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论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-09-11 14:38:51 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Early 20th century , with the Chinese society in transition from traditional to modern , from traditional culture nurtured and developed the traditional literature , has been unable to meet and adapt to new social people in the mental, emotional and sensory needs, demise. Requirements of the times China 's literary novelty, change . In this context , a variety of modern Western ideas , relying on its economic, political , scientific and technological aspects of power and influence, inroads into China , China 's traditional literature in vulnerable under the impact of these thoughts , the rapid disintegration of a new generation of writers in Hu Sale , Heidegger, Nietzsche , Schopenhauer , Kierkegaard , Freud and others under the influence of ideology , setting off a massive new literary movement . 20th century Chinese literature as a starting point to start from closed to open , from the local community and the world. Writers of this period , all subject to the influence of modern Western thought : Lu Xun 's "The Scream" in the basic spirit of realism and techniques , the lessons of the symbolism, romanticism and other techniques , laid the basic modern Chinese fiction character ; Guo 's " goddess" by Rabindranath Tagore , Goethe, Whitman , Shelley et al multivariate effect , forming a romantic style ; Bing , Zhou Zuoren 's essays, prose writer in the West is under the influence of the formation of his own style ...... to the 1930s, and by Freud doctrine modernist literary trend of Western influence , China also appeared to Liu Naou , Mu Shiying as the representative of new Sensation Novel . However , this period of modern Western thought on the idea of ​​Chinese literature is limited, it is a major role in Chinese literary form , but not in-depth bone marrow of Chinese literature , has not really affected the spirit of Chinese literature . Chinese writers on modern Western ideas of learning, but also just stay on the surface , was not able to go deep into the depths of Western cultural trends .

For decades after the founding of the detention , the modern Western ideas always get in the door , the occasional negative example as a critical materials and philosophical works were translated abroad , such as the Commercial Press and Shanghai People's Publishing House published in the 1960s , "Han translation academic world famous series " ," modern foreign bourgeois philosophy data selections "and other books , as well as Sartre , Heidegger and others work , but also by the people to resist , doubt , criticism and indifference , hardly any effect .

Late 1970s, China 's reform and opening up policy , the country re- open to the world , a variety of Western modernism flood of Chinese . Just from the political nightmare of the Cultural Revolution decade struggled out of intellectuals, cultural resources from the West for a huge desire. Translators have to meet the urgent needs of these people began to translate and introduce a large variety of modern Western thought, but also a large number of publishers to publish the writings of Western thinkers and writers . Such as Sichuan People's Publishing House published the first in the early 1980s, more than a hundred of the the "Towards the Future Series ", where most of the world today is the translation and introduction of new technology, humanities , social sciences, and the political and legal aspects of the book . Shanghai Translation Publishing House followed the publication of the "modern Western philosophy Renditions " followed , Joint Publishing fully launched the " Culture: China and the World" , "academic library ", " knowledge library" , translated and published nearly one hundred modern western books , it is an unprecedented impetus to the 1980s modern Western ideas spread in China . People not only come into contact with Kant , neo-Kantian , Hegelian , neo-Hegelianism , also come into contact with phenomenology, hermeneutics, Freudianism , existentialism, Marxism, philosophy of logical analysis , as well as contemporary political science, law, education , history and so on. In the field of literature , the Western modernist literature has also been widely translated and presentation. Yuan Kejia editor of four books Juanba "foreign modernist literature election" , published after they rage , becoming the most popular bestseller. Other publishers are also competing foreign literary works published , such as the Beijing Foreign Literature Publishing House and Shanghai Translation Publishing House jointly published the " 20th Century Foreign Literature Series ", " Foreign Literature Series " , Guangxi Lijiang Publishing House " Nobel literature prize writer works " as well as publishing a large number of foreign literature research data by the readers of the pro -Lai. Along with the Western intellectual whipping hot , hot as Sartre , Nietzsche hot , hot Freud , Heidegger hot , hermeneutics hot , hot deconstruction , feminism heat, hot new historicism , Chinese contemporary literature also continue to produce a variety of literary trends , such as " scar literature ", " reflection literature", " roots" Literature , "Vanguard novel ," " new Realism Novel ", "New Historicism Novels ", " female literature " and so on . China 's critics , but also learned a variety of methodologies . If 1985 was known as the "Methodology Year" phenomenological method , hermeneutic method , Western Marxism , feminism methods , literary psychology methods , psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud , Jung myth prototyping , structuralist approach so poured into academia . Reviewed by using these new methods to analyze the intrinsic elements of contemporary works dissected to reveal Chinese people's psychological structure , showing the deep unconscious literary works , digging ideological power mode of operation.

Chinese literary criticism face , from a new look . The Chinese writers have also from the avalanche of Western modernism absorb nutrients , will they learn to various writing skills and be inspired by the use of their creations . 80 well-known writer works, basically with traces of imitation and learning . Such as Wang Meng in the early 1980s with the creation of a series of experiments in the nature of short works by the " stream of consciousness " novel profound impact ; Yu Hua 's works , inspired by Kafka , Kawabata and Rob - Grillet ; Sun nectar , Gefei works waft Borges 's shadow ; Mo Yan 's works , by the influence of magic realism ; etc. The impact of foreign literature in the late 1980s, the Chinese writers who feel deep anxiety , as they mature in the creation , after the 1990s , these writers from foreign authors gradually out of the shadow , then find themselves felt in great ecstasy.

In the 1990s, China 's society and culture continues to occur a considerable complex "transformation" , once all the rage a variety of Western modernism heat gradually cooling , community values ​​has also undergone a change of rebellious nature : With the literary sensation effect disappears and the collapse of the Enlightenment project , intellectuals spiritual supremacy attributed to digestion leads the way , is no longer a social elite intellectuals were divided, a considerable part of intellectuals farewell idealized 1980s , secularization , attacking noble , unassuming personal, history and reality escape provision , literature in the 1990s gradually from the center toward the edges. Chinese society in the 1990s there has been a tendency to post-modern , deconstructive literary discourse to become mainstream , postmodern thinkers such as Foucault , Lacan , Derrida , Roland Barthes 's theory , the spirit of the times to become the protagonist . Chinese literature, affected by the influence of ideas , but also to a " post-modern tendencies ." In the 1990s fad modern Western ideas and Feminism and New Historicism . These two thought also contributed to Chinese Literature " new historical novel " and " female literature " flourished .

Modern Western ideas on the impact of contemporary Chinese literature is multifaceted . Below, we will select the greatest impact on Chinese Contemporary Literature of six thought : Modernism , existentialism, magical realism , postmodernism , new historicism , feminism as a research object to them as representatives to analyze and modern Western perspective Thoughts on Chinese contemporary Literature .

A modernist : Pioneer dance

Chinese literature is in the vanguard of faith caused by the Cultural Revolution decade growing up in ruins . It sprout, grow and decline are associated with Western modernism literature spread in China are closely related.

Years of the Cultural Revolution on people , especially the new generation of young people 's beliefs and values ​​are fatal destruction : they had "great" and " noble " of the various concepts are suspect, pillars of faith in their hearts gradually disappear , they lost due to survival and direction determined by relying plunged into confusion and hesitation ; but this time China 's social and political situation of stability and unity appeared , people work and the focus of life , from the former of the " class struggle " to economic construction " Hundred Flowers" established literary approach , but also for people to accept more advanced Western culture provides a great environment ; addition, the reform of changing life and art of the world so that people have a lot of new knowledge and experience , realism of traditional literary modes , performance practices has made many people feel the limitations of expression ; prolonged occlusion of the state of the Chinese people , drastic changes in this historical moment , have set their sights across the Atlantic , to invest in the world .

It is in such a special historical background, in a crisis of faith , human alienation and self-worth based on the resulting lost modernism to the influx of Chinese unstoppable trend .

Starting in 1978 , the domestic variety of literary magazines began to introduce a large number of published papers of Western modernist literature , modernist works on various publishers and publication of research works of modernism , but also become a common practice , and formed a considerable scale . Among influential books are: " 20th Century Foreign Literature Series " ( Foreign Literature Publishing House ) , "Foreign Literature Series " ( Lijiang Publishing House ) , " Nobel Prize winning writer works" ( Lijiang Publishing House ) , " foreign Literature research data " ( foreign Literature Publishing House ) , "European and American modernist works of election" ( Yunnan People's Publishing House ) , " Western literary thought FORUM series" ( China social Sciences Publishing House ) , " stream of consciousness novel theory ' ( Sichuan art Publishing House ) , " narrative Discourse " ( China social Sciences Publishing House ) , " modern Fiction Aesthetics" ( Hunan Art Publishing House ) , "European and American modernist Literature " ( Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House ) and so on. In addition , the Western modernist fiction writers of the classic works, such as Proust 's "Remembrance of water for Love ," Joyce's " Ulysses ," Woolf 's " To the Lighthouse" , Faulkner 's "Sound and the Fury , " Marquez's " Hundred Years of solitude " , Yasunari Kawabata 's " snow Country "and so on , have also been translated into Chinese for the Chinese vanguard fiction writers can learn to provide a template for China 's pioneering literature produced great impact.

The late 70s, early 80s, the domestic theory of Western modernism understanding mainly from translators who translated and introduced articles, according to statistics, from 1978 to 1982 , all journals published papers introduced many Western Modernist Literature more than 400 articles. Yan Kejia , Chen Kun , Qu Shijing as the representatives of critics of modern Western ideas spread in China made ​​an indelible contribution. Which had a greater impact of translating articles and treatises are: Yuan Kejia the "European and American modernist literary creation and theory", " Symbolic Poetry · Consciousness · Theatre of the Absurd - European and American Modernist Literature Review ", " stream of consciousness What is "," Europe modernist literature overview "," On the western modernist literature " ; Chen Kun 's " Western Modernist Literature research "," stream of consciousness problem " ; Qu Shijing of the" " stream of consciousness " ideology overview " , " novelist Virginia Woolf stream of consciousness " ; Li Chunlin " Oriental Stream of Consciousness "and so on .

With the commencement of translation work , since 1980 , the debate on the Western modernist literature , but also the creative community and critics began. As before , the long- accepted mainly nourished realistic literature , thought to form a concept of realism literary set, therefore , when the anti- realist tradition of modernism abruptly appear in people's vision , there is considerable part of the "loyalty" in realism critics would have written articles criticizing modernist literature , and from the creative method of realism adhere angle to negate modernism creative method . While some critics thought conservatives were firmly refuted . Who agree with critics of modernist ideas generally do not deny the reality of the established literature various principles such as "Literature is a reflection of real life ," " Art comes from life ", etc., are also considered a decadent Western Modernist Literature and negative side, however , they noted that modernist literature than realism literature provides more perspective and side to reflect the level of living for China's future novels provide more writing skills and literary methods .

Over time , the mid-1980s , critical modernist rhetoric gradually disappeared from the modern literary critics can open up space for development of contemporary Chinese literature , proper use can enrich and deepen the literary expression gradually reached this view consensus. It is precisely because the critics of modern literature certainly contribute to the development of Chinese literature , so that the mid-1980s China Vanguard Literature flourishing one o'clock , it is precisely because critics of modernism and realism on the boundaries of ambivalence , as well as the "modern ism " and" post-modernism " vague concept , so that Chinese writers and critics of Western modernism produced a " misunderstanding ", and make China become a pioneer of literary realism with a strong color , full of Chinese characteristics pioneer literature .

1986 , Lu Shu Yuan in the " literary newspaper" published " in Contemporary Literature " inward turn " ," a paper presented literature and art should " turn inward ", that turned literary art itself , and a return to the literary arts the idea of ​​the true state . Lu Shuyuan idea of ​​this literature was soon to Zhou Chong slope represented by a group reviewer counterattack. Thus, the debate about whether literature should " turn inward " argument to the " literary newspaper" for the position enthusiastically developing the open ; 1988 , the debate has shifted to the center " Literary Debate ." The debate continued until the early 1990s . Representative articles are: Zhou Chong Poe's " Contemporary Literature to be alert to further " inward turn " ," Tong Qingbing of the " literary " turn inward "and the laws of artistic creation ," Lu Shu yuan, " the earth and the dark cloud - About Literature Ontology thinking , " Wulin Wei 's " " turn inward " and the literature of modern consciousness " , Zhang Jiong " is also about literature " turn inward " and the laws of art " , he Town of the" New Literature " to in turn " I see" and so on. A direct result of this controversy was the cultural sector "ontology " hot . Chinese intellectuals therefore pay more attention to existence, value , dialogue, exchanges and a series of spiritual philosophy, aesthetics , literary issues . People not only noticed Universe "space body ," the general existence of the modern "human body " exists context and situation , and noted literary "work the body " exists poetic expression , " intersubjectivity " existence "value ontology " exchanges, as well as between readers and authors of the " body talk" and other issues, so there literary theory and literary works to deepen the depth of meaning to explore knock-on effect . In the same period , China has also been a pioneer in literary movement climax .

Directly affected by the influence of Western modernism arising Chinese modernist fiction , in the new era has gone through three stages of development:

First, the " pseudo- modernist " period ( 1979-1981 )

As early as the 1920s and 1930s , influenced by Western modernism ( Freud's psychoanalytic theory , stream of consciousness , symbolism ) the impact of Chinese literature , there had been a " New Sensation Novel " and " modernist poetry " as the representative of the literary forms and writing skills to explore aspects of the experimental work . On behalf of writers and poets Liu Na Europe , Shiying , Shizhecun , Dai , Li Jinfa , Zhilin and so on. These writers or in novel form , rhythm, the modus operandi with the characteristics of modernism , focusing on capturing the feeling of novelty to show writers sensual eyes and ears in the urban landscape ; or affected by the impact of Freud's sexual psychology , more emphasis on psychological analysis ; or with hazy imagery and subtle language to suggest , the performance feel and mood ...... However, due to social and historical reasons , they are just as a genre of modern Chinese literature exists , and no greater effects . China in the early 1980s, the trend of literary modernist literature flourished prosperity , nor is two 1930s modernist literary trends around the simple regression , but the reform and opening up of Western modernism influx product of birth .

Western Postmodernism on Contemporary Chinese Literature , the first in the poetry world is revealed. Gu Cheng , North Island , Shu Ting et al, " Misty " in the late 70s, early 80s of Chinese literary form a powerful literary trend, the traditional concept of literature launched an unprecedented impact , Misty emphasized "self" , but also to make people start thinking "people" this proposition , literature has thus begun to return to literature itself . " Misty " Although it can not be counted as modernist literature , however, its skepticism , its many creative approach , its absurdity , but it is the spirit of Western modernism with echoes of .

When theorists being whipped introduce Western modernist theories climax, novelists can not wait to introduce these theories has just been applied to creative practice . Big Brother has always been regarded as a literary Wang Meng , came back later in the creation of a conscious break with traditional fiction writing, boldly absorb and learn some of the Western modernist novel technique of expression . From early 1978 to the first half of 1985 , he has published 19 short stories filled with the spirit of discovery , where " night eyes ", " Brig ", " Sound of Spring ," " Kite streamers ", " Sea of Dreams" , "Butterfly " and other works , it is clear that by Western modernism , especially the " stream of consciousness " effect, in the form of traditional literature reflects the very different characteristics. At the same time , a group of like Wang Meng was active in the 1950s , like the old literary writers have also joined the exploration camp. Ru Zhijuan the "Clip wrong Story" movie montage with a combination of techniques, to expand the capacity of the works , the work has a three-dimensional , and through dreams, break time and space limitations, gives a whole new feel ; Zong Pu "Who am I ", " dwelling" , " mud head " and other works focus on the history with the absurd , absurd reality absurd environment , and even absurd thoughts, feelings and so surreal tracing techniques, digging intellectuals complex spiritual world. In addition, Zhang Jie 's "Love , not be forgotten ," Chen Rong 's " minus ten " novel , are also consciously or unconsciously borrowed modernist fiction writing skills .

With the creative practice vigorous expansion , on the theory of modernist literature Discussion and Debate , but also out of control. Emerged during the representativeness article are: Painstaking of the " rise of the new aesthetic principles ," Gao Xingjian's " Modern Fiction Study Skills ," Xu Chi "modernization and modernism " , XU Jing Asia, "the rise of Poems " and so on . These articles and then explore contend Translation treatises together , commingle in a strong theoretical system , affecting the Chinese New modernist literature .

Early 1980s, exploratory work , although in the form of start and break the traditional narrative structure approach to subjective awareness of the psychological processes to arrange narrative time and space, but , on the whole , they did not touch the Chinese Writers deep aesthetic ideas, creative concepts and creative modes. The so-called " modernism " is just used the symbol of the deformation, stream of consciousness and other modernist artistic techniques and skills , his work as a whole is still full of social responsibility and critical spirit of the " social realist literature", its purpose is to express a variety of writers awareness of social issues and opinions , that subjective consciousness is reflected in the description of the service objective reality , the work 's theme is the problem of social reality concerns , rather than on the performance of the Western modernist "individual life" concerns , so their creation is in fact still the traditional realist literary continuity. Because of this, their creation was known as the "Oriental stream of consciousness " or " psychological realism ", it was called " pseudo- modernist ."

However, the creative writers of this period , but for the later Writers provides a wealth of experience , training a group having an affinity for modernism readers and commentators groups. Their works are 80 years of Chinese literature in the West under the influence of modernism achieved initial results.

Second, the boom of Pioneer Novels : ( 1985-1988 )

As Western modernism is increasingly being translated and introduced into China , modernism and postmodernism literary works, such as psychoanalysis fiction, stream of consciousness, magic realism , the new novel, as well as theorists formalism narratology , structuralism , existentialism , and so in the mid-1980s to become one of the hot spots of concern and controversy , the concept of modern Western literature is also catching on . In Western modernism , spurred by China 's pioneer novels in 1985 after showing a "blowout" of the situation.

The earliest rise to a " blowout" in 1985 and has published two novels : Liu Sola , "You have no choice ," and Xu 's "no variations on a theme ." "You have no choice ," with " music " type of structure and the " black humor " language approach to seemingly absurd plot , showing a Conservatory rigid teaching methods for students to kill the soul ; "no variations on a theme " is the psychological fragments and fragments of life "no theme " ground together, through an automatic withdrawal from the university , and most people keep doing a " do nothing " in the readme young waiters , showing young lonely , confused state of existence . And Wang Meng , Zong Pu and other " pseudo- modernist " work compared to these two works has gone beyond the level of form to explore the modernist spirit into the work, in terms of ideology , literary spirit and technique of expression is more mature, more with modernist features. Because of this, critics argue that China 's modern literary modernism in the West under the influence , is moving into prosperity. And " You have no choice ," also known as " China 's first successful modernist literature ," is " a generation ' emotional history ' is an enrichment ."

Following Liu Sola , Xu later, Ma Yuan , peak , Ge Fei , snow, Yu Hua , SUN nectar , Mo Yan , Su Tong , Tashi Dawa , Kitamura and a number of writers have boarded the literary world , began the Vanguard Literature dance. China 's first world with a modern literary vanguard literary influence traces. Such as Mo Yan will Marquez and Faulkner compared to " two searing blast " that they are the most influential writers of his ; Yu Hua is respected on Kafka and Yasunari Kawabata times to his new novel is full of novels and Rob - Grillet traces ; snow works waft Kafka 's shadow ; Ge Fei , Sun nectar works by Borges profound impact ...... of course, they are not pure exploration imitation , but also reflects a strong personality and localization features, such as Ma Yuan , Ge Fei et al Unlike Borges 's fascination with the world of pure fantasy , put on a traditional oriental concern " phenomenon " and do not attach importance to "true " and " magic" the distinction Living color ; Sun nectar is also based on the poetic exploration and focus on modern Chinese poetic function of the excavation, and so on.

On the "form" of the revolution , the horse of the original narrative is undoubtedly representative of the revolution , he created the " Lhasa River Goddess ", the first story of the narrative is placed on top , put a few events since no causal link Collage together. In his " Temptation " , "West -free sailing ", " fiction" , "master ", " weird pattern painted on the walls " and other novels , the use of meta-narrative approach to breaking the fiction of the " illusion of plausibility " after that, it further confuses the boundaries between reality and fiction , the original of which caused the horse to explore narrative form the famous " horse original narrative trap " , and a unique way of digestion of the previous people are familiar with realism caused real hallucinations, become role models for future writers and fiction experiment starting point.

Snow of the " mountain hut " and other novels of the world, are deformed , her characters , all with some kind of " neurotic " lack of communication between each other , trust, and there is a kind of " self-flagellation " and " his child ." psychology. Her novels in an ugly heap imagery highlights the external world of human oppression, put a personalized feeling up to the state of human existence fable level.

Ge Fei 's novels from the outset committed to the construction of the narrative maze , he figures the disorder of the inner consciousness to build a mass of coil winding maze ─ ─ which has collision , there are also conscious diffusion and short circuit . If his short story " brown birds ", the first use of the " narrative vacancy " approach , describes a real magic of the story. It broke the traditional literature of the " authenticity " in the pursuit , revealing the modern "existence" of the real nature of suspicion.

In the novel 's language , Pioneer novelists have also conducted a comprehensive exploration. Sun nectar of the " messenger of the letter," "Access dream ", "Please woman Darkly" , "I am a young wine jar " and other works , focused on the novel poetic language poetic exploration of words can be severed finger and referred to in relation to an unexpected way with them, to enable self-referential and mutual finger referent . His novel language experiment , in fact, the closest is surrealist poetry and painting, his novel is that these languages ​​gathered together with the visual illusion of trance vague dreams and poetry .

These novels , such as " April 3rd event ", " river Error", " Kind of Reality ", " escape unscathed ", etc., in a calm tone depiction of death , gore and violence, and on this basis reveals the existence of human cruelty and absurdity .

In the late 1980s, a pioneer in the revolution in the narrative fiction writers , language and survival experiments carried out to explore these three levels deep exploration. Compared to the traditional realist writer , pioneer writers mostly trying to pursue a " modern fable effects," deliberate pursuit of desalination and absurd plot , the pursuit of " significant form " will narrate angle , grammar rhetoric as the creation of a unique maximum target . These features , is the " pioneer novel" to distinguish it from being tired of traditional realism and flourished biggest feature , however, while these characteristics also contains limitations of avant-garde creations , because of this, China 's " Vanguard Novels "In the late 1980s began to ebb , and many creative writers have begun to turn .

Third, the silence period ( 1989 -present)

The early 1990s, the works of writers as pioneers too much emphasis on form and ignore the content , the reader gradually losing market , Pioneer writers have therefore reduced the exploration efforts, the work takes a more narrative style is acceptable to the general reader way , and some even combine and commercial culture , the transition to work in other areas of the novel . But China did not explore the novel from Pioneer stopped in the 1990s , there are still a number of writers adhere to the " pioneer" lonely position, such as Han Dong , Zhu Wen , Hai Nan , black children and so on. They still continued to use their own creative dance of the vanguard of Chinese literature .

China Vanguard Novels of prosperity , though short , but from the perspective of literary history , it has broken the traditional realistic mode and the monopoly of mainstream ideology , the end of a political authority controlled by the novel era, China 's novels , from the present the trend of diversification ; addition , Pioneer writers achieved results of exploration , such as temporal dislocation, zero emotional narrative, narrative trap , etc., are also writers 90s proper and skillful use of , Chinese literature, so was also injected new elements , present a more colorful scene.


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