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Case Study范文:Johnson and Johnson: A Case Study on Sustainability Reporting

论文价格: 免费 时间:2022-09-06 16:41:54 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Case Study范文-强生公司:可持续发展报告案例研究。本文是一篇留学生Case Study案例范文,本文的目的是证明可持续性报告可以证明对组织有利,并且随着越来越多的利益相关者寻求所有商业事务的透明度,可持续性报告越来越受欢迎。可持续发展报告“SDR”可以大大提高组织的声誉,因为它向利益相关者说明业务指标如何支持高管使用的“修辞”。Case Study范文提出SDR本质上向利益相关方和消费者证明了公司的具体表现。另一方面,如果一家公司做得不好,SDR让该组织有机会解释原因并概述其将采取的积极措施。本质上,它有助于展示组织如何管理风险并寻求持续的流程改进。此外,案例范文指出它有助于吸引更多寻求“长期”视野的股东,这有助于创造财务价值。通过准确观察组织的表现并了解组织未来的计划,这有助于培养股东/消费者的信任,并有助于确保长期忠诚。下面就一起参考这篇Case Study案例范文的全部内容。

Case Study范文

Question 1:  
Sustainability reporting can prove advantageous for organizations and is becoming increasingly popular as more and more stakeholders are seeking transparency of all business affairs. Sustainable Development Reporting, “SDR” can go a long way to enhance the reputation for organizations as it dictates to stakeholders how business metrics back up the “rhetoric” utilized by executives (Borkowski et al, 2010, pg. 2) SDR essentially proves to stakeholders and consumers exactly how the company is performing. On the other hand, if a company is not doing well – SDR gives the organization a chance to explain why and outline the positive steps it will take towards improvement. Essentially, it helps to show how the organization manages risk and seeks continuous process improvement. Additionally, it helps attract more shareholders that are seeking “long-term” horizons, which can help to create financial value. (Borkowski et al, 2010, pg. 2) By seeing exactly how an organization is performing and understanding how the organization plans to proceed in the future, this helps to foster trust with shareholders/consumers and helps to ensure long-term loyalty.
Some disadvantages/challenges of sustainability reporting come with being transparent on all business processes. As mentioned above, it is far more difficult for an organization to fully report its processes if the metrics are bad. This may cause them to lose shareholders, lose trust, etc. Ultimately, however, it does allow them to take advantage of the situation and prove to the shareholders exactly how the company will seek improvement. This is far better than news of the poor performance leaking and spreading before the company has a chance to explain. This becomes a Public Relations issue and can be disastrous to the organization’s reputation. Additionally, SDR takes a lot of time. Management must decide “what activities need to be measured and identify the best metric for measurement” (Borkowski et al, 2010, pg. 4) This is not clear-cut and can cost the organization a lot of money through time spent working on the SDR. Ultimately, the business must see this time spent as an investment into their future.
Johnson & Johnson’s 2017 Health and Humanity Report addresses several areas regarding sustainability.  Some areas that stand out when reviewing the document are: “25% of the Company’s electricity use is from renewable energy sources,” “51% of supplier spend representatives are enrolled in sustainable procurement program,” the company’s Sweden location achieved carbon neutral status “for all energy sources across manufacturing, R&D, and warehouse facilities” etc. (Johnson & Johnson, 2017, pg. 7). Johnson & Johnson is ultimately driven by their “credo” that inspires them to “put the needs and well-being of the people” they “serve first” (Johnson & Johnson, 2017, pg. 7). Putting people first is what drives all their sustainability reporting, as the case states the order of stakeholders, they address are the “customers, employees, community and then the shareholders” (Borkowski et al, 2010, pg. 8). The five main topics that J&J focuses on are the following “Better Health for All, Innovation, Our People, Environmental Health, and Responsible Business Practices” (Johnson & Johnson, 2017, pg. 11). The H&H report goes on to detail each of these areas and how the company is striving to meet goals for them.
Question 2:
Johnson & Johnson reports annually on all their progress, which includes an independent review “and assurance of progress and associated data” (Johnson & Johnson, 2017, pg. 8). As mentioned above, the “priorities” (which can be seen as drivers) are “Better Health for All, Innovation, Our People, Environmental Health, and Responsible Business Practices” (Johnson & Johnson, 2017, pg. 11). Within these 5 sections are specific topics (such as Climate & Energy, Waste, Corporate Governance, etc.) that ultimately align with their Health for Humanity Report. These topics are also classified into which value chain stage they belong to (such as R&D, Raw Materials, Manufacturing, etc.). Johnson and Johnson’s Health for Humanity 2020 Goals are considered their “Key Performance Indicators of our citizenship and sustainability approach and have processes in place to measure and track progress” (Johnson & Johnson, 2017, pg. 11). Each topic presented has an overarching goal, followed by the targets for how to achieve it (such as donating specific amounts of vaccinations, activate partnerships, reduce carbon emissions by specific amounts, etc.). Progress made each year is measured against the goals set to achieve by 2020. (The line items even identify whether they are on track or not). Specific percentages and costs are identified. (Example – their target of increasing recyclability of consumer packaging to a specific target is off track.)
Throughout the Sustainability Report, specific GRI identifications are listed. Examples include “GRI-102-43″ “GRI-102-18″ “GRI 102-19,” etc. When looking these up, they identify things like “Approach to Stakeholder Management” “Governance Structure” “Delegating Authority,” etc. (GRI, 2016). Essentially, these identify the GRI standard that the specific section corresponds to. As stated in the case, GRI lists help them to be able to coordinate what they are reporting and “provide consistency” on what is reported year to year. (Borkowski et al, 2010, pg. 10) Ultimately, they attempt to align their report with GRI standards as much as possible, but do not solely follow them. Table 3 of the case gives examples of sustainability metrics to “measure inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes” (Borkowski et al, 2010, pg. 5) Johnson & Johnson’s sustainability metrics, when broken down in their 2020 goals, are much more specific in nature, and are ultimately driven by their business interests.
在整个可持续性报告中,列出了具体的GRI标识。示例包括“GRI-102-43”、“GRI-02-18”和“GRI 102-19”等。在查找这些示例时,它们确定了“利益相关者管理方法”、“治理结构”、“授权”等内容。从本质上讲,它们确定了特定章节对应的GRI标准。如本案例所述,GRI列表有助于他们协调报告内容,并在每年报告的内容上“提供一致性”。最终,他们试图尽可能使其报告与GRI标准保持一致,但并不完全遵循这些标准。案例表3给出了可持续性指标的示例,以“衡量投入、过程、产出和结果”。强生公司的可持续性指标在其2020年目标中细分后,在性质上更加具体,最终由其商业利益驱动。
Question 3:
Although the use of an accountant may not seem like the obvious place to start with an organization’s efforts to become sustainable, this role is still very important. Managerial accountants measure “the full costs of a firm’s products and services and to correctly assign them to the appropriate parts of the business. This is important in order to better understand the profitability of their products, product lines, departments and customers and to make more informed decisions” (Wiley, 2014, pg. 57). By having a clearer picture of how exactly environmental issues drive costs, this can help to improve margins, decrease inefficiencies, and potentially reduce costs. (Wiley, 2014, pg. 59) Managers who do not consult accountants may miss certain hidden costs, and this can result in an inaccurate representation of what is published in the sustainability report. If these inaccuracies were made known to the general public, this could lose consumer trust and damage reputation.
As stated above, Johnson & Johnson not consulting accounting staff for their sustainability reports could result in inaccuracies in the information presented. Though the report states that “assumptions are used that could result in an overstatement or understatement,” metrics could potentially be improved by utilizing their managerial accounting staff. (Johnson & Johnson, 2017, pg. 25) Additionally, utilizing this resource will ensure that checks and balances are being done on all data. Johnson & Johnson would be able to issue an assurance statement that will look at “the accuracy, completeness reliability, balance, and fairness of the report” (Wiley, 2014, pg. 71). This ultimately gives the report more credibility. Although there are no current regulations or standards for this now, it is a preventative measure that will ultimately benefit the organization.
Question 4:
Triple Bottom Line Reporting was first introduced in 1994 by a man named John Elkington and ultimately measures a company’s degree of “social responsibility, economic value, and environmental impact” (Kenton, 2019). This is what ultimately coins the phrase “People, Planet, Profit.” I agree that Johnson & Johnson has essentially taken this concept and made it their own. As stated in the case, and upon reading the 2017 Sustainability report, they already report all the costs of being sustainable and these three concepts are core to J&J’s very credo. While I believe that J&J could benefit from accounting review, I do not think it necessary to follow this specific format as it does not create any value to their stakeholders.
Question 5:
According to the textbook, materiality is “determining the relevance and significance of an issue to an organization and its stakeholders. A material issue is an issue that will influence the decisions, actions, and performance of an organization or its stakeholders” (Wiley, 2014, pg. 61). Essentially, material will have an impact on net income, but it is very difficult to measure the exact amount that could affect an organization’s performance. Organizations each differ in many ways, and something that is material for one might not be for a different one. Additionally, not all issues identified may impact the long-term success of the organization. (Wiley, 2014, pg. 61) The processes of what is priority and what levels of materiality to use are ultimately determined by the management of the organization. Johnson & Johnson most likely does not follow a specific set of guidelines because the company values its issues differently than what is standardized.
根据Case Study范文分析的重要性是“确定一个问题对一个组织及其利益相关者的相关性和重要性。重大问题是一个将影响一个组织或其利益相关者决策、行动和绩效的问题”。实质上,材料将对净收入产生影响,但很难衡量可能影响组织绩效的确切金额。每个组织在许多方面都有所不同,对一个人来说重要的东西可能不适用于不同的组织。此外,Case Study范文提出并非所有确定的问题都可能影响组织的长期成功。什么是优先事项和使用什么重要性等级的过程最终由组织管理层决定。强生公司很可能没有遵循一套特定的指导方针,因为公司对其问题的价值不同于标准化问题。本站提供各国各专业Case Study写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。


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