presentation report格式 case study Summary范文 PEST分析法 literature review Research Proposal Reference格式


论文价格: 免费 时间:2016-03-18 08:55:41 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
。In these parts, the textbook provides two approaches to analysis qualitative data-generic and specific, namely inductive procedure. Before started reading, the wikipeida defines it as: generalizations of conventional data, which is an approach to solve some shortcomings of conventional data models. Inductive way is based on observation or strong evidence to draw the conclusion, which is as opponent of deductive reasoning. So based on what I’ve checked online, shall I guess generic and specific are just two opponent ways of analyzing data, and what is the difference between generic approaches and deductive reasoning? 
第13.6章首先介绍了维度,这有助于比较不同的定性分析程序。在下面的段落中,它概述了通用的方法,主要是5点。首先,分类数据,这涉及到重新整理原始数据分组和命名的数据,而如何组和名称的数据是基于研究的问题和目标。其次,虽然最初,我们单独的数据,然后我们单位的数据,以减少和安排的数据转换成一个可以理解的形式。在下面的部分中,它给出了一个层次结构的组织冗余的例子。第三,认识到关系和发展范畴。这个过程主要是在分析数据,以寻找在中间的关系。第四,一旦关系公布,它需要进一步测试。这就像测试一个假设,但不一样。最后,结果将被报告。验证结果可能是上下文描述或分析结果,自己的话Chapter 13.6 firstly introduced Dimensions, which helps to compare different qualitative analysis procedure. In the paragraphs following, it outlined generic approach by mainly 5 points. First, categorizing data, this involves in rearranging original data by grouping and naming the data, while how to group and name the data is based on research question and objectives. Second, although initially, we separate data, then we unit the data in order to reduce and arrange the data into an understandable form. In the part following, it gives a hierarchy category example on organization redundancy. Third, recognizing relationships and developing categories. This process mainly engages in analyzing data so as to search relationships in between. Fourth, as soon as relationships unveiled, it needs to be further tested. This is like testing a hypothesis, but not the same. Finally, the result is going to be reported. The verified results possibly could be contextual description or analytical findings by own words. 
Chapter 13.7 discussed specific approaches-inductive procedures by mainly 5 ways. Firstly, grounded theory method-a systematic methodology, unlike providing a hypothesis in the first place, this method collects and analyzes data first and widely used in social science as well. Ground theory (short for GT) developed into 2 main edition: Strauss and Carbin (1988) and Charmaz (2006). But both versions involve in choosing initial sample. In Charmaz version (which is believed a more flexible approach), there are mainly 2 stages-initial coding and focused coding; in Strauss and Carbin’s version, there are 3 stages to go-open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. However, both of the 2 versions of the ground theory is time-consuming, and even with little significance emerged in the end. Then, the textbook gives template analysis, which is a combination of deductive and inductive approach. Finally, we come to analytic induction, this is an inductive version of reasoning, and is composed of repeated steps to find a valid explanation. The last 2 parts are kind of hard for me.   

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