference regression model.

3.0 data and descriptive statistic
Import amounts of 15 products in different industry segment in the period of 1995 to 2004

would be described, with their domestic gross profits during this period.

4.0 empirical analysis and result

5.0 conclusion

From my supervisor
1. Us learning something we don’t already know
2. Question should be relevant
3. Must be possible to answer the question
4. What is mine and what is yours? Reference
a. Sweden, Nan Nan Lundin PCM, high, middle and low income countries and perhaps a few

b. Focus
5. Argue why this would be important? Motivate
6. Who is proposing his/her opinion?
7. Must read four papers first
a. Nan Nan Lundin
b. Harry Bloch
c. Jan Boone
d. Roeger
8. Think about what you want to contribute with
9. methodology

From mine

10. 文章和提纲要进行大的改动
首先, introduction部分主要是是说明我想要研究什么问题。(我想研究的问题是import competition

和 labor productivity之间的关系或影响)接下来就是简单介绍用怎样的方法和模型进行我的研究。(





研究的是import competition 和 labor productivity!!!还有要注意的就是你们文章一定要有很明确






最后是appendix 和 reference

a. 我们可以把所有国家类型分成3组研究他们的import competition- low/middle/high-income level
b. Import sector的分法可以引用Nan Nan 的分法:Food and beverage/tobacco/textiles。。。
c. 每一部分都要提供相关的reference出来,因为我和导师商讨的时候他会问我的

Harry, B. and James T. M. (2000), Import competition and Labour Productivity. Melbourne

Institute Working Paper, 9/00, 1328-4991

Lundin, N.N. (2004), Import Competition, Product Differentiation and Mark-Ups -

Microeconomic evidence from Swedish manufacturing in the 1990s

Lundin, N.N. (2003), Has import disciplined Swedish manufacturing firms in the 1990s?

Forthcoming in Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade.

Jan, B. and Michiel van, L. (2010), Measuring Competition Using the Profit Elasticity:

American Sugar Industry, 1890-1914

Jan Boone & Jan van Ours & Henry van der Wiel, (2007), How (not) to measure competition

Roeger,W. (1995), Can imperfect competition explain the difference between primal and dual

productivity measures? Estimate for U.S. manufacturing. Journal of Political Economy, 103,




1. Introduction
(Include: 为什么关注此问题、Us learning something we don’t already know(就是指我在那些地方


2. Related literature
2.1 Theoretical Analysis for import competition theory
2.2 Competition effect on importation and labor productivity
3. The econometric model (methodology)
4. Data and variable
5.1 Data sources and sample selection
5.2 Variable selection
5. Empirical analysis and results
5.1Analysis of the factors in the model
5.1.1 The Solow residual form of the labor productivity
5.2 The influence of import competition effect to labour productivity
5.2.1 OLS (maybe or other)
6. Conclusions and recommendations
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Recommendations




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