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指导法国assignment国际市场学博士课程作业写作要求:How can innovation and new pro

论文价格: 免费 时间:2012-12-24 17:20:14 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

In which ways can chosen strategy be defended and competitors attacked?在这方面可以选择的策略进行辩护和竞争对手进行攻击呢?

我的专业是国际市场,在法国留学,这门课程是 b2b, 请您注意, 在国内b2b 仅仅是指电子商务,但是在国外指所有的 公司与公司间的交易。



How can innovation and new product development be encouraged by b2b managers?如何通过B2B的经理才能鼓励创新和新产品开发?


B2B marketing is driven by ideas. Innovation and new product development can help the companies reduce costs, save time, improve customer service and increase profits. As we all know, the good ideas come from the heart of person. Therefore, it is impossible for managers to force innovation or even create innovative people. The only thing a manager can do is to encourage employees to be more creative.

Managers can encourage innovation and new product development in the following ways:管理人员可以通过以下方式鼓励创新和新产品开发:



Start off simply


Managers can't expect a new employees to come up with wonderful ideas immediately in the beginning of the work. Instead, managers can help new employees start with small ideas which get them used to the environment of being creative. Then they would be more likely and confident to to come up with new ideas.

One thing managers should keep in mind is that let employees know that you value their ideas. Managers can pick one or two to implement immediately to demonstrate success. As time went by, they will get used of working with creativity.

Creating a "Culture of Sharing"
The managers should create a collaborative work environment and encourage employees to share knowledge about innovation.
The primary focus of managers here is to make it easy for employees to share their ideas:
Build a website to promote information sharing.
Promote openness between individuals and departments and remove obstacles of communication, such as encouraging employees in different departments to communicate.
The managers should let employees know that they are accessible and open to diverse opinions, even if it is not what you really wanted in mind. This will encourage employees to share new ideas with managers more often.
Brainstorming sessions
There are a lot of smart people in the companies, the managers can provide them chance to express their wonderful ideas and capture them through brainstorming.

There are some useful tips for managers to encourage innovation during the brainstorming.

A short breaking during brainstorming sessions can increase productivity and make team members to be more creative.

When the team seems lacing of creativity, the managers can add a new member who can bring a fresh perspective and inspire new ideas.

Another way to increase productivity during the session is to ask team members to wite down ideas before attending a brainstorming session.

4.  Redesigning the workspace, such as bright color and artwork on the walls, are  helpful for the brainstorming sessions.


Creating positive work environment


Create a supportive and positive atmosphere in which employees feel comfortable and encouraged to express their ideas. The opposite of innovation is fear. If employees feel backlash from failure, they would be reluctant to innovate. Managers can let employees know that they should treat failures as learning tool, rather than a means for passing around blame.
When developing a new product, it can be a pretty frightening time, as employees need to learn to work in a completely different way. At this time, employees don't feel confident. In order to cope with it, managers can provide them a safe and secure environment, let them know that hey won't be hauled over if they make an honest mistake while innovating. Then employees would feel comfortable to innovate and develop new product.
What's more, mangers can't criticize the employees. Because criticism may make employees feel inferior and afraid to express their ideas, thereby inhibiting innovation.
Besides, managers should be open to the ideas and tolerating the "maverick" ways of working that people in these roles often exhibit, rather than seeking to ensure conformity with a corporate culture. If employees see that their ideas are accepted and valued, they will be more likely to come up with new ideas.
Reward is also an effective way to create positive environment. An appropriate incentives can play a significant role to encourage employees to think creatively.


Funding innovation

Securing the right kind finance is vital to encourage innovation. Most time, companies can't see the return of investment in innovation until several yeas later.Managers should ensure enough money while innovation, until innovation or new product starts generating more cash than investment.Therefore sufficient investment is pretty vital which make employees believe that if they have good ideas that can be implemented.

Manager can use their own funds or tapping into external founding such as loans or equity finance.

A high quality business plan which describes the business and sets out detailed forecasts of where it is going also can help managers strive for enough fund.

Building a stronger innovation culture
There are a lot of smart people in the companies. The role of managers is to encourage them to be creative, give them time to sit and think, permit them to make mistakes. Build a culture that is "flat" and works across organizational lines easily.
Managers can set an innovation goal. Once the teams has confidence in its ability to innovate, set a lager goal. An appropriate goal can push employees to innovate continuously.
Managers can foster innovation by including "innovation" as an item in performance reviews. Praise employees who try new approaches even if it is not perfect.
Encourage employees to think by posing provocative questions, such as "What would we do differently if our two largest competitors merged?"
Encourage employees to find out problem existing in the company and provide suggestion on how to improve current business operations.
It is important to stress that everyone at all levels of the business have the responsibility to innovate, so they feels involved in taking the business forward. The fewer the layers of management or decision making in your organization, the more people feel their ideas matter.
Splitting the group into small teams is the best way to get most innovative ideas. If employees feel that they are an important part of the small team, most of they would become more creative and instinctively open up.
Managers should realize that the main obstacle of stifling the process of innovation in the team is themselves. If the managers think that all the new ideas must come through them and they must make a personal decision on them. It just like cut off the supply of ideas altogether. A smart way is to empower the team members to take the responsibility and decisions.


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