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论文价格: 免费 时间:2015-09-05 14:05:42 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
Undergraduate Writing for Academic Purposes (165600)
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Student Name & ID:                                                                                  Stream: 21
Paper /Code: Undergraduate Writing for Academic Purposes / 165600 Lecturer:  Denise Cameron
Title: Ass 1 Task 2
Number of  Words: Due Date:
Weeks 5 & 7
In order to ensure fair and honest assessment results for all students, it is a requirement that the work that you hand in for assessments is your own work.
Please read and tick the boxes below before handing in your assignment.
If you are uncertain about any of these matters then please discuss them with your lecturer.  Assignments will not be accepted if this section is not completed.
Where I have used someone else’s words, I have clearly indicated this referencing according to APA guidelines. 文/代码:本科学术写作/ 165600讲师:丹妮丝卡梅伦
Where I have used other people’s ideas or writing, I have clearly indicated this by putting them into my own words and adding the reference according to the APA guidelines
Other than this, this assignment:
IS NOT copied from another student or previous assignment
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Undergraduate Writing for Academic Purposes (Unwrap)
Assessment One: Task 2   
This assessment is worth 20% of your assessment for this course. 
You are required to:
1. Hand in the hard copy of your first draft with a completed cover sheet attached in Week 5 to WT Building Level 8 Reception.
2. Complete a revised version after your first draft has been marked, and submit it in Week 7 to WT Building Level 8 Reception. 
                            Summarising & paraphrasing relevant information
 Learning outcomes assessed:
1. Develop skills in critical thinking and analysis of ideas and written texts by recognising significant sub-skills or micro-skills in reading
2. Develop efficient and effective techniques for generating, organising, drafting and editing written texts
3. Master the cultural conventions of academic writing at tertiary level
4. Develop grammatical competence and awareness
You will be assessed on your ability to:
read the task instructions carefully
read the given text accurately
identify and summarise the relevant information 
use this information to write ONE logically organised, cohesive 
paragraph on one or two sheets of A4 paper (no more than 250 words)
write accurate academic English
include APA in-text references and a reference list entry 
use Arial or Tahoma font size 12 and double line spacing
Task: Read part of Chapter 2 (adapted) from the book by W.B. Martin, Providing Quality Service (see attached). 
Your task is to write a paragraph titled “The Importance of Customer Service in the Hospitality Industry” using the information from the text.
(maximum word length 250 words)  
      You need to:
Give your text a title
Summarise and paraphrase Martin’s ideas
Include a topic sentence at the beginning
Include at least one reference to Martin and the date of publication as an in-text reference
Include one short direct quotation from the text acknowledging Martin (2003) and giving the page number
Write a full APA 6th  reference for the book by Martin at the end of your summary paragraph
Write the total number of words at the end of the paragraph
Attach the first draft and a cover sheet for final hand in
Make notes on relevant points from the text in order to write a one paragraph summary of key information. 
First, briefly introduce the main focus of the paragraph, explain the key factors involved and summarise the key attributes of customer service and how customer service can be improved.
You are required to read the whole text but some sections are more relevant to the task than others. You need to focus on identifying, understanding and making notes on the information that is relevant to this assessment.
Allocation of marks for Task 2
[A one paragraph summary of relevant information]
First draft: 10 marks
  8-10 marks:
task completed according to instructions 
all relevant information included 
effective analysis 
#p#分页标题#e#logical and cohesive organization
accurate topic sentence
effective paraphrasing                
no more than one direct quotation 
clear meaning & accurate use of language
appropriate citations 
accurate in-text references and reference list
few corrections needed 
appropriate word length          
         4-7 marks: Task completed according to instructions; some problems with: analysis OR relevance of information (omitted or misunderstood) OR with organization OR topic sentence(s) OR too many direct quotations OR clarity of meaning / accuracy of language OR citations OR accuracy of in-text references; OR reference list
          1-3 marks: Task not completed according to instructions; OR significant problems in terms of marking criteria. 
Final draft: 10 marks
8-10 marks: all corrections and required changes made
4-7 marks: for effective response to lecturer’s comments on the 1st draft
2-3 marks: for completion with only some corrections in response to lecturer’s comments
1 mark:           inadequate or no response to lecturer’s comments & suggestions
The following (adapted) text is taken from pages 11 and 12 of a book entitled “Providing Quality Service”, which was published in 2003 by Prentice-Hall in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.  The author is W.B. Martin.
The perception of what exactly customer service is may vary from one person to the next, depending on an individual’s experience as a customer or on one’s work experience.  As participants in today’s world, people have numerous customer service encounters.  Whether it is a conversation with a checkout operator in a supermarket, a bank teller or a fast food counter person, most people are familiar with customer service interactions just from being a customer.  
Why are there different perceptions of customer service? One reason is that customer service is intangible.  Unlike a meal on a plate, it cannot be directly measured, inspected, touched or smelled.  Therefore, it is necessary to understand the difference between tangible and intangible products and understand the special status of the customer in all of this.
Customer service is different from other hospitality products.  It is different because it is intangible.  Moreover, because it is intangible, it creates a major challenge for service providers.  Restaurants and hotels not only produce a product and sell it, but also handle the distribution and facilitate the consumption of the product.   However, few people in the hospitality business fully understand and appreciate the fact that outside the site of production- the kitchen or the guestroom- the operation’s complexity increases significantly.  Too few people really appreciate how much the intangible product - customer service - contributes to the overall success of the operation, particularly when it is compared with the tangible products of food and rooms.客户服务是不同于其他酒店产品。它是不同的因为它是无形的。此外,因为它是无形的,它为服务供应商的一个主要挑战。餐馆和酒店不仅生产一个产品的销售,而且分布处理和促进产品的消费。然而,在酒店业务很少人充分理解和欣赏的事实,在生产现场厨房或客房-操作的复杂性的增加。太少的人真的很感激多少无形产品-客户服务-有助于整体的运作成功,特别是当它与食品和房间的有形产品相比。
Customer service reflects the people side of the hospitality business.  If we fail to appreciate and understand the complexity of the people side, we are in trouble.  However, in fact, many people take it for granted.  We focus on the “peas, potatoes and pillows” side of the enterprise and hope that the people side will somehow take care of itself. This probably happens because the tangibles are simply easier to deal with.  Whether it is a guestroom or a full meal on a plate, we can inspect it, touch it and even smell it to know whether the product is “right” or “wrong”.  Unfortunately, we can’t do that with customer service.  That makes delivering the people skills far more complex than delivering tangible products.
  Therefore, potential and current service providers must appreciate not only how customers should be treated but also how customer service can be brought to life in a hospitality operation.  By using the right actions and reinforcement, you can significantly improve your people skills.  You can provide effective actions that make the service difference.  
The first step in doing this is adopting a customer service perspective. Adopting a customer service perspective requires providers to look at hospitality organisations in a unique way.  This view maintains that the most important activity in which the organisation engages is the point in time when the organisation’s service provider interacts with the customer.  
A front desk clerk, a waiter and a housekeeper have hundreds of encounters with customers every day.  This makes every service provider critically important to the entire organisation.  The organisation cannot succeed unless every service provider succeeds.  Making sure that the interaction with the customer is a winning one is vital to everyone’s success.

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