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International Relations Essay写作范文:Effect of Gender Studies on Understanding International Relations

论文价格: 免费 时间:2022-10-22 13:44:50 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

International Relations Essay写作范文-性别研究对理解国际关系的影响。本文是一篇留学生International Relations专业的Essay范文,主要内容是根据辛西娅·恩洛伊的说法,“性别使世界旋转”。在说明你对Enloe声明的看法时,解释性别研究在多大程度上改变了我们对国际关系的理解。 在Essay写作范文的第一部分,作者将提供对Enloe的著名陈述“性别使世界旋转”的观点,然后将介绍两本作业认为改变了我们对国际关系(IR)理解的出版物。“女权主义通常采用自下而上而不是自上而下的分析;从个人和群体的角度开始调查,它询问国家和其所处的国际结构如何影响人们的生活。”女权主义者努力调查地方和全球之间的联系。下面请参考这篇International Relations Essay写作范文。


“Gender makes the world go round” according to Cynthia Enloe (1989). While illustrating your views on Enloe’s statement, explain the extent to which gender studies have changed our understanding of international relations. 

In the first part of my essay, I will provide my viewpoint on Enloe’s famous statement “Gender makes the world go round,” and then I will present two publications I think have changed our understanding of International Relations (IR). 

“Feminism generally employs bottom-up, rather than top-down, analysis; starting its investigations from the perspectives of individuals and groups, it asks how the state and the international structures in which it is embedded impact people’s lives (Tickner 2014).” Feminists work diligently to investigate the links between the local and the global. 

In “Gender makes the world go round,” Enloe inspires the readers to be curious about how the world works and stay motivated asking question “where are the women?” In her work, Enloe supplements her views with female involvements in the past – League of Nations secretaries and librarians systematically archiving and compiling documents, Brazilian Hollywood actress Carmen Miranda used cleverly to strengthen diplomatic ties between the United States and Latin America within the 1930s and sex workers at military bases. Elite men in the office often overlooked their female secretaries and treated them no more than a piece of furniture. Without women’s contribution in the past, the world might have been in a different situation as it is now. Enloe asks readers to look for where women are in our everyday life. As Jacqui True (2005) points out, “it is not that women have not been present or their experiences relevant to international relations. Rather, as Cynthia Enloe’s (1989, 1994, 2000) scholarship demonstrates, women are and have always been part of international relations – if we choose to see them there.” 

在《性别使世界运转》中,Enloe鼓励读者对世界如何运转感到好奇,并通过提问“女性在哪里?”保持动力在她的作品中,Enloe补充了她对过去女性参与的观点——国际联盟秘书和图书管理员系统地归档和汇编文件,巴西好莱坞女演员卡门·米兰达(Carmen Miranda)在20世纪30年代巧妙地利用了这一点来加强美国和拉丁美洲的外交关系,以及军事基地的性工作者。办公室里的精英们常常忽视女秘书,把她们当作一件家具。如果过去没有妇女的贡献,世界可能会与现在不同。Enloe要求读者寻找女性在我们日常生活中的位置。正如Jacqui True所指出的那样,“并不是因为女性没有出现,也不是因为她们的经历与国际关系有关。相反,正如辛西娅·恩洛伊的学术研究所表明的那样,如果我们选择在国际关系中看到女性,那么女性现在是而且一直是国际关系的一部分。”

Beginning with the women’s suffrage movement back in the eighteenth century, women wanted their voices to be heard, a century later, they started to form their groups across the Internet and through collaborations. Enloe also indicates that even when women start to form transnational organizations conducting analyses, their contribution is still often ignored – they are not given credit. In other words, they are still not being taken seriously. The implication of Enlow’s work is that there is gender inequality. 


In IR & in global politics 国际关系与全球政治

“One argument is that Western philosophy as practice has been monopolized by elite males; as subject matter it has constructed ‘men’s nature’ as human nature and focused on ‘men’s public-sphere concerns (politics, justice, universal truth); and as an institution it has reproduced the authority and legitimation of patriarchal experience and world view (Peterson 1992, p.12).’’ IR has been “excessively focused on conflict and anarchy and a way of practising statecraft and formulating strategy that is excessively focused in competition and fear (True cited Grant and Newland 1991, 2005). In addition to IR had been a male-dominated discipline, women were – or even now are – underrepresented in global policy-making (Sjoberg and Tickner 2011), which, in my view, is somewhat irrational. Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie suggests in her work (2014) that the higher you go, the fewer women there are. Taking words from Aristotle, Peterson (1992, p.11) claims, “women’s work” in the domestic sphere is not peripheral to but a necessary condition of “men’s work” in the public sphere. Have scholars and politicians long been forgetful how they achieve where they are – would they be there in the classrooms teaching or in congress hall or parliament making decisions without the support from their mothers or wives taking care of the chores and children so that he could stand there? Or even would they achieve where they are now if their mothers did not give birth to them in the first place? 

“一种观点认为,西方哲学作为实践已经被精英男性垄断;作为主题,它将'人的本性'构建为人性,并关注'人的公共领域关切(政治、正义、普遍真理);作为一种制度,它再现了父权经验和世界观的权威和合法性“国际关系”一直“过度关注冲突和无政府状态,是一种实践治国之道和制定战略的方式,过度关注竞争和恐惧。除了国际关系一直是男性主导的学科外,女性在全球决策中的代表性不足在我看来,这有点不合理。尼日利亚作家奇马曼达·恩戈齐·阿迪奇(Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)在她的作品中指出,你越高,女性就越少。借用亚里士多德的话,彼得森声称,家庭领域的“妇女工作”并非是公共领域“男子工作”的外围条件,而是必要条件。学者和政治家们是否长期以来忘记了他们是如何取得成就的——他们会在教室里教学,还是在国会大厅或议会里做决定,而没有母亲或妻子的支持,照顾家务和孩子,让他站在那里?或者,如果他们的母亲一开始没有生下他们,他们会达到现在的水平吗?

Tickner draws ideas from Jane Flax and suggests (2001, p.16) that, “while feminism is about recovering women’s activities, it must also be aware of how these activities are situated. Therefore, gender is not just about women: it is also about men and masculinity.” Gender is socially constructed (Butler 1999; Peterson 1999). Judith Butler (1999) draws ideas from her “ One is not born a woman, but, rather becomes one, ” Beauvoir also claims gender is constructed. Starting from knowing the sex of a child in the womb, one picks out what color for the child’s bedroom – blue for boys and pink for girls – to gifting the newborns – boys play toy cars and Legos and girls play Barbie dolls and playhouse set, a series set of stereotypes come in. Before being born, one’s destiny is manipulated by stereotype generated by society; after being born, the situation only worsens – it branches out to one’s occupations and sexual preferences. Of course, there are exceptions throughout history, for example, Mrs Margaret Thatcher being the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in the 1970s to 1990s. However, during her term, she had to lower her pitch when speaking in public so that she could be taken seriously. 


Gender inequality results from two reasons – patriarchy and language. 性别不平等有两个原因——父权制和语言

Patriarchy 父权制

“The types of women that our society has produced in the past, the roles they have played or failed to play, sprang from the dictates and expectations of men. Women have been largely man-made, and even today numerous psychological studies have revealed that women and girls are still more dependent on social approval than men (Fige 1986, p.15).” Figes goes on and suggests that man has been required to live up to an image, made for him by his father, of fitting what you want into his own desire; on the other hand, a woman is taught to fit whatever her father and all men find desirable in a woman. That is, not what she is, but she ought to be. Moreover, chivalry shapes the idea that women need to be protected by men. But in fact, what women need are support and respect. 


Language 语言

The other culprit is language itself. Having long been accused of some kind of danger – a witch, demoness, scarlet woman, schemer, women are oppressed for a long time (Figes 1986). “Feminists influenced by constructivist theories of the rules of discourse within language tend to see gender as a hegemonic discourse of difference that is reproduced through institutionalized norms and identities rather than material structures” (True 2008). Long before the gender stereotype is shaped, as Bowden and Mummery (2009, p.34) put it, “it is clear that language encodes what is important to people and provides the means for them to articulate their understanding of what is significant.” Thus, feminists started an attack on words; there was a movement “the great he/she battle ” in the 1990s. Led by American literary theorist Jane Hedley, the aim of the battle is for equal opportunity between two sexes. 

另一个罪魁祸首是语言本身。长期以来,人们一直被指责存在某种危险——女巫、恶魔、猩红女人、阴谋家,妇女长期受到压迫。“受语言内话语规则建构主义理论影响的女权主义者倾向于将性别视为通过制度化规范和身份而非物质结构再现的差异性霸权话语”。早在性别刻板印象形成之前,正如Bowden和Mummery所说,“很明显,语言编码了对人们重要的内容,并为他们提供了表达对重要内容理解的手段。”因此,女权主义者开始攻击文字;上世纪90年代有一场运动“伟大的他/她战斗”。由美国文学理论家简·赫德利(Jane Hedley)领导,这场战争的目标是男女机会平等。

By establishing a new and equal discourse, women would be better understood and better expressed. Australian scholar Dale Spender delves into the sexism in language, she suggests in her work Man Made Language (1980), “the English language has been literarily man-made and that it is still primarily under man control (Bowden and Mummery 2009 cited Spender 1980). ” Tickner also points out that, “since it is language that transmits knowledge, the use of language and its claims of objectivity must continually be questioned (2014, p.6). ” 

通过建立新的平等对话,妇女将得到更好的理解和表达。澳大利亚学者戴尔·斯宾德(Dale Spender)深入研究了语言中的性别歧视问题,她在其著作《人造语言》中指出,“英语在文学上是人造的,它仍然主要由男性控制。”蒂克纳还指出,“由于语言传递知识,语言的使用及其客观性的主张必须不断受到质疑。”

Linguist Deborah Tannen (1991) studies how women and men tend to think and how they converse in everyday life, inside and outside households and how they react to different events. She suggests that to reach gender equality it should start at home. “Patriarchy is the structural and ideological system that perpetuates the privileging of masculinity (Enloe 2004).” Enloe (2017) highlights that globalized patriarchy may be responsible for the wage gap between females and males for similar work. Often we can see it on news that which Hollywood actor is paid how many times more than a Hollywood actress starring in the same film. If I could wipe out human history and rewrite it all over, I would start it with a new language system and get rid of all the linguistic labelings. 

语言学家Deborah Tannen(1991)研究了女性和男性在日常生活中如何思考和交谈,家庭内外以及他们对不同事件的反应。她建议,要实现性别平等,应该从家庭开始。“父权制是一种结构和意识形态体系,它使男性的特权永久化。”Enloe强调,全球化的父权制可能是导致类似工作中男女工资差距的原因。我们经常可以在新闻中看到,哪位好莱坞演员的片酬是在同一部电影中出演的好莱坞女演员的多倍。如果我能抹去人类历史并重写它,我会用一个新的语言系统开始,并去掉所有的语言标签。

What changed our understanding of IR? 什么改变了我们对IR的理解?

Although Jones contends that It seems to me that it is J. Ann Tickner’s Hans Morgenthau’s Principles of Political Realism (1988) and Cynthia Enloe’s Bananas, Beaches, and Bases (1989) that changed how people had viewed IR. Christine Sylvester (2002) speaks highly of Jean Bethke Elshtain, Cynthia Enloe and Ann Tickner among many other influential feminists in her Feminist International Relations and carefully analyzes their works – Women and War by Elshtain, Bananas, Beaches, and Bases by Enloe, and Gendering in International Relations by Tickner – respectively in the introduction. 

尽管琼斯认为,在我看来,正是J·安·蒂克纳的《汉斯·摩根索的政治现实主义原则》和辛西娅·恩洛的《香蕉、海滩和基地》改变了人们对国际关系的看法。Christine Sylvester高度评价了Jean Bethke Elshtain、Cynthia Enloe和Ann Tickner等其他在女性主义国际关系中有影响力的女权主义者,并在导言中分别仔细分析了他们的作品——Elshtaine的《妇女与战争》、Enloe的《香蕉、海滩和基地》以及Tickner的《国际关系中的性别化》。

J. Ann Tickner 

In Sylvester’s words, she suggests that (2002, p.13), “Tickner is a specialist in IR who recognizes its shortcomings and wants to infuse the field with feminist sensitivity” 

Tickner (2014) identifies and criticizes why IR is perceived as a masculine field is greatly under the influence of Hans Morgenthau’s six political principles of realism. In spite of recognizing Morgenthau is not incorrect in his view in presenting his work, Tickner believes the piece is merely a description based on assumptions about human nature and morality associated with masculinity. 


Cynthia Enloe. 

As Peterson claims (1992, p.11), “what counts as knowledge must be grounded on experience. Human experience differs according to the kinds of activities and social relations in which humans engage. Not only feminists but theorists of other marginalized groups-e.g., colonized populations, racial and ethnic minorities, the underclass- argue that knowledge claims about humans that are based upon only the partial experiences of elites are simply inaccurate: they, in fact, distort our understanding of actual social relations.” First published in the 1990s, Enloe’s Bananas, Beaches, and Bases looks into women experiences in all walks of lives – from diplomat’s wives to Carmen Miranda to base women to sex workers. Speaking from an empirical feminist, Enloe cleverly weaves women’s experiences into sophisticated politics and analyzes it through the feminist lens in an easy-to-understand language so that readers can grasp and easily understand what she tries to convey – women are actually there. Sylvester summarizes Enloe’s work as followed (1992), “Enloe offers glimpses of women engaged in liberal exchanges and reciprocities that should figure into realist theories of international relations, but do not.” 

正如Peterson所声称的, “知识必须以经验为基础。人类的经验根据人类参与的活动类型和社会关系而有所不同。不仅女权主义者,其他边缘化群体(如殖民地人口、种族和少数民族、下层阶级)的理论家都认为,关于人类的知识主张仅基于人类的部分经验事实上,他们扭曲了我们对实际社会关系的理解。”恩洛伊的《香蕉、海滩和基地》于20世纪90年代首次出版,它探讨了各行各业的女性经历——从外交官的妻子到卡门·米兰达,从基地女性到性工作者。从经验女权主义者的角度讲,恩洛伊巧妙地将女性的经历编织成复杂的政治,并通过女权主义视角以易于理解的语言对其进行分析,以便读者能够理解和理解她试图传达的内容——女性实际上就在那里。Sylvester总结了Enloe的工作如下,“Enloe提供了一些参与自由交流和互惠的女性,这些应该成为国际关系的现实主义理论,但不是。”

If Tickner changes how we perceive IR in theory, then Enloe changes it in practice. As a scholar, a feminist, an activist, a world-traveler, Enloe has been encouraging readers of her publications to stay curious in spite of taking a lot of energy and to keep on investigating and asking questions. She has traveled around the world to search for where the women are and she brings those experiences she witnesses into her scholarship. Her publications continuously echo her famous “Gender makes the world go round.” 


In We Should All Be Feminists (2014), the writer argues that humankind has evolved, but our understanding of gender has not. Tickner highlights (2001), “working for gender inequality is deemed impossible by many feminists because, definitionally, gender signifies relationships of inequality. Rather, feminists should work toward making gender visible in order to move beyond its oppressive dynamics.” 

International Relations Essay写作范文提出在《我们都应该是女权主义者》中,作者认为人类已经进化,但我们对性别的理解还没有。Tickner highlights,“许多女权主义者认为,为性别不平等而努力是不可能的,因为从定义上讲,性别意味着不平等的关系。相反,女权主义者应该努力让性别变得可见,以超越其压迫性动态。”本站提供各国各专业Essay写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。


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