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Literature Review格式范文:Literature Review on Recruitment and Selection Process

论文价格: 免费 时间:2022-10-15 14:47:49 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Literature Review格式范文-招聘和选拔过程的文献综述。本文是一篇留学生Literature Review写作范文,主要内容是针对员工选拔是“收集和评估个人信息以提供就业机会的过程……”这一问题,通过文献检索和分析进行阐述。员工选择是组织整体人员配置流程的一部分,还包括人力资源(HR)规划、招聘和保留活动。通过人力资源规划,组织预测其对具有特定知识、技能和能力的人员(KSA)的可能需求,并将其与内部或外部劳动力市场中此类人员的预期可用性进行比较。在人员配置的招聘阶段,组织根据组织类型和所涉工作的性质,尝试通过在组织内发布职位、发布广告以吸引外部申请人、员工推荐以及许多其他方法与潜在的求职者建立联系。当组织的招聘工作产生一批申请者时,员工选择开始。在员工选拔过程中,公司会决定向哪些被招聘的候选人提供职位。下面就一起来参阅这篇留学生Literature Review文献综述写作格式范文。

Literature Review写作格式范文Employee selection is the “process of collecting and evaluating information about an individual in order to extend an offer of employment ……(R.D. Gate wood and H.S. Field) Employee selection is part of the overall staffing process of the organization, which also includes human resource (HR) planning, recruitment, and retention activities. By doing human resource planning, the organization projects its likely demand for personnel with particular knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), and compares that to the anticipated availability of such personnel in the internal or external labour markets. During the recruitment phase of staffing, the organization attempts to establish contact with potential job applicants by job postings within the organization, advertising to attract external applicants, employee referrals, and many other methods, depending on the type of organization and the nature of the job in question. Employee selection begins when a pool of applicants is generated by the organization’s recruitment efforts. During the employee selection process, a firm decides which of the recruited candidates will be offered a position.
Effective employee selection is a critical component of a successful organization. How employees perform their jobs is a major factor in determining how successful an organization will be. Job performance is essentially determined by the ability of an individual to do a particular job and the effort the individual is willing to put forth in performing the job. Through effective selection, the organization can maximize the probability that its new employees will have the necessary KSAs to do the jobs they were hired to do. Thus, employee selection is one of the two major ways (along with orientation and training) to make sure that new employees have the abilities required to do their jobs. It also provides the base for other HR practices-such as effective job design, goal setting, and compensation-that motivate workers to exert the effort needed to do their jobs effectively, according to Gatewood and Field.
有效的员工选拔是成功组织的关键组成部分。员工如何完成工作是决定一个组织成功与否的主要因素。工作绩效本质上取决于个人完成特定工作的能力以及个人在执行工作时愿意付出的努力。通过有效的选择,组织可以最大限度地提高新员工拥有必要的KSA来完成其受雇工作的可能性。因此,员工选拔是确保新员工具备完成工作所需能力的两种主要方式之一(以及定向和培训)。Gatewood and Field表示,它还为其他人力资源实践提供了基础,如有效的工作设计、目标设定和薪酬,以激励员工努力有效地完成工作。
Job applicants differ along many dimensions, such as educational and work experience, personality characteristics, and innate ability and motivation levels. The logic of employee selection begins with the assumption that at least some of these individual differences are relevant to a person’s suitability for a particular job. Thus, in employee selection the organization must:
Determine the relevant individual differences (KSAs) needed to do the job and
Identify and utilize selection methods that will reliably and validly assess the extent to which job applicants possess the needed KSAs. The organization must achieve these tasks in a way that does not illegally discriminate against any job applicants on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or veteran’s status.
An Overview of the Selection process:选择过程概述
Employee selection is itself a process consisting of several important stages, as shown in Exhibit 1. Since the organization must determine the individual KSAs needed to perform a job, the selection process begins with job analysis, which is the systematic study of the content of jobs in an organization. Effective job analysis tells the organization what people occupying particular jobs “do” in the course of performing their jobs. It also helps the organization determine the major duties and responsibilities of the job, as well as aspects of the job that are of minor or tangential importance to job performance. The job analysis often results in a document called the job description, which is a comprehensive document that details the duties, responsibilities, and tasks that make up a job. Because job analysis can be complex, time-consuming, and expensive, standardized job descriptions have been developed that can be adapted to thousands of jobs in organizations across the world. Two examples of such databases are the U.S. government’s Standard Occupational Classification (SOC), which has information on at least 821 occupations, and the Occupational Information Network, which is also known as O*NET. O*NET provides job descriptions for thousands of jobs.
An understanding of the content of a job assists an organization in specifying the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to do the job. These KSAs can be expressed in terms of a job specification, which is an
2.2 Main Responsibilities of HRM 人力资源管理的主要职责
2.2.1 Getting the Best Employees 获得最佳员工
Workforce planning 劳动力规划
Specifying Jobs and Roles 指定作业和角色
Recruiting 招聘
Outsourcing 外包
Screening Applicants 筛选申请人
Staffing — Selecting (Hiring) New Employees. 人员配置-选择(雇佣)新员工 Workforce planning 劳动力规划
a) Objective of Workforce Planning 劳动力规划目标
Workforce planning is one of the most important activities in any organisation. It starts with analysis of the strategic position of the business. The results of this analysis then feed into a forecast of the required demand for labour by the organisation and how this is likely to be supplied. The final stage involves the creation and implementation of a human resources plan which aims to deliver the right number of the right people for the Organisation.
b) Strategy for workforce plan  劳动力计划战略
The strategic position and requirement of the organisation have the most important influence on workforce planning:
Organisation objectives and scope of activities: what are the objectives of the organisation? What products are to be sold, in which markets; using what kind of distribution?
Organisation location – where is the organisation located? How are the various business units, divisions, functions distributed across the various locations? What specialist skills are essential in each location? What are the workforce implications of decisions on organisation location?
Labour environment: what is happening to the size of the labour force? What key population and employment trends (e.g. the increasing numbers of people working on temporary or short-term contracts) affect the ability of the business to recruit staff? What provision needs to be made for employee pension; what employment legislation
Timetables – to what extent does the strategic needs of the business require short-term changes in the workforce – or can change be achieved over a longer period. For example, are new retailing or distribution locations to be opened in the next 12 months that require staff?
组织位置–组织位于哪里?各个业务部门、部门和职能部门如何分布在各个地点?每个地点都需要哪些专业技能?组织位置决策对员工的影响是什么?    劳动环境:劳动力规模发生了什么变化?哪些关键的人口和就业趋势(例如,签订临时或短期合同的人数不断增加)会影响企业招聘员工的能力?需要为员工养老金提供哪些准备金;什么样的就业立法             
c) Forecasting Workforce Demand  预测劳动力需求
Putting a good Human Resources plan together requires an organisation to make a reasonably accurate forecast of workforce size. Key factors to consider in this forecast are:
Demand for existing and new products/projects
Organisation disposals and product closures
Introduction of new technology (e.g. new production equipment)
Cost reduction programmes (most usually involve a reduction in staff numbers somewhere within the business)
Changes to the business organisational structure
Business acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic partnerships
Forecasting Workforce Supply
The starting point for estimating supply is the existing workforce: an Organisation should take account of:
Scheduled changes to the composition of the existing workforce (e.g. promotions; job rotation)
Normal loss of workforce – e.g. through retirement, “normal” labour turnover
Potential exceptional factors – e.g. actions of competitors that create problems of staff retention
By comparing the forecast workforce demand and supply – it is possible to compile a forecast of net workforce size. This then needs to be compared with the strategic requirements for the organisation. The result is the “workforce gap” (which is a forecast of too few or too many workers). The role of HRM is to close the gap!
HRM – Policies to Close the Workforce Gap
The key HRM activities to manage the workforce gap comprise:
Recruitment plans (how many people, where, what type, how)
Training plans
Redundancy plans
Staff Retention Plans (how the business intends to keep the staff it wants to retain)      
员工保留计划(企业打算如何留住想要留住的员工) Specifying jobs and roles 指定作业和角色
This phenomenon includes two processes; 这种现象包括两个过程;
Job specification 工作规范
Job description 职位描述
Job Specification 工作规范
Derived from job analysis, it is a statement of employee characteristics and qualifications required for satisfactory performance of defined duties and tasks comprising a specific job or function. 
A job specification describes the knowledge, skills, education, experience, and abilities organisation believes are essential to performing a particular job. The job specification is developed from the job analysis.
A job specification cuts to the quick with organisation requirements whereas the job description defines the duties and requirements of an employee’s job in detail. The job specification provides detailed characteristics, knowledge, education, skills, and experience needed to perform the job, with an overview of the specific job requirements.
Job Description 职位描述 
Job descriptions are essential. Job descriptions are required for recruitment so that organisation and the applicants can understand the role. Job descriptions are necessary for all people in the organisation. A job description defines a person’s role and accountability. Without a job description it is not possible for a person to properly commit to, or be held accountable for, a role.
Smaller organisations commonly require staff and managers to cover a wider or more mixed range of responsibilities than in larger organisations (for example, the ‘office manager’ role can comprise financial, HR, stock-control, scheduling and other duties). Therefore in smaller organisations, job descriptions might necessarily contain a greater number of listed responsibilities, perhaps 15-16. However,
whatever the circumstances, the number of responsibilities should not exceed this, or the job description becomes unwieldy and ineffective.
Some feature in most job descriptions are as following; 大多数工作描述中的一些特征如下
communicating ( How to communicate with upper and lower level of management from his/her level)沟通(如何从他/她的级别与上下管理层沟通) 
Panning and organising.平移和组织
Managing information and general administration support.管理信息和一般行政支持
Monitoring and reporting.监测和报告
Financial budgeting and control 财务预算和控制
Producing things.生产物品
Maintaining and repairing.维护和修理
Quality control.质量控制
Health and safety.健康与安全
Using equipment and system.使用设备和系统
Developing and creating things.开发和创造事物

Importance of Job Description:工作描述的重要性:
Job descriptions improve an organisation’s ability to manage people and roles in the following ways: 工作描述通过以下方式提高组织管理人员和角色的能力
Clarifies organisation expectations for employees.明确组织对员工的期望
Provides basis of measuring job performance 提供衡量工作绩效的基础
Provides clear description of role for job candidates 为求职者提供清晰的角色描述
Provides a structure and discipline for company to understand and structure all jobs and ensure necessary activities, duties and responsibilities are covered by one job or another
Provides continuity of role parameters irrespective of manager interpretation 提供角色参数的连续性,而不考虑经理的解释
Enables pay and grading systems to be structured fairly and logically 使薪酬和评级系统结构合理合理
Prevents arbitrary interpretation of role content and limit by employee and employer and manager 防止员工、雇主和经理对角色内容和限制的任意解释
Essential reference tool in issues of employee/employer dispute 员工/雇主争议问题的基本参考工具
Essential reference tool for discipline issues 学科问题的基本参考工具
Provides important reference points for training and development areas 为培训和发展领域提供重要参考点
Provides neutral and objective reference points for appraisals, performance reviews and counselling 为评估、绩效评估和咨询提供中立客观的参考点
Enables formulation of skill set and behaviour set requirements per role 能够制定每个角色的技能集和行为集要求
Enables organisation to structure and manage roles in a uniform way, thus increasing efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment, training and development, organisational structure, work flow and activities, customer service, etc
Enables factual view (as opposed to instinctual) to be taken by employees and managers in career progression and succession planning

Job Description Components:工作描述组成部分:
Job Title 职位名称
Based at (Business Unit, Section – if applicable) 总部位于(业务部门,部门-如适用)
Position reports to (Line Manager title, location, and Functional Manager, location if matrix management structure) 职位报告对象(直线经理职称、地点和职能经理、地点,如果是矩阵管理结构)
Job Purpose Summary (ideally one sentence) 工作目的总结(最好是一句话)
Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities, (or ‘Duties’. 8-15 numbered points) 关键职责和责任(或“职责”,8-15分编号)
Dimensions/Territory/Scope/Scale indicators (the areas to which responsibilities extend and the scale of responsibilities – staff, customers, territory, products, equipment, premises, etc) 维度/地域/范围/规模指标(责任范围和责任范围-员工、客户、地域、产品、设备、场所等)
Date and other relevant internal references 日期和其他相关内部参考
Organisation basically has two main resources to get Human resources 组织基本上有两种主要资源来获取人力资源 
Internal Promotion 内部晋升
Recruitment 招聘
Outsourcing 外包  
Internal Promotions: 内部晋升
In this scenario existing employees of the organisation are promoted to fill the required place in the organisation.
In this case organisation takes new employees in the organisation to fill the vacant places.
Outsourcing refers to a company those contracts with another company to provide services.
Recruitment and Selection:招聘和选拔
Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organisation needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organisation.
Employee selection is the “process of collecting and evaluating information about an individual in order to extend an offer of employment (R.D. Gate wood and H.S. Field) Employee selection is part of the overall staffing process of the organization, which also includes human resource (HR) planning, recruitment, and retention activities. By doing human resource planning, the organization projects its likely demand for personnel with particular knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), and compares that to the anticipated availability of such personnel in the internal or external labour markets. During the recruitment phase of staffing, the organization attempts to establish contact with potential job applicants by job postings within the organization, advertising to attract external applicants, employee referrals, and many other methods, depending on the type of organization and the nature of the job in question. Employee selection begins when a pool of applicants is generated by the organization’s recruitment efforts. During the employee selection process, a firm decides which of the recruited candidates will be offered a position.
Effective employee selection is a critical component of a successful organization. How employees perform their jobs is a major factor in determining how successful an organization will be. Job performance is essentially determined by the ability of an individual to do a particular job and the effort the individual is willing to put forth in performing the job. Through effective selection, the organization can maximize the probability that its new employees will have the necessary KSAs to do the jobs they were hired to do. Thus, employee selection is one of the two major ways (along with orientation and training) to make sure that new employees have the abilities required to do their jobs. It also provides the base for other HR practices-such as effective job design, goal setting, and compensation-that motivate workers to exert the effort needed to do their jobs effectively…….
Organisational document that details what is required to successfully perform a given job. The necessary KSAs are called job requirements, which is simply means they are thought to be necessary to perform the job. Job requirements are expressed in terms of desired education or training, work experience, specific aptitudes or abilities, and in many other ways. Care must be taken to ensure that the job requirements are based on the actual duties and responsibilities of the job and that they do not include irrelevant requirements that may discriminate against some applicants. For example, many organizations have revamped their job descriptions and specifications in the years since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure that these documents contain only job-relevant content.
Validity of selection methods 选择方法的有效性
Validity refers to the quality of a measure that exists when the measure assesses a construct. In the selection context, validity refers to the appropriateness, meaningfulness, and usefulness of the inferences made about applicants during the selection process. It is concerned with the issue of whether applicants will actually perform the job as well as expected based on the inferences made during the selection process. The closer the applicants’ actual job performances match their expected performances, the greater the validity of the selection process.
Selection methods 选择方法
A Organisation should use selection methods that reliably and accurately measure the needed qualifications. The reliability of a measure refers to its consistency. It is defined as “the degree of self-consistency among the scores earned by an individual.” Reliable evaluations are consistent across both people and time. Reliability is maximized when two people evaluating the same candidate provide the same ratings, and when the ratings of a candidate taken at two different times are the same. When selection scores are unreliable, their validity is diminished. Some of the factors affecting the reliability of selection measures are:
Emotional and physical state of the candidate. Reliability suffers if candidates are particularly nervous during the assessment process.
Lack of rapport with the administrator of the measure. Reliability suffers if candidates are “turned off” by the interviewer and thus do not “show their stuff” during the interview.
Inadequate knowledge of how to respond to a measure. Reliability suffers if candidates are asked questions that are vague or confusing.
Individual differences among respondents. If the range or differences in scores on the attribute measured by a selection device is large, that means the device can reliably distinguish among people.
Question difficulty. Questions of moderate difficulty produce the most reliable measures. If questions are too easy, many applicants will give the correct answer and individual differences are lessened; if questions are too difficult, few applicants will give the correct answer and, again, individual differences are lessened.
Length of measure. As the length of a measure increases, its reliability also increases. For example, an interviewer can better gauge an applicant’s level of interpersonal skills by asking several questions, rather than just one or two.
Up to this point, our discussion has assumed that an employer needs to validate each of its:
Studies summarizing a selection measure’s validity for similar jobs in other settings.
Data showing the similarity between the jobs for which the validity evidence is reported and the job in the new employment setting.
Data showing the similarity between the selection measures in the other studies composing the validity evidence and those measures to be used in the new employment setting.
测量长度。随着测量长度的增加,其可靠性也会增加。例如,面试官可以通过问几个问题而不是一两个问题来更好地衡量应聘者的人际交往能力。         到目前为止,我们的讨论假设雇主需要验证其每一项:             
Making final selection:做出最终选择
The extensiveness and complexity of selection processes vary greatly depending on factors such as the nature of the job, the number of applicants for each opening, and the size of the organization. A typical way of applying selection methods to a large number of applicants for a job requiring relatively high levels of KSAs would be the following:
Use application blanks, resumes, and short interviews to determine which job applicants meet the minimum requirements for the job. If the number of applicants is not too large, the information provided by applicants can be verified with reference and/or background checks.
Use extensive interviews and appropriate testing to determine which of the minimally qualified job candidates have the highest degree of the KSAs required by the job.
Make contingent offers to one or more job finalists as identified by Step 2. Job offers may be contingent upon successful completion of a drug test or other forms of back-ground checks. General medical exams can only be given after a contingent offer is given.
向第2步确定的一名或多名最终求职者提供临时聘用。工作聘用可能取决于成功完成药物测试或其他形式的背景调查。只有在给出或有报价后才能进行一般体检。本站提供各国各专业留学生Literature Review文献综述写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。


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