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MBA Essay范文:Comparison of Product and Market Orientated Marketing

论文价格: 免费 时间:2023-09-25 11:49:35 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

MBA Essay范文-产品营销与市场营销的比较。本文是一篇MBA留学essay写作范文,主要内容是讲述营销可以被描述为通过与客户沟通和合作创造价值来满足客户和市场需求的组织。不同的企业有不同类型的市场策略。企业可以考虑以市场为导向或以产品为导向的方法开发新产品,因为它通过满足客户的需求来吸引客户,而不是试图通过销售来推动买家。在当今竞争激烈的世界里,企业在实施任何战略之前进行彻底的市场调查是至关重要的。本篇MBA essay将围绕两个战略展开——市场和产品导向,以及它的重要性和在做出任何决定之前必须忽视的主导因素。本篇MBA essay将由两部分组成,首先是市场导向,然后是产品导向,最后是总结所有主要发现的结论。下面就一起来看一下这篇MBA Essay范文的具体内容。

MBA Essay格式范文

Product orientated marketing is more effective than market orientated marketing. Discuss. 讨论产品导向营销比市场导向营销更有效。

Marketing can be characterized as the organization fulfilling client and market needs by creating value through communicating and working with client. Different businesses have different types of market strategies. Business can develop new products considering either a market orientated or a product orientated approach as it attracts customers by satisfying their needs and demands rather than trying to push buyers with sales. In today’s competitive world it is vital for a business to carry out a thorough market research before implementing any strategy. This paper will revolve around two strategies – market and product orientation along with its importance and leading factors that must be overlooked before making any decision. The essay will comprise of two parts, starting with market orientation followed by product orientation and lastly the conclusion summarizing all the main findings.

A market orientated approach means that a business responds to what clients need. The choices are taken based around data about the clients’ needs and wants, instead of what the business believes is appropriate for the customer. An organization which follows a marketing orientation has a predominantly “sense and respond” philosophy, whereby the company looks to provide the products which the customers wants to purchase, rather than looking for customers to purchase the products they wish to sell (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). Their goal is to understand their customers better than their competitors. Market orientation has two main factors, which are to focus on their customers and competitors. Customer focusing business can gain huge profits by paying attention to consumer needs. Satisfying customer should be the primary task of any business (Levitt, H 1960). While a competitor focused firm can easily identify their strengths and weaknesses.

本篇MBA essay指出以市场为导向的方法意味着企业对客户的需求做出回应。选择是基于客户的需求和愿望数据,而不是企业认为适合客户的数据。一个遵循营销导向的组织主要有一种“感知和回应”的哲学,即公司希望提供客户想要购买的产品,而不是寻找客户购买他们想要销售的产品。他们的目标是比竞争对手更了解客户。市场导向有两个主要因素,即关注客户和竞争对手。以客户为中心的业务可以通过关注消费者需求获得巨大利润。让客户满意应该是任何企业的首要任务。而以竞争对手为中心的公司可以很容易地识别他们的优势和劣势。

Successful businesses like Coke, McDonalds, Ritz Carlton are market orientated companies. They have achieved fame by constantly monitoring their markets and adjusting their marketing mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) per the market. Using all the factors to be the best combination and use to complete the business purpose and mission (Neil, H 1984) can be considered an important strategy. They understand to use both rational and emotional aspects to influence a purchase decision. A famous example is McDonalds, as their vision is to be the world’s best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that they make every customer in every restaurant smile. McDonalds provides additional services such as a play place for the children, birthday space for kids, relative affordability, convenience (drive-thru & home delivery), bathroom, etc. This results in customers being loyal to McDonalds.

本篇MBA essay举例像可口可乐、麦当劳、丽思卡尔顿这样的成功企业都是以市场为导向的公司。他们通过不断监控市场并根据市场调整营销组合(产品、价格、促销和地点)而声名鹊起。利用所有因素作为最佳组合和使用来完成商业目的和使命可以被认为是一种重要的策略。他们懂得运用理性和情感两个方面来影响购买决策。一个著名的例子是麦当劳,因为他们的愿景是成为世界上最好的快速服务餐厅体验。做最好的意味着提供卓越的质量、服务、清洁和价值,让每一家餐厅的每一位顾客都会心一笑。麦当劳提供额外的服务,如儿童游乐场所、儿童生日空间、相对可负担性、便利性(免下车和送货上门)、浴室等。这使顾客忠于麦当劳。

Using the market orientated style might not always be successful. Coloroll was a business which was in home textiles and soft furnishings but its attempt to enter the DIY burglar alarm market was a failure. (Hall et al., 2008) A company with high production costs are more likely to be market orientated as only then they can meet consumers needs and avoid losses.


A product orientated approach means that businesses creates items in view of what it is great at making or doing, as opposed to what a customer needs. The business will put more effort into developing and producing the products which they believe will sell well. The focus for the business is to reduce costs through mass production. A business orientated around production believes that the “economies of scale” generated by mass production will reduce costs and maximize profits. (Marketing Concepts and Orientations) Previously, there used to be organizations producing stuff that would have been called generally product orientated like radios and TVs. There were a couple organizations that contended with each other and the product used to sell itself. A myriad amount of businesses these days are product orientated orientated however because of expanded competition, firms are being compelled to consider client’s needs.

本篇MBA essay也指出以产品为导向的方法意味着企业根据自己擅长的制造或做什么来创造商品,而不是根据客户的需求。该公司将加大力度开发和生产他们认为会畅销的产品。该业务的重点是通过大规模生产来降低成本。以生产为导向的企业相信,大规模生产产生的“规模经济”将降低成本,实现利润最大化。(营销概念和方向)以前,有些组织生产的东西通常被称为以产品为导向的东西,比如收音机和电视。有几个组织相互竞争,产品过去常常自我推销。如今,许多企业都以产品为导向,但由于竞争的扩大,企业不得不考虑客户的需求。

A production orientation should lead to the highest possible product quality and benefits. By investing in product research, you can push the capabilities of technology and development in your industry. (Kokemuller, 2013) A product oriented business allows for a technology to be developed that can consider an innovative approach. An example of this was Sony’s production of the Walkman. This item was created as a product to be sold and not in view of what clients needed then. The gadget proved to be successful and that change was utilized by Sony to make more music listening devices. Economies of scale can develop more easily for this business technique. With product-oriented businesses, the emphasis is on a specific item. Since the focus is directed, this enables the company to create this product efficiently and in mass quantities. More quantities can be made at a lower price, which will expand the number created.

MBA essay又指出以生产为导向应该带来尽可能高的产品质量和效益。通过投资于产品研究,您可以提升行业的技术和开发能力。面向产品的业务允许开发一种可以考虑创新方法的技术。索尼生产的随身听就是一个例子。这个项目是作为一种要销售的产品创建的,而不是考虑到当时客户的需求。事实证明,这款小工具是成功的,索尼利用这一变化制造了更多的音乐聆听设备。这种商业技术可以更容易地发展规模经济。对于以产品为导向的业务,重点是特定项目。由于重点是有针对性的,这使得公司能够高效地大量生产这种产品。可以以更低的价格生产更多的数量,这将扩大创建的数量。

In a product orientated approach, we might be able develop a product with superior features, if the clients don’t want it, it is of little value. In innovative markets with thin life cycles, organization that cover themselves in product development may miss the window of chance to align with customer demand. A high-quality product with less relation to the customer needs will not be worth it.


Lastly, the final goals of both marketing methods are distinct. In a market orientation, the business will gain profit by satisfying the needs of the clients. They will make products that the customers really want to purchase. However, a product orientated company the business increases profits by selling products and reducing other costs. Both approaches have their boundaries and many business have failed trying to meet the needs of their customers, similarly market orientated business might fail to get the right product for their clients. Whether a business places a greater emphasis on the product or on the market will depend on several factors. (Hall et al., 2008)

References 参考文献

Kotler, Philip and Gary Armstrong. Principles Of Marketing. 1st ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, 2004. Print.

“Marketing Concepts And Orientations”. Learnmarketing.net. N.p., 2017 

Hall, D., Jones, R., Raffo, C., Anderton, A., Chambers, I. and Gray, D. (2008) Business studies. 4th edn. United Kingdom: Causeway Press.

Neil, H. (ed.) (1984) The Concept of the Marketing Mix.

Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (no date) Principles of Marketing. 2010: Prentice Hall.

Kokemuller, N. (2013) Marketing as a Business System: A Guide to a Thorough, Integrated Marketing Function for Your Business.

最后,MBA essay提出两种营销方法的最终目标是不同的。在市场导向下,企业将通过满足客户的需求来获得利润。他们将生产客户真正想要购买的产品。然而,作为一家以产品为导向的公司,业务通过销售产品和降低其他成本来增加利润。这两种方法都有其局限性,许多企业都未能满足客户的需求,同样,以市场为导向的企业也可能无法为客户提供合适的产品。企业是更重视产品还是更重视市场将取决于几个因素。本站提供各国MBA essay范文,MBA essay写作辅导,如有需要可咨询本平台。



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