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Proposal格式范文:Effect of Rewards on Employee Motivation

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Proposal格式范文- 奖励对员工激励的影响。本文是一篇留学生论文Proposal写作范文,主要内容是借用德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔提出的“激励是让人们做你想做的事情的艺术,因为他们想做。”这句话分析奖励对员工激励的影响。Proposal在提出正式的研究问题之前打了个比方:就像一个孩子在班上第一名时被送上一块巧克力,或者因为做了一些好事(比如帮助某人或在玩耍后打扫场地)而被拥抱一样,无论是金钱还是非金钱的奖励都可以成为激励员工的重要工具,也是提高员工绩效的积极一步,也可以鼓舞士气。Jack Zigon将奖励定义为“增加员工行为频率的东西”。我们中的大多数人都没有完全完成任务,这是一个普遍的观察结果,不是因为任务很难,而是因为执行任务的兴趣或动机很低。欲望或动机是执行活动所必需的。Kleingina和Kleingina将动机定义为“激活行为并给予其方向的内部状态或条件;激励和引导目标导向行为的欲望或愿望;需求和愿望对行为强度和方向的影响。”作者通过这篇Proposal提出了自己的研究问题和方法。下面就一起来看一下Proposal范文的具体内容。


Introduction 引言

“Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.”

–Dwight D. Eisenhower

Like a little kid being given a chocolate on standing first in his class or a big hug for doing something good like helping someone, or cleaning the place after playing, rewards whether monetary or non-monetary can be significant tools for the motivation of employee and a positive step towards the improvement of his performance an boosting his morale. Jack Zigon (1998) defines rewards as “something than increases the frequency of an employee action”.

It’s a common observation that most of us don’t perform our tasks completely, not because they are difficult but because of low interest or motivation to perform that task. The desire or motivation is necessary for the performance of an activity. Kleinginna and Kleinginna (1981a) defines motivation as, “internal state or condition that activates behavior and gives it direction; desire or want that energizes and directs goal-oriented behavior; influence of needs and desires on the intensity and direction of behavior.”

Background 背景

Gatlin, Rebecca (1997), says that a good and attractive reward program is necessary the employees in order to motivated them otherwise the unmotivated employees will not perform their tasks properly and will ultimately affect the company in a negative way i.e. decrease in profitability. Organization’s performance is dependent on the employees who work for it, so in order to get the better and quality output, rewards contribute a lot in this part, so it is essential for organization’s managers to make effective and attractive reward programs to motivate their employees, Deeprose (1994).


Gregory P. Smith, author of book ‘Dynamic Ways to Reward, Energize & Motivate Your Teams’, states in his book that rewarding and recognizing the work of the employees makes them happy, provide them job security and they contribute more towards the organization.


Edward E. Lawler III (2003), “With the right combination of reward system practices, people will be motivated to excel, and those who do excel will be motivated to stay because they will be highly rewarded. This is the foundation of the virtuous spiral, in which both sides win and create success for each other”.


In Pakistan human resource departments are seen only in those organizations where technology is rigorously applicable or which are highly knowledge organizations. The telecommunication sector of Pakistan has shown tremendous growth in recent years and its all because of using up to date technology and the adoption of competitive and innovative human resource practices. Becker and Huselid (1998) supports that for having the competitive advantage for any business Human resource is basic source to get it.


The organizations in the telecommunication sector of Pakistan are the structures that provide their services supported by the human resources. The most important factor in the delivery of the best quality service is the motivation of the employees; on the individual level as well as on the group level. In today’s world of competition to deliver best service in order to satisfy customers it has become very difficult; in fact organizations take it as a challenge to motivate employees in order to get best output from them. The telecommunication sector of Pakistan plays a powerful role in its economy. Excellent professional services delivered by the employees of the telecom sector of Pakistan can create a positive and everlasting image in the eyes of their customers.


Several studies show that rewards have a huge impact on the job satisfaction and motivation of the employees. Beer (1984) says that for top management it is the top most responsibility to develop a strong positive relationship between the organization and its employees in order to carry out the continuous needs of both i.e. organizations and employees. Organizations want their employees to follow the organization’s rules and regulations i.e. work according to the standards that are being set for them, and as a result of it employees want from the organization good working environment, good salary, good behavior, job security, delegation of authority. For organizations understanding to deal with these expectations of employees is required.


Nel (2001), argues that those employees that are motivated and are fully aware of the organizations goals, that provide the organizations benefit, will divert their all hard work and devotion towards those goals.


According to Flynn (1998), that these days organizations understand the great gains derived by linking rewards whether monetary or non monetary to their business strategy. The telecommunication sector of Pakistan is offering several benefits and rewards to its employees; so that employees feel motivated and remain satisfied with their jobs and improve their performance in order to achieve organizational goals.


Objectives 目标

The basic objective for carrying out this research proposal is to measure the impact of rewards in the most fast growing sector of Pakistan i.e. Telecommunication sector Pakistan on the motivation of its employees.


Significance 意义

The significance for carrying out this research Proposal is that whether the employees in the telecommunication sector of Pakistan are satisfied with their organizational reward system or not. And which reward type they appreciate the most whether the monetary rewards or the non monetary rewards.


Review of Literature 文献综述

Rewards 奖励

Jack Zigon (1998) defines rewards as “something than increases the frequency of an employee action”.

Jack Zigon将奖励定义为“增加员工行为频率的东西”。

In order to treating the employees of the organization right, rewarding them properly is one of the important components. Organization which is growing healthier provides its employees the opportunity to grow and prosper. In today’s highly business competitive environment win-win relationship is important that forms the right treatment of employees by the organizations. Strategy of rewarding employees when performance is not good cannot prevail for long, hence rewarding for good performance encourages employees to continue their performance and improve their skills and knowledge day by day to contribute positively towards organization, Edward E. Lawler III (2003).


ACCEL team development says that for improved and better output from the employees rewards act as ‘catalyst’. Rewards are part of the organization and management should pay especial attention towards them; rewards should be quick, significant, related to performance, compatible with job measurement and irrevocable. Rewards should be given fairly, if there is some factor of unrealistic distribution of rewards like giving promotion of the favoritism basis, it will have a negative impact on the motivation of the rest of the employees.


Searle, John G. (1990), getting the satisfaction of the employees over the rewards that are being offered to them id a difficult task, organization has to learn to manage those things which creates feeling of dissatisfaction among employees; Employee’s satisfaction towards reward in comparison of what he expected and how much he received secondly is comparing his rewards with other people of same jobs in the organization, overestimating his own performance as compare to his colleagues. So rewards should be designed in full justice by the management of what they are taking from employee and what they are giving to him for his input, and they should be fully defined to the employees so that there may not remain any chance of misconception. This plays important role in creating feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.


Cameron & Pierce (1977), states that every business use rewards like salary, promotion, and other types of bonuses to encourage employees towards high level of performances.


Types of Rewards 奖励类型

According to Syedain (1995), there are two schools of thought for rewards at the workplace, one is to say THANK YOU in any way, verbal, non-verbal, via certificate etc other is to give a concrete rewards that create an impact.


There are two types of rewards monetary rewards and non-monetary rewards. Employee reward programs design requires a balance between monetary rewards and non-monetary rewards to provide incentives and benefits to the employees.


Monetary rewards 货币奖励

Marcia Moore, M.S.S.W.(2010), says that monetary rewards are those rewards that are being given by the organization in the form of cash, or through cheque or some other way of financial transaction for achieving the sales goals, providing best quality, providing outstanding performance in a difficult situation or delivering a project report in the best way.

Marcia Moore,M.S.S.W.表示,货币奖励是指组织为实现销售目标、提供最佳质量、在困难情况下提供出色表现或以最佳方式提交项目报告而以现金、支票或其他金融交易形式给予的奖励。

Gratton (2004), states that “motivation is determined by both monetary and non-monetary factors, money has come to play an overly important role in our thinking about the causes of behavior. In most companies very limited time and effort are spent on considering non-monetary sources of motivation.”


Money is an important factor in motivating people as we live in a money motivated world. According to Peter Drucker (1974), ” there is not one shred of evidence for the allege turning away from material rewards. Antimaterialism is a myth, no matter how much it is extolled.” Monetary rewards have so much importance that if no proper attention is paid to them or ignoring them will act as demotivator. He further says, “Economic incentives are becoming rights rather than rewards.”


ACCEL team development argues that monetary rewards cannot be remunerated by the non-monetary rewards (human relations). Famous companies like Microsoft, IBM are to some level a result of monetary motivation. Financially rewarding employees’ increases their motivation levels, which results in increase in the output, creating more profits and those profits should be circulated back to the employees who are actually responsible for it.


Non-Monetary Rewards 非货币奖励

Marcia Moore, M.S.S.W., (2010), non-monetary awards includes certificate, a word of thanks from supervisor or manager, flexible schedules, a day off, acknowledgment of birthdays, and free lunches or dinners to celebrate team work success.


Pfeffer (1998), “People do work for money – but they work even more for meaning in their lives… Companies that ignore this fact are essentially bribing their employees and will pay the price in a lack of loyalty and commitment”.


Sherry Ryan (Training Specialist, Weyerhaeuser Company), says that non-monetary rewards play important role in improving employee performance. Using proper attractive and communicative method of non-monetary rewards leaves a positive impact on the employees and improves employees’ performances in different dimensions. Such types of awards are inexpensive to give to employees but worth a lot when employees receive them.

Sherry Ryan(Weyerhaeuser公司培训专家)表示,非货币奖励在提高员工绩效方面发挥着重要作用。使用适当的吸引人和沟通的非金钱奖励方法对员工产生积极影响,并提高员工在不同方面的绩效。这种类型的奖励给员工很便宜,但当员工收到奖励时,价值很高。

Bob Nelson (2004), saying thank you to your employees or appreciating their performances when something good is done, is extremely important factor that should be recognized by the managers. According to him 78% employees said that they feel more motivated and happy when their manager appreciates them.


According to research conducted by, Allen and Helms’ (2002), expressions of appreciation and praise by the managers give employees encouragement. American Society for Training and Development’s (ASTD) research proves that non-monetary awards work as an important factor for keeping hold of top performing employees.


Motivation 动机

Motivation is derived from a Latin word, ‘movere’, which means to move.


The author of book ‘Motivation, beliefs, and organizational transformation’ (1999), Dr. Green and Butkus (1999), says that motivation is derived from a word “motivate”, which means to move, push or persuade to act for satisfying a need. Further motivation can be explained as acting of such forces within a person that cause a stimulation of effort, direction and goal direction.


‘Motivation’ is the total involvement of a person in his tasks to carry out with dedication, devotion, happiness, excitements, and voluntarily, Mol (1992).


Theories on Motivation 动机理论

There are two classes of theory of motivation;动机理论有两类

Content Theories: Content also called as need theories of motivation basically emphasis on internal factors of an individual that strengthen and gives the direction to the behavior.


Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs:马斯洛的需求层次

Abraham Maslow (1943, 1954), unsatisfied needs creates demotivation, there are following needs that must be satisfied, these are called as ‘deficiency needs’. As these needs are fulfilled the person is satisfied and move towards growth and self actualization.


Physiological needs: These are the basic needs for example food, water, air, and all other things that are necessary for the survival. In order to enhance workplace motivation by achieving the target of fulfilling the needs of employee give proper breaks for lunch, and offer such salary to employees that enable them to buy basic needs of life. Provide ample breaks for lunch and recuperation and pay salaries that allow workers to buy life’s essentials.


Security needs: it includes security regarding the physical environment, living in a safe area, medical insurance, job security. These needs can simply be fulfilled by giving all these securities to employees.


Belongingness needs: it includes friendship’s trust and satisfaction, feeling right in a group, giving and receiving care and love. It can be achieved by generating a feeling of acceptance.


Esteem needs: It includes recognition, attention, social status, accomplishment, self-respect. It can be achieved by recognizing the achievements of the employee, by assigning them some projects, make them feel important and valued asset for organization.


Self-actualization needs: it includes one’s own potential, creative capabilities etc, it can be achieved by offering challenging and meaningful work assignments which enable innovation, creativity, and progress according to long-term goals.


Alderfer’s ERG Theory:Alderfer的ERG理论

The Alderfer’s ERG theory (1969), is an extension of Maslow’s theory of needs. He suggested that needs can be divided into three components; existence (similar to physiological needs and security needs), relatedness (similar to belongingness needs and esteem needs) and growth (similar to self-actualization).


It differs from Maslow hierarchy of needs theory in a way that according to Alderfers it may happen that more than one need may be motivated at the same time, lower motivators is not necessary to be  significantly fulfilled before moving towards higher motivators, the order of needs may differ from person to person, there is a ‘frustration- regression principle’ and according to it if high order need is frustrated a person may regress to increase the satisfaction of a lower need which appears easier to satisfy.


Frederick Herzberg’s Motivator hygiene theory:弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格的动机卫生理论

Herzberg’s motivator hygiene theory (1959), is closely related to Maslow’s theory but it is more closely related to how to motivate individuals at their workplace. According to him individuals are influenced by two sets of factors;


Hygiene factors: These are said to be lower level of needs by Herzberg.卫生因素:赫茨伯格认为,这些因素的需求水平较低。

Motivator factors: These are said to high level of needs by Herzberg.动机因素:Herzberg认为这些是高水平的需求。

According to him meeting hygiene factors will not motivate individuals to put their effort or to improve their performance, it will just help them from being getting dissatisfied, but if motivator factors will be combined with this it will help individuals to motivate.


McClelland’s Learned needs theory: acquire 麦克莱伦的学习需求理论:获取

McClelland’s theory states that individuals learn needs from their culture and life experiences. There are three basic needs of an individual;


Need for affiliation (n Aff): It is the need of establishing social relationships with the people, communities, getting accepted by them.归属的需求:这是与人们、社区建立社会关系,并被他们接受的需要。

Need for power (n Pow): It is divided in two parts, desire to control one’s environment and second to influence others.权力需求:它分为两部分,一部分是控制自己的环境,另一部分是影响他人。

Need for achievement (n Ach): It involves the aspiration to take accountability, set challenging goals and get feedback of their performance.成就需求:这涉及到承担责任、设定挑战性目标并获得绩效反馈的愿望。

McClelland states that a person has full strong capability in any one of the above categories, thus it has prospective to motivated people that leads to satisfaction. Management should understand these needs of the individuals and then structure their jobs to satisfy them. Those who have high n Aff such people perform well in customer service jobs or where customer interaction is involved. Those who have high n Pow management should provide them the opportunity to manage others. Those who have high n Ach such people should be given challenging but achievable goals.

麦克莱兰表示,一个人在上述任何一个方面都有很强的能力,因此,他有可能成为有上进心的人,从而获得满足感。管理层应该了解个人的这些需求,然后组织他们的工作以满足他们。那些拥有高n Aff的人在客户服务工作或涉及客户互动方面表现出色。那些拥有高级管理能力的人应该为他们提供管理他人的机会。那些拥有高成就感的人应该被赋予具有挑战性但可实现的目标。

Process Theories: These theories of motivation focus on known human decision behaviors for the explanation if motivation. These theories determine that how an individual’s behavior can be energized, maintained in willed and self directed cognitive process.


Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory:期望理论

Victor Vroom (1964), theory is based on three beliefs;理论基于三个看法

Valence: is the extend of the expected outcomes of an individual are attractive or unattractive.价值:一个人的预期结果是有吸引力还是没有吸引力。

Expectancy: is the extend to which employees believe that they are giving enough effort that they will achieve the target of given level of performance.期望:员工认为他们付出了足够的努力,能够达到既定绩效水平的目标。

Instrumentality: is the level to which employees believe that achieving a given performance level result in the form of certain reward.工具性:员工认为达到给定绩效水平会产生一定奖励的程度。

Motivation = Valence x Expectancy (Instrumentality) 动机=价值x期望(工具性)

If even one of these is zero the employee will have not motivation for the task, so managers ensure increase in effort will improve performance and improved performance will result in high rewards.


The theory says employees have different goals to achieve and can be motivated if they believe that; there exists a positive correlation between efforts and performance, good performance will result in a reward, and this reward will satisfy an important need, and the wish for satisfying that need is powerful enough to make effort valuable.


Equity Theory:公平理论

Equity theory was first time developed by John Stacey Adams in 1963. Individuals in the society make comparison of their efforts (inputs) and rewards (outputs) that they get. The fairness regarding the rewards influences the level of motivation of individuals a lot. Equity exists when individuals identify that the ratio between there efforts and rewards is similar to whom they are comparing.


Individual’s Rewards (output) / Individual’s Efforts (Input) = Other person’s Rewards (output) / Other person’s Efforts (Input)


Similarly inequity occurs when there is difference in ratio in comparison to others. Inequity has two types;


Under-Reward: this type occurs when an individual starts believing that he is putting more efforts as compare to others, but receiving the same rewards that others are getting for relatively less effort.奖励不足:当一个人开始相信自己比其他人付出了更多的努力,但却得到了与其他人付出相对较少的努力相同的奖励时,就会出现这种情况。

Over-Reward: this type occurs when an individual starts believing that his equity ratio is higher other individuals. Thus getting more rewards by putting less efforts.过度奖励:当一个人开始相信自己的股权比例高于其他人时,就会出现这种情况。因此,付出更少的努力就能获得更多的回报。

Under-Rewarded individual may get motivate to do more work to meet his performance level while on the other hand he may get dis-hearted from this. Over-Reward individual start putting less efforts as he may assume that he is getting much more rewards from little effort. For managers equity theory states that rewards should be fair to all employees.


Gary Latham and Edwin Locke’s goal setting theory:加里·拉瑟姆和埃德温·洛克的目标设定理论

E. Locke and G. Latham (1990), states that goals are important factors in affecting the behaviors and motivation levels of employees. Motivated behavior of employees can be achieved by setting challenging goals for them that usually involve the quantitative targets. Such goals of performance are more good than those in which you just say, ‘you did a great job, well done’. Researches have shown that challenging goals are more motivational than any other goals that are easily achievable. The more the dedicated is employee the more he will put his effort to achieve those goals. Researchers show that individuals that perform in goal setting have increases goal commitment. If an individual has high self-efficiency he will respond more positively to achieve goals rather than those who are low-efficient.

E、 Locke和G.Latham指出,目标是影响员工行为和激励水平的重要因素。员工的激励行为可以通过为他们设定具有挑战性的目标来实现,这些目标通常涉及定量目标。这样的绩效目标比你只说“你做得很好,干得很好”的目标要好。研究表明,挑战性目标比其他容易实现的目标更具激励性。员工越是敬业,就越会努力实现这些目标。研究人员表明,在目标设定方面表现出色的个人会增加目标承诺。如果一个人有很高的自我效率,他会比那些效率低下的人更积极地实现目标。

B.F. Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory:B、 F.斯金纳强化理论

In Reinforcement theory B.F. Skinner (1957), considered a motivation theory along with learning theory. The theory state that motivated behavior is the outcome of reinforces which are actually the resultants from the behavior that cause it more likely to occur again. It further says that it is essential to measure the consequences of behavior rather than to understand cognitive or processes motivation. Such behavior that was previously rewarded will be continued in future as well from an individual rather than that behavior which was not rewarded or for which he was being punished. The theory suggests to managers that they can handle the behavior modifications by reinforce desired behaviors and punish undesired behaviors.


Need for motivation 需要激励

The satisfaction or the dissatisfaction levels of an employee are directly proportional to his good or bad performance. Employee dissatisfaction may lead to poor performance. Petcharak (2004), it is the responsibility of the human resource management of the organization that employee may not dissatisfy from his job, so HR management should take steps to motivate employees otherwise employees will not perform up to expected standards of the organization. Cheng (1995), says that it is one of the larges test challenge for service providing organizations to motivate their employees in order to satisfy their customers. The HR department’s major task is to develop strategies to motivate its employees.


Human capital rather than financial capital plays a significant role in meeting the goals of the organization. It is the responsibility of the top executives to motivate the employees of the organization. Human capital is the basic source of competitive advandage for any service providing organization these days. Organizations which actually pay attention towards the motivation of its employees assures its success, Dale Carnige (1985). This shows that employees who are motivated are best for the organizations to attain its goals, it is the duty of managers and supervisors to motivate them, Roberts (2005).

人力资本而非金融资本在实现组织目标方面发挥着重要作用。激励组织的员工是高层管理人员的责任。如今,人力资本是任何服务提供组织竞争优势的基本来源。Dale Carnige指出,真正关注员工动机的组织确保了其成功。Roberts表示,这表明,积极的员工最有利于组织实现目标,管理者和主管有责任激励他们。

According to La Motta (1995), motivational arousal causes an employee’s interest to complete its project, achieve all those goals that are being set for him. Different people are motivated by different ways, one thing that is creating motivation to one person might not create to other, because there is difference in motivation levels of every individual.

根据La Motta的说法,激励激发会激发员工完成项目的兴趣,实现为他设定的所有目标。不同的人受到不同的激励方式,一件事是给一个人创造激励,但可能不会给另一个人创造,因为每个人的激励水平都不同。

Baron (1983), agrees with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, that there are some natural factors of motivation that if provided to an individual will motivate him like security needs, esteem needs and self actualization needs.


Importance of Rewards and Motivation 奖励和激励的重要性

Searle, John G. (1990), rewards are basically to motivate the behaviors of employees towards their work. Rewards should be given as a result to effective performance. Following are some conditions that are necessary for the creation of motivation among employees;


Employees must have faith that their effective performance will surely be appreciated and rewarded.员工必须相信他们的有效表现一定会得到赞赏和奖励。

The rewards that will be being offered by management are attractive.管理层将提供的奖励很有吸引力。

The believe of employees that their effort is really contributing worthwhile to attain the organization’s goals.员工认为,他们的努力对实现组织目标确实有价值。

Organizations must pay attention towards the Monetary as well as Non-Monetary rewards, because the balanced combination of both creates motivation. An individual’s goals and organization’s goals are independent goals that are linked by the work motivation. Individuals provide their services to organizations to attain organization’s goals in order to meet their personal goals. So, we can say that an individual’s goals are directly proportional to the organizational goals.


Robert (2005), while studying the Baron’s work (1983) reports that motivation not only can influence the performance but the performance can also be influenced by rewards, i.e. direct rewards to true performance. ‘Total reward system’ is the system in which salaries and other rewards are given to the employees on the basis of their performance. Therefore, ‘total reward system’ is one of the important element, Wilson (1994).


Mosley, Megginson, Pietri (2001), reports that the there are three levels of employee motivation;报告称,员工激励有三个层次

Behavior: the direction of those behaviors of an employee that he selects to perform.行为:员工选择执行的行为方向。

Effort: the level of willingness of an employee to put their effort on their work.努力程度:员工将努力投入工作的意愿程度。

Persistence: the level of willingness to work regardless of difficult situations.坚持:无论遇到什么困难,都愿意工作的程度。

In Pakistan telecommunication sector is facing big changes for last few years, not only their customers are increasing but also the services are increasing. They reported from a research conducted by them that employees in telecommunication sector give more importance to pay and promotion than training, and pay and promotion gives a positive impact on their job satisfaction and motivation, . Kashif u Rehman et al., (2007).

在巴基斯坦,电信行业在过去几年里面临着巨大的变化,不仅客户在增加,服务也在增加。他们从他们进行的一项研究中报告,电信部门的员工更重视薪酬和晋升,而不是培训,薪酬和晋升对他们的工作满意度和积极性有积极影响。Kashif u Rehman等人。

Theoretical Framework 理论框架

Problem Statement 问题陈述

Hypothesis # 1:假设1:

There is a positive relationship between rewards and motivation in the employees of Telecommunication sector of Pakistan.


Explanation: 说明

Rewards are things that boost some one’s morale to do something; it is observed in our daily life that whenever an individual or a team is being given reward for their good work the motivation of the employee increases to do more good work in order to get more rewards.


Hypothesis # 2:假设2:

Monetary rewards cause more employee motivation than the non-monetary rewards in the telecommunication sector of Pakistan.



Reward in the form of money attracts people more rather than any other reward in form of just appreciation or a certificated. This hypothesis will test that whether it is true or not in the telecom sector of Pakistan.


Hypothesis # 3:假设3:

There are significant differences in effects of biological variables on employee work motivation in the telecom sector of Pakistan.



This research Proposal hypothesis will find answers to such questions as;这一研究假设将为以下问题找到答案

Who were more motivated male or female?男性和女性谁更有动力?

Which age group people were more motivated?哪个年龄组的人更有动力?

Who were more motivated new or old employees?新员工和老员工谁更有动力?

Married people had more motivation towards work or unmarried?已婚的人更有动力工作还是未婚?

Sales people are more motivated as compare to rest of the people at different designations?和其他不同职位的人相比,销售人员更有动力?

Research Methodology 研究方法论

Tool for data collection 数据收集工具

The tool for data collection for this research Proposal is survey. And for the purpose of doing surveys mail questionnaire is designed. This method of data collection is chosen because it has geographical flexibility, easy sample accessibility, saves time, and cost, anonymity and respondent convenience to reply.


Design of Questionnaire 问卷设计

The research Proposal questionnaire consists of three parts;研究问卷由三部分组成

Part I: It consists of personal information of the subject, such as gender, age, designation, working experience, marital status and education.


Part II: It is designed for the collection of data about the independent variable i.e. Rewards (Monetary Rewards/Non- Monetary Rewards).


Part III: It is designed for the collection of data about the dependent variable i.e. employee motivation.


Units of observation 观测单位

The units of observation are the employees of different companies of telecom sector of Pakistan;观察单位是巴基斯坦电信部门不同公司的员工

The sample includes all categories of employees.样本包括所有类别的员工。

Sample Size 样本大小

The sample size for data collection is 1000.数据收集的样本大小为1000。

Time Dimension 时间维度

This study is a cross sectional study.本研究是一项横断面研究。

Scale / Scoring of questionnaire 问卷量表/评分

Te Likert scale is used for the collection of data. Likert scale is basically a 5-point scale which consists from 5 to 1.

Te Likert量表用于数据收集。Likert量表基本上是5分制,由5到1组成。

For positive statements scoring is;对于正面陈述,得分为:

Strongly Agree = 5

Agree = 4

Neutral = 3

Disagree = 2

Strongly Disagree = 1

For positive statements scoring is;对于正面陈述,得分为:

Strongly Agree = 1

Agree = 2

Neutral = 3

Disagree = 4

Strongly Disagree = 5

Procedure 程序

Questionnaire will be spread out among the employees of telecommunication sector of Pakistan via mail questionnaire in their workplace. Instructions and grantee of confidentiality of the personal information will be ensured.


Data analysis 数据分析

For the descriptive analysis SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 16 or simply Microsoft Excel 2010 will be used.

描述性分析将使用SPSS(社会科学统计软件包)版本16或简单的Microsoft Excel 2010。

For finding out the correlation between the Rewards (independent variable) and employee motivation (dependent variable) Pearson Correlation Coefficient will be used.


For finding out the correlation between the Financial Rewards and employee motivation; and Non-Financial Rewards and employee motivation Pearson Correlation Coefficient will be used.


For the analysis of the differences in employees work motivation based on the personal characteristics (biographical) ANOVA will be used which is used to measure the significant differences between the variances.


Expected Results 预期结果

The various researches that have been carried out in various sector in different countries of the world reports that rewards have a positive impact on employee motivation.


In 1997, Carolyn Wiley compared the result of previously held four surveys that were conducted on motivation of employees in year 1946, year 1980, year 1986 and year 1992.


The survey that was conducted in 1992 resulted that in today’s world employees are motivated by monetary rewards. Employees chosen ‘salary’ as the top most motivating element. The research said that salary is a monetary reward with a natural influence.


Limitations 局限性

Low response rate 低响应率

Low completion rate 完成率低

Cannot catch verbal behavior 无法捕捉言语行为

Cannot use lengthy questionnaire 不能使用冗长的问卷



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