
HRM Coursework范文:Importance of Training and Evaluation in Organisations

论文价格: 免费 时间:2022-12-27 16:25:53 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

HRM Coursework范文-培训和评估在组织中的重要性,本文是一篇留学生人力资源管理课程作业写作范文,主要内容是讲述在过去几年中,人力资源管理变得相当流行。人力资源管理是组织内部非常重要的一部分。它具有许多功能,如招聘和选拔、人力资源开发、奖励和绩效以及管理发展。熟练和发达的员工是组织成功的主要力量。公司愿意招聘技术娴熟、才华横溢的人才。但这是一种短视的长期成功方法。如本篇Coursework所述,近年来,许多公司和组织意识到培训和发展的重要性。他们专注于通过培训和组织发展不断改进和学习。但为此,员工需要做出明智的选择。这部分与招聘和选拔过程有关。因此,人力资源经理需要选择有潜力学习更多的人。许多组织鼓励员工参加培训和发展计划,以深入学习系统知识。现在人们意识到,如果员工有更多的发展机会,那么他们对组织的承诺就会更长。这些积极、经验丰富、训练有素的员工能够带来更好的组织绩效。这就是组织如何生产最好的产品或服务,带来更多的客户满意度和更多的销售,最终带来更多的利润。它还支持员工参与培训和发展计划,从而提高员工对组织的工作参与度。组织肯定会从有技能和受过培训的员工而非未受过培训的雇员那里获得更多的生产力。训练有素、敬业的员工是积极的员工。熟练且积极的员工是表现出色的员工。这就是雇主和雇员都可以从培训和发展计划中受益的方式。具体内容请参考以下Coursework范文的具体内容。



In the past several years human resource management become quite popular. Human Resource management is a very important internal part of an organisation. It has many functions like recruitment and selection, human resource development, reward and performance and management development. Skilled and developed employees are main strength of organisation’s success. Companies are willing to recruit skilled and talented people. But it is a short sighted approach for long term success. As mentioned above, in recent years of companies and organisations have realised importance of training and development. They are focusing on continuous improvement and learning through training and development in organisation. But for that employees are need to choose wisely. This part is related to recruitment and selection process. So HR manager need to choose people with the potential to learn more. Many organisations encourage employees to participate in training and development programme to learn the systematic knowledge in depth. Now it is realized that if there are more opportunities of development for employees, so that they stay committed longer to the organisation. Such motivated, experienced and trained staffs bring better organisation performance. That’s how organisation can produce best product or services that bring more customer satisfaction and more sales which ends in more profit. It also supports employee in participating training and development programme and thus, it increases job engagement of the employee to the organisation. Organisations definitely will gain more productivity from skilled and trained employees rather than non trained employees. Trained and engaged employees are motivated employees. Skilled and motivated employees are high performing employees. That is how employer and employee both can get benefit from training and development programme. (Beardwell & Claydon, 2007)

Reaction: Reaction was measured by a short questionnaire. 16 questions were given with from five scales from bad to excellent. The reaction training and the trainers were positive in general. The main result fallen under the other three levels. Suggestions were gathered to improve aspect of training facility. However, reaction is necessary, but not enough for a high quality evaluation. It is to measure that training is reaching the intended goals or not.


Knowledge: It is to measure the aspects of effective leadership and management skills, measured by multiple choice questions. The results were remarkable. Candidates demonstrate a significant growth in knowledge. This will help managers to reach higher level of knowledge than untrained managers. The training apparently gets successful in this theoretical knowledge. Even somehow, this result was putting pressure to untrained managers to perform better.


Behaviour: Managers behaviour is noticed after providing the adequate knowledge. Leadership behaviour had been discussed during the training. The present frequency compared with before training frequencies. The result was again showing positive indication. After training, a significant change been noticed. The behaviour toward leadership skills was higher in compare to untrained group of managers. The proposed result showed the increase in leadership behaviour is doubled that before from the gathered numbers.


Result: Final result is showing the long term analyses of improved productivity, quality of product and processes, lower sickness and absence rate. The result is in two parts: self evaluation and evaluation by others. Both parts are showing positive result which is supporting the hypotheses, for long term effectiveness. But obvious it is often difficult to prove a causal link between training and long term effects. There are several factors like age, boredom from same kind of work, changing nature of human and other environmental factors effect it. This method can’t be predicting the future, it just to measure the current performance. Further research gives the idea, for long term result a 360-degree evaluation should be more accurate than Kirkpatrick’s four level evaluation methods.


Overall result showed the gap between trained managers and untrained managers. Step by step evaluation is giving the improvement in manager’s skills and knowledge. Training main objective was achieved. However, Kirkpatrick’s model is not giving accurate results. Further research need to done in this case. Individual evaluation between trained managers will give more accurate result than groups. For that, Philips ROI method, kaufman’s five level and CIRO evaluation methods need to introduce. However, the candidates are almost identical as the case says. So, there won’t be much difference in result. (Steensma H. 2010)

总体结果表明,受过培训的经理和未受过培训的管理人员之间存在差距。逐步评估是指提高管理者的技能和知识。培训的主要目标已经实现。然而,柯克帕特里克的模型并没有给出准确的结果。在这种情况下,需要进行进一步的研究。经过培训的管理者之间的个人评估将比小组得出更准确的结果。为此,需要引入Philips ROI方法、考夫曼五级和CIRO评估方法。然而,候选人与案件所述几乎完全相同。所以,结果不会有太大差异。

As mentioned in the training proposal, training means investment in people to enable them to perform better and to empower them to make the best use of their natural abilities. It is very much important to improve employee’s skill which results better quality product or a high level of customer services. (Armstrong, 1999).



I would like to describe one of my own experiences regarding training and training evaluation. A few months back when I was working with an AGIES BPO as a customer care executive. My job task is very much related to a salesman. At the time of joining the company. Trainers have provided brief training regarding my work. After few month of working there was not much improvement in my work. My sales figures were low and I was staying away from reaching my goals. Considering my efforts company’s trainer suggested me to participate in the further training programme which was called as PIP (Performance Improvement Programme). In this programme trainers had provided through training regarding my work. They provide me basics for the working tasks and advance techniques also. As my work was technical work, I have to give assessment test on each end of the day. At end of very first of PIP, a verbal interview has taken place where, trainer took the interview. It does include some simple questions like how are you feeling about training? Did you understand the concept? Do you know your way getting out of the problem? Assessment test were taken after each session, it was regarding the technical issues. The evaluation of training is going as per Kirkpatrick’s four level of evaluation pattern. Behaviour pattern has been marked as well.

我想描述一下我自己在培训和培训评估方面的经历。几个月前,我在AGIES BPO担任客户服务主管。我的工作任务与推销员有很大关系。加入公司时。培训师对我的工作进行了简短的培训。工作了几个月后,我的工作没有太大改善。我的销售数字很低,而且我离实现目标还很远。考虑到我的努力,公司的培训师建议我参加名为PIP(绩效改进计划)的进一步培训计划。在这个方案中,培训师通过对我工作的培训提供了帮助。它们为我提供了工作任务的基础知识和先进的技术。由于我的工作是技术性的,我每天都要进行评估测试。在PIP的第一次结束时,进行了一次口头面试,培训师接受了面试。它确实包括一些简单的问题,比如你对训练的感觉如何?你明白这个概念吗?你知道解决问题的方法吗?评估测试是在每次会议后进行的,是关于技术问题的。培训评估按照Kirkpatrick的四级评估模式进行。行为模式也被标记出来。

The taught soft skill in sales helps me to respond well in communication and the technical training helped me in doing my work easy and quickly. After the end of my training, I have been called for the face to face interview for measuring my learning and how well I can able to put it into practice. After that I was feeling like confidence enough to work with my full productivity as well as I was teaching some of the technical skills to my juniors. This is how training changed my way of working. At the end of the month I have achieved my sales targets without any problem. The results were showing the significant changes of training programme.


CONCLUSION: Although the above mentioned discussion showed that how training and training evaluation is helpful for organisations own benefits and employees can also improve their own performance. It builds a moral interest in staff development. Future train programme can be determined by training evaluation. Training evaluation can also rectify the mistakes done in training programme and can build a new programme. Most important for an organisation, training programmes make the business stands in market. Changing culture, technology and ethics influence an organisations work place. To understand its effect and to cope with the competition there is an urgent requirement of training, and to ensure the training is going in right path, it becomes a necessity to do training evaluation. Training evaluation take part in most of the organisation. The above mentioned training evaluation theories are the key to analyse training and its effectiveness. Better working environment with well trained workers can lead the organisation to high level. This can be helpful to gain more market share and better reputation among competitors and customers. Therefore it is not wrong to say that training evaluation is a vital part for an organisation. But it is not always because of the training. There are some cases when training is not enough to improve productivity regardless the evaluation is showing the uprising performance.


As seen above, strategic human resource development is essential in developing business strategies. SHRD enables learning cycle. It creates a chain of continuous improvement. Measuring the evaluation and apply changes with that, can formulate flexible development strategy. Sometimes, employees are not happy with management or not happy with the payment and reward system. If some employees are chosen for the wrong position to work than how will training affect his performance or behaviour of working? There might a mistake from selection and requirement section. If a person is not satisfied with his work than there is no way of getting trained him for the future.


According to Druckman ET, al, (1997), it is found that training is not always worth. Training do not give satisfactory output in some cases, there is evident that training is not always successful. Application on learning on practical basis at job, amount of learning depends on conditions at workplace. As mentioned the above coursework. One of the factors affecting training success is how much employees are interested in participating in training programs. Training is more effective in participation condition is not compulsory. Training programme should be voluntary. Other factor is co-operation from the managers. Supportive environment always influence result training and makes it more efficient in practise.

根据Druckman ET等人的说法,人们发现培训并不总是值得的。在某些情况下,培训并不能产生令人满意的结果,显然培训并不总是成功的。在工作实践基础上应用学习,学习量取决于工作场所的条件。如Coursework所述。影响培训成功的因素之一是员工对参加培训计划的兴趣程度。在非强制性条件下,培训更有效。培训计划应是自愿的。另一个因素是管理者的合作。支持性环境总是影响结果训练,并使其在实践中更有效率。本站提供各国各专业Coursework写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。


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