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The external regulation system of market economy  政府调节型市场经济制度
Since the development of human history, people from age into the era of commodity economy society, people's instinct pursuit can make goods to economic factors as resource allocation way to regulate the economy, throughout the world within the scope of the market economy development in the capitalist society, correction, but also reflects a series of control defects, socialist countries is causing violations. Late 20th century, China will be the advanced market economy resource allocation way to introduce, combined with the national macroeconomic regulation and control, creatively opened up a "socialist market economy system", made a lot of progress. But corruption is a big key in the development of human beings, and is constantly history repeats itself, extends to the country's political and economic process. 
"Market economy" is now a concept of Chinese ears. Literally, "market economy" is a compound phrase, by the "market" and "economic" two elements.
In Chinese, "city" refers to a "deal", and "field", the site also. Therefore, the "market" is refers to the trading places. Market and social division of labor is closely connected with commodity economy. The more advanced the commodity economy, the scope and capacity of market is expanding. With the continuous development of commodity economy, the market also has had the change, the significance of today's market place is not only refers to a certain space, and is expanding as the carrier of commodity economy or reality performance, the relationship of exchange. Today's market consists of the following four meanings: one is the Commodity Exchange places and areas; 2 it is commodities producers and consumers of various economic relations between rendezvous and combined; 3 it is to have purchasing power demand; 4 it is realistic and potential customers.
The word "economy" in the ancient Chinese originally refers to "products offers", "economy offers", "classic people". "Economy" is a word in the English language: pa, origin from the ancient Greek, ancient Greek thinkers xenophon first use "economy" (pa) refers to the "family management", his "economy" marks the western economic thought. Therefore, its original meaning is refers to the management of family property method, to expand the range for the governance of the country in modern times, in order to distinguish it from the previous usage, also known as "Political Economy" here (pa). The name was the "father of modern Economics, the British scholar Alfred Marshall to change back to" Economics "(Economics). Visible, the "economic" and our modern meaning of the English etymology of "economy" also is very different.
Modern Chinese context of "economy" is, in fact, after the Japanese academic results. In the late edo to the Meiji period, the European and American ideas into Japan, Tian Xiaoping god first in the "economic elementary school" using the word "Economy" translation "here pa." in English. During this period, Japanese scholars began to use the word "economy" refer to monetary economic development will bring a variety of activities, and had "economic means to maintain social production, consumption and trade of the necessities of life such as the activities of the" idea. This is associated with money, property and other practical problems gradually popular in Japan, the definition of the usage and the Ming and qing dynasties in Chinese context "economy" of the original usage is different. And then use the word "Economy" translation "here pa." this kind of translation of English and Chinese, introduced by liang qichao, also replaced the yan fu translation in the wealth of nations "project learning" or traditional "living to learn", "stabilization", and then in the whole Chinese culture gradually replaced the Economy the original meaning of the word. In addition, from the perspective of the economics research method, the economy can also be understood how to do, at a minimum cost for maximum impact. In all kinds of subjective and objective, under the control of natural and human conditions, how to choose in a variety of possible choices of minimum cost and maximum effective means or methods.
Because the "economy" in ancient Chinese and English are not referring to the modern concept of "economic" meaning, "economy" is also in the economics research methods can only be filed as a research idea and. Therefore, for the concept of "economic" or from the sense of productivity and production relations to use advisable, namely "economic" means (national, regional) within certain limits, all the production, distribution, circulation and consumption activities and relationship of system.
Place market not only refers to a certain space, and is expanding as the carrier of commodity economy or reality; Economy also refers to the production, distribution, circulation and consumption activities and relationship of the system. The combination is refers to the "market" "economy", that is, all the economic activities to the market this carrier. In other words, the market economy refers to the market based on economic activity.
Because of the economic activity is related to the production, distribution, circulation and consumption of social resources allocation, once asked its trade freely within the territory in the market, the market has become a means of allocation of resources, therefore, can be thought of as a market economy is a way of resource allocation. At the same time, because of the resources in all areas of society through the market mechanism to allocate, promote the orderly conduct of human production, so from the point of view of the meaning of productivity development, the realization of the market economy and productivity. It's meaning in the form of market economy.
Market economy as a way of resource allocation, it is efficient, to promote the great development of productivity. Early adoption of a market economy in the world in Britain, this greatly promoted the progress and social development, the production has given rise to the industrial revolution. During the industrial revolution 70 years, Britain generally set up machine big industry, the productivity of workers increased average 20 times; In 1850, the British accounting for 39% of the gross value of industrial output, accounting for 21% of total world trade, has become the "world factory". History of German economists ke Wu Gang and aimless fly said: "only a slight growth in living standards each year for many centuries after, first in the UK, then in north-western Europe and North America, the ordinary people life level rising, a process that began in the late 18th century, and to advance at full speed in the 19th century. In the 19th century, England, France and Germany production with two-thirds of the world's total industrial output." And just as samuelson's definition, the 19th century is the most countries in Europe and North America free market economy.
Market economy is a kind of Commodity Exchange, the exchange of the two sides can only belong to their own products. Also, both sides must know the resources that you have. In the market, only by common agreement between the two sides will exchange behavior, to assign their goods, possession of the goods of others. The exchange relationship is a kind of equal main body in the form of contract relations, relations between both sides "just silently by assignment objects to each other as proprietors, to each other as a relatively independent of man". "Private" here means "property rights", "contract" means "equality", "independent" means "freedom", this is the premise of exchange market to exist, to. Otherwise will not be able to exchange, the market will also no longer exists. Markets can exist and develop, must have to protect the "property", "equality" and "free" system for the foundation, generalization, the formation of the system on the market, the market economy. Throughout the modern western civilization, it is not hard to find, the rise of the western civilization is also accompanied by the formation of the system. So, also can be summarized as: the market economy to protect property rights, promote equality and protect the basis of the free market system, to free choice, voluntary exchange, on the premise of voluntary cooperation, with decentralized decision making, spontaneous, free competition as the characteristic, guided by the market mechanism of social resource allocation of economic form. This is the real meaning of market economy.#p#分页标题#e#
It is generally believed that the market economy has the following characteristics: (1) equality. The main body of market economy is equal to participate in free trade "people" (after the establishment of modern enterprise system, the meaning of "person" has transcended the category of natural person into a generalized); (2) competitive. The operating mechanism of market economy is the competition between equal subjects to the result of competition to realize the configuration of resources; (3) FaZhiXing. Market economy is legal economy, it is necessary to abide by the contract and rules between main body to achieve the orderly operation of market economy; (4) open. Expansionary market economy, from the beginning of open regional market development for the national market, and then grow into a unified international big in continuous trading market.
In our country, to understand the relation between planned economy and market economy, especially in the late 20th century, since the market economy reform of market economy, market economy system and socialist market economic system such as there are many different understanding of the relationship between vocabulary. Many people think that a few confusion can be used, it is necessary to be identified here.
First of all, through the market allocation of resources, market economy is a symbol of the development level of productive forces and promote the development of productivity. Market economy is based on the social division of labor productivity is the realization form, there are tens of thousands of mutually dependent and independent producers, to make their production activities, must through the resource allocation way of market economy, on the basis of the social division of labor to achieve mass production. Market economy is the various factors of production allocation of resources the effective ways to form the realistic productivity. Marx pointed out: "the difference between the various economic era, what is not production, but in how to produce, what kind of labor materials production." At the same time, Marx also pointed out: "the laborer with special ways and methods of the combination of production data, make the social structure is divided into different economic times." Past people only consider production tools is a sign of the productivity development level and scale, didn't see the resource configuration mode is also the scale of the development level of productive forces, and therefore cannot understand Marx about two divided society economy era. The argument is consistent with the actually. "How to produce" refers to the allocation of resources, it and workers with the means of production is the same meaning. The allocation of resources in a different way, laborer and the combination of production way is different also. And resource allocation methods reflect the different social productivity development level is different, so, it is the development of social productivity level, "what kind of labor production" refers to what kind of production tools, concrete production department just a sign of development level of productive forces. Value for production of market economy, the value on the quality of unlimited and quantity limitation, the producers of value pursuit of unlimited desire, forcing producers to expand production. Due to the competitive market economy and open at the same time, the competitors are the latest science and technology for the production, the scope of competition into the region, ethnic, and national boundaries, so that the trend of the development of the social productivity is infinite.
Second, the market economy is the certain social economy system is built, the productivity of belong to the category of productive forces. Market economy determines the realization form of the private ownership of the means of production and social reproduction. Market economy as the forms of productivity, as at a certain stage of development of productive forces, the ownership of productive resources implementation form plays a decisive role. For example, the capitalist private ownership is to adapt to the development of market economy and built up, this is because of capitalism's pursuit of surplus value production purpose, value for production and market economy is consistent. Not only that, with the development of market economy, the realization of the capitalist private ownership form is changed accordingly. In addition, the market economy as the concrete realization form of productivity, determines the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of each link. Resource configuration to take the way of market economy, decided to production, the purpose is to value the combination of various factors of production to the needs of the service in capturing value. Product must be according to the factors of production to distribution, the distribution of the products must be adopt the method of equivalent exchange, the exchange of consumption will inevitably take different from self-sufficient way to meet, and through the way of market consumption. In as resource allocation way of social market economy, we must set up corresponding income distribution mode and the exchange of product. So, belongs to the category of the productive forces of the market economy, market economy is not necessarily can only be combined with capitalism, but as a way to achieve productivity, can be combined with certain social economic system. , therefore, is not a market economy based on the system of capitalism, but capitalism is established on the basis of market economy, is not a market economy based on socialist economic system, but the socialist economic system based on market economy.
Understand from the literal meaning, the market economy system is refers to the institutionalization of the market economy. But in fact this understanding and cannot fully express the real meaning of market economy system.
Plan to guide market economic system 计划指导型市场经济制度
First of all, the market economy system is a social economic system and the combination of the market economy mode of resource allocation, belong to the category of a macro system arrangement. The market economic system is the foundation of market economy, a series of related system, specific means of market economic system or form basic properties, characteristics, principles, rules and standards of a complete set of system, the market economic system or form of market economy activities participants of all economic activity in the highest and the most basic requirements. Specifically, on the one hand, the nature of the market economic system to market economy, the emphasis on market to the basic role of the allocation of resources; Market economic system, on the other hand, as a kind of systematization and institutionalization of institutional arrangements, is bound to reflect a country's own economic and social characteristics and cultural tradition, such as the market economy system of our country from the causes to run all need and traditional social system and national conditions in China. This is unique to China's development provides a theoretical basis for the socialist market economy.
Second, the market economic system reflects the nature of the country's social economic system, belong to the category of production relations. Market economy is a way of resource allocation, productivity is the implementation of the form. It speaks for itself no social nature of market economy, there is no socialist market economy and capitalist market economy, the social nature and production tools just as a commodity. Market economy system is the market economy mode of resource allocation and the combination of the social economic system, belong to the scope of the production relations, it is the expression of production relations. Market economy system by the mode of resource allocation, social basic economic system, cultural background and other factors. Because of people's values, historical conditions and cultural background of different, different countries of market economy system is different, therefore, the market economy system can be divided into different social properties, and according to certain standards of taxonomy, also can be divided into different kinds of market economic system. The social nature of the market economy system, it is decided by the nature of the social economy system.
Again, from the perspective of institutional economics, a country's market economic system also competitive high and low points. Institutional economics argues that rules of the system is formulated by the people, its denotation very extensive. In the new classical economists, system is the exogenous variables, economic growth and development, therefore, in the investigation and the growth of economic operation, can be used as the premise of a given. , in contrast to the new classical economics, institutional economics system is considered an "public goods" such as commodities, as endogenous variable of economic growth and development, and is one of the most important variable, the study suggests that the influence on economic development of the market economy, the largest and even decisive. A country or a region, regardless of its climate, location, natural resources, religious culture and national conditions such as values, as long as it took to the road of market economy, the economy will be rapid development, without a long historical period, can achieve industrialization and modernization; But conversely. At the same time, the various countries the market economic system established with their respective national conditions and social development of the coupling between different, different types of market economic system has different competitiveness.#p#分页标题#e#
Therefore, in particular in the market economy system, market economy and the social economy system belong to two different levels, market economy belongs to the category of productive forces, social economic system belongs to the category of production relations, they are not the same level of the two plates. , therefore, cannot in the socialist market economic system, reflect socialist ownership was isolated foundation and reflects the development of market economy requires ownership basis. Market economy itself has no ownership based on your own. Whether public ownership and non-public, accord with the requirement of market economy, with clear property right can be compatible with market economy, public ownership and non-public can become part of the market economy. At the same time, we should be more deeply examines the development of the market economic system and market economic system of developed countries experience, in order to make our country more competitive market economy system and continuous efforts. Marx had pointed out that the market system is filtered in the process of human civilization evolution mechanism of economic organization and resource allocation in a certain way. Originates in the late feudal society, the market economy system established in the capitalist system, as people's understanding of the market continued to deepen, with 20 or 30 s of the 20th century cope with the world economic crisis Keynesian appears as the point, western economic theory, the understanding of the market economy system can be divided into the laissez-faire market economy system and macro management of the market economy system two big stage. In the each stage, the understanding of the market economy system after two times each also deepen:
Britain is the birthplace of the market economy system. "The wealth of nations" masters of the author, the great English economics Adam Smith in "personal satisfy the desires of the activity will promote social welfare" as the logical starting point, push the performance market is "laissez faire" order. The activities of the government completely unable to intervene in the pursuit of personal wealth, also don't have to worry about the laissez-faire altogether will create chaos, "an invisible hand" will be taking the laissez-faire personal economic activities arranged in perfect order. Namely, Adam Smith's market concept is emphasized to restrict government intervention in economic activities for individuals. "The wealth of nations" spend considerable space to attack intervention in personal economic activity, restrict individual economic power (property right) mercantilist policies. After the classical economists will be celebrated as a classic of western countries for quite a long time has been pushing the "laissez faire" type of market economic system.
The introduction of new classical economics marginal concept and mathematical reasoning, on the basis of further for the new classic "laissez-faire order" form "perfect" mathematical model is established, the general equilibrium. In this model the price is the most important independent variable, the model can also be called the price mechanism. To achieve the process of general equilibrium, but also a social resource flow process, the direction of prices, so the price mechanism to adjust the configuration of social resources. New classical concept of market in addition to the "perfect" increase form, essentially did not increase the new connotation to the classical theory. Namely, under the new classical mathematical model of the "perfect" under the skin, is still a classic order of laissez-faire, the "new" is the "new" in form. And the form of depth at the expense of perfect at the expense of the thoughts, general equilibrium model of fine arbitrarily abstract away the activities of the "personal pursuit to satisfy desires to promote social welfare" logic support. Objectively to see, the price mechanism under the guide of market economic system should be able to become the western market economic system in the history of an independent phase, as Adam Smith advocated by the "laissez faire" type of completely due to blindly emphasis on personal value standard market economy, to some extent, has not adapt to the large-scale social production by leaps and bounds after the industrial revolution under the background of the actual situation of the whole society exists in the public interest, and the capitalist economic crisis has loom, "laissez faire" has clearly not with theoretical logic legitimacy.
After establishing the market economic system of capitalism, the productivity of human history has experienced an unprecedented boom. But, behind the prosperity of the crisis. Finally, the economy of 20 or 30 s of the 20th century a worldwide economic crisis broke out, also known as the "great depression". "Great depression" forcing western economic theorists reflect on the definition of classical theory on market. The final answer is completely laissez faire is not enough, the invisible hand sometimes does not exist, market failure, government should be on economic activity intervention on the "total", so "macroeconomics" Keynesian theory of a representative "was born. Franklin Roosevelt also accepted the advice of John Maynard Keynes, the implementation of government intervention in the economy's "New Deal". Around the world now has already formed the basic consensus means of government intervention in the economy: fiscal policy and monetary policy. Keynesian rapidly around the world by a great number of capitalist countries to follow suit.
The disadvantages of the market economy lies in the "market failure", Keynesian logic is emphasized by the government to intervene in the economy. But as a matter of fact, not only intervention can break is still in doubt "market failure" theory, and the intervener - the government itself will also fall into the strange circle of "government failure". This cycle of western capitalist countries in the 1970 s stagflation. So, people began to re-examine "market failure", to realize freedom of market competition mechanism is to produce the best wealth. Then, around the world capitalist market economy have loosen government control, to eliminate the stagflation crisis and lead the economy continues to boom. To the marketization of what is known as the new liberalism of market economy system. Because of this round of market system of boom is due to the contribution of economic scholars, and the system is also the market economic scholars emphasize that is different from the classical theory of free market economics, people called the marketization of the marketization of new liberalism. If classical economists explained the "market" is the order of the "laissez faire", then the system economic scholars represented by coase answered and how to realize the order of the "laissez faire" or "the price mechanism", find the theoretical basis for marketization of new liberalism.
Through the above the nature of the market economic system and promote the process of review with the history, the market economy system from buds in the process of development of market economy, through the response to the economic practice, gradually spontaneous or dominated by the government to market economy with a certain institutional arrangement, which provide system supply run to the health of the market economy. In particular, the market economic system includes a series of content elements.
At the start of the market economy system, the economists and the focus has always been the market, until the production of institutional economics, people realize the value, the system of market economy system itself competition this value even more than the market itself. The important aspect of development of advanced productive forces is to seek advanced factors of production, after the market mechanism to become the main resource allocation mechanism, system as well as resources, there is scarcity. When the system supply shortage, economic development and social progress will be restricted. Under certain conditions, the system restriction is more critical than resource constraints. Face of stagflation in the 1970 s, system economy along the path of the liberal scholars made a deeper explanation, the representative of coase think utility externality problem without government intervention, can be solved by defining relevant property market is used to. Or does not exist the so-called external utility, only exist state of ambiguous property rights. However, coase to market concept has brought a revolutionary innovation. He make people realize that the key of the market is not that impersonal machinery "price system", but in the power of the economic activity participants (property).
Paul samuelson, according to the giants of American economics of South America is rich in natural resources, the characteristics of the high quality of the labor force, make predictions in 1950, the second half of the 20th century of the fastest growing economies in the world will be in South America. This period, but that is not the case of the fastest growing economies in Europe and the Pacific region, its reason lies in the region has a sound complete property right system, is greatly activate the various factors of production, to make up for the lack of natural resources. Samuelson analysis think about it, he had predicted on the basis of is not the most fundamental factors, property rights system is the basic elements of economic system, it decides the efficiency of resource allocation efficiency and the economic system, determines the incentive mechanism and the way of people's behavior, plays a decisive role to the development of advanced productive forces. Therefore, the property rights system is the core of the modern market economy system basic elements.#p#分页标题#e#
Property rights system in the modern market economic system has so important value, and historically, due to the long and capitalist market economy, especially in the private ownership are inseparable, so many scholars agree that private ownership is the form of property right system. Such as Joseph stiglitz said: "private property and competition in a market economy in a core position." Mankiw said: "the only resource owned by private, market economy can run perfectly; when the resources owned by the collective, the market will not be able to run well. For this reason, the market is a good way to organize social beliefs and is closely related to private faith."
It should be noted that the above understanding is not correct, not private ownership property rights system. Property rights, namely the property or the property rights, is based on property ownership as the main body of the sum of a series of property rights, including the ownership and its derivative of possession, use, usufruct, governance. Property rights system, namely the combination of the above rules of property rights and property rights and can realize the effective combination of property right relations, regulation and protection of system arrangement. In fact, the property right system is the realization of the system of ownership form. Ownership decided to distribute the production relations and the relations, the performance of legal relation of property right system is the production, it determines how people benefit, damage and its extent. Property is a social tool, the same ownership can have different property right system, different system of ownership, also can use the same property rights system. Such as joint stock system as a form of property rights, capitalism and socialism can use. In the modern market economic system, therefore, should be clearly defined property rights, clear relationship between power and responsibility, strictly in accordance with the law to protect property rights, in the pursuit of property rights is to realize the economic interests as much as possible to provide the system guarantee.
The market mechanism, it is to point to in the competitive market mutual restrict relationship between the supply and demand, price and sports. Market mechanism including supply and demand, price, competition three requirements.
The development of social division of labor, the production of the oneness and the contradiction of demand diversity, which makes the supply and demand both sides are both contradictory and interdependent. Commodity Exchange is to connect the two sides of supply and demand, so as to solve the contradiction between supply and demand. Marxist economic theory and law of value to explain the relationship between the price and supply and demand. Price link to connect the two sides of supply and demand of interests, is the value of the currency, supply and demand imbalance will lead to price deviates from the value. Price coordination is to guide the flow of resources supply and demand indicators, through the two-way adjusting price, make the supply and demand balance in a new level. Prices shown in three aspects: one is to reflect supply and demand information, price or delivery goods and elements of the scarcity of information; 2 it is to provide a stimulus, prompting people to try to use the most economical approach to production and consumption, making the most of available resources utility; Three is a function of distribution, mainly refers to the price of factors of production decides the distribution of the final product, all how to allocate between people depends on the total product they sell elements receive the payment. Competition is goods between the buyer and the seller around commodity prices and quality to carry on the fight, only competition can make the price change with demand and supply and lifting, price changes, in turn, regulate the supply and demand. Competition is the soul of market dynamics. The market mechanism is the interdependence between supply and demand, price, competition and mutual restriction in the function of resource conservation and rational allocation of resources. Existing in the market economy system that enables buyers and sellers through voluntary transactions are benefit mechanism, can adjust the behavior of ten million people, their respective pursue their own interests, but makes others benefit.
In classical economics point of view, the entire automatic regulation by the market economy, the government just ACTS as a "night watchman". The government to play a role in regulating income distribution. Western countries in the 1930 s "great depression" broke the myth of the market mechanism of self-adjustment, under the condition of the Keynesian put forward the theory of government intervention in the economy, work quickly after its adoption by the United States, and around the world as the market economy system absorbed by the state.
In the modern market economy, the government intervention in the economy is mainly based on the theory of market failure, the scope of intervention in the economy activity basically with the range of market failure. Since modern economics thinks, the market in order to achieve ideal efficiency has quite strict preconditions, namely, economic information completely and symmetry, fully market competition, constant or decreasing return of scale, the perfectly rational, no externalities, transaction costs are zero, etc. These prerequisites in reality can't be fully satisfy, market so there are some defects. With the full development of the market economy, especially from free competition to monopoly of widespread, the externalities caused by prominent private cost externalization, due to the consumption of non-exclusive and integral sex as a result of market supply of public goods is not possibility, as well as the information asymmetry, the widespread distribution of unfairness problem. Market failure, therefore, is mainly refers to the external (externality), public goods, public goods) provides information insufficiency, the partial in, information insufficiency, the unfair distribution, the problem such as monopoly, economic cycle.
Due to the market failure, government intervention in the economy is mainly manifested in the following aspects: first, to adjust income distribution, solve the problem of income distribution disparity caused by market mechanism. Second, to provide market system does not provide public products; Third, to overcome the market mechanism may produce externalities; Fourth, stable macroeconomic, to maintain a healthy economic development; Fifth, to maintain effective competition in the market order.
Should see, the market failure needs the government intervention, and the cost of intervention is not only exist, and also, the phenomenon of the failure of government intervention, the government failure. To this, represented by buchanan's theory of public choice have a in-depth research. Government failure mainly includes: the government, as a kind of natural monopolies and result in low efficiency; The government as a kind of bureaucracy and the supply of public products namely intervention method in prone to X the efficiency; Because of factors such as interest groups, make the government process insurmountable internal defects, make the government become a "captured" (captured government) government, lead to public products provided by the government can't reflect the overall market preferences; Due to the incomplete decision information and public interest caused by the uncertainty of government decision-making errors; The inherent concept of no profit, property rights are not legally binding, and seek to maximize budget maximization and size of defects, etc.
Overall, government intervention, due to the rise of Keynesian reputation, despite its weakened under the new liberalism theory, but there is no denying the fact that the world within the scope of the market economy system country more or less absorbed the theory of government intervention in the economy, so the government intervention can become a basic constituent elements of the market economy system.
The market economic system and anti-corruption 市场经济制度与反腐败
Market economy is not only an economic phenomenon, the market economy system is not only a kind of economic system arrangement, from a broader perspective, the market economic system more can be thought of as a social system. In this sense, social coordinated development and sustainable development is the premise of market economy, it is to provide the correct orientation in the development of market economy, the conditions of the healthy development and sustainable development of environment, the rapid development momentum. Market economy and the social coordinated development and sustainable development has intrinsic "symbiosis", is a positive correlation relationship. That is, the development of market economy, the need to the social environment and ecological environment coordinated and adaptive development; The ecological environment and the society is more coordinated development, the more good, also can promote the development of market economy. Modern market economy system is rooted in the modern globalization society, therefore, guarantee the sustainable development of the society would also become the important component of market economy system.
Specifically, the sustainable development mechanism including the system of social security system, economic globalization, the green economy development system and the concept of market economy, etc. The social security system has the function of the "stabilizer" of economy and society, to correct market economy to some extent of negative effects. Participation of social security for the regulation of economic operation, the function of the commercialization of emphasis on reducing of income distribution gap between residents, maintaining equality, freedom, rights, and strengthen the ultimate concern for the social vulnerable groups to ensure the stability of the society. Due to the openness of the market, characteristics, the expansion of the market area taken for granted. But there is no denying that full liberalization of trade in the world is difficult, even to some extent in the back. Therefore, to realize the healthy development of the body of the market economy, devoted to building a unified system for the large market of economic globalization is an important part of the market economy system. For a long time, countries around the world generally the development limited in the growth of economic output and commodity, market competition is more contributed to the short-term behavior of high input, high consumption, resource consumption and environmental pollution, coupled with serious population pressure, make the human environment in the 21st century has become a very prominent problem, important means to need to rely on science and technology development of green economy, the health of the economy sustainable development. In addition, the market economy is the most modern people live and life and a certain relationship between each other in social system, certain economic base required to adapt themselves to the superstructure. Modern market economy needs not only economic operation mechanism, and inseparable from the certain social culture conditions. Therefore, we need to the concept of market economy as the foundation to support the continuous operation of market economy.#p#分页标题#e#
Alleged corruption, meaning refers to the food due to bad smell and pungent taste and the phenomenon of toxic substances. Since only the political field, corruption is a dedicated political term, mean specifically to "corrupt officialdom" - the abuse of public power, also refers to the social phenomenon of major adverse, or a social system corrupt. Corruption is a clear and fuzzy concept. From clear level, corruption is the behavior of public officials use power for private benefit, which is about the basic definition of corruption. Concept from the fuzzy level, corruption is difficult to define, corrupt concept generalization, as many do not belong to the problem of corruption is corruption, often confuse public officials of corruption and social corruption.
Historically, the concept of corruption is a rather old. Aristotle thinks that every kind of legitimate government due to grasp the highest power corruption to abnormal regime, namely, change to the corresponding oligarchic regime, oligarchy and three types of civilian regime, he thinks that "don't all have to take care of the interests of all citizens." In the eyes of montesquieu, corruption of government mainly refers to the authoritarian regime is authoritarian regime is by one or a few people according to their own will govern and limitless and unchecked power, law becomes ruler tool rather than constraints themselves.
With the continuous development of political and social and other related disciplines, corruption has become more and more far away from its original meaning, and produce a specific point, it is generally thought: the abuse of public power. The famous American political scientist at katyn thinks: corruption refers to state officials to seek personal gain and violation of generally accepted standards.
Our country famous political scholar wang huning the nail corruption is defined as: "the non-public use of public power." Combined with the above definition, can be found that corruption has the following characteristics:
First, the public power and public resources. Public power and public resources is the most important features of corruption. This refers to the non-public use of public power, on the one hand, on the other hand is the use of power violated the rules of the given that the exercise of public power and breaking the law norms and belongs to the abuse of power.
Second, the public, and the specification (do not conform to the accepted laws and ethics), both on the personal lives of public officials and specific policy measures of evaluation content, also includes in order to achieve the public purpose of localities and departments rather than the standard use of public power behavior, such as GongHui and legal person crime, etc.
Third, seek personal gain. This self-interest, not only including the corrupt themselves or its associated personal illegitimate interests, but also including corruption as the cabal seek improper interests; The interests include not only tangible material benefits, and including mental and physical desire of satisfy.
Corruption is the power running in a behavior, behavior of subjective and objective motives. From the perspective of the subjective aspect namely human selfish heart is the basic cause of human behavior, is selfish heart of natural gene and researches the power corruption. No matter what kind of power can completely eliminate heart each social member's interests, the regardless of the nature of the power has the possibility of corruption. Some scholars from the perspective of underestimating the dangers of corruption, even think that corruption to a certain extent is a kind of lubricant "relationship". In fact, this view ignores the objective causes of corruption and the current situation of the corruption.
The current situation in the severe corruption cases in our country, some scholars and people know like this: after the construction of the socialist market economy in our country corruption and social inequality is increasingly serious, very radical is put forward to correct excessive marketization of the economy. To be sure the above view is similar to the western proverb "take the children fell out when the bathwater" paltrily, but we can see the market economic system in the governance of corruption is insufficient, the market economy system provides a natural soil and corruption breeding hotbed.
From the point of property right system, as a system to define property rights to property, power structure and system of rules will be decisive influence on property right clear procedures, "if in the field of political and economic transaction costs are zero, so the development of a country's economy is not affected by the type of government, but if there are transaction costs, then the distribution of the country's political power and set the rules system structure becomes the key factor of economic development." Therefore, the imperfect system of property rights of scarcity determines in its vulnerable to power rent-seeking, resulting in a corruption. Again at the same time, due to the lack of clear property rights system of regulation, the public cannot identify and protect their property, led has to compromise to the power again, seek power protection of property rights by means of corruption.
From the point of market mechanism, under the condition of the formation of market, supply and demand affect the goods or services in exchange reflected in the process of use value, and with the price as a signal, shows a scarcity of goods or services. Free competition is the best form of traditional under the condition of the market order, because this has kept the prices of supply and demand and show the signal more accurately, so as to guide the rational flow of social resources, to promote social total efficiency. But, in the market of corruption, such as market participants through unfair competition or monopoly form distort the market supply and demand, price signals is not a true reflection, damage the operation of the market mechanism.
From the point of government intervention, this is corruption prone areas. First, because the market failure under the premise of government intervention in the economy, but in the case of corruption "capture" government, the government itself will break through the boundaries of free markets and control the economy, through the power rent-seeking way to achieve the combination of power and capital in order to destroy the healthy development of the market economy; Secondly, in the process of government intervention in the economy, the government is in the state of natural monopoly on power and cause low efficiency, and easy to change for the pursuit of self-interest maximization interest group.
From the point of sustainable development mechanism, the negative impacts of corruption is also obvious. Due to corrupt their profit-driven, once combined with power will rapidly expand, cause social polarized, society in a state of flux, sustainable development is grim. At the same time, because of corruption by the pursuit of the interests of the real availability, negative externalities onto social body, leading to economic development presents the extensive and short-term sex, the sustainable development of economy is unsustainable.
Under the environment of market economy system, corruption is a way of public power of market allocation of resources, different from the market free competition under the market economic system of the allocation of resources. Also the connection of the market economy system and anti-corruption lies in the fact that fundamental value are protect the rights of man's development, are permeated with the idea of democracy. Anti-corruption lies in the construction of market economy, the institutionalization of the market economy is advantageous to the anti-corruption, introducing market mechanism into the anti-corruption work more can greatly enhance the effectiveness of anti-corruption, therefore both can interact.
In view of economics, the eternal proposition is resource limitation and tensions between the needs of the limitless. The so-called resources is refers to material production must have the basic factors of production. In order to satisfy their needs of many people, we must make certain arrangement on how to use the resources, this process is called the allocation of resources. Generally speaking, in a certain period and range, society can take advantage of the resources are always limited. For a long time, people have been pursuing to achieve the optimal allocation of resources and the reasonable configuration, the configuration of the resources in the way of arrangement is referred to as resource allocation. Since resources occurs, there are so many ways to the allocation of resources, have primitive society by force and plunder and distribution, distribution of self-sufficient farming civilization, authoritarian society according to the grades of power allocation, as well as the modern Soviet model stresses distribution as planned. Until modern society, people found the property right system arrangement under free competition type allocation of resource distribution, which is a efficient fair distribution. Under the condition of modern market economy system, the allocation of resources is mainly rely on market regulation, supplemented by the intervention of state and economic law.
However corruption as a way of resource allocation of alienation, the corruption away with the existence of allocation of the market economy system. Using the analytical framework of economics, corruption can also be regarded as a way of resource allocation. The definition of corruption shows that corruption is a private or public power for private gain, given by the abuse of public harm to public office clean, violate public order management, harm public interests. In short, corruption is a way of public power of the public use. Public power itself is a kind of resources, and is a kind of precious resources, its distribution is in comparison with other resources in the market is especially precious. And corruption will be valuable for non-public use use power, such way of resource allocation is reasonable. In all areas of market economy, corruption as a way of resource allocation is more outstanding. Corruption in the market economic system is the use of public power allocation of market resources to seek personal gain.#p#分页标题#e#
Corruption as a kind of public power, therefore, non-market configuration, its itself is the allocation of resources market and the market economy system exist a great deal of contradictions, to build modern market economic system must be anti-corruption, to control the corruption within the damage to the fabric market the lowest limit.
The harm of corruption has such that under the great effort in every country in the world wants to wipe out. In the modern market economy system was universally implemented today, the market economy system and anti-corruption natural separation.
First of all, both has the common junction point is that the fundamental value is protect the rights of man's development, are permeated with the idea of democracy. Had mentioned before, the market economy system belong to the category of production relations, combined with a country's economic and social system, i.e. to embody the value of existence. Is a people the freedom to choose the most core principles of market economy, the development of market economy in addition to GDP growth faster and make more effective use of resources, more important, more fundamental contribution is that the individual from the tools of market economy, more personal rights and dignity. In the farming civilization era, for example, since there is no insurance system, people's physical by family this group to help each other, more people will inevitably be tied to a clan or tribe, its degrees of freedom is obviously far less than under the modern market economy system as the elements of the free flow. For and anti-corruption work, because of the corruption is a kind of probability power such valuable resource distribution of non-market way, through corrupt beneficiaries will not only damage the rights of the public power of other competition, can reflect more strong negative externalities of the market, in other words, prejudice the rights of other citizens individual in the society. Therefore, in the process of construction of humanistic society, anti-corruption rather based on the theory of rights of citizens. In addition, the market economy system and anti-corruption need to carry out the idea of democracy. Market economy is the basis of respect for people's freedom of choice right, through the free market mechanism the democratic way of competition keep running, the notion of democracy, also known as "economic democracy". Anti-corruption work because of involving the public power non-market use correct and the adjustment of the social superstructure, in this process, one must do it the democratic idea, reflect the will of the people became their own masters, really used by power for the people.
Second, in the construction of anti-corruption in a market economy, the institutionalization of the market economy is advantageous to the anti-corruption, introducing market mechanism into the anti-corruption work more can greatly enhance the effect of anti-corruption. Market economy operation mode is based on personal activity standard of principals and interests, through the content and content of contact and set up social relations between person and person. According to the understanding of historical materialism and social development in the final analysis is the development of the people, and people's development in the final analysis is the development of the individual. The historical role of market economy is to implement the second stage of development, promoting the development of individual personality independence. In the participation of market economy, people only commodities, currencies, the content such as capital, labor, the owner of a kind of identity, are not allowed to have any super economic privileges. Its success or failure, do not depend on the nature of the front, but by the individual behavior choice and met. The superiority of the socialist market economy is also reflected in here. This can be contacted through the market, consciously put people of social relations, consciously cultivate noble personality independent individuals. Such a social environment and their historical role, and strengthen the level privileges, taking the corruption is not compatible. Our country's socialist market economic system is socialist basic system and the close combination of market economy, its operation is always under strict legal rules and under the guidance of the noble moral standard. The central and local, national and enterprise, the relationship between the enterprise and enterprise to legal system, the behavior of the state, the collective and the individual to standardization. To break the law, the behavior of the crisis of the socialist market economic order to fight; Competition for the violation of social morality to condemn; To dig the state and the collective corner to resolutely give sanctions to meet self-interest behavior. In such a social atmosphere, all kinds of corruption will have no place.
Belong to the category of productive forces, market economy and the market economic system as a macro institutional arrangement, have distinct social and economic nature. As theoretical basis, which can be classified according to certain standards to the market economy system, the basic requirement of this classification is ruled out economic system and operation mechanism of the basic features, describe the main rules and overall framework. In accordance with the principle of the establishment of the market economy system is a kind of abstract patterns, abandoned at the end of the branches of the operation mechanism of economic system and economic details, and carries on the theory summary. Divide the different lies not only in the theory of market economy system itself, and for the development of the real life choice must mode to provide reference standard, provides reference for design scheme of system reform scheme. For is committed to the construction of the socialist market economic system of China, the success of countries around the world of the study of the market economy system, is the only way to successful economic transition and social transformation.
In the western developed countries, the market economy system is very mature and developed. These countries, the market mechanism is the way as the basis of the allocation of resources, this is their general character. All kinds of market economic system lies in the difference between the government in the economic life of the status and role, and government intervention in the economy of scope, intensity and way. According to this standard, can put the western market economy system is divided into two basic types, namely the government regulation of the market economic system and in a planned way to guide the market economic system. The primary difference between the two types are: first, the former without the permanent government planning agency, the latter is the government's plan to fixed institutions; Second, the former usually don't develop unified planning, the latter has a long-term and annual economic plan; Third, the former index no plan must be completed and the corresponding management system, and the latter target set in a planned way and a complete set of system assurance plan. Is not hard to find, in practice in a planned way to guide the country of market economy system, government intervention in economic life and influence than government regulation of the market economic model.
Government regulation of the market economic system is the most typical countries Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia and Germany is also generally can be characterized this type. In these countries, the government, although there is a policy of market intervention, but it has a powerful laissez-faire thoughts. Since there is no unified planning, coordination between the policies of the government intervention in the economy is bad, economic policy often is the emergency measures to solve the problem of short-term economic. Government and enterprises, trade unions and other economic cooperation between the organization and the realization of policy goal depends on policy change the market parameters to achieve, and not stressed each interest group actively cooperate with the government's economic policies. In addition, because these countries had no plan to regulate market institutions and the corresponding management system, the formulation and implementation of economic policy are greatly influenced by the change of government. Often is, when the government of economic liberalism is stressed, and reduce government intervention to the market, and emphasize interventionist government came to power, when you increase scope of government intervention in the economy and to strengthen intervention. In these countries, Germany and Britain, the United States of the market economic system is different. Although there is no unified national medium and long-term plan, but the larger scope of government intervention in the economy, also is stronger, economic laissez-faire tend to be much smaller than the United States. In the implementation of the government's economic decision-making, but also emphasizes the various interest groups and the government's cooperation. In addition, Italy, Denmark, Finland and other countries of the market economy system can be roughly in this type, although the market economic system in these countries and Germany have bigger difference, the state of the market economy itself is very different. In common, however, is the role of governments in the economic life is stronger than the United States, but weak in France, and Japan, therefore generally or to attribute these countries for the first type of market economic system.
In a planned way to guide the market economic system of typical countries are France, and Japan. In addition, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Norway and other countries also generally belong to this type. In these countries, the national plan of mid-term and long-term programs and annual plans to implement. Due to unified planning guidance, strong coordination between the government's economic policies. In these countries have a tradition of government and various interest groups to negotiate each other, and have corresponding communication channels and systems to ensure that this coordination. Therefore, the government's various economic policy goals, besides rely mainly on changing market parameters to realize also attaches great importance to the enterprises, trade unions, consumer organizations and other interest groups actively cooperate with the government to achieve goals. In addition, the planning system in these countries are generally not affected by the change in government, in the economic system and economy operation mechanism of paper has actually been institutionalized.#p#分页标题#e#
The United States is currently the most economically developed countries in the world, is also very mature market economy. The United States has highly developed modern market economy, its labor productivity, gross domestic product (GDP) and foreign trade are the highest in the world, has a relatively perfect system of macroeconomic regulation and control. Compared with other major western countries, the United States the basic characteristics of the market economy system is consumer oriented market economy system, also known as "the liberal market economy". It emphasizes the role of market forces to promote economic development, think the government can only be a secondary effects on economic growth. Promoting entrepreneurship, advocating market efficiency and to criticize excessive government intervention, the field system is characterized by production elements have higher liquidity. In this model there are unlimited legal characteristics. To adjust and control the government whether or not tend to benefit consumers interests as the goal, and less from the Angle of the producers. Social habits and more focused on government policy to promote private consumption and ignore the savings. This tendency is not only reflected in the individual and the behavior of the enterprise, but also reflected in the government public fiscal deficits. In general, the United States market economic model is generally have the characteristics of the following aspects:
First, affirmation of market regulation and government interference, but not in favor of a market economy. Since the 1930 s, Roosevelt's New Deal implementation and Keynesian transmission in the United States, government regulation and intervention of the market has become an indisputable fact, the positive role of government in economic life and the public generally accepted. However, in the minds of many businessmen and the public, the government has only to regulate the economy in order to better develop the function of market resources, overcome the periodic fluctuations of the market, protect private property system. Once the government intervention in the economy more than a certain limit, can restrain the freedom of the individual, limited enthusiasm and creativity of the individual, interfere with the market play a role. Therefore, in the United States people generally do not approve of the government to formulate and implement the unity of the national economic plan. In recent plan is President of the United States in the annual economic report put forward some intentionality, but these goals are often short-term, concrete, to the national economy development, do not have long-term global significance. In the short term and specific on the implementation of economic goals, the President is usually based on the cabinet, the federal reserve board, the President's council of economic advisers, the opinions of the administrative budget, fragmented to congress. This way on the one hand, the lack of coordination between the various policy objectives, on the other hand, often because of opposition in congress and make the economic goals. On the implementation of the economic targets, the government regulation of market economy operation mainly adopts financial means, financial instruments. Fiscal measures including tax policy (taxes and tax cuts) and the government budget.
Second, the strength of monopoly capital. In the early 1980 s, the United States has a 30 m manufacturing companies, including 200 biggest companies owned assets accounted for 60.8% of total assets in manufacturing companies, monopoly as the main content of the completely competitive market economy accounts for about 50% of the market regulation. In recent years, with the merger between enterprises, the proportion is increased.
Third, the government in charge of post and telecommunications, defense, education, etc. For transportation, energy and other basic industries to implement different degree of regulation and intervention; For some relationship between America's long-term economic development industry implementation of tax exemption or low tax breaks; For investment and science and technology invention patents and monopoly; For priority to the development of economic projects to provide free land and low-interest loans; The export encouragement measures; Affecting the development of the domestic industry to import product protection measures.
Fourth, perfecting legislation, strict law enforcement. Legal means is the important way to the United States government regulation of economic operation of the market. The legislation mainly includes three aspects: (1) to protect competition and restrain monopoly legislation, such as 1890, the Sherman antitrust act of 1914, the Clayton act of 1936 ─ Robinson Mr Whitman act in 1950 and set the annexation of law, etc. The basic content of the above law involves: attempt to prohibit monopoly and monopoly; Prohibit improper means of competition; To ban all unfair and deception; Against price discrimination; Protection of small and medium-sized enterprises; Inhibition of company merger and acquisition (m&a) rights, etc. The legislation under the supervision of the federal trade commission and the justice departments. (2) the protection of rights and interests of consumers, and stop the enterprise profit illegally legislation. In recent years, the legislation in this respect are increasing. As of 1968 the real packaging and labeling act, the child protection act and the consumer fair credit act, 1972 consumer safety ", 1975 consumer price law and the equal credit opportunity act, its main contents involved in banned enterprise for deceptive advertising and packaging to attract customers, ban shoddy products to seduce and harm the customer benefit and safety of life and so on. (3) the legislation to protect social overall interests and long-term interests. As of 1969, the national environmental policy act intended to prevent environmental pollution and destruction. In addition, the United States but also by the federal trade commission, the federal drug commission, the food and drug administration, the federal power commission, consumer product safety commission, the environmental protection agency and the law enforcement agencies, such as consumer affairs department, supervise the implementation of various legislative from all aspects.
The German government pursues the social market economic system. According to German "economic miracle" the father of ayn hart, the idea of social market economy is the competition in the market freedom principle and social interest balance principle, the combination of the individual enterprise combined with social progress, for the purpose of the public FuLiZhi of market economic system. Social progress and FuLiZhi is the national implementation of the task, so the country must be based on the macroeconomic regulation and control mechanism of economic life. The German government reorganization national finance, reduce the budget deficit, the tax system reform, to stimulate private investment, and further implement the nationalization, to reduce state intervention, give full play to the policy of the role of market mechanism, the sustainable economic growth in Germany. At the same time, actively take measures to promote the development of information technology and adjust the economic structure. Germany's social market economic system is different from the United States national limited intervention in the market economy, and is different from the Japan's plan to guide the market economy, is a kind of mixed economy system characteristics. On the one hand, this model is not the government just as the night watchman of the society, argues that countries should have certain social policy, to ensure that the order of market competition and make up the lack of market mechanism; In this mode, on the other hand, without the government's unified plan, support the free competition and monopoly of the enterprise, claims that the government is in the enterprise, individual micro goal and the social macro goals serious conflict occurs, to intervene to the market. In general, can be categorized as external regulation market economic system. The market economy system has the following several characteristics:
First, emphasize the enterprise and individual initiative, encourage competition, against the government unnecessary intervention to the market. The government pay attention to maintenance market mechanism and free adjustment function, not to interfere in the economic policies of the businesses and individuals. On foreign relations, advocate a free trade, dedicated to the elimination of trade protectionism, advocates a freely convertible currency.
Second, advocating competition order, and ensure the normal operation of the market. Social market economy is a kind of "artificial cultivation of plant", it requires that the government's function is not only the watchman of negative, but should also actively market operation rules, maintain the normal order of market competition. Various forms of monopoly, for example, destroys the market free competition order, the government should be specifically against monopoly and establish corresponding institutions to eliminate and prevent monopoly.
Third, emphasizing the currency stable macroeconomic policies. In Germany's macroeconomic policy, monetary policy occupies an important position, and its monetary policy to stabilize inflation as the gist, central Banks in Germany is more independent than the federal reserve system, and ensure that the central bank can be more independent to formulate and implement monetary policy and credit policy, achieve the goal of stable inflation and stabilize prices. Over the years, the central bank has been pursuing a policy of disinflation, strictly control the money supply, inflation in keeping the economy under the condition of high speed growth, and make the mark as one of the most strongest currencies in the world. Federal bank under the premise of stable currency, it is also actively cooperate with the government's economic policy, by using the minimum reserve, to raise funds and open market operations to adjust the economy, has played a positive role in the economic development of west Germany.#p#分页标题#e#
Fourth, the implementation of social policy actively, promote fair distribution, make up for the inadequacy of market mechanism. The same way as in many developed countries, the federal republic of Germany also has a set of perfect employment service plans and social welfare measures, especially in promoting fair distribution, it has a unique way. Unlike other developed countries, it is primarily through progressive taxation to limit high income, supplemented by improving the income of low-income groups to achieve equal income.
France's market economic system emphasizes the national plan for the guidance of market economy, is a typical planning regulation of market economy. Long-term since, the French state-owned economy occupies the important status in the national economy. The state-owned economy are mainly distributed in two departments: one is the utilities, 2 it is basic industry and infrastructure sectors. By the late 1980 s, state-owned enterprises accounted for 21% of the national enterprise turnover, 30% of exports, 40% of the investment. With the privatization of the 1990 s, the French state-owned enterprise quantity has decreased, but in western countries, the French state-owned economy and the role of the state planning adjustment is still outstanding. Compared to other western countries of market economy system, France's main features are:
The improvement of work 改进模式
First, the government's intervention of state-owned enterprises. The decision-making power of state-owned enterprises basically control in state hands. Enterprise asset management by the ministry of finance, and management by the industry is in charge. About the staffing, production and business operation and development of the enterprise important decisions are largely controlled by the state. In order to arouse the enthusiasm of enterprises, and the French government signed a contract with the enterprise way to deal with the relationship between the state and the enterprises. On the one hand, stipulated in the contract of the government to the financial investment and profit distribution and other business, on the other hand, corporate profits, raise investment, employment, technology development and other business.
Second, pay attention to the national plan adjustment. France from 1947 began compiling the medium-term plan of economic development. See from the content of the plan, mainly in the next few years in the direction of economic development, put forward the overall goals and long-term strategy, its task is to provide information and direction. Plan one of the few in number of macro indicators, only to the department and the state-owned enterprises have certain binding, basic no binding to the private enterprise. France's economic plan formed on the basis of consultation, planning and execution by the government, enterprises and social parties of negotiation to execute. Private enterprises also participate in the development of national plans, make the plan has extensive social basis. The execution of the plan to take the form of contract, namely the central and local, national and enterprise contract signing the plan, the liability of both parties to complete the project. Plans by planning administration organization, but the actual work is by a committee of the modernization of more than 2000 experts. Commission solicit opinions from all sides, consensus, and then to the parliament, passed by parliament and the mandate of the plan. Moreover, France established a "centralized market research system". , in which the government or other units manufacturers and domestic production and consumption of information by collecting, processing and input after finishing the central planning, the predicted results to influence the enterprise behavior in public.
The basic characteristics of the Japanese model is first designed by planning agency of the unified national plan, again by the government of the provinces, according to the plan put forward more specific hall plan indicators, such as miti plan target of the industrial policy. Then, by the government to negotiate the way of induction and advice, private enterprises according to the intention of the government to make decisions and engage in marketing activities. This way is neither a pure administrative orders, and not rely on laws and regulations of management, but rather a way to give priority to with kindness to persuade the guidance of, is a kind of peculiar to Japan "administrative guidance". As a result, some scholars put Japan's market economic system known as the "administrative guidance".
The planning shall be the responsibility of the economic QiHuaTing Japan, QiHuaTing subordinate economic council is the core of planning and economic policy. Economic council consists of financial circles, union, representatives of the academic, media and consumer groups, about 30 people. Through economic council ministries, planning committee and metrology committee. Planning committee and measurement committee is specialized research institutions, representatives from the relevant policy agency officials, the financial circles and economist, is responsible for investigating target, economic policy research and review comments, and quantitative simulation, economic plan through investigation, for fall, calculation and document, on the prime minister's cabinet submitted by cabinet meeting, and finally released as the government's official economic plan.
Generally speaking, Japan's national plan is a QiHuaTing formulate mid-term and long-term programs and annual forecast as the core, focusing on miti establishment of industrial policy, the other a variety of complex system plan to cooperate with each other. The plan system not only embodies the mutual connection and interaction between multi-level plan, and pay attention to the medium and long term plans and annual plans on time. Because the government in the process of planning, widely absorbs the people from all walks of life and various interest groups to participate in, and after full investigation and study and evaluation, and careful measurement model. Therefore, the scientific nature of the plan is higher, easy to accept, for the enterprise to ensure that the plan can be carried through smoothly and implementation.
Japan's national plans, in addition to regulating the total supply and demand in general use by western countries macro fiscal policy and macro monetary policy, the government to implement the plan, especially in the implementation of industrial policies stipulated by the concrete goal, also pay attention to the application of various micro economic policies, such as the difference of interest rates, special preferential tax, government financial loans, all kinds of subsidies, permit system, etc. Japan plans to market economic system, of course, in the planning implementation means, the most distinctive should also be a variety of channels and a variety of ways of administrative guidance system. The administrative guidance method is mainly through interpersonal and personnel exchanges, as well as private economic organizations work this way.
Japan is far away from the market economy system and the traditional free competition system. Since the beginning of the Japanese industrialization process, the government will play an important role in the economic life. While government intervention and government in different periods and the content is different in the way they regulate the economy, but the government always dominate economic development priorities, rather than by the market mechanism and spontaneous role decide the direction of the leading industry and economic development. At the same time, because the government only play a leading role in the global major decisions, companies are still enjoy considerable autonomy in the market operation, both close contact and fierce competition between enterprises, in the allocation of resources in the way the market is still play a fundamental role. So the government initiative, flexibility, strong guidance and enterprises organically, promoted the Japanese economy high speed development for a long time, and create a Japanese characteristic of market economy system.
The process of economic modernization in western countries, the general situation is, the development of market economy cause the demand for property rights protection, and then implement effective property rights protection of the nation state comply with this requirement and produce, evolution. Compared with the system of the natural evolution path, China's institutional change process has the characteristics of reverse, the first in the 1950 s, the government set up a dedicated to economic growth. After 1978, under the leading of the government, open market transactions, make property right subject development. After preliminary implementation until the market mechanism, and across the country is committed to building the socialist market economy system with Chinese characteristics.
After the founding of new China, in order to achieve the country's economic development, as soon as possible when the government established a strategic priority development of heavy industry. Heavy industry as a capital-intensive industry, at the time cannot be achieved by using market mechanism. Solution to the problem is to set up the distortion products and factor price of macro policy environment, highly centralized resource planning allocation system and micro operation mechanism of no autonomy. Therefore, phasing out the basic role of the market, formed a government-led single property right structure. Under the planned economic system and operational mechanism, since the late 1950 s, into the low economic efficiency, cycle fluctuation stages of economic development.#p#分页标题#e#
In order to get rid of the plight of the economic development, starting from the late 1970 s, the government leading economic life and has almost all of the assets under the background of property rights, with deng xiaoping as the core of the party's collective leadership starting to take advantage of market mechanism, and gradually allowing private property rights play a role.
The third plenary session, reveal the prelude of China's reform and opening up, also make the party's understanding of the socialist market economy into people to a new stage, in our country economic system transition from planned economy to socialist market economy, can break through the planned economy is socialism, market economy is the durance of the traditional view of capitalism is a key problem. Deng xiaoping adhere to the basic principle of marxism and China's socialist economic construction practice, the principle of combining, based on China's national conditions and the practice of reform, and be good at summing up the experience of the world, to create a significant contribution to the theory of socialist market economy. As early as 1979, when deng xiaoping met with the guests said: "that market economy exists only in capitalist society, only the capitalist market economy, it is certainly not correct. Why not socialism market economy, this not capitalism. We are one of the planned economy is given priority to, also combined with the market economy." It's clearly broke through the planned economy to market economy as a symbol to distinguish between socialism and capitalism in the traditional view. During this period, the role of the market has been sure. The party's twelve big puts forward "planned economy is given priority to, market economy is complementary" decision.
In 1984, the third plenary session of the twelfth through the "decision on reform of the economic system" the central committee of the communist party of China clearly put forward the theory of planned commodity economy. Deng xiaoping spoke highly of the decision, believes it "to write a first draft of political economics, is the basic theory of marxism and China's socialist practice of political economics." Planned commodity economy certainly is the fundamental attribute of the socialist commodity economy, the breakthrough of the commodity economy and the socialist planned economy the traditional concept of contradiction and fundamentally shaken the foundation of the planned economy system, to play the role of market mechanism to remove the obstacles.
In early 1992, when deng xiaoping in inspecting southern systematically pointed out: "plan more or more, is not the essential difference between socialism and capitalism, the planned economy is not equal to socialism, capitalism is in a planned way, market economy is not equal to capitalism, socialism market, plan and market are economic means." This is fundamentally broken the planned economy and market economy is regarded as belongs to the category of social basic system of bondage. The socialist market economy system preliminarily established, for the liberation and development of the productive forces more and more broad road. Party 14 big pointed out: "we want to establish the socialist market economic system, is to make markets in the socialist countries a fundamental role in the allocation of resources under the macroeconomic regulation and control, make the economic activities follow the requirements of the law of value, to adapt to the changes in supply and demand, through the function of price leverage and competitive mechanism, the allocation of resources to benefit good link, and to the enterprise to the pressure and the power, achieve superior bad discard; use market sensitive response to various economic signal comparison advantage, promote timely coordination of production and demand."
To establish the socialist market economy system in our country as the target of reform practice has proved, and the future will be further proved that there is no fundamental contradiction between socialism and market economy, market economy and socialist basic system together, effectively promote the development of productivity. So, socialism can also make the market economy.
The socialist market economy system is a new form of the history of the development of market economy system, also can saying is the new stage of development. It contains the general commonness of market economic system and the characteristics of the socialist system itself. The socialist market economic system is under the national macroeconomic regulation and control of positive and effective, market forces playan essential role in the allocation of resources, to realize efficiency and fairness of economic system.
The establishment of the socialist market economy system for the country's prosperity and provides the system guarantee of the stability for a long time, but should not be ignored is that since the beginning of this economic transition and social transformation in China, due to imperfect market economy system and social construction lag behind, facing a series of problems in China's economic and social, such as urban and rural division system, property rights system is not sound, the state-owned enterprises to establish modern enterprise system and the task of adjustment of state-owned economy has yet to be completed; Elements such as capital market development lags behind, the market order is confusion; Change of government function also does not reach the designated position, social management and public service function is weak, science and technology, education, culture, health and social security system is not perfect, and so on.
Due to the above problems and system mechanism contradictions exist, the current corruption has entered the high incidence. Analysis the current situation, can be found under the market economy system, the current lack of anti-corruption work presents the following:
First, the socialist market economic system provides the corruption attack space scope, and traditional anti-corruption work not enough attention to this. The openness of market economy, make some unhealthy factors to recovery and flood, to enhance the possibility of a negative corruption. The interests of the market economy, make the society increasingly respect people's material interests and individual rights, free of charge level greatly reduced and ignore the interests of the individual phenomenon, at the same time, also easy to induce self-interest, selfish departmentalism, the values of money worship, the pursuit of "Italian dry, light small dry, no don't do it", "money-oriented" corrupt thoughts. Market economy running equivalent exchangeable induce some party spirit principle is not the strong power exchange, abuse power for personal gains. The competitive market economy likely to cause unfair competition of misconduct. Competition is one of the essential characteristics of market economy, the competition, only to make the economy full of vigor and vitality. However, this competition is not unconditional, but publicly, justified and lawful competition. But, some excuse for competition, regardless of the state, the collective and the interests of others, rely on the power rent seeking personal gain, or hit the rivals, illegal to get rich, opportunistic. But traditional anti-corruption work in China often focus on sports and legal anti-corruption, focus on areas of the cadre and personnel is more, for lack of attention in the field of economic obvious.
Second, the spread of corruption as the public management functions and powers and spread and lies in the reform and the important policies and measures, inadequate to cope with the traditional anti-corruption work. Corruption is not only on public officials, but also on paid civil servants to ordinary citizens; Not only in domestic activities, but also in international intercourse; Not only in the state organs and the public domain, but also performance in the company business school and the private sector. These different forms of corruption are often interrelated and interdependent. At the same time, to prevent and control corruption lies in the reform and major policy measures. System system reform and transformation is an important cause of the current corruption prone. For example, state-owned enterprise reform, financial system reform, the social security system reform, the reform of education system of corruption, much by reform measures do not pay attention to in the design of combined with measures of prevention and control of corruption. To this, our country anti-corruption agencies are often constrained by deep gradation characteristics of institutional incongruities, have tasted the track, to some extent exacerbated the corruption in the prohibition "" phenomenon.
Third, the system construction of anti-corruption system, especially in emerging in the field of construction to be strengthened. This needs to be further from the strategic height of national legislation, to accelerate the process of anti-corruption legislation, and solve the more party files in the current anti-corruption laws and regulations, the phenomenon of fewer national legislation. To attach importance to research and solve the problems in the design of the anti-corruption system in our country, straightening out relations, the formation of anti-corruption coordination, maintenance party organs, maintaining ZhengJi authority and corruption prevention agencies, anti-corruption investigation organ system of mutual coordination, do their job. In the banking, securities, insurance, trust, auction, foreign investment and social security, less anti-corruption measures in aspects of intermediary agencies, is the emerging field of our country the important reason for the corruption cases occurred frequently. Thus, the system in the field of system construction to be strengthened.#p#分页标题#e#
Overall, the high incidence of corruption situation the body has great harm to the nation. No matter how rich a country, if corruption is rampant, it would not be stable and harmonious social life. Living in a corruption of society, people will not have happiness. Therefore, under the background of the construction of the socialist market economic system, the party and the government has to resolve to the yobs rooting out corruption.
, prior to the anti-corruption lies in the construction of market economy, the institutionalization of the market economy is advantageous to the anti-corruption, introducing market mechanism into the anti-corruption work more can greatly enhance the effectiveness of anti-corruption, therefore, the construction of the socialist market economy system and anti-corruption work can realize the advance of interaction.
Firstly, we should adhere to constantly improve the socialist market economic system. According to "the central committee of the communist party of China about perfecting system of socialist market economy to some issues of the deployment, objectives and tasks of improving the socialist market economic system from the following aspects:" improve the public ownership as the main body, a variety of common development of the basic economic system; establish a conducive to gradually change the urban-rural dual economic structure system; formation mechanism; to promote the development of regional economy coordination development unified open competitive and orderly modern market system; perfect the macro-control system, administrative system and economic legal system; improve the system of employment, income distribution and social security, establish a mechanism to promote sustainable economic and social development."
Secondly, we should work against corruption in the construction of market economic system, grasping tireless. Insist on anti-corruption work. Under the condition of market economy and planned economy of corruption and anti-corruption is not the same. In the last century, under the planned economy system, our country through the mass political movement has carried out the "movement" and "five antis", less than three years is very productive. In the planned economy to market economy transition period, we are more than 20 years of struggle against corruption, through the movement type, system of anti-corruption, although made great achievements, but the soil and conditions of the corruption prone still exists in some areas, combat corruption situation is more serious. Investigate its reason, important reason is the lack of market economy in order to prevent and solve the problem of corruption. On the one hand to pass the power resource distribution mechanism for market mechanism, let the power to run in the sun, rooting out corruption in the soil. Specifically, improving the factor market, deepening the administrative examination and approval, administrative law enforcement system and political system reform and work mechanism, cutting power cut power, not only can greatly reduce the chance of corruption, at the same time also can promote the development of productivity. On the other hand to increase the cost of corruption to anti-corruption and curb the occurrence of corruption. Through a series of economics, sociology method to measure the costs and benefits of corruption, and then through the guidance of supervision, remedies deterrence, publicity, increase the cost of corruption, while those who make corrupt politics, economic ruin, psychological regret, make corruption high-risk behavior, low return to hope and fear, near and far.

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