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论文价格: 免费 时间:2011-02-03 12:57:05 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

 Baum T (2006). Human Resource Management for Tourism,  Hospitality and Leisure an International Perspective. Thomson.

 Boella, M. (2000) 'Human Resource Management in the Hospitality  Industry'  7th Edition, Stanley Thornes

 Go, F. Monachello, M. and Baum, T. (1996) ‘Human Resource  Management In The Hospitality Industry’  Wiley.

 Lynn Van der Wagen (2007). Human Resource Management for Events.  Butterworth-Heinemann.

 Lucas, R (2004). Employment Relations in Hospitality and  Tourism  Industries. Routledge.
 Nickson, D (2007). Human Resource Management for the  Hospitality and  Tourism Industries. Butterworth-Heinemann

  Mullins, L (2001) Hospitality management and organisational  behaviour  Harlow : Longman, 2001

 M Foot & C Hook (2002) 'Introducing Human Resource Management' 3rd  Edition, FT Prentice Hall
 Bratton  J &  Gold J , (1999), 'Human Resource Management, Theory & Practice', 2nd Edition, Palgrave.

 Redman T & Wilkinson A, (2001), 'Contemporary Human Resource Management', Pearson Education.

 Torrington D, Hall L,& Taylor S, (2002), 'Human Resource Management', 5th Edition, Pearson Education.

 Dessler G, (2000),'Human Resource Management', 8th edition, Prentice Hall.
 Winstanley, D. (2005) 'Personal effectiveness: A guide to action' London:  CIPD

 Pettinger, R (2001) 'Mastering management skills' Palgrave

 Pedler, M. Burgoyne, J and Boyall, T (2001) 'A manager's guide to self  development' London: McGraw - Hill

Other references
Students are not expected to read all the references set out below. The purpose of the list is to provide students with details of references made in lectures and to guide students wanting to pursue a particular topic in depth.

Adele Ladkin, Edith Szivas, and Michael Riley. (2001) Tourism employment : analysis and planning / Clevedon : Channel Vie Publications, 2001

Ashworth, John; Thomas, Barry. (1999) Patterns of seasonality in employment in tourism in the UK. Applied Economics Letters, Nov99, Vol. 6 Issue 11, p735, 5p, 2 charts

Biswas, R. and Cassell, C. (1996) ‘Strategic HRM and the Gendered Division of Labour in the Hotel Industry: A Case Study’ Personnel Review, Vol. 25. No. 2.

Boxall, Peter. (2003) 'HR strategy and competitive advantage in the service sector.'  Human Resource Management Journal, 2003, Vol. 13 Issue 3

Davies, Doug; Taylor, Ruth; Savery, Lawson (2001) 'The role of appraisal, remuneration and training in improving staff relations in the Western Australian accommodation industry: a comparative study' Journal of European Industrial Training; Volume 25 No. 7; 2001

Doherty, Liz (2004) 'Work-life balance initiatives: implications for women' Employee Relations; Volume 26 No. 4; 2004#p#分页标题#e#

Groschl, Stefan; Doherty, Liz. (1999) 'Diversity management in practise' International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Volume 11 No. 6; 1999

Guerrier, Y. and Lockwood, A. (1989) http://www.ukassignment.org/   ‘Core and Peripheral Employees in Hotel Operations’ Personnel Review Vol. 18. No. 1. p9-15.

Harris, Lynette (2000) 'Employment regulation and owner-managers in small firms: seeking support and guidance'  Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development; Volume 7 No. 4; 2000

Hjalager, Anne-Mette; Andersen, Steen (2001) Tourism employment: contingent work or professional career? Employee Relations; Volume 23 No. 2; 2001

Hoque, K. (1999) ‘New Approaches to HRM in the UK Hotel Industry’ Human Resource Management Journal, Vol 9 (2); p64-76

Hoque, K. (2000) ‘Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry: Strategy, Innovation and Performance’ London: Routledge.

Iverson, R. and Deery, M. (1997) ‘Turnover Culture in the Hospitality Industry’ Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 7.  No. 4.

Jameson, S. (1998) ‘Employment and Employee Relations’ In (Ed) Thomas, R. ‘The Management of Small Hospitality Firms’ Cassell.

Johnson, Peter (1990) Employment in tourism: a review.   Thomas, Barry. Industrial Relations Journal, Spring90, Vol. 21 Issue 1;

Jolliffe, Lee; Farnsworth, Regena (2003) Seasonality in tourism employment: human resource challenges  International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Volume 15 No. 6; 2003

Kelliher, C. (1989) ‘Flexibility in Employment: Developments in the Hospitality Industry’ International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.8. No. 2. p157-166.

Kelliher, C. and Perrett, G. (2001) ‘Business Strategy and Approaches to HRM: A Case Study of New Developments in the United Kingdom Restaurant Industry’ Personnel Review, Vol. 30. No. 4. p421-437.

Kuan, Teresa; Kleiner, Brian H (1999) 'How to identify and handle difficult people'  Equal Opportunities International; Volume 18 No. 5; 1999

Lashley, C. (1998) ‘Matching the Management of Human Resources to Service Operations’ International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 10. No. 1. p24 – 33.

Lashley, Conrad (2000) 'Empowerment through involvement: a case study of TGI Fridays restaurants'  Personnel Review; Volume 29 No. 6; 2000

Lee-Ross, Darren (2002) 'An exploratory study of work motivation amongst private and public sector hospital chefs in Australia'  The Journal of Management Development; Volume 21 No. 8; 2002

Lee, Deborah (2000) 'An analysis of workplace bullying in the UK' Personnel Review; Volume 29 No. 5; 2000

Lucas, R. (1996)  ‘Industrial Relations in Hotels and Catering: Neglect and Paradox?’   British Journal of Industrial Relations, 34:2 June 1996; p267-286.#p#分页标题#e#

Lucas, R. (1995) ‘Managing Employee Relations in the Hotel and Catering Industry’ Cassell.
Lucas, R. (2002) ‘Fragments of HRM in Hospitality? Evidence from the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey’ International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 14. No. 5. p207-212.

Martin, Emma (2004) 'Who's kicking whom? Employees' orientations to work' 
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Volume 16 No. 3; 2004

Price, L. (1994)  ‘Poor Personnel Practice in the Hotel and Catering Industry: Does it Matter?’   Human Resource Management Journal, Vol 4(4); p 44-62.

Purcell, J. Kinnie, N. Hutchinson, S. Rayton, B. and Swart J. (2003) 'Understanding the people and performance link: Unlocking the black box'  CIPD

Rollinson, Derek; Hook, Caroline; Foot, Margaret; Handley, Janet (1996) 'Supervisor and manager styles in handling discipline and grievance: Part two - approaches to handling discipline and grievance' Personnel Review; Volume 25 No. 4; 1996

Stewart, Bob; Powell, Sarah (2004) 'Team building and team working' Team Performance Management; Volume 10 No. 1; 2004

Sturges, Jane; Guest, David.(2004) Working to live or living to work? Work/life balance early in the career. Human Resource Management Journal, 2004, Vol. 14 Issue 4,

Wood, R. (1997) ‘Working in Hotels and Catering’ Thomson Business


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