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How Online Decision Aids Affect Online Purchasing Behaviour of digital products

Literature Review
The objective of this research is to examine luxurious brands’http://www.ukassignment.org/scyxgl/online decision aids aiming to help when customers are shopping online. The research involves information systems study, and the literature review section is thus divided into four main categories. The first part of the literature review discusses the issue of online store. The second part describes the environment of electronic shopping. The third part explains about Interactive Consumer Decisions Aids which includes Recommendation Agent as well as Comparison Matrix. The fourth part it covers the key motivation studies of the customer behavior as well as the repeat purchase decision.
In the age of the internet, the consumer shopping model and enterprises’ business model has changed progressively. As a result, consumers now have a new shopping alternative that is online shopping. Online shopping has abundant advantages. For instance, it is a 24 hour market, there is no time or area limits. Furthermore, it enables consumers to search for particular products easily and it is more cost-saving. For the abovementioned reasons, enterprises have started to focus on e-commerce. Over the past several years, internet software and technology has grown dramatically. The number of consumers who use interactive media for online shopping has also rapidly increased (Haubl and Trifts, 2000).
Nowadays, customers have a vast amount of alternative products to choose from. For instance, a Wal-Mart supercenter has over 100,000 items (Yoffie, 2005), Home Depot has more than 50,000 items (Murray and Chandrasekhar, 2006), and traditional grocery shops have over 30,000 items (Schwartz, 2005). There is no need to say how much items an online store has, because e-Bay and Amazon both offer millions of products (Murray and Haubl, 2008). However, sometimes too much choice confuses the consumers, even when a customer just wants to purchase a common product such as headache medication because there are now so many different forms and brands of headache medication so the consumer needs to spend a lot of time on selecting the product (Murray and Haubl, 2008).. They need to select between the chemical composition, brand name, generic, packaging, and concentration (Murray and Haubl, 2008).
It is worth pointing out that:“There is a cost to processing information, and cost rises as the complexity of the decision increases” Murray and Haubl, (2008).
如今,客户有大量的替代产品可供选择。例如,沃尔玛购物广场拥有超过10万件(约菲,2005年),家得宝(Home Depot)拥有超过50,000项(Murray和钱德拉塞卡,2006年),,传统杂货店有超过30,000个项目(施瓦茨,2005年)。有没有必要说的网上商店有多少个项目,因为电子湾和亚马逊都提供了数以百万计的产品(穆雷和Haubl的,2008年)。然而,有时太多的选择混淆了消费者,甚至当客户想要购买一个共同的产品,如头痛药,因为现在有这么多不同的形式和品牌,因此消费者需要花费大量的时间上选择的头痛药产品(穆雷和Haubl的,2008年)..他们需要选择之间的化学成分,品牌名,通用,包装,浓度(Murray和Haubl,2008年)。

As a result, making decisions online with a vast range of products is really difficult for consumers. In contrast, in traditional stores, the shopkeeper can offer face to face service to individual consumers to help give the consumer what they need. Online stores need to solve this problem in order to attract consumers to online shopping. Therefore, that is why most online stores have decision aids to help consumers select products and attract them into purchase the items (Punj and Rapp, 2003).
Furthermore, in regards to the stages of the decision making process in an electronic commerce environment which are two main stages during the decision making process of the online shopping product search environment in order to make a decision (Haubl and Trifts, 2000). The first stage is screening the products, and the second stage is comparing the products’ different features and details. During these two stages that customers enable to use Interactive Consumer Decisions Aids in order to support their purchasing process as well as make purchase decisions.

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