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美国文学作业:论<V字仇杀队> 反对暴力,用爱感化

论文价格: 免费 时间:2019-09-02 10:38:07 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
在“V”中,“V”这个词的原意可能源于他在拉克希尔的时代——在拉克希尔,他是罗马数字“V”编号的牢房里的英雄——是48名受害者中唯一的幸存者(摩尔和劳埃德第29页)。残酷的折磨并没有腐蚀他的智慧和思想,反而磨练了他的超人体格和意志。最后,V向拘留中心放火逃跑了。在他离开之前,他发誓要为诺塞菲尔党(Norsefire Party)建立的亚当•苏珊(AdamSusan)独裁政权报仇。因此,符号“V”从牢房的罗马数字变为复仇和反抗精神的象征,这是他复仇的灵感。因此,本文将讨论V在实现其目标时的暴力行为是否合理。
In V for Vendetta, the original meaning of the hero's name, V, apparently stems from his time in Larkhill -- where he was held in a cell numbered by the Roman numeral V -- and was the only survivor of the 48 victims (Moore and Lloyd page29). The cruel torture did not corrode his wisdom and thinking but rather honed his superhuman physique and will. Eventually, V set fire to the detention center and escaped. Before he left, he vowed to avenge the regime set up by the Norsefire party, the Adam Susan dictatorship. Thus, the symbol "V" was changed from the Roman number of the cell to the symbol of the spirit of vengeance and defiance, the inspiration for his vendetta. Therefore, this article will discuss whether V’s violence in achieving his goals is justified. 
There are three evidences to support the view that against the violence by love. Firstly, V uses violence to rebel against the government while Evey uses love to help create a new society. An apparent empirical observation is that, as an individual fights back against an offender, they first want to serve their own interests -- after they get revenge, the desire for threats fades (or is dispatched entirely). However, if the person seeking revenge doesn’t follow up their actions with love and compassion, they will become mentally imbalanced. However, it is a reminder that, in addition to external ACTS of violent struggle and counterattack, there is at least another dimension to be examined, that is, the process of psychological imbalance, which involves the generation and expression of desire for revenge. Mental Imbalance can lead to extreme behavior, such as tacking revenge on society, intimidate others, and they blame other for their misfortune. 
Secondly, V has threatened to bomb the building and that caused a panic. V is indeed a staunch fan of violent rebellion. As he puts it: "if fear becomes the instrument of maintaining power, should the people take up threats as a weapon?” (Witherington 1) Although V treats Evey well, Evey wants to run away from V because of his violence. She know it was the worst of times for V, and the society is getting worse and worse, but she can‘t revolt  because she is still too afraid of the Norsefire government. It is not until she experience the pain of V, that she understand that violence can provide hope. 
Thirdly, Violent action is not the only way to accomplish V’s vendetta. In the comics, V symbolizes a spirit of violent struggle for freedom. However, people can continue to be inspired by his non-violent spirit of resistance, just like V was inspired by spirit by Valerie. V is representative of all revolutionaries who dare to make sacrifices in order to fight for freedom. The government’s threats can keep the public silent, but they cannot control people's yearning for freedom and truth, and cannot  control people's thoughts. V's speech gets people's support because people's free thoughts are not destroyed. V's revolutionary words and non-violent deeds strengthened people's belief in the struggle and aroused people's courage to resist. 
However, there seems that the following evidence to show that  violence is only way to solve the issues. Understanding that violence is a means to an end offers hope. When one V falls, and countless Vs stand up and unite to form an overwhelming force of justice, no one will ever again doubt the practical significance of "thinking without fear of bullets." The irresistible power of justice is no longer violence and bullets, but, instead, the power of thought. When ideas unite people, that power is unstoppable. Even if the obstacles are significant, the tide of history and the pace of time will eventually prove who the last victor is. "V for Vendetta" has multiple tragic scenes: anarchy, violent revolution, government conspiracy, and terrorism, which make people feel depressed. However, the graphic novel also conveys a mighty ideological power, that ideas can change society for the good, and this makes people feel excited. I felt very excited about V's TV speech. The message of that speech was not only an inspiration to fight for freedom and truth, but it also started to destroy the repressive government. This is because V's speech revealed the truth of the Norsefire dictatorship: the dictatorship was filled with injustice and discrimination through brutal repression, censorship, and surveillance systems, and empty promises. It also speaks to the roots of dictatorship -- the fear of the people, the fear of war, of terror, of disease, that destroys reason, that deprives people of common sense, that compels silence and obedience for the sake of temporary peace.
Although violence was intended to be the only way of ending the tyranny in the comics, However,law and order can be restored by the new society. Rebel violence and government dictatorship cannot truly provide security or stability to their people. 
The true power of the government is in the hands of the people, and all citizens can participate in the process of making peace, rather than remain silent until the next revolution. However, being able to understand and compromise various perspectives  can lead to a inclusive society that does not require violence as a means of vendetta. 
In summary, the gist of the comic "V for Vendetta" is to counter violence with love and compassion. People is strongly opposed to offend others. However, the existence of revenge has a deep humanity foundation and common root  in human nature. The psychological process of revenge is more dangerous than behavior of revenge, and the exploration of this psychological process may enable people to see the full effects of revenge better, thus helping to achieve social control more effectively through love. 

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