Presentation是留学生们经常遇到的Group Project作业之一,针对完成的Project作业进行直观和生动的展示。它不仅能锻炼我们的表达和演讲能力,也是一次展现自我的机会。在展示Presentation之前,我们需要一段开场白来引出Presentation的主题。要知道无论我们的PPT制作有多精美,论点多么有力,数据多么扎实,一群不感兴趣并且不关注的观众无疑会影响我们的呈现效果。所以,如何在一开始就能够吸引观众们的注意?如何让人眼前一亮并对你之后的展开产生兴趣?这些是我们需要考虑的问题。
欢迎观众并介绍自己Welcome your audience and introduce yourself
吸引注意Capture their attention
说明重点Identify your number one goal or topic of presentation
大纲简介Give a quick outline of your presentation
指导如何提问Provide instructions for how to ask questions (if appropriate for your situation)

一. 运用直白的语言,使你的开场白易于理解Use Common Language to Make Your Introduction Easy to Understand
Great, now you have the general outline of an introduction for a speech or presentation in English. So let’s focus on some of the key expressions you can use for each step. This will help you think about what to say and how to say it so you can sound confident and prepared in your English presentation.
二. 欢迎观众并介绍自己Welcome Your Audience & Introduction
It is polite to start with a warm welcome and to introduce yourself. Everyone in the audience will want to know who you are. Your introduction should include your name and job position or the reason you are an expert on your topic. The more the audience trusts you, the more they listen.
Welcome to [name of company or event]. My name is [name] and I am the [job title or background information].
Thank you for coming today. I’m [name] and I’m looking forward to talking with you today about [your topic].
Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I’d like to quickly introduce myself. I am [name] from [company or position]. (formal)
On behalf of [name of company], I’d like to welcome you today. For those of you who don’t already know me, my name is [name] and I am [job title or background]. (formal)
Hi everyone. I’m [name and background]. I’m glad to be here with you today. Now let’s get started. (informal)
吸引观众的注意Capture Their Attention
For more information about how to best capture your audience’s attention and why, please see the next session below. However, here are a few good phrases to get you started.
Did you know that [insert an interesting fact or shocking statement]?
Have you ever heard that [insert interesting fact or shocking statement]?
Before I start, I’d like to share a quick story about [tell your story]…
I remember [tell your story, experience or memory]…
When I started preparing for this talk, I was reminded of [tell your story, share your quote or experience]…
三. 说明presentation的重点Identify Your Goal or Topic of Presentation
At this stage, you want to be clear with your audience about your primary topic or goal. Do you want your audience to take action after your talk? Is it a topic everyone is curious about (or should be curious about)? This should be just one or two sentences and it should be very clear.
This morning I’d like to present our new [product or service].
Today I’d like to discuss…
Today I’d like to share with you…
What I want to share with you is…
My goal today is to help you understand…
During my talk this morning/afternoon, I’ll provide you with some background on [main topic] and why it is important to you.
I will present my findings on…
By the end of my presentation, I’d like for you to know…
I aim to prove to you / change your mind about…
I’d like to take this opportunity to talk about…
As you know, this morning/afternoon I’ll be discussing…
四. Presentation的大纲简介Outline Your Presentation
You may have heard this about presentations in English before:
First, tell me what you’re going to tell me. Then tell me. And finally, tell me what you told me.
It sounds crazy and weird, but it’s true. This is how we structure presentations in English. So today we’re focusing on the “First, tell me what you’re going to tell me” for your introduction. This means you should outline the key points or highlights of your topic.
This prepares your listens and helps to get their attention. It will also help them follow your presentation and stay focused. Here are some great phrases to help you do that.
First, I’m going to present… Then I’ll share with you… Finally, I’ll ask you to…
The next thing I’ll share with you is…
In the next section, I’ll show you…
Today I will be covering these 3 (or 5) key points…
In this presentation, we will discuss/evaluate…
By the end of this presentation, you’ll be able to…
My talk this morning is divided into [number] main sections… First, second, third… Finally…
五. 提问部分该怎么说On Asking Questions
You want to be sure to let you audience know when and how it is appropriate for them to ask you questions. For example, is the presentation informal and is it okay for someone to interrupt you with a question? Or do you prefer for everyone to wait until the end of the presentation to ask questions?
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to interrupt me. I’m happy to answer any questions as we go along.
Feel free to ask any questions, however, I do ask that you wait until the end of the presentation to ask.
There will be plenty of time for questions at the end.
Are there any questions at this point? If not, we’ll keep going.
I would be happy to answer any questions you may have now.
PS: 如何吸引注意力呢?Capture Your Audience’s Attention
Do you feel unsure about how to capture the attention of your audience? Don’t worry! Here are some common examples used in English-speaking culture for doing it perfectly!
Two of the most famous speakers in the English-speaking world are Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey. While Steve Jobs is no longer living, people still love to watch his speeches and presentations online. Oprah is so famous that no matter what she does, people are excited to see her and listen to her.
BUT, if you listen to a speech by Steve Jobs or Oprah Winfrey, they still work to get your attention!
The don’t start with a list of numbers or data. They don’t begin with a common fact or with the title of the presentation. No – they do much more.
From the moment they start their speech, they want you to listen. And they find interesting ways to get your attention. In his most famous speeches, Steve Jobs often started with a personal story. And Oprah often starts with an inspiring quote, a motivational part of a poem, or a personal story.
These are all great ways to help your audience to listen to you immediately – whether your presentation is 3 minutes or 20 minutes.
引入主题的方法有:#p#分页标题#e#Here’s how you can do it.
Like Steve Jobs or Oprah Winfrey, start with a:
Personal story or experience
Motivational quote or line from a poem or book
Joke (be careful with this – make sure it translates easily to everyone in the audience!)
Shocking, bold statement (Think of Steve Jobs’ quote: “Stay hungry. Stay Foolish.”)
Rhetorical question ( =a question that you don’t want an answer to; the focus is to make someone think)
And finally, consider audience participation. Ask a question and get your audience to respond by raising hands.
