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如何使学习英语困难者进入英语世界 How to make learning difficulties into the

论文价格: 免费 时间:2014-05-12 09:23:49 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
How to make learning difficulties into the English-speaking world  如何使学习英语困难者进入英语世界

Abstract 摘要
 The current education system needs teachers to guide students to develop the habit of self-learning and scientific method of learning., When in actual English teaching, the many factors that lead students to accept knowledge as well as the direction of an error, and thus give rise to a certain number of difficulties,in learning Health article for how to make learning difficulties to learn English to talk about some of his views.
Stage of junior high school English entry phase began when the students are holding a great deal of interest in learning into English learning. However, deepening With the increasing amount of words and syntax, some students in a conflict with boredom the negative attitude of the emotions, the reason for this phenomenon is that students encounter in the process of learning English difficult not timely solution, did not form a correct understanding of the basic knowledge. these phenomena, our teachers do is turn the chemical disabled students reshape their self-confidence.

1 Causes of Learning Difficulties 学习困难起因
Causes of learning difficulties is not found suitable for self-learning method, relatively weak grasp of basic knowledge, or even to communicate with people, caused by the amount of English words to master oral communication ability is so low that getting lost confidence in learning English. we start to make the following analysis of its genesis there is unbecoming teachers teaching methods, teaching how to guide students targeted classroom lost supposed to be some active atmosphere. exclude psychological barriers dynamic learning English? .

1.1 Some students lack of learning will  有些学生缺少学习意愿
In the learning process, students often encounter difficulties when will exhibit fear, learn English naturally lose the self-motivated and curiosity, assignments and exams will be negative treatment which makes fewer basic English knowledge use of vocabulary is less and less flexible, and finally led to the English scoresdeclined confidence naturally not even affect the learning of other disciplines.

1.2 learning methods and strategies used inappropriately  学习方法运用不当
The correct method of learning is the key to student learning efficiency, and now most of the students do not develop the habit of previewing and reviewing just not mastered the difficulties of knowledge focus satisfied with the training to understand and be able to answer link. in learning grammar by rote, failing to make flexible use eventually leading to the emergence of learning difficulties.

1.3 teachers teaching relatively backward 教师教学落伍
Classroom teaching students and teachers exchange platform, teachers assume the role of pathfinder, words and deeds affect student learning state. Cumbersome way of instance, some teachers, the classroom atmosphere naturally dull, not been able to stimulate students' interest in learning, simple The teachers lecture form of teaching students tired emotions. junior high school English teaching is concerned with teachers carefully prepare lessons, make active classroom atmosphere for students to develop instructional design, the face of the best quality of teaching each lesson Links to free

2. how in the English classroom to promote learning difficulties students into the face of every student  在课堂上如何促使每位学生直面困难
Understanding before students enter secondary English, but in the primary school curriculum, and some students will certainly hit English exam mood swings, lost confidence in the English language, even the situation when we face students should strengthen exchanges and dialogue in the classroom teaching, increased contact with students in their spare time, the emotional exchange impress students. learning difficulties become withdrawn because of poor academic performance, are not good at the exchange, because each student has a very strong desire, they also want to talk with the teacher students, but in the face of difficulties, they want comfort and trust of the teacher, teachers should be aware of students with learning difficulties psychological want in love with a positive attitude to narrow the distance students with learning difficulties.

2.1 the development of non-intellectual factors of students with learning difficulties 学习困难学生非智力因素的发展
Students with Learning Disabilities in fact most of the crowd eager to improve performance, first as a teacher to evaluate student learning and achievement levels for students parents divorced introverted, they are not good at exchanges in contact with such students, teachers should be given students warm, concerned about the care in their daily lives. prevent learning difficulties students then isolated, they are not allowed to have a psychological burden, its glittering, start looking to expand its advantages, in order to enhance their self-confidence from the expertise.

2.2 active classroom atmosphere, sparking the interest of students with learning difficulties  活跃教室气氛,激发困难学生的兴趣
In the classroom teaching, learning difficulties mostly inattention, teachers can simplify the tedious textbooks for interesting articles through the game in the form of active classroom atmosphere, you can also talk about some stories to listen The simple English recordings, this would both mobilize learning difficulties enthusiasm but also make them into a relaxed learning atmosphere in class.

2.3 to help students with learning difficulties do prep work to do master, round trip 帮助困难学生预习和复习
In remedial classes, teachers should help children with learning difficulties preview, so they first mastered phonetic as well as products read the law and familiar with the meaning of a word. Led learning difficulties translator to read the text, only taught to give them the right to learn the way to train out of their self-study ability at the same time, the target is a human motivation, only stimulate the momentum of students with learning difficulties, learning effect can be effectively improved. need to guide the students to recognize that the score is not the key to learning English is allowed to adapt to the technological age, and to improve the communicative competence. For students who have no confidence, less criticism to encourage appreciation, to allow them to establish a firm confidence in learning. Finally, focus on communication with their families, today's students are mostly one-child, the family is only concerned about the students basic necessities, to the neglect of the students in the learning process in feelings, enlighten the students do not get bit, so that the pressure on students is difficult excretion. teachers and parents unite help give student learning, let them feel the warmth.

3.Conclusion 结论
Innovation under the requirements of the new curriculum reform, only to change the psychological pressure on students learning difficulties, so that they learn in the classroom full of vitality, to be able to walk into the English-speaking world


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