

论文价格: 免费 时间:2014-07-30 11:21:59 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Abstract: This article demonstrates the existence of a causal relationship between perceived quality, satisfaction and commitment in the context of online banking. The results show that the perceived quality heavily influences the commitment of customers and that this effect is direct and not mediated by satisfaction.
Keywords: perceived quality, satisfaction, commitment, Internet banking.
The Internet banking has opened a new avenue to exploit to make a distinction between banks and deliver a superior service compared to competitors. It involves the use of the Internet consumers to get in touch with their banks and check their accounts and carry out banking transactions. The migration to Internet banking has greatly influenced the distribution policies of banks and the mode of interaction with the banking and service experience for consumers. Thus, retention and attraction of consumers are largely determined by the quality of services delivered.
The aim of this research is to study the impact of the quality of online banking services on customers’ intention to revisit the banking site and to maintain a lasting relationship with it. It will also verify the mediating role of satisfaction in that relationship. It is twofold. From a theoretical viewpoint, this research enriched the few studies that have explored the concept of perceived quality of online services. From a managerial point of view, it points to the bankers the importance of promoting satisfaction factors which could produce favorable behavioral intentions among customers.
This article is organized as follows: initially, the conceptual framework is exposed, then the methodology will be presented and finally the results and the contributions and voices of future research will be shown and discussed.
I- Electronic quality 电子品质
Several studies have identified dimensions of online perceived quality. The applications in the field of Internet banking are partial and very rare. This is an area of research where one is concerned primarily with the security of the site. Thus, it seems to refer mainly to studies on the identification of dimensions for evaluating the online quality. Work on electronic service quality and satisfaction online (Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2003, Srinivasan andal., 2002, Yoo and Donthu, 2001; Novak and al., 2000, Liu and Arnett, 2000; Szymanski and Hise, 2000), work on technologies of self-service (Bateson, 1985; Dabholkar, 1996 and Meuter and al., 2000), work on Internet banking (Jun and Cai, 2001; Aladwani 2001, Liao and Cheung , 2002; Jayawardhena, 2004) provide information on the dimensions most often cited in literature and which will form the basis for assessing the perceived quality of Internet banking.
The perceived quality of Internet banking referred to the theoretical field of electronic quality. It has been designed differently and has been extensively tested at merchant sites. According to Zeithaml and al. (2000), electronic service quality components include pre and post-service experience with the website. It is evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency by which a website facilitates shopping; purchase and delivery of products or services. Santos (2003) defines it as "all the evaluations and judgments of consumers about the degree of excellence of electronic services.
II- Commitment 承诺
Boulaire and Mathieu (2000, p.1) define the commitment in respect of a site as “a psychological state that the user maintains with a website, statement characterizing his relationship with the site having implications for the maintenance of it or not, corresponding to an affective or (and) calculated commitment of the surfer to the site”.
The authors retain two dimensions: affective commitment and calculated commitment. The affective commitment to a site can result from experiences on the Internet and through a site and the immediate emotional gratification that it brings. Two sub-dimensions characterize affective commitment: the symbolic dimension and the hedonistic dimension of the site. Commitment calculated, meanwhile, refers to the cognitive process by monitoring the surfer to reach the outcome, the decision to continue his relationship with a site. In this perspective, the calculated commitment is characterized by three sub-dimensions: the absence of alternatives, satisfaction with the chosen site and then switching costs.
The authors therefore insist on two forms of commitment: a commitment based on emotional attachment that develops in the relationship between the surfers and the site that expressing the emotions felt during the browsing experience. The emotional dimension can give a good chance for cyber consumer to issue the same behavior (purchase, revisits the site) and it’s more important than calculated dimension which is depending on the number of alternatives or switching costs.
Park and Kim (2003) and Chiou (2004) note that on Internet, commitment is often seen as the intention to revisit the site, intention to buy on the site or intention to recommend the site. In this research, commitment to the site will be considered as an overall assessment resulting from satisfaction. It is defined as "intention to maintain a valued relationship with the site (Park and Kim, 2003).
III- Satisfaction 满意度
Satisfaction is "a psychological state resulting from a process of emotional and cognitive evaluation (Oliver, 1981). Oliver (1980) showed that satisfaction has an indirect effect on the intentions of customers around the attitude after the purchase. Bearden and Teel (1983) also found a similar result in services. Fornell and al. (1996) show that cumulative satisfaction is an important antecedent of shown by the intention of repurchases and tolerance of a price increase. Cronin and Taylor (1992), in turn, showed that satisfaction has a significant effect on purchase intentions. Taylor and Baker (1994) showed that the perceived quality and satisfaction have a joint influence on purchase intentions. Their results that the intention is strongly expressed when the service is excellent and the customer is satisfied. Finally, improving the satisfaction can decrease the sensitivity of customers regarding the price increase by the company or lower prices by competitors.
IV- The influence of perceived quality on satisfaction感知质量和满意度的影响
About the virtual environment, the research that has addressed this relationship are limited. We can even identify four studies: Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003), Rolland (2003), Bressolles 2004) and Rodgers and al. (2005). Rolland (2003) studied the relationship between the perceived quality of a website (Fnac.com) and satisfaction with the site.
The results shows that the perceived quality of the site influence positively satisfaction (for site information model, the regression coefficient is 0.792, p = 0.000 and for model website procurement, it is 0.808, p = 0.000). This relationship has been demonstrated by Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) they shown that the overall quality of service, predicts strongly satisfaction of users (R 2 = 0.70, p = 0.001). The same result was also confirmed by Bressolles (2004) who studied this link in a shopping experience at two sites: a site for digital products (Nomatica) and a travel site (Nouvelles Frontières). The results show a strong and positive relationship between the two concepts (γ = 0.927 for the global model and the two sites studied: γ = 0.855 for Nouvelles Frontières and γ = 0.953 for Nomatica. It follows that service quality influence positively satisfaction after a purchase from a merchant site.
V- The influence of satisfaction on commitment承诺满意度的影响
Satisfaction as a predictor of commitment is a result well defended in several studies. Chiou (2004), examining the antecedents of commitment to a supplier of Internet access, showed that overall satisfaction of consumers with regard to a provider of Internet access influence positively their commitment to the respect of that supplier . Satisfied consumers are more likely to use the same website in the future, to resist the face of competing alternatives and to generate positive word of mouth. Also, Allagui and Temessek (2004) showed that most consumers are satisfied with their experience with a provider of e-services, it would be more committed to it and its intentions to return and re-purchase will be. Results from the structural modeling confirm a direct and positive influence of e-satisfaction on commitment. The authors conclude that satisfaction with a site (portal site Yahoo) is an important antecedent of commitment.
They add that more site evaluation will be positive more the surfer manifested its intention to revisit the site and using its services in the future. Park and Kim (2003), examining the influence of satisfaction with information available on the site and relational benefits on commitment to the site, show that satisfaction explains a strong commitment to the regard the site. The authors emphasize the important role of satisfaction in the formation of consumer engagement in the context of buying books online. Bansal and al. (2004) studied the antecedents and consequences of online satisfaction from customers of 145 companies mainly "multi-channel distribution of products services online, their results show the existence of a significant and positive relationship between the e-overall satisfaction and intention to re-purchase. Anderson and Srinivasan (2003) also showed on a sample of 1211 online consumers, that satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on intention. Rodgers and al. (2005) confirm this result and add that the link is stronger for consumers who have a great online experience than consumers less experienced. Given this research, overall satisfaction is presumed to be the natural predictor of commitment. Therefore, it is reasonable to predict that consumers who are satisfied with Internet banking to make greater reuse.#p#分页标题#e#
VI- Results and discussions结果和讨论
Before testing hypotheses, testing the conceptual model has been conducted to verify the quality of its fit to empirical data. Different index show that the model is acceptable and present good fit with empirical data for that parameter estimates are reliable. The model fit is acceptable and the interpretation of different assumptions can be made. The estimation of structural parameters of the model show the existence of a significant and positive relationship between quality and satisfaction. This relationship is well demonstrated in the traditional literature course, but its replication in the context of Internet banking is a highly original contribution of this research. Thus, the perceived quality by users of Internet banking affects positively their satisfaction. The hypothesis H1 is confirmed. The regression coefficient of satisfaction on commitment has a positive and significant). Thus, the satisfactions of the surfer influence positively its commitment to the Internet banking.
The results also show that the predictive power of perceived quality on commitment is lower when it is mediated by satisfaction. Therefore, the mediating role of satisfaction on the relationship between perceived quality and commitment is not established.
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