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Case Study案例范文:Effects of Globalisation: Case Study of Tesco

论文价格: 免费 时间:2023-08-05 10:54:43 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Case Study案例范文-全球化的影响:以乐购为例。本文是一篇留学生Case Study写作范文,主要内容是讲述全球化是一种进步,通过一个遍布全球的沟通和贸易网络,当地市场、人文学科和信仰已经团结起来。“全球化”一词偶尔被用来明确指代经济全球化。它是通过贸易、外国直接投资、资本流动、移民以及技能和技术的传播,使各国经济融入国际经济。市场全球化是指将各个世界市场合并和统一为一个单一市场的过程。Jurgen在2005年的出版物中认为,这一过程涉及到世界各地一些共同标准、价值、感知、品味和可及性的整合,并使文化慢慢转向使用共同商品或服务。有人强烈认为,全球化不是一种新现象,而是自殖民时代以来就一直存在的。然而,它最近的巧妙使用可以追溯到1983年,当时莱维特发表了他的文章《市场的全球化》。下面就一起来看一下这篇Case Study案例范文的具体内容,一起学习Case Study怎么写。

Case Study怎么写


Globalisation is a progression by which local markets, humanities, and beliefs have become united through a globe-spanning network of communication and trade (Gary, 2001). The term globalisation is occasionally used to refer explicitly to economic globalisation. It is the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of skill and technology. Globalisation of markets refers to the process of incorporating and unification of the individual world markets into a sole market. Jurgen argues in his publication in 2005 that the process engages integration of some common standard, worth, perception, taste and accessibility around the world and slowly enables the cultures to shift towards the use of common merchandise or service. It has been greatly argued that globalisation is not a fresh phenomenon, but rather it has been there since colonial age. However, its recent and tactful use can be dated to 1983, when Levitt published his article “The Globalisation of Markets”. (Kapferer, 2008).

One of the features of globalisation of markets is that the size of the company needs not to be large to create a global market. Even small companies can create a worldwide market. Factors influencing the locality of manufacturing facilities vary from country to country. They may be more favourable in foreign countries rather than in home country because of cheap labour or low taxes in foreign countries, which forces the corporations to establish manufacturing facilities in other countries. It is renovating the ways in which countries interact. State economies become incorporated as the flow of merchandise and goods expands outside the borders. In theoretical simulations, less trade barriers or decrease in transport costs generates increase in trade between consumers in another country and producers in the other. In the current atmosphere, businesses are more able to section their operations internationally, outlining each stage of manufacture in the country where it can be completed at the least cost, and communicating ideas for new merchandises and new ways of manufacturing products around the world.


The digital revolution that has charged up globalisation is alteringhow customersandcorporationsbehave. This revolution is cumulatingcompetition, decreasing prices, creating new simulated companies, allowing individuals to sell goods to each other deprived of a middle man. In the era of new vending, it’s more important than ever that the company shows that they are on the customer’s side and they arehere to make their lives a bit easier, a bit better. That’s the base of the faith companies want to build as they become the model for new business.


In addition, when outsourcing happens between neighbouring nations, such as the Pakistan and China or Mexico and USA, the exchange of production raises the intentions for businesses to produce in areas with comparatively low-cost access to far-off markets. Thus, the location of economic activity inside countries may alter (Hanson, 2001). The diversity of global market is still dominant even after the globalisation of markets and production. These discrepancies require the businesses to formulate diverse policies for each market. The global business firms compete with each other frequently in different national markets including their home markets. This essay will further explain the effect globalisation of markets and production has on an organisation by illustrating it with a case study on TESCO.



TESCO is one of the world’s largest merchant after Wal-Mart. It has followed an aggressive foreign expansion strategy into US, South Korea, Eastern Europe and China. It sources its goods globally and always purchases in great volumes, which helps it to keep costs down of its products. Substantial cost-cuttings are made through handling the supply chain efficiently and effectively. The corporation has introduced a points card which collects data from customers when they use it to buy items. The data is then used to provide discounts and offer savings with the range of products on deals. This builds loyalty and develop promotions that aim for specific customers. Through the use of this technology, TESCO has been successful to create a fair amount of customers for themselves and remains a leader within the UK market. (HSC Online, 2014).


The size of the business can be estimated by the figures provided by (Tesco, 2014) that it’s operating about 6,784 stores worldwide, engaging over 500,000 employees. That makes it the largest food supplier in the world. It also offers online services over its subsidiary, www.tesco.com. The largest company in UK’s market operates below four banners of Metro, Express, Superstore and Extra. The company vends about 40,000 food products, clothing and non-food lines. The company also produces own-label merchandises which are categorised in three levels, normal, value and finest. Apart from these, Tesco also provides several petrol stations, becoming one of Britain’s major independent gasoline retailers.


One of the major retailers in the world, Tesco’s early experiences with globalization was not fruitful. However, later Tesco started restricting its stores and merchandises according to the worldwide markets. It entered South Korea in the year 1999 by starting a combined venture with a deep-rooted native retailer Samsung. The joint venture assisted Tesco attain in-depth understanding of the marketplace and also helped it get the finest store locations (Tesco plc. 2014). Tesco began working in the country under the well-established ‘Home Plus’ banner. Tesco confined its stores according to the likings of the Korean customers and brought in several of its international best practices into the country.

作为世界上主要的零售商之一,乐购早期的全球化经验并不丰富。然而,后来乐购开始根据全球市场限制其商店和商品。它于1999年进入韩国,与根深蒂固的本土零售商三星成立了一家合资企业。该合资企业帮助乐购深入了解市场,并帮助其获得最佳门店位置。乐购开始在国内打着“Home Plus”的旗号开展业务。乐购根据韩国顾客的喜好限制了门店,并将其一些国际最佳做法引入韩国。

Globalisation of markets and production has a great role in making Tesco plc. Britain’s largest retailer, as a major multinational corporation. 65 % of its operating lie outside the UK with 12 international subsidiaries (ibid). During the progression of expansion Tesco has been able to capture and benefit from the innovation which emerged from international subsidiaries. Due to the interconnection of the markets, Tesco’s organizational structures and operating skills have been continuously transformed as it has learned to operate in and adapt to host economies. The firm has transferred knowledge from the UK around its international operations using intra firm networks of telecommunications and face-to-face best practice transmissions. Innovatory practices emerging within the international subsidiaries have also been captured via bottom up processes of organizational learning.


Only thanks to internet, Today, Tesco have been able to include 13 countries in its business empire which give it access to over 3 billion people, which is about 54% of the total world’s population. Because of the advent of technology, the process is so progressive that (Tesco Plc., 2011) claims it would have been the world’s biggest online grocer if they knew it back in the early 1980. That means 13% of all card transactions in the Britain would be on a Tesco credit cards, or there would be more than six millionclub card holders just in South Korea (ibid)


Tesco has been successful in using the concept of outsourcing and cashing the productivity out of it throughout the past years. The Multi-floor store design and operational services were developed in Tesco’s East Asian subsidiaries. Afterwards, being transferred into Britain in the form of “stores on Stilts” designs which first appeared in Altrincham in 2002 (Aim research, 2014). The Low-build-cost stores technique was first developed in Thailand and then was transferred to Europe and used as a benchmark to assess its Central European developments. Food hall merchandising techniques (emulating East Asian “wet markets”) being transferred to and used to enhance “retail theatre” within its Central European hypermarkets (ibid). International production has been so successful that Tesco has extended its applications management outsourcing contract, in a deal worth of £18 million (CIO, 2007).


Philip Clarke in his first speech as the CEO of Tesco Group said “We are in a new era of retailing, creating great opportunities and challenges for every retailer, and putting even more focus on consumer trust” (Tesco plc., 2011). Thus, Tesco have embraced thetechnology,built the team, and fostered talent. And In return the globalised market gave them one of the most successful businesses of our times.

Philip Clarke在担任乐购集团首席执行官的首次演讲中表示:“我们正处于零售业的新时代,为每个零售商创造了巨大的机遇和挑战,并更加关注消费者的信任”(乐购股份有限公司,2011年)。因此,乐购接受了技术,建立了团队,培养了人才。作为回报,全球化的市场使他们成为我们这个时代最成功的企业之一。

Clark proclaimed that by the completion of the year Tesco will double the amount of stores with non-food Click and Gather to 600 (ibid).



Globalisation affects all three levels of manufacture, but in diverse behaviours. Globalisation make available a market for main industries, but demand can occasionally take importance over sustainability, to the disadvantage of long-standing reasonableness. Minor businesses benefit from globalisation because businesses select zones where the market suits them, but this may lead to redundancy for trained employees who reside in countries with a greater standard of living. Globalisation, joined with technology, is a benefit for tertiary trades when corporations can sell services on the international marketplace without repositioning. They are, however, vulnerable to market variations.


Anyhow, Because of the interconnected global market, companies can achieve increased revenue opportunity through global sales. They are able to reach a bigger customer base with better success chances. Through globalisation of production, they can also enjoy reduced production costs by producing in low cost countries such as Apple Inc. is producing most of its products in China. With these businesses investing in developing companies, it also increases income for these countries which creates an overall good environment for economic activities.


Fascinating as it seems, the changed atmosphere causes the traditional norm of running a local businesses to become null and void. Businesses nowadays need to be on a bigger market to gain the competitive advantage above its rival businesses. Global planning might seem fancy and fruitful, but global execution is definitely not an easy task. Extremely talented team is required to sustain a business in such competitive environment. Furthermore, some countries might take global production as exploitation of their workers which can damage a company’s image. Thus, with careful planning and innovation, companies today can be much more successful than they ever was.


HSC Online. (2014). Business studies operations: influences. Charles Sturt University. 

Rugman, A. M. & Hodgetts, R. M. (2000). International business : A strategic management approach. Pearson education Limited: London, UK

Jurgen, O. (2005). Globalization: A Short History. Princeton University Press

Gary, J. Wells, Robert, S., Ray K. (2001). Globalization. New York: Novinka Books

Kapferer, J. N. (2008). The new strategic brand management: Creating and sustaining brand equity long term (Fourth Ed). Kogan Page Limited: United Kingdom

Hanson, G. H. (2001). The globalization of production. 

Tesco Plc. (2011). Philip Clarke’s keynote address to the British Retail Consortium Symposium.

Aim research. (2014). Globalisation of innovation. Advance institute of management research

CIO (May, 2007). Tesco extends outsourcing. 

Case Study范文在最后总结:尽管看起来很吸引人,但这种变化的氛围导致当地企业的传统经营规范变得无效。如今的企业需要在更大的市场上获得超越竞争对手的竞争优势。全球规划可能看起来很花哨,富有成效,但全球执行绝对不是一项容易的任务。在这样的竞争环境中,需要一支才华横溢的团队来维持业务。此外,一些国家可能会将全球生产视为对工人的剥削,这可能会损害公司的形象。因此,通过精心规划和创新,今天的公司可以比以往更加成功。本站提供各国各专业留学生Case Study范文以及Case Study写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。


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