A number of referencing systems are used across the University. You should check with your lecturer regarding the referencing system to be used for this unit. You will find examples of the different types of systems on the Academic Skills Information Guides section of the Academic Skills Development Unit website:
Alpert, F, Heaney, J & Kuhn, KL 2009, ‘Internships in marketing: Goals, structures and assessment – Student, company and academic perspectives’, Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, May, pp. 36–45.
Boud, D 2001, ‘Using journal writing to enhance reflective practice’, New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, no. 90, Summer, pp. 9–17.
Boyatzis, RE 2007, ‘Developing emotional intelligence competencies’, in J Ciarochi & JD Mayer (eds), Applying Emotional Intelligence, Psychology Press, New York, pp. 28–52.
Carson, L & Fisher, K 2006, ‘Raising the bar on criticality: Students’ critical reflection in an internship’, Journal of Management Education, vol. 30, no. 5, October.
Fisher, K n.d., ‘Critical self-reflection: what is it and how do you do it?’, Southern Cross University Teaching and Learning Seminar Notes.
Richert, AE 1990, ‘Teaching teachers to reflect: A consideration of programme structure’, Journal of Curriculum Studies, no. 22, pp. 509–527.
Schön, DA 1998, The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action,Ashgate Arena, London.
Weighart, S 2009, Learning from experience: A resource book by and for co-op/internship professionals, Mosaic Eye Publishing, USA.