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corporate governance公司治理

论文价格: 免费 时间:2015-09-05 13:16:03 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

corporate governance公司治理

The objective of this project is to enable students to apply their knowledge and skills learned from the programme to enhance their competence in corporate governance and directorship through investigation and analysis for a real problem. Students may choose an individual or a group project. Those who choose a group project are expected to form a group of not more than three students to work together in the project.


Students may benefit from working on the project in a team through improving their interpersonal,leadership, team work, and communication skills. Students may, for some reasons such as confidentiality of their company data, and personal work style and schedule, prefer to work on their own. A supervisor will be assigned to each student to help the student finish the project.
Project Proposal: 20%
Project Report: 60%
Oral Presentation: 20%
Total 100%
For group projects, individual group members’ assessment is based on the assessment on the group as a whole together with other group members’ peer ratings on their participation.
Project Contents:
Students may choose any topics related to corporate governance and directorship. The requirements of the proposal, the report and the oral presentation are outlined in the next section.
Project Guidelines for Students:
Students should note that:
1. The Project is an important element of the MScCGD programme and should be completed according
to the working schedule.
2. Students should:
a. implement the project plan and monitor its development including time control and progress review,
b. report to the project supervisor on the progress of the project at least once a month,
c. present the written proposal, the progress reports and the written report to the supervisor on time, and
d. give an oral presentation on the project.
3. Plagiarism
Originality of the project is important. You may wish to quote a specific idea and argument from other sources; in that case appropriate acknowledgement and referencing is required.
If a student is found to have committed plagiarism, the student concerned will definitely fail the project which may lead to dismissal in accordance with the following academic regulation:
“The University may at any time, by action of the Senate, require any student to terminate his studies at the University either on academic or disciplinary grounds, or on other grounds deemed as
appropriate. The Senate may also dismiss a student whose conduct or general influence is considered harmful to the institution. Such a student will normally not be considered for re-admission.” (p. 41,
HKBU Calendar/Bulletin 2005/2006)
4. The Proposal
Students have to submit a written project proposal to the Supervisor. The Supervisor will review and evaluate the proposal and return it to the students. Students should not proceed with further research until the proposal has been approved.
A suggested (NOT IMPOSED) proposal outline is:
- 2 -
a. Title
b. Introduction
i. Statement of the problem(s)/motivation for the study
ii. Literature review
iii. Statement of objectives of the study
c. Procedures/means of gathering information
d. Preliminary findings
e. Potential applicability to business
f. Time schedule/action plan
The project proposal should contain not more than 10 pages. A good proposal will help the student’s final project in a number of ways. It will:
- Clarify aims and objectives.
- Define the necessary activities and order in which they should take place.
- Ensure that the student produces a time plan against which progress can be measured.
- Identify critical points in the research at which progress can be reviewed and plans reassessed.
- Ensure that effective use is made of key resources.
Note that it is the student’s responsibility to discuss the proposal with the supervisor before implementing the research plan. In addition, a student will require written authorization from his or
her supervisor should the actual project deviate substantially from the original proposal.
5. Authenticity of Work
Each student is required to sign a statement authenticating the source of their work in completing their MSc project. The statement should be bound together with the written report. In situations
where surveys are conducted students may also be asked to submit their data files on diskette, and completed questionnaires, so that the research has in fact been conducted. Similarly, if personal interviews are conducted with company executives, these must be recorded, and the cassettes submitted with the project, if so required.
6. The Written Report
Upon completing the project the student submits a written report to the supervisor who will review the report and evaluate its appropriateness for presentation.
Language The MSc projects, both the written reports and oral presentations, will be in English.
The supervisor may approve the use of Chinese for the written report in exceptional cases, such as for projects in which a high percentage of the research materials are in Chinese. The student should obtain the supervisor’s approval to write the report in Chinese before the project is undertaken.
Length The written report should be no more than 20,000 words, double-spacing, not including relevant attachments or appendices. The average length is expected to be about 15,000 words.
Each project report should contain an executive summary (no more than 2 pages)
Binding Every student has to submit two copies of the written report to the MScCGD Office,School of Business. The original copy should be submitted in loose-leaf and unbound form, and it will be sent out to a binding company for processing, upon the Senate’s approval for graduation.
All students have to pay the binding charges for one copy of the written report as one of the graduation requirements.
Citations References requiring citations should follow the APA Manual: Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 4th ed., American Psychological
Association, Washington, DC, 1994. Please note the importance of accurate citations
(students may have unwillingly committed plagiarism without accurately documenting citations in their reports).

7. Confidentiality
Certain aspects of some MSc projects may be sensitive. HKBU is aware that confidentiality may be a concern. If this is so, it is the student’s responsibility to indicate this to his or her supervisor and clearly mark the project as confidential when submitting the final version for assessment. When thestudent submits the report marked confidential it will only be made available to staff who need to see it as part of the assessment process. The report will not be made available to any other person unless the student gives his or her permission in writing.
8. Evaluation and Examination
Oral presentations will be held after the Trimester examinations. The supervisor and internal examiner shall be the evaluators of the written report and the examiners during the oral presentation.
The oral presentation schedule will be arranged by the Dean’s Office and announced before the Trimester examinations. Normally, presentations will be held in evenings, and no requests for change of schedule will be entertained unless due to exceptional circumstances.
Assessment: Equity, consistency, and fairness are the principal objectives of any assessment process.
Toward that end, the following are recommended for use in assessing the student’s work:a. Project Proposal (20%)
— Display of initiative in problem identification and project development
— Adequacy of ground work undertaken for the preparation of the proposed project
— Willingness to work independently#p#分页标题#e#
— Problem-solving capability
— Appropriateness of the proposed means of gathering information
— Organization/structure of work plan and project development
— Adherence to work plan
b. Project Report* (60%)
— Prefatory section: abstract, acknowledgments, table of contents
— General discussion and problem development
— Literature review
— Means of gathering information, and justification
— Analysis of findings
— Recommendations/applicability to the business
— Bibliography or selected references
— Written communication skills and presentation
* A suggested outline, appropriate for most project reports. The student will have flexibility of presentation, depending upon the subject matter, means of gathering information, project results, and appropriateness of a specific presentation style.
c. Oral Presentation (20%)
— Presentation will be in English. An exception may be allowed under special circumstances
— Organization of presentation, contents, and delivery media
— Communication skills
— Adherence to presentation time schedule
— Handling of questions, answers, and discussion
Normally, the oral presentation  will be no longer than half an hour in length, including the questions and answers session.

Total Supervisor Internal Examiner
a. Project Proposal 20% 20% —
b. Project Report 60% 30% 30%
c. Oral Presentation 20% 10% 10%
Total 100% 60% 40%
=== === ===
After collecting the evaluation from the Internal Examiner, it is the Supervisor’s responsibility to propose a grade for the project to be approved by the MSc in Corporate Governance and
Directorship Examination Board.
9. A Quick Guide to Passing, and Failing, the Project Report
Pass grades
To pass, a project should clearly demonstrate the following:
a. Clear objectives and clear definition of the problem and objectives/hypotheses to be addressed.
b. Adequate and appropriate research/investigation design undertaken in a straightforward and justified manner.
c. Straightforward and accurate analysis and interpretation of research findings using appropriate methods.
d. Identifies and correctly reviews and uses the relevant literature/theories in an appropriate manner.
e. Critical and logical discussion that demonstrates a sound understanding of the chosen subject/topic and links course material to the real world.
f. Clear and valid conclusions that follow on naturally from the objectives and substance of the project.
g. Provides the necessary evidence to support the chosen line of argument.
h. Accurate source referencing.
i. Coherent content that is consistent with the title/topic.
j. Appropriate presentation, structure and sequencing of context, including clear tables and charts where appropriate.
k. Appropriate appendices to support the substance of the work.
l. Clear English with accurate spelling.
m. Is within the word limit.
n. Tidy overall design and presentation.
Fail grades
A project will fail when it demonstrates some or all of the following:
a. Unclear objectives and poorly defined problem or objectives.
b. Inadequate or inappropriate means of gathering information.
c. Fabricated or falsified data/information.
d. Inappropriate or inaccurate analysis and/or interpretation of research findings.
e. Inappropriate or inadequate literature/poor understanding of theories or concepts applied.
f. Descriptive, uncritical narrative. Excessive reliance on personal experience and/or hearsay.
g. Inconsistent conclusions.
h. Lack of or insufficient supporting evidence and referencing.
i. Major errors, omissions or inconsistencies.
j. Lack of logical structure or sequencing of content.
k. Serious error due to unintelligible use of English and spelling.
l. Word length significantly and unreasonably above, or below, that required.
m. Appendices inadequate to support substance of the work.
n. Contains plagiarized material.
o. Untidy overall design and presentation.

Examples of references as extracted from APA Reference Guide
1. Journal article, one author
Paivio, A. (1975). Perceptual comparisons through the mind’s eye. Memory & Cognition, 3, 635-647.
2. Journal article, more than two authors
Horowitz, L.M, D.L. Post, R.S. French, K.D. Wallis & E.Y. Siegelman (1981). The prototype as a construct in  abnormal psychology: 2. Clarifying disagreement in psychiatric judgments. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 90, 575-585.
3. Journal article, six or more authors
Winston, B.L., M.L. Reinhart, J.R. Sacker, W. Gottlieb, B.B. Oscar & D.P. Harris (1983). Effect of intertrial delays on retardation of learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior
Processes, 9, 581-593.
* Note for more than two authors, use the following parenthetical citation in text, each time the work is cited (Winston et al., 1983).
4. Journal article in press
Corcoran, D.L. & E.M. Williamson (in press). Unlearning learned helplessness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.


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