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Work Practice Report工作实习报告

论文价格: 免费 时间:2019-04-23 15:21:22 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
今天是我实习的第一天,心里很紧张,我的supervisor eli 给我看了这个公司(regan communications group)之前的project,让我大致了解下整体的设计风格以及他们的客户。
This is the first day of my internship so I feel very nervous inside. My supervisor eli shows me the former project in this company regan communication group to let me know the overall design style and their clients.
之后她叫我帮她做公司网页的social media graphic,这个公司的主要设计风格都是黑白红三个色调, 我根据eli之前做的social media graphic,拓展并完成了12个social media graphics。这个任务对于我的挑战是,怎么处理好文字图片之间的关系。
Later she calls me to make the social media graphic of the company. The main design style is three tone, which are black, white and red. According to social media graphic eli made before, I expend and finish 12 social media graphics. The challenge of this task is how to manage the relationship between text and picture.
今天的任务对于我来说是个挑战,我要在中午12点完成完成2个print ads(打印广告)平时在学校都会有比较长的时间完成project,这是第一次在不得不提高自己效率的情况下完成这个工作,这是次很好的经验对我来说。这个project是要给georges restaurant做两个不同version 的广告。
The task today for me is a challenge. I have to finish two print ads before 12. Usually I will have long time to finish project in school. This is the first time that I have to improve my efficiency to finish it. For me, this is a very good experience. This project is to make two advertisements in different versions for georges restaurant.
今天的工作对我还说比较heavy,我要给bobs bait shack 和 tomos tackle两个卖渔具的store 分别做2个不同version的打印广告。Eli告诉我可以查看它们的网站和facebook,可以找到你想要的有用信息。比如logo
Today’s work is heavy. I have to make two print ads in different versions for two fishing gear store bobs bait shack and tomos tackle. Eli tells me that I can check their website and facebook for useful information such as logo.
由于之前的project,都不能用图片,所以我只能自己用illusrator来手绘。Eli认为我画的东西都比较可爱,所以这次叫我帮她做一个regan-mspca card,mspca是有关流浪狗流浪猫,保护以及收养它们的机构,所以我手绘了些小动物来完成这个card.
Because I can’t use picture in former project, so I can only use illustrator to draw. Eli thinks the picture I draw is cute, so this time she asks me to make a regain-mspca card for her. Mspca is about feral cat, stray dog, the organization that protect and adopt them. Therefore I draw some animals to finish this card.
这次我需要设计一个map of 5 restaurants to dock at this summer for coastal angler magazine,要把所有的图片和信息放在一页,所以图片和信息的排版很重要,必须要分清楚主次。我认为上学期上过的publication class对我帮助很大。
This time I need to design a map of 5 restaurants to dock at this summer for coastal angler magazine. I have to put all the pictures and information on the same page, so it’s important for the composing of pictures and information. I have to draw a clear distinction between the primary and the secondary. In my opinion, the public class I took last semester is very useful for me.
今天Eli 给了我有关Valvtect fuel公司所有在MA 分店的地理信息内容,我需要做一个介绍valvtect各个分店的地理位置的设计根据她给我看的之前的这个公司的设计。我需要标注具体的地理位置在地图上,所以简单的排版让customer清楚的看到地址是最重要的。
Today Eli gives me all the geographical information of MA sub branch of Valvtect fuel. According to the design he showed me before, I need to make an design to introduce the geographical information of each sub branch of Valvtect. I have to mark the specific geographical information on the map, so it is the most important to let customer see clear with the simple composing
Sudbury boat care product
The challenge of this advertisements is that my advertisement’s size is a narrow rectangle, which is hard to compose and deal with the relationship between picture and text. Fortunately, the project of Kayla before helps me a lot. In my mind, as a designer, you have to face any demand of your client and finish it.
M&M fishing lures
这又是一个关于渔具用品的广告,我需要根据之前旧的广告来设计一个新的print ads,所有的产品信息是主要的,所以我设计的视觉中心的渔具产品的信息。
This is another advertisement about fishing gear. I need to design a new print ads according to the former old advertisements. All the information of the product is primary. Therefore I have to design information of fishing gear visual-centered.
Business card training guide
今天我需要给regan做个guide,(这个guide是告诉你怎么在网上order打印business card),起初我的世纪比较遵循设计principle,比如contrast,hierachy,但是eli告诉我我的设计需要更加商业化,和学校的project不一样,需要简单统一的设计风格。这是对我很有用的建议,我会尝试学习怎么样让作品更加商业化。
Today I need to make a guide for regan, which tells you how to set order to print business card on line. At the beginning, my design follows design principle, such as contrast, hierarchy, while Eli tells me that my design should be more commercialized with simple and unified design style unlike the project in school, which is a useful suggestion. I will try to learn how to make the work more commercialized.

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