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University College of Birmingham伯明翰大学酒店管理学:怎么做问卷调查指导

论文价格: 免费 时间:2015-09-05 14:33:15 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网


The first section of the questionnaire will ask the respondent for their general information. They will need to indicate their gender, age, education level, occupation, salary, hometown and marital status. The final result will be calculated under each group that mentioned above, it is used to reveal any correlation or noticeable differences between the factors and the end result.第一部分的调查问卷会要求受访者对他们的一般信息。他们需要表明自己的性别,年龄,教育程度,职业,工资,家乡和婚姻状况。最终的结果将根据上述每个组进行计算,它是用来发现任何相关性或因素之间的怎么做问卷调查显着差别,并且最终结果。

The second part of the questionnaire has been designed specifically for the main purpose of this research topic that is directly related to the use of budget hotels. The research is designed to find out the true motivator for their stay or not stay at budget hotel. The respondents will be asked questions related to their job nature, the motivator of choosing different star standard hotels, understandings of budget hotels and their past experiences with budget hotels. The most important part of this section is to find out the respondents intention of travelling and their options of choosing hotels under the circumstances of large event (for example Shanghai World Expo 2010) have taken place and the current financial environment. The intention of researcher is using such data to analyse and forecast the influence factors that may affect others’ decisions of travelling potentially.调查问卷的第二部分已经专门为这个研究课题的主要目的,是直接关系到使用的经济型酒店。这项研究的目的是找出真实动机为他们的逗留或没有入住的经济型酒店。的受访者会被询问他们的工作性质,选择不同的星级标准酒店,经济型酒店的理解和过去的经验,经济型酒店的激励。本节最重要的部分是要找出旅游的受访者打算和他们的选择,选择酒店的大事件的情况下(例如2010年上海世博会)的地方,当前的金融环境。研究目的使用这些数据来分析和预测的影响因素,可能会影响他人的决定潜在的旅游。

The last section involves those who have stayed in a budget hotel, rankings of the quality of services and facilities, based on Likert scale rating from very satisfied to very dissatisfied, that is from 5 to 1. The initial intention of this section is to find out the ordinary people’s opinion on budget hotels and it should reflect a general view of the quality of services and facilities that current budget hotels offer. After the questionnaire is completed, each item may be analyzed separately or in some cases item responses may be summed to create a score for a group of items. Hence, Likert scales are often called summative scales. The score should reflect the current performance of the industry.最后一节,包括那些谁住在一家经济型酒店的服务和设施的质量,排名,根据李克特量表评价非常满意或非常不满意,这是从5到1。本节的初衷是要找出老百姓的意见,经济型酒店,它应该反映普遍认为,目前经济型酒店提供的服务和设施的质量。问卷完成后,每个可单独分析资料,或在某些情况下,资料反应可能被相加,以创建一组项目的得分为。因此,,李克特量表通常被称为总结性尺度。得分应反映当前的行业表现。

Finalizing the above answers, the final result should show three important indicators. First of all, it should indicate the attractiveness of Shanghai World Expo and its potential to attract tourists after the Expo ends. Secondly, find out if there was any pattern for people who prefer travelling and choose budget hotels through analyzing respondents’ personal information. Lastly, the score shall reflect the areas that need to be improved or avoid by evaluating the customers given grade.最终确定的答案,最终的结果应该显示三个重要指标。首先,它应说明上海世博会的吸引力和它的潜力,以吸引游客,世博会结束后。其次,如果发现有任何的人谁喜欢旅游,通过分析受访者的个人信息,并选择经济型酒店的格局。最后,分数反映的领域,需要改善或避免通过评估的客户级。

The questionnaires must kept simple and straight forward; questions should flow from the least sensitive to the most sensitive, from the factual and behavioral to the attitudinal and from general to specific. The questions should not offend any respondent and confidential is crucial, and all questions must stick to the research topic, and each question should have their value. A pilot test was adopted within the range of the author’s colleges, friends and family. The wordings and description within the text should be smooth and attractive. Using the responds of the pilot test has helped the author to come up with a final version of the questionnaire by avoiding the areas that may cause confusing and misunderstanding, to ensure maximum validity and reliability. The questionnaires have been handed out on the First of May, the first public open day of the Shanghai World Expo 2010.问卷必须保持简单和直接的问题应该从最敏感的流向最敏感的,从事实和行为的态度,从一般到特殊。问题应该不会得罪任何答辩和保密是非常重要的,所有问题必须坚持的研究课题,和每一个问题应该有自己的价值。作者的大学,朋友和家人的范围内,通过一次试验。在文本的措辞和描述应该是光滑和有吸引力的。使用响应试点测试已帮助笔者拿出最终版本的调查问卷避免,可能会导致混淆和误解,以确保最大的有效性和可靠性。五月的第一天,2010年上海世博会首个公众开放日的问卷已转交。


Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009) have pointed out that interviews allow a high response rate, enable question clarification and the elaboration of data through the minimization of unclear answers. Kvale (1996) believed that interview seeks to describe and the meanings of central themes in the life world of the subjects. The main task in interviewing is to understand the meaning of what the interviewees say. In this project, the interviews will be conducted after the questionnaires, with those who are available for deeper conversations. It is scheduled after the questionnaires section is because the questionnaires can offer some valuable feedbacks from the respondents which will set up an easier, convenience interview in depth with some understandings between the researcher and respondent already.桑德斯,刘易斯和桑希尔(2009)指出,采访一个高响应速度,使问题澄清和制定的数据,通过最大限度地减少不明确的答案。 Kvale(1996)认为,采访中试图描述和中心主题,在生活世界的主题的含义。采访中的主要任务是什么样的受访者说,明白它的意思。在这个项目中,面试将进行问卷后,可进行更深入的对话。它被安排在问卷部分是因为问卷的受访者将成立一个更简单,方便进行深度访谈,一些研究者与答辩人的理解,已经可以提供一些宝贵意见。

Interview offers more flexibility for the researcher to search deeper as there are questions in the questionnaire that may be particularly important for the project. Extending the quantitative questions to a qualitative style of answers provides valuable feedbacks and moreover, there are chances of receiving unexpected information there can be vital to the research. It gives the respondents an opportunity to express their full view on the budget hotel topic and travelling during financial difficult times. 面试的研究员搜索更深,因为有问题的问卷调查,可能是特别重要的项目提供了更多的灵活性。扩展的定量问题的答案了质的风格提供了宝贵的反馈,而且,有机会收到意想不到的信息可能有重要的研究。它给人的受访者在财务困难时期,有机会充分表达自己的观点的经济型酒店,主题和旅游。


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