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​Summary范文:Modern Structural Organization Theory: A Summary

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Introduction 引言
The “modern” structuralists are concerned with many of the same issues that the classical social structuralists were, but their theories have been influenced by and benefited greatly from advancements in organization theory since the second World War.
“Modern” structuralists’ tenets are similar to Classical structuralists’ thinking: organizational efficiency is the essence of the organizational rationality, and the goal of the rationality is to Increase the production of wealth in terms of real goods and services.
Structural organization theory is concerned with vertical differentiations (hierarchical levels of organizational authority and coordination, and horizontal differentiations between organizational units) such as those between product or service lines, geographical areas, or skills.
The basic assumptions of the structural perspective: 结构观点的基本假设
Organizations are rational institutions whose primary purpose is to accomplish established objectives; rational organizational behavior is achieved best through systems of defined rules and formal authority. Organizational control and coordination are key for maintaining organizational rationality.
There is a “best” structure for any organization, or at least a most appropriate structure in light of its given objectives, the environmental conditions surrounding, the nature of its products or services, and the technology of the production process.
Specialization and the division of labor increase the quality and quantity of production, particularly in highly skilled operations and professions.
Most problems in an organization result from structural flaws and can be solved by changing the structure.
The Most Important Theorists and Their Contributions 最重要的理论家及其贡献
Mechanistic and Organic Systems (Tom Burns and G. M. Stalker)机械和有机系统(汤姆·伯恩斯和G.M.史塔克)
The beginning of administrative wisdom is the awareness that there is no one optimum type of management system.
They developed their widely cited theory of “mechanistic and organic systems of organization”, and Contribute to the creation of the “sociotechnical approach”.
They found that stable conditions may suggest the use of a mechanistic form of organization where a traditional pattern of hierarchy, reliance on formal rules and regulations, vertical communications, and structured decision making is possible.
Dynamic conditions(situations in which the environment changes rapidly) require the use of an organic form of organization where there is less rigidity, more participation, and more reliance on workers to define and redefine their positions and relationships.
Either form of organization may be appropriate in particular situations.
Characteristics of the “Mechanistic Management System” are: “机械化管理系统”的特点是:
The specialized differentiation of functional tasks into which the problems and tasks facing the concern as a whole are broken down.
The abstract nature of each individual task, which is pursued with techniques and purposes more or less distinct from those of the concern as a whole.     
The reconciliation, for each level in the hierarchy, of these distinct performances by the immediate superiors, who are also, in turn, responsible for seeing that each is relevant in his own special part of the task.
The precise definition of rights and obligations and technical methods attached to each functional role.
The translation of rights and obligations and methods into the responsibilities of a functional position.
Hierarchic structure of control, authority, and communication.
A reinforcement of the hierarchic structure by the location of knowledge of actualities exclusively at the top of the hierarchy, where the final reconciliation of distinct tasks and assessment of relevance is made.
A tendency for interaction between members of the concern to be vertical (between superior and subordinate).
A tendency for operations and working behavior to be governed by the instructions and decisions issued by superiors.
Insistence on loyalty to the concern and obedience to superiors as a condition of membership.
A greater importance and prestige attaching to internal (local) than to general (cosmopolitan) knowledge, experience, and skill.
Characteristics of the “Organic Management System” are: “有机管理体系”的特点是:
The contributive nature of special knowledge and experience to the common task of the concern.特殊知识和经验对关注的共同任务的贡献性质。
The “realistic” nature of the individual task, which is seen as set by the total situation of the concern.单个任务的“现实”性质,视为关注的总体情况而定。
The adjustment and continual redefinition of individual tasks through interaction with others.通过与他人的互动调整和不断重新定义个人任务。
The shedding of “responsibility” as a limited field of rights, obligations, and methods.将“责任”作为权利、义务和方法的有限领域。
The spread of commitment to concern beyond any technical definition.对关注的承诺超出了任何技术定义。
A network structure of control, authority, and communication. The sanctions which apply to the individual’s conduct in his working role derive more from presumed community of interest with the rest of the working organization in the survival and growth of the firm, and less from a contractual relationship between himself and a nonpersonal corporation, represented for him by an immediate superior.
Omniscience no longer imputed to the head of the concern; knowledge about the technical or commercial nature of the here and now task may be located anywhere in the network; this location becoming the ad hoc center of control authority and communication.
A lateral rather than a vertical direction of communication through the organization, communication between people of different rank, also, resembling consultation rather than command.
A content of communication which consists of information and advice rather than instructions and decisions.
Commitment to the concern’s tasks and to the “technological ethos” of material progress and expansion is more highly valued than loyalty and obedience.
Importance and prestige attach to affiliations and expertise valid in the industrial and technical and commercial milieux external to the firm.
The Concept of Formal Organization (Peter M. Blau and W. Richard Scott) 正式组织的概念
Social organization refers to the ways in which human conduct becomes socially organized, that is to the observed regularities in the behavior of people that are due to the social conditions in which they find themselves rather than to their physiological or psychological characteristics as individuals.
Since the distinctive characteristics of these organizations is that they have been formally established for the explicit purpose of achieving certain goals, the term “formal organization” is used to designate them.
They assert that all organizations include both a formal and informal element. The informal organization by its nature is rooted in the formal structure and supports its formal organization by establishing norms for the operation of the organization that cannot always be spelled out by rules and policies.
It is impossible to know and understand the true structure of a formal organization without a similar understanding of its parallel informal organization.
Organizational Choice: Product versus Function (Arthur Walker and Jay Lorsch) 组织选择:产品与功能
A manager facing the same basic question when he think about the form of his organization, whether to group activities primarily by product (various functional specialist working on a single product be grouped together under the same superior) or by function (all specialist in a given function be grouped under a common boss regardless of difference in products they are involved in).
The manager should make choices based on these three criteria: 经理应根据以下三个标准进行选择
Which approach permit maximum use of technical knowledge?哪种方法允许最大限度地使用技术知识?
Which provides the most efficient utilization of machinery and equipment?哪种方式能最有效地利用机械和设备?
Which provides the best hope of obtaining the required control and coordination?哪一项提供了获得所需控制和协调的最佳希望?
The characteristics of manufacturing companies, the first are organized by product basis, and the other by function basis. 制造业公司的特点,第一个是按产品基础组织的,第二个是按功能基础组织的。
For function based company: 基于功能的公司
Less differentiation except in goal orientation.除目标导向外,差异较小。
Integration is somewhat less effective.整合的效果稍差。
Confrontation of conflicts, but also “smoothing over” and avoidance; rather restricted communication pattern.对抗冲突,但也“缓和”和避免冲突;相当受限的通信模式。
Efficient, stable production, but less successful in improving plant capabilities.高效、稳定的生产,但在提高工厂能力方面不太成功。
Prevalent feeling of satisfaction among the employees, but less feeling of stress and involvement.员工普遍感到满意,但较少感到压力和参与。
For product based company: 基于产品的公司
Greater differentiation except in structure and time orientation.除结构和时间方向外,差异更大。
Integration is more effective.集成更有效。
Confrontation of conflicts, open, face-to-face communication.面对冲突,公开面对面交流。
Successful in improving plant capabilities, but less effective in stable production.在提高工厂能力方面取得了成功,但在稳定生产方面效果不佳。
Prevalent feeling of stress and involvement, but less feeling of satisfaction.普遍的压力感和参与感,但较少的满足感。
They concluded that either structural arrangement can be appropriate, depending upon the organization’s environment and the nature of the organization itself.他们得出的结论是,根据组织的环境和组织本身的性质,任何一种结构安排都可能是适当的。
The Five Basic Parts of the Organization (Henry Mintzberg) 组织的五个基本部分
Synthesized many schools of organizational management theory. 综合了许多组织管理理论流派。
Created a model of organizations with five interdependent parts: the strategic apex, the middle line, the operating core, the technostructure, and the support staff.  创建了一个具有五个相互依存部分的组织模型:战略顶点、中间线、运营核心、技术结构和支持人员。
Operating Core: the operators carry out the basic work of the organization.操作核心:操作员执行组织的基本工作。
Strategic Apex: Those at the very top of the hierarchy, together with their own staff. The apex is charged with ensuring that the organization executes its mission.战略顶点:那些处于最高层的人,以及他们自己的员工。顶点负责确保组织执行其任务。
Middle Line: Managers that join the apex to the core. Middle line which transmits authority from the top to the bottom. 中间线:将顶点连接到核心的经理。从上到下传递权力的中间线。
Technostructure: The analysts carry out their work of standardizing the work of others, in addition to applying their analytical techniques to help the organization adapt to its environment.技术结构:除了应用他们的分析技术帮助组织适应其环境之外,分析师还开展了标准化他人工作的工作。
Support Staff: Supports the functioning of the operating core indirectly, that is, outside the basic flow of operating work.支持人员:间接支持运营核心的运作,即在运营工作的基本流程之外。                                                                      
The interdependencies among the organizational members can be showed as: 组织成员之间的相互依赖关系可以表现为
Pooled coupling: Members share common resources but are otherwise independent.共享耦合:成员共享公共资源,但在其他方面是独立的。
Sequential coupling: Members work in series as in a relay race.顺序耦合:成员在接力赛中串联工作。
Reciprocal coupling: Members feed their work back and forth among themselves in effect each receives inputs from and provides outputs to the others.相互耦合:成员之间相互反馈他们的工作,实际上每个成员都从其他成员那里接收输入并向其他成员提供输出。
In Praise of Hierarchy (Elliott Jaques) 赞扬等级制度
Managerial hierarchy is the most efficient, the hardiest, and in fact the most natural structure ever devised for large organizations. Properly structured hierarchy can release energy and creativity, rationalize productivity, and actually improve morale.
Managerial hierarchy or layering is the only effective organizational form for deploying people and tasks at complementary levels, where people can do the tasks assigned to them, where the people in any given layer can add value to the work of those in the layer below them, and, finally, where this stratification of management strikes everyone as necessary and welcome.
One of business’s great contemporary problems is how to release and sustain among the people who work in corporate hierarchies the thrust, initiative, and adaptability of the entrepreneur.
Hierarchical structure has been the source of a great deal of trouble and inefficiency, the common complaint it face are: 等级结构一直是许多麻烦和效率低下的根源,它面临的常见投诉有:
The excessive layering, too many rungs on the ladder. Information passes through too many people, decisions through too many levels.过度分层,梯子上的梯级太多。信息通过太多人,决策通过太多层次。
Few managers seem to add real value to the work of their subordinates.似乎很少有经理能为下属的工作增加真正的价值。   
Hierarchies bring out the nastier aspects of human behavior, like greed, insensitivity, careerism, and self importance.等级制度揭示了人类行为中更恶劣的方面,如贪婪、麻木不仁、野心和自我重要性。
Group authority without group accountability is dysfunctional, and group authority with group accountability is unacceptable. 没有集团责任的集团权力是不正常的,有集团责任的团体权力是不可接受的。
Group authority without group accountability is dysfunctional, and group authority with group accountability is unacceptable.没有集团责任的集团权力是不正常的,有集团责任的团体权力是不可接受的。 
Why Hierarchy?   为什么选择层次结构?
Managerial hierarchy is and will remain the only way to structure unified working systems with hundreds, or thousands of employees,
 for the very good reason that managerial hierarchy is the expression of two fundamental characteristics of real work: 因为管理层级是真实工作的两个基本特征的表达,这是非常有道理的:
The tasks we carry out are not only more or less complex but they also become more complex as they separate out into discrete categories or types of complexity.我们执行的任务不仅或多或少复杂,而且随着它们被划分为不同的类别或复杂类型,它们也变得更加复杂。
The same is true of the mental work that people do on the job, for as this work grows more complex, it too separates out into distinct categories or types of mental activity.人们在工作中所做的脑力劳动也是如此,因为随着这项工作越来越复杂,它也被划分为不同的类别或类型的脑力活动。
These two characteristics permit hierarchy to meet four of any organization’s fundamental needs: to add real value to work as it moves through the organization, to identify and nail down accountability at each stage of the value adding process, to place people with the necessary competence at each organizational layer, and to build a general consensus and acceptance of the managerial structure that achieves these ends.
Hierarchical layers depend on jumps in responsibility that depends in turn on how far ahead a manager must think and plan.
He suggested as to make hierarchy work is to distinguish carefully between hierarchical layers and pay grades, and set up a different managerial hierarchy based on responsibility rather than salary.
Companies need more than seven pay grades as a rule, many more.公司通常需要七个以上的工资等级,甚至更多。
Technology as a contingency Factor (Richard M. Burton and Borge Obel) 技术作为偶然因素
They covers technology’s effect on formalization, centralization, complexity, configuration, coordination and control, and incentives.
They studied the effects that various dimensions of technology have on organizational design.
The effects of technology assessed on six dimensions of organization: formalizations, centralizations, complexity, configuration, coordination and control, and incentives.
Technology effects on formalization, propositions: 技术对形式化的影响,提议:
If technology routineness is low, then formalization should be low.如果技术常规性很低,那么形式化应该很低。
If technology routineness is high, then formalization should be high.如果技术常规性很高,那么形式化应该很高。
If the organization employs many professionals, then Proposition 2 is not strong. 如果组织雇佣了许多专业人员,那么第2号提案就不强了。
If the organization is in the service industry, then the strength of proposition 1 and 2 is greater than if it is in the manufacturing industry. Retail and wholesale organizations can be expressed to fall in between.如果该组织在服务业,那么命题1和命题2的强度就比在制造业更大。零售和批发组织可以说介于两者之间。
If the technology type is process(high automation), then formalization should be higher than it would be otherwise. 如果技术类型是过程(高度自动化),那么形式化应该高于其他类型。
If the organization uses modern information technology, then formalization should be high.如果组织使用现代信息技术,那么形式化应该很高。                                                                            
Technology effects on centralization, propositions: 技术对集中化的影响,提议:
If technology routineness is high and the size of the organization is small, then centralization should be high. 如果技术常规性很高,组织规模很小,那么集中化应该很高。 
If the organization is large and technology routineness is high, then centralization should be medium.如果组织规模大,技术常规性高,那么集中应该是中等规模的。
Technology effects on organizational complexity, propositions:  技术对组织复杂性的影响,提议:
If the size of the organization is large and the organization has a technology that is routine, then complexity should be high(particularly horizontal differentiation). 如果组织规模很大,并且组织拥有常规技术,那么复杂性应该很高(特别是横向差异)。
If the size of the organization is small and the organization has a technology that is routine, then complexity should be medium.如果组织的规模很小,并且组织拥有常规的技术,那么复杂性应该是中等的。
If the size of the organization is large and has a nonroutine technology, then complexity should be high(particularly vertical  differentiation).如果组织规模很大,并且拥有非常规技术,那么复杂性应该很高(特别是纵向差异)。
If the organization has a nonroutine technology, then the span of control should be narrow.如果组织拥有非常规技术,那么控制范围应该很窄。
If the organization has a routine technology, then the span of control should be wide.如果组织拥有常规技术,那么控制范围应该很广。
If the technology type is process(high automation), then complexity is high.如果技术类型是过程(高度自动化),那么复杂性很高。                

Technology effects on configuration, propositions: 技术对配置的影响,提议:
If the technology type is unit, then it is more likely that the organization has a matrix configuration.如果技术类型是单位,那么组织更有可能具有矩阵配置。
If the organization has a nonroutine technology, then the functional configuration is not likely to be an efficient configuration.如果组织拥有非常规技术,那么功能配置不太可能是有效配置。
If the technology is not divisible, then the configuration cannot be divisional.如果技术不可分割,那么配置就不可分割。
If the technology is divisible, then it isn’t very likely that the configuration should be a matrix configuration.如果技术是可分割的,那么配置不太可能是矩阵配置。
If the organization has a nonroutine technology, then it isn’t likely that machine or professional bureaucracy is an efficient configuration.如果组织拥有非常规技术,那么机器或专业官僚机构不太可能是有效的配置。
If the technology isn’t nonroutine, then the configuration can’t be an ad hoc configuration.如果该技术不是非常规的,则该配置不能是临时配置。
Technology effects on coordination and control mechanisms, propositions: 技术对协调和控制机制的影响,提议:
If the size of the organization isn’t small and if the technology is routine, then coordination and control should be obtained via rules and planning, and a media with low richness and a small amount of information can be used. Incentives should based on procedures.
If the technology is nonroutine, then coordination should be obtained via group meetings, and a media with high richness and a large amount of information can be used. Incentives should based on results.
If the organization doesn’t have a dominant technology, then the technology structure recommendation should be discounted relative to other contingency factor. 如果组织没有主导技术,那么技术结构建议应相对于其他应急因素予以考虑。


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