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资讯策略(Strategy business in IT) Assignment指导

论文价格: 免费 时间:2010-02-19 16:36:50 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

资讯策略(Strategy business in IT)

级别: 硕士项目论文,一定符合英国论文要求!

专业: 资讯策略(Strategy business in IT)

题目:  这是一个有关使用IT, 来解决企业遇到难题的项目研究, 题目你们帮忙拟订. 范围不要定的太广阔,要解决实际问题.

根据学校要求,Proposal 需要回答十条问题(见proposal template),每题均有规定字数不可超过, 整篇不超过2000字. 请务必要看" Proposal & Assignment Guidance Note.pdf ", 并研究透彻. 请严格按照英国的论文格式来写, 并留意千万不可抄袭!

交稿时间: 2月4日前.

1. SG01.4 - Proposal & Assignment Guidance Note.pdf (指引如何写该PROPOSAL,里面有很多正面和负面的例子, 同时也是评价的尺度)
2. 2008 2009 Research Methods Proposal and Assessment Template.doc (要提交的题目与格式)
3. SA01 Sample Research Methods Proposal and Assessment Template.doc (这是之前学校提供的一个样板,不完全相同但可作为参考).

以下是每个问题的提示均来自附件:” SG01.4 - Proposal & Assignment Guidance Note.pdf”, 具.体请再次查阅该文档.
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Q1 - Give an outline of the setting, literature review area, presenting problem and target. (Max words 200)

根据选择的范围及程度(SCOPE AND SCALE)回答四个部分,问题的陈述及简短的解释是该题的关键之处。

Problem setting_
Meaning the location where the presenting problem resides, normally a company site (e.g. Barclays Bank, West London) A good answer is state where the primary data comes from so for a company setting it would be: the company name, location, area of business activity and for a society based setting a short description of the area will suffice

Topic Area for literature review

Topic area for the literature review is where one gains expert knowledge and are things like: Network Infrastructures, MIS, system security, project management, software metrics, Real Estate business, integrated systems (ERP etc), databases architectures, accounting/billing systems, IT supported automation in manufacturing, help-desk technology, emotional intelligence, tele-working, VLEs, inventory management, supply chain management,  mobile computing, IT integration, the credit card industry, banking, RFID, eBusiness, the Internet, secure payment systems

The topic area is almost always twofold; about ICT (the technology) and where a problem resides (the application area). For example, I research RFID (the technology) related to inventory management (application area), I look at eCommerce (technology) and Real Estate (application area)#p#分页标题#e#

Presenting Problem
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For SBIT a problem is defined as a matter of concern or debate amongst situation actors; it follows a problem is an object not an activity. The problem itself need not be IT but its resolution MUST in some way involve the strategic deployment of IT resources. The student must argue from evidence that a problem exists but it is best to end the argument with a short and lucid statement problem statement such as:

…inventory discrepancies leading to additional costs and delivery delays.
…delays and errors in generating audit request data
…customer complaints about delays in resolving problem via the help desk

Target is the effect or effects you want implying that changes have taken place that result from the use of your outcome. A problem is observable by things such as poor productivity, low morale or management indecision. It follows that if we solve/partially solve the presenting problem using then if we use your outcome we will also see observable effects such as high productivity, improved morale or new business opportunities.

Q2 – Discuss the most probable cause of the problem and hence name a project outcome that, when used by appropriate situation actors, may bring about change and resolve the problem situation by showing that it use leads to the Strategic deployment of Business IT assets (Max 200 words)

Probable Problem Causes -

This section allows to discuss the evidence for the problem situation (how do they know they have a problem), and hence discuss probable causes. It is usual to fix on a probable cause and then that is used to form a kind of loose hypotheses about must be done to resolve it.

Proposed Outcome -
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MSc project has a single outcome. On this course the outcome to be some kind of document(文件). It is therefore important that the end of a project has four elements and hence understand the place of what we call the outcome. Briefly, the four elements are results, outcome, evaluation and conclusions once the primary data has been processed into some usable form (the results) the next step is to generate an outcome based on the processed data and that manifests itself as a document

Actors and Use Description –

It is always useful to think about who will read ones project outcome and that helps to ensure it is written to an appropriate level and in a suitable style. Therefore, every outcome will have an actor or actors (person or persons); meaning that the actor will use the outcome to bring about change and achieve a particular result or effect (the target).  It is essential that the outcome and actor match each other in the sense that the actor can credibly use the outcome.#p#分页标题#e#

Change and Strategic Business IT Deployment implications -

THE SBIT project must have an outcome that when used by an actor brings about change in the problem setting by means of a strategic deployment of IT assets.

Q3 - Describe your primary data spotlight and activity based on the need to generate your proposed outcome and hence explain your intended research approach, style and method and finally suggested a data collection strategy and protocol. (Max 200 words)

Data Spotlight –

Spotlight - that is highlighting the data that you need.  For example imagine going through a pile of CVs and using a highlighter pen just marking the people who come from Singapore and work in IT support service. That is you are ONLY spotlighting or highlighting the ones where you will extract primary data and ignoring everything else.

Data Extraction Activity –

Activity - this is the main activity used to record that primary data and together with the spotlight it then effectively become a definition of the data. For example some common activities are: Account for, Analyse, Appraise, Assess, Catalogue, Collect, Compare.

Research Approach –
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Most students will have heard of induction and deduction (there is a third way called abduction but we shall not discuss it) and indeed it is easy to find definitions of them but they are quite subtle concepts. The importance of this element is that it helps define what primary data you want and later how the collected data will be processed. Basically, if one is deductive that implies you have a firm theory and so the primary data that you want is very clear as the whole rationale is to get data that seems likely to support your theory.

Research Style, Method and Data Collection Protocol -

Research Method_These are problem solving frameworks or models (survey, case study, vignette, experiment, action research, etc) that are useful for various kinds of primary data research effort.

Research Styles
This idea is really about the data and in general, data might be broadly classified into qualitative (words, descriptions, pictures etc) and quantitative (numbers, values, counts etc). In research one does not always quite decide this at the outset; it becomes obvious once you know what primary data you are looking for.

Data Collection Protocols
Within a Research Method there must be space for data collection. There is a large number of ways to collect data and ANY of them might be used in ANY Research Method and it is possible to use more than one method in any study. There has to be a protocol with each collection method. Put simply one has to supply a process, a series of steps around each collection vehicle so that actually collection is carried out correctly and reliably.

Q4 – What is your single project aim and its associated project objectives (Max 200 words)#p#分页标题#e#

Aim structure – the aim has four elements: activity, outcome, spotlight and target.Briefly, the activity is what you do to the spotlighted data to get the outcome which when used will generate the target effects.

Objective structure – an objective has five elements: activity, milestone, spotlight, bounded and progressive. One notes here that progressive means that objectives tend to follows on from an earlier one and bounded means it must be able to be done during the project itself (as Opposed to after it is finished).

To assess (activity) the operational, technical and financial needs and capability (spotlight) of NGVTech in order to produce a feasibility report (outcome) that can be used to aide management in its decision (target) to proceed with its plan to evaluate and acquire a suitable integrated system.

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1. To identify and construct (activity) a process maps (milestones) of the project management and warehouse business processes and its resources (spotlight) to establish the current state of the problem.
2. To design and prepare (activity) interview questions (milestone) on any expectation, assumptions and constraints of the management on its consideration of a new system (spotlight).
3. To design and construct (activity) a questionnaire (milestone) to obtain information on how the organisational changes will affect the working environment of those affected by a system (spotlight).
4. To identify and develop (activity) a tabulation (milestone) of the characteristics of an integrated system befitting method of operations in meeting user requirements and associated industry standards focusing on the project management and warehouse (spotlight).
5. To identify and develop (activity) a list of alternative solutions (milestone) befitting the organisation corporate strategies and goals (spotlight).

Q5 – What resources (other than trivial ones) will you need to complete this project idea (Max 200 words)

In general resources it will cover such things as: software and other tools, equipment, skills, literature including any previous situation assessments, history and secondary documentation/data, research report and standards, time, training, funding, sources of help, useful websites, access to data and other permissions, security and confidentiality issues, data storage, lab facilities, but don’t be limited by just these or think that they all always apply but always make sure that what you ask for as a resources you can definitely get otherwise your project might fail.

Q6 – How will you evaluate your project outcome (before it is used) and research practice (Max 200 words)

Evaluation Plan for testing my Outcome -

Testing and Evaluation - Recall that at the proposal stage, no project work has been done and no outcome is available therefore students are providing a plan of how evaluation will be done. You may think of the work taking time out at the end of the project to test the outcome and reflection so that lessons can be learned from ones practice. There are two aspects:#p#分页标题#e#

Evaluate or Test your Outcome - map out what must be done to test the outcome when you finally get it but BEFORE it is used – it follows that project outcome evaluation is in most cases a paper exercise.

Evaluate or Test your Practice – students hopefully will have a plan of what must be done, the methods and approach to be employed. So here students must say how they will reflect on the various choices they made; a plan for evaluating project practice AFTER it has been carried them out. Reflecting on practices will often uncover deep meaning about the nature, real purpose and intentions of you own deliberate (because you made choices) actions and assumptions and these may prove uncomfortable but are a necessary learning device.

Evaluation Plan for reflecting on Project Practice -

Evaluating & Testing Practice
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Testing what you plan as tasks, methods and approach is hard work because often we don’t like critically reflecting on the way we work; but it must be done honestly. But recall, in the proposal you are writing just a plan of what you will do. The actual evaluation obviously can only take place after the project outcome has been generated. There are two elements:

Basic Reflection - run through a series of general questions, writing down your thoughts; will be positive and some negative but all designed to show that learning has taken place: how well did I do it; was it successful? Could or should I have done it another way in parts or as a whole? Did I make any mistakes and were there any surprises? Did I learn anything about research? Did I properly identify constraints involved, including time management? Did I get the scale or scope wrong?

Focused Reflection - In this section you plan how you will evaluate the main elements of your project work and again it must be done with commitment and honesty so that you can show you have learned from the experience. Here are several things you might consider.

Q7: Write a concise and lucid Research Question statement that includes all 7 required features. (Max 100 words)

The only possible interrogatives (words that signal a question is being asked) are: whose, who, whom, what, which,where, whence, whither, when, how, why, wherefore, does/is, s/are, and can. But commonly we only use: Whose, who,what, which, where, when, how, why, does/is, is/are, and can.

Research Questions have 7 features: Interrogative (I), Outcome (O), Actor (A), Problem (P), Target (T), Spotlight (S) and Activity (a) although activity is often implied rather that stated. It is vital you understand that the order in which the six features appear in the Research Question will depend on the interrogative used. If you are not careful here and just stick the 6 features anywhere, choosing any interrogative you will end up with a question that makes no sense. However, the key to getting a good question usually centres on linking the outcome with the actor with the emphasis on the idea of the outcome being use by the actor to bring about change.#p#分页标题#e#


1. What (interrogative) recommendations can be made regarding a BI strategy (outcome) to IT managers (actors) for dealing with suspected inaccurate KPI reports, (problem) based on a examination (activity) of the current performance management process (spotlight) in order to ensure that the business decision making process is reliable leading to increased company revenues (target)?

2. What (interrogative) server selection method (outcome) can be defined by an assessment (activity) of server hardware specifications, vendor service options, business requirements and existing selection models (spotlight) and then used by IT managers (actors) to deal with the total cost of ownership (problem) in order to maximise performance and manage IT costs (target)?
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Q8: Briefly describe how the raw primary data will be pre-processed into a structured entity and then show how that entity will be used to generate the outcome. (maximum 200 words)

Pre-Processing - 
Processing Methods – there are a huge number of ways that data may be processed depending on its form, volume and what you intention is.

Pre-Processing the Raw Primary Data
Once I have the raw (as collected) primary data I first do some pre-processing on it to give it a presentational form so it can be included in the project document and hence a structure so it is relatively easy to use to generate the outcome. For example, a suitable entity might be something like a table, a catalogue, a model and so on.

Post or Outcome Processing -

Q9: Develop a plan for your Literature Review, the plan will normally make clear: the literature review area, an originality theme, a content map of about 6-10 headings, a suggested review conclusion and finally an indicative list of 5-10 primary sources. (Max 300 words)

Literature Review Library Search Areas –

Review Theme –

Content Map –

Possible Review Conclusion -

Indicative Reading List 
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Note – this section is all about preparation from the available literature, therefore there should be nothing here that refers to your problem setting or what you will do. If what we read ignores this note then it is likely that a fail will be recorded (delete the note before submission)

Example - Business Needs and IT qualification in hiring
Content Map
IT Qualifications and their Purpose
IT Qualification authorities: academic and manufacturer based
Defining and verifying suitable hiring criteria for IT staff
General Industry based overview of needs and trends
IT Skill benchmarking process related to insufficient skills to face business risk#p#分页标题#e#
Industry Certifications and their contribution in bridging the IT Skills gap
Industry based Qualifications; their nature and purpose
IT Training needed to meet job demand
ITIL as Best Practice to improve IT Staff skills
Defining IT Skills Gap in organizations
Efficiency of IT Staff screening and Hiring Process
Qualifications and business needs
SFIA as Framework to identify job description
KPI and baseline skills assignment
Mismatch between actual IT skills and planned strategic business goals

Q10: Write a simple contextualised project plan. It will be sufficient to develop a plain list of no more than 20 clearly staged activities and approximate activity timings in weeks. The plan must be at least 18 weeks but no longer than 52 weeks in duration. (max 200 words)

A brief outline of my project plan
The intention is to start in the third week of April and produce the outcome in the fourth week of November 2008.
Further Literature Search and investigating the project idea/theme of eGovernment in (April and May 2008)
Preparatory work of data collection/designing interview questionnaires, other documentations and visits plan based
on FCCIA needs (Chamber of Commerce) (May and June 2008)
Categorizing data collection process and prioritizing approaches (June 2008)
Consulting FCCIA senior Management to present my actual plan, interview schedule, and to schedule visits and
interviews (July and August 2008)
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Administering the data collection process (August and September 2008)
Categorizing and sorting out the data collected, filing documents. (September and October 2008)
Preparing collected data into a structured form in preparation for generation of the final outcome (October and
November 2008)
Submitting the final outcome (November 2008)


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