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英国Assignment格式:Social Norm, Poverty Measurements and Climate Change

论文价格: 免费 时间:2023-02-18 19:38:45 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网



Conformity to social norms. 符合社会规范

Introduction 引言

The study focuses on the contrast between two articles: the queen bee phenomenon and The Reinforcement Learning Signal, which predicts social conformity. From the queen bee phenomenon, women assimilate themselves into organizations that men mainly rule. (Deaton, 2005). They often do this by distancing themselves from the junior colleges, an activity that creates gender inequality. On the other hand, in reinforcement learning, social conformity is based on neural mechanisms that adhere to the principles of reinforcement learning such that conformity is achieved.

Participants 参与者

Result evaluation on queen bee phenomenon was done by comparing the neural activity of poseurs. (i.e., people who easily comply to group opinion and dissenters, that is, people who do not easily comply to group opinion.)


Design 设计

The research found a link between fMRI activity and the social dimension of the "group" when it came to task compliance. prescriptive group scores were supplanted with computer-generated reviews in an unsociable variant of the exploratory framework.


Group-level random effect model analysis was applied to the individual contrasts. Group evaluations in dispute and non-conflict trials were compared to determine the main importance of social conflict. All conflicting group ratings were compared before and after conformity in order to determine the primary impact of compliance.


Since it gives the impression that women's lower status is their own fault, the "queen bee" phenomenon has a significant effect on the current state of gender discrimination.


The queen bee phenomenon is a byproduct of gender discrimination that women face at work, in addition to being the cause of gender disparity. Researchers have discovered that queen bee activity is a response to the discrimination and harm to women's social identities that they may face in male-dominated industries. Tucker (Tucker, 2012). As a result, queen bee behavior is a component of a general self-group distancing response observed in other excluded groups, rather than a distinctively feminine response.


Conclusion 结论

Finally, the behavior and judgment of other people give information on what is considered expected behavior in these circumstances, as well as what is typically approved or disapproved of by the majority of the population. For instance, If the group is high in extraversion and has more men than women, female leaders are more likely to rise to the top.


Poverty and poverty measures 贫困和贫困措施

Poverty measures are used to measure the level of economic well-being in a society. The most common types of poverty measures are those that target income. A poverty threshold must be met to determine whether a family or household is poor, and this can vary from person to person. (Mont., 2009). There are two types of income poverty measures: relative and absolute. (Lockwood, 1999).  When it comes to supplementary measures, such as the one currently used in the United States, they usually aim for precision.


The relative poverty index is the most widely used and quoted social inclusion indicator in the EU. It employs a poverty definition that classifies people as "at risk of poverty" if their household equivalent income is less than 60% of the median household equivalent income in their Member State. (Bonal, 2020.) On the other hand, the term "absolute poverty" refers to a situation in which a person cannot obtain the most necessities for survival and other normal activities. Finally, inequality is the general difference in income among individuals in a country.


The primary difference between absolute and relative poverty is that absolute poverty is more concerned with biological demands, whereas relative poverty is not. Relative poverty, on the other hand, does not categorize biological necessities in its definition; rather, it compares persons living in the same environment. The lowest percentage of Americans labeled as poor since the federal government began reporting such data in 1959 was 10.5 percent in 2019, according to the relative poverty measure report. (2020, Bonal) As a result, the relative poverty measure considers the cost of food (at today's rates), clothing, shelter, and utilities when setting a threshold level. As a result, there is a distinction between developed and developing countries in terms of relative poverty, but not in terms of absolute poverty.


Despite the relative poverty measure being the most appropriate, it has a few limitations. The main limitation is that income level is not considered under relative measurements. Secondly, absolute poverty, on the other hand, can change, whereas relative poverty can't. For instance, a government can take steps to ensure that all of its citizens can earn more than $1.8 per day, allowing them to afford necessities like food, clothing, and a place to live. (Freistein, 2016). It is, however, extremely difficult for the government to help all people above the poverty level.


Finally, poverty is a serious condition that should not be tolerated because of its devastating effects on human life. Efforts should be made to eliminate poverty in our communities by everyone.


Climate change 气候变化

International climate change conferences have made significant progress in recent years. The Earth is heating up quickly, and the repercussions could be anything from severe to disaster, based on the source of information. (Dimitrov, 2016). Over the next century, effective solutions to this pressing global issue should be discovered. international agreement expands on its convention by bringing all nations together to make a joint effort in tackling climate change. The responsibility of curbing the global warming lies squarely on the high polluting countries,

Over time, England has been one of the world's most affected   by global warming. (Egbu, & Goulding, 2013). This is due to presence of nicotine processing company in the country. Climate change has been exacerbated by decades of industrial activity in the 1800s and 1900s, which resulted in significant amounts of greenhouse gas emissions from the company across as England. “As part of the landmark Climate Change Act of 2008, we agreed to reduce our nation's emissions by 80% by 2050 in comparison to levels in 1990”. (Agreement, 2017) As a result, a Climate Change Committee was established, tasked with recommending carbon budgets.


Taking into account the fact that nicotine processing company is also the America. highly industrialized country with industries emitting carbon, it is an among the highest contributors of global warming. In 2018, the United States emitted 5.41 million tons of carbon dioxide, currently the second CO2 emitter in the world. (Jiang, 2019). This means that, in order to curb climate change, united states must first make a step in adopting the global worming control measures.


 Nicotine processing company is also in china. It  contributes immensely to the global warming in china. When it comes to making an attempt of curbing the climate change, the countries with the highest record of global pollution should take the first step.( Ciais,.&, Bai,2015).  according to 2018 statistics on the on gas pollution, china was ranked to be the highest producer of carbon dioxide. In order to curb global warming, high carbon dioxide emitting nations should take the first chance. 


To summarize, the international Paris Agreement does not cover all of the necessary remedies for reducing global warming. The solution requires the action to be taken by the core carbon dioxide emitting nations. Nations like United Kingdom, united states and china are the ones which should take the first step in curbing global warming by regulating emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.



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