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美国留学Business作业:Short and Long Term Environmental Factors that Effect Organisations

论文价格: 免费 时间:2022-07-25 10:46:52 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网



One of the important environment factor that effect the organization on short term and long term basis. It includes changes in government policies, changes made in law and legislation, war and conflict, government pressure in form of rise in tax, changes in government and new government wants to wave out all old plans.

Economical 经济

Another factor that effect the environment is itself economy of the country which could affect on shorter term or longer term but most likely the economical effect most effect on longer period. It includes adverse movement in exchange rates, increase in taxation, lower interest rate, international economy effect, monetary issues, customer buying power, change in trend and life style of people due to poor economic conditions, like possibility of business would not generate as much as they were before this which ultimately result in reduction in human power which directly effect there buying power.


Technological 技术

Technology is normally has short term effect excluding some mighty machinery which take years to build and changes take place. Technological factor includes change in technology as this is one of the major factor as we have seen in now a day communication and computer technology change rapidly as compare to others, once a new model enter in the market will definitely absolute the previous one. Other factors include changes in technological legislation, licensing and patents, intellectual property issue and global communication.


Social 社会

Social is another environment factor that can affect both in short and long term to organization. Social factor include change in trends, fashion, style, organizational brand, people purchasing power, religious and ethical issues. Media play vital role these days as a mean of spreading awareness among people which can be in any sector. Major events has a short term environment affects.


Importance of Environmental Factor Affecting Organization:影响组织的环境因素的重要性:

It is obvious that any change in the environment factor can directly or in directly affects the organization operations in that particular environment. Politically if the is change in government policy or legislation that has direct effect on all organization and sectors all business have to adopt the changes take place. Technological if there has been change in technology as latest version of machinery launched every business which directly use such machinery to run there business need to update accordingly in order to survive in the competitor market otherwise competitor, take lead in business operations. Social and economy factors also has important influence on organization activities suppose, if organization is doing trade with international business partners in case of war both countries government impose restriction on the trade which affect both businesses on the other hand if economy is on downfall trend, in fact all businesses faces decline in the profit percentage as customers buying power has fall as a result of poor economic conditions.


Expectation of Stake holders 利益相关者的期望

A stakeholder is any person or organization, who can be positively or negatively impacted by, or cause an impact on the actions of a company, government, or organization.


Following are the stake holders of almost every business: 以下是几乎所有企业的股东:

Customers 客户

Employees 员工

Trade creditors 贸易债权人

Bank 银行

Government 政治

Shareholders 股东

Investors 投资者

Local community 当地社区

Environment 环境

Every stakeholder has it on expectations from the company or business. Customers demand high quality but cheap price products and services. Employees has there own expectations like secure future, attractive salary plus bonuses. Trade creditors demand long credit period. Bank is interested in it financial performance and business is able pay the interest rates. Government is interested in business paying tax on time. Shareholders are interested in increase in wealth which result in business generates profits. Investors interested on return on there investment. Local community expects employment opportunities from business. Business would run its operations under environment friendly atmosphere.


Changes that affect the strategy 影响战略的变化

Factors that currently affect the TM Mobile house is technology change like upgraded version of computer mobile model therefore TM should have to buy new software that are currently used in mobiles and computers. Second environment factor that mostly affect TM is economic downfall which dramatically reduce the sale of TM. So under tight conditions TM has to change its strategy in order to survive under such condition.

目前影响TM Mobile house的因素是技术变化,如计算机移动模型的升级版本,因此TM必须购买当前用于手机和计算机的新软件。第二个主要影响TM的环境因素是经济衰退,这大大减少了TM的销售。因此,在紧张的条件下,TM必须改变其战略,以便在这种条件下生存。

Due to poor economic condition customers are unable to pay more for the goods they bought infect they demand cheap product but good quality which result in to reduction in profit margin ratio. Government demand regular tax and council tax payment regardless business is earning profit or not. Bank demand there money back, employees feel unsecure future in TM employees are not happy as they would not receive bonus for the one and a half year. Investors consider it risky to invest in such economic condition due to fear of there investment being drowned.


Business Strategies, Policies and Plans 商业战略、政策和计划

Strategic Objectives 战略目标

The company strategic objectives are how the company corporate objective is going to be achieved. These objectives usually split between: 公司战略目标是如何实现公司目标。这些目标通常分为:

The strategic commercial objective 战略商业目标

The strategic financial objective 战略财务目标

The commercial objectives are in non financial term to achieve company desired targets. 商业目标是在非财务方面实现公司预期目标。

The strategic financial objectives are to maximize the profit of the organization, in modern terms maximization of shareholder wealth.


Effectiveness 有效性

Is a measure of the degree to which business achieve its goals. 是衡量企业实现其目标的程度。

The strategy is effective if it achieve it objective.如果实现it目标,该策略是有效的。

Business Plan 商业计划书

A business plan is an official statement contains business goals, the reasons why they are going to be achievable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It also holds information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals.


Business policy 商业政策

Business Policy defines the scope inside which decisions can be taken by the subordinate in an organization. It permits the lower level management to deal with the harms and issue without consult top level management each time for decision. Business policy in guidelines issued by the organization to achieve there targets.


Effect of Current Business Plan 当前商业计划的影响

TM business plan is to maximize the profit, growth in sale at constant rate in future. TM goals are to grow and create monopoly in area which it operates and how to achieve the goals TM together its employee as a force to achieve its targets. Owner of the business make daily progress reports form them, and any changes in plan will properly convey to them through proper mean of communication tool like direct meetings, update the notice board regarding current changes and process of achieving those targets and goals. It targets also includes increasing customer confidence in there services. TM give guarantee for its services if there is any complain in it they can get it repaired with out charge, no one else in the market are offering such guarantees. For the time being TM is moving slowly towards maximizing profit as due the economic recession it been difficult for TM to achieve its targets. Employees are working well as they are working before the economic recession but due to slow progress in work that is why plan are not working and planed.


TM is now 2nd operating in this area offering the same kind of services, but due to size of the business TM were in lead. Two more business was closed down due to unfeasible economic conditions. Now its time for TM to improve its services likely to make amendments in the plan as customers are switching back towards TM. Which is positive sign for TM as sale will grow as planed in future because of reduction in competition. TM is now increase the volume of finished good stock for resale purposes as he is expecting increase in the sale as well as profit.


TM has following competitive strength and weaknesses, of its current strategies.


Strength 优势

It has large space in shop so more customers can sit at a time. 它在商店里有很大的空间,所以一次可以坐更多的顾客。

Its location is comparatively better than its competitor. However its competitor is in less busy area.其位置相对优于竞争对手。然而,它的竞争对手在不那么繁忙的领域。

Workforce, as TM has two staff who can serve the customers. Its competitor is hiring only on staff difficult for him to deal during busy time to handle each clients effectively.劳动力,因为TM有两名员工可以为客户服务。它的竞争对手只雇佣在繁忙时间难以处理的员工,以有效处理每个客户。

Range of services like computer, mobile, Money transfers and property. But its competitor has limited services like mobile and computer.一系列服务,如电脑、手机、汇款和房地产。但其竞争对手的移动和计算机等服务有限。

Weaknesses 弱势

Strategically TM is retrieving high profit margin form it sales on the other hand its competitor has edge on this. TM is not buying accessories of latest mobile phone, lack of training in employees, participation in saving schemes. Its competitor has edge on above mentioned weakness.


Options for Strategic Planning 战略规划选项

Strategic planning is creating a vision of the future and managing toward that expectancy. It’s operating under a mission statement umbrella that focuses the organization’s effort. It’s an effective process for aligning your short-term decisions with your long-term goals.


Strategic planning answers the three big questions: 战略规划回答了三个大问题:

Where are we today? 我们今天在哪里?

Where do we want to be in the future? 我们未来想在哪里?

What should we be focused on today, in order to make it more likely we will be where we want to be in the future? 我们今天应该关注什么,以使我们更有可能在未来达到我们想要的目标?

The basic strategic planning model involved four steps explained below. 基本战略规划模型包括以下四个步骤。

SWOT analysis can also be used for strategic planning. Strength and weakness can show business internal position where it can stand and opportunity and threats shows external factors that will affect the business directly or indirectly.

Strength 优势

Have you got sufficient financial resources to fund any changes you would like to make?你有足够的财政资源来资助你想做的任何改变吗?

Is your product unique or market leading? 你的产品是独特的还是市场领先的?

Does business have superior industry knowledge? 企业是否具有卓越的行业知识?

Are you involved with industry associations? 你参与过行业协会吗?

Your reputation – are you considered a market leader? Or an expert in you is filed? 你的声誉——你被认为是市场领导者吗?还是你的专家被归档了?

Does business have good relationship with your customer? 企业与客户的关系是否良好?

Does business have strong relationships with your suppliers? 企业是否与供应商建立了牢固的关系?

Does business have a positive relationship with your employee? 企业与员工之间的关系是否积极?

Is your business Innovative? 你的业务创新吗?

Weakness 劣势

Is your plant and equipment old or outdated? 你的工厂和设备是旧的还是过时的?

Is your product line too narrow? 你们的产品线太窄了吗?

Have you got insufficient financial resources to fund any changes you would like to make? 你有没有足够的财政资源来资助你想做的任何改变?

Does business lack industry knowledge?企业是否缺乏行业知识?

Does business lack innovative skills? 企业是否缺乏创新技能?

Does business have a poor or impersonal relationship with your customers?企业与客户之间的关系是否很差或没有人情味?

Does business have a poor relationship with your suppliers? 企业是否与供应商关系不佳?

Does business have a poor relationship with your employees?企业是否与员工关系不佳?

Does business have low volume and are restricted in your ability to scale up?业务量是否很小,并且您的扩展能力是否受到限制?

Opportunities 机会

Changes to legislation 立法变更

Changes to import/export constraints 导入/导出约束的更改

Good economic outlook 良好的经济前景

Expand your product line 扩大产品线

Diversify your business interests 使你的商业兴趣多样化

Expand into your customer’s field 扩展到客户领域

Expand into your supplier’s field 扩展到供应商的领域

Expand your customer base (Geographically or through new products) 扩大客户群(地理位置或通过新产品)

Does business has peaceful competitor? 生意有和平的竞争对手吗?

Are there any export opportunities? 有出口机会吗?

Will your market grow? 你的市场会增长吗?

Threats 风险

Changes in demographics 人口统计的变化

Increasing regulation 增加监管

Do consumers have a choice to use a substitute product? 消费者可以选择使用替代产品吗?

Are substitute product sales increasing? 替代产品销售是否在增长?

Is your market in slow growth or in decline? 你们的市场是在缓慢增长还是在衰退?

Growing power of customers or suppliers to set price 客户或供应商定价能力不断增强

Changing needs of buyers 买家需求的变化

Porter’s five forces Model 波特五力模型

Michael Porter developed a framework, which identified 5 forces that act to either increase or reduce the competitive forces within an industry. These five forces are 迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)开发了一个框架,该框架确定了5种影响行业内竞争力的因素。这五种力量是

The Bargaining Power of Your Customers 客户的议价能力

The Threat of New Entrants into your Industry 新进入贵行业者的威胁

The Bargaining Power of Suppliers 供应商的议价能力

Threat of Substitute Products or Services 替代产品或服务的威胁

Rivalry amongst Existing Firms 现有公司之间的竞争

Industry growth rates 行业增长率

High fixed costs 固定成本高

Intermittent over capacity 间歇性过负荷

Product differences 产品差异

Brand identity 品牌标识

Switching costs 转换成本

Informational complexity 信息复杂性

Concentration & balance 集中与平衡

Diversity of competitors 竞争对手的多样性

Corporate stakes 公司股份

Exit barriers 出口阻碍

The Bargaining Power of Your Customers 客户的议价能力

Differentiation of outputs 输出差异化

Switching costs 转换成本

Presence of substitutes 代替品的存在

Industry concentration relative to buyer concentration 行业集中度相对于买方集中度

Importance of volume to buyers 数量对买家的重要性

Cost relative to total buyer purchases 相对于买方采购总额的成本

Impact of outputs on the cost of differentiation 产出对差异化成本的影响

Buyer information about supplier products 买方关于供应商产品的信息

Buyer profitability 买方盈利能力

Decision makers incentives 决策者激励

Threat of backward integration 后向一体化的威胁

The Bargaining Power of Suppliers 供应商的议价能力

Differentiation of inputs 输入的差异化

Comparative understanding of activity from organization 组织对活动的比较理解

If we take in to account the competitor of TM mobile house in some area that business is in good position, as no business is perfect in every aspect. If we take few things into consideration like JD has lower profit margin. JD offer limited services if we compare it with TM, but with extreme quality. Employ turn over in JD is too low as compare to TM. JD business is too innovative its owner keep the displayed products in the shop with latest models including there accessories. JD has good financial condition JD have sufficient working capital to support day to day activities. JD had obtained large credit from the supplier. It keeps his employee up to date regarding any changes in the technology. JD makes good relations with its existing customer and new one. How ever in some areas TM as a competitive advantage over JD.

如果我们考虑到TM mobile house在某些领域的竞争对手,即业务处于良好的地位,因为没有任何业务在各个方面都是完美的。如果我们很少考虑像京东这样的事情,利润率就会降低。与TM相比,京东提供的服务有限,但质量极高。与TM相比,JD的雇佣周转率太低。京东业务太过创新,其所有者将展示的产品放在店内,并配备最新型号的配件。京东财务状况良好,有足够的营运资金支持日常活动。京东从供应商那里获得了大量信贷。它使他的员工能够及时了解技术的任何变化。京东与现有客户和新客户保持良好关系。然而,在某些领域,TM被视为超越京东的竞争优势。

Feasible options for the future strategic planning 未来战略规划的可行方案

It is better for TM to incorporate following option before making strategic plans, it includes product threat that is take in to consideration that if there are some new product entering the market there cost and also opportunity cost of not take it now in to consideration. What is the capital requirement to meet its day to day expenses as well as if want to introduce need products like latest models of mobile and if to upgrade the existing computers using as internet café, do TM has sufficient fund available if it has how efficiently use it. What ever services TM going to provide should be meet economies of scale criteria. Must take in to consideration the bargain power of the customers, what’s there buying power what there expectation from TM and which product they normally demand for there normal consumptions. Most importantly take in to account the competitor position need to adopt those method in order to gain competitive edge, carefully identify those areas that need special attention. Identify those brands which has same quality but cheaper that meet the customers buying power. Changes in the legislation must take in to account how they affect our business. Need to improve the accessories in the shop but focus must be to identify if they were saleable or which has extensive demand. Focus on existing product present in stock that is out dated should be sold out on discount to retrieve money from it otherwise bear total loss from it. TM must keep there and its employee knowledge up to date, towards industry in which they are operating suppose TM is doing money transfers it should be aware of any changes took place in money transferring roles that need to be adopted. Improve the interpersonal skill with staff and with the customers always build working relations with the customers in order to retain business from them. All above mentioned issued need to take under careful consideration in order to make future strategy plan and setting targets to be achieved.


Conclusion 结论

We discuss short and long term environmental factors affecting the organization, together with what are strategies, policies and plan and at the end take in to consideration strategy development models and which important areas are vital in making future strategies.



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