In the article, Apple provides an overview of the challenges sociology of education is facing and indicates the way forward for researchers and educators in this field. 本文概述了教育社会学面临的挑战,指出了该领域研究者和教育工作者的发展方向。
Despite the fact that there are common concerns and linkages throughout the discipline and cross-plays between different areas in the field, Apple highlights the segmentation existing in sociology of education due to paradigm diversity. This feature in juxtaposition with discreteness of the languages, competition between the speakers and weak grammars of the discipline, particularly in the social context that more interests of diverse groups are being expressed, generate the barriers for the incorporation between different fields in sociology of education. 尽管在整个学科中存在着共同的关注点和联系,并且在该领域的不同领域之间存在着交叉作用,但苹果强调了由于范式多样性而存在于教育社会学中的细分。这一特点与语言的离散性、说话者之间的竞争以及本学科的弱语法,特别是在表达不同群体更多兴趣的社会背景下,为教育社会学中不同领域的融合创造了障碍。
Aside from internecine struggles, the article also leads attention to how its knowledge is being shaped by politics and further raises the issue that scholars should make the invisible issues more visible to the society instead of merely following the research focus which government resources steer us to, elaborating what he calls ‘critical’.除了内部斗争外,本文还关注了其知识是如何被政治塑造的,并进一步提出了一个问题,即学者们应该使不可见的问题对社会更为明显,而不是仅仅遵循政府资源引导我们的研究重点,阐述了他所说的“批判性”。
Against this background, Apple implies the mission to carry on as to stand against the negativeness brought by the rapidly changing world to the discipline- being a critically engaged scholar/practitioner in sociology of education. As I understand, his suggestions embrace both orientations of transforming the theories and activism. In terms of transforming the knowledge, it is important for scholars to understand the ways in which politics affects distribution and recognition in the field, and to point to the contradictions and possible actions to be taken in the future. Reconstruction of the knowledge form is serving the purpose of reflecting the progressive social needs in the academy. As the world and the social needs are changing, the knowledge is being reconstructed in concert with the changes, making the scholars always on the way of ‘becoming’. Aside from bringing transformation, it is of vital importance to keep the radical traditions of thoughts and work alive as well. Regarding the activism of his point of views, a critically engaged scholar should be aware of the social movements calling for a change in unequal power and interact with them for the sake of criticizing assumptions and policies they critically examine. In this way, the scholars could ‘make’ the issues instead of ‘taking’ the issues. In this sense, Apple introduces a mechanism for the scholars to deal with hegemony and mono-culture logic enforced by the dominant discourse and further keep the vitality of the discipline. 在这样的背景下,苹果公司意味着要继续肩负着一项使命,以抵御迅速变化的世界对这门学科带来的消极影响——成为教育社会学的一名从事批判性研究的学者/实践者。据我所知,他的建议包含了转变理论和行动主义的两个方向。在知识转化方面,了解政治对该领域的分配和承认的影响方式,指出未来可能发生的矛盾和可能采取的行动,对于学者来说是非常重要的。知识形态的重构是为了反映学术界进步的社会需要。随着世界和社会需求的变化,知识也随着变化而被重构,使学者们始终走在“成为”的道路上。除了带来变革外,保持思想的激进传统和工作的活力也是至关重要的。对于其观点的积极性,一个批判的学者应该意识到社会运动要求改变不平等的权力,并与他们互动,以批评他们批判的假设和政策。这样,学者们就可以“制造”问题,而不是“接受”问题。从这个意义上说,苹果为学者们引入了一种处理霸权和单一文化逻辑的机制,这种机制是由主导话语强制执行的,并进一步保持了学科的生命力。