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美国留学生英语本科课程作业指导-The extinction of death punishment

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-06-25 11:29:16 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
美国留学生英语本科课程作业指导-The extinction of death punishment

Currently death punishment has been abolished in so many nations. Even like this, more than 60% of the world’s population is still living in the environment with death punishment (Information Daily Staff Writer. 2009). This short text will discuss about whether death punishment should be still applied from two opposite attitudes: against and support. Author of this paper’s attitude will also be given out at the end of this paper. 
For some people, death punishment should be abolished. People who believed that death punishment should be abolished have following reasons:
First in the history of human being, death punishment has been abolished in so many nations. For example from 747 to 759, ancient China abolished this punishing way. From 818 to 1156, death punishment has been abolished in Japan. In 1395, the Twelve Conclusions of the Lollards has stated that death punishment should be ended; Grand Duke Leopold II issued the 1st modern abolition (Nishioka Kazuhiko. 2007). In 1849, death punishment has been banned in Roman Republic (Venezuela. 2012). This means the benefits of abolition death punishment has been identified even by our forefathers. Along with the social development, it should be accepted and acknowledged by all of us.
Secondly death punishment is not only cruel, but also inhuman and degrading. For Amnesty International, deal punishment is seen as "the ultimate denial of Human Rights" (Amnesty International. 2012). Just as the famous legal scholar, Moses Maimonides’ statement, if execution an accused criminal not on absolute certainty might lead to slippery slope (Moses Maimonides. 1967). All human being has the natural right to live into this world. Deal penalty might be used as excuses to infringe other people’s lives and harm their basic human right. For example in the Great Terror time of Soviet, over 1 million ordinary citizens have been executed death punishment (Conquest Robert. 1968). In Cultural Revolution time of China, there were also so many ordinary people those have been executed death punishment. From this aspect, for not coming to be an excuse of some big people, death punishment also should be abolished. 
Thirdly observing the current application situation of death punishment, it can be found that most developed countries have abolished death punishment; and only the poor and authoritarian country and regime still promise death punishment existing. 

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