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指导essay需求:Some persons consider that marketing-marketing is

论文价格: 免费 时间:2011-01-21 16:38:09 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Some persons consider that marketing is the essence of exporting which means that the export companies should concentrate on how to open a target market as well as how to develop the potential consumers. Although marketing is very important for an export company, it does not mean that the companies should pay their attention to the marketing strategies only. There are some other aspects which will influent the success of exporting for a company as well excluding the aspect of marketing strategy in a new market such as keeping competitive price of goods or services of the companies as well as avoiding additional legal risks for the company.

Importance of Marketing
Export as it to an export company means that the delivery of goods and services from a domestic company to foreign consumers which could be the foreign companies or foreign individuals. Therefore, it is necessary for the domestic company to reach such foreign markets and find the foreign consumers so that they will develop their businesses by the way of exporting. How many of the values of the goods or services delivered by the domestic companies will determine how these companies will achieve their business performances. In this case, the only purpose for the companies is to deliver as more amount of goods or services as possible to the target markets in profitable price to increase their exporting volumes and to enhance their business performances as the consequences. Therefore, the export companies have to make their efforts to the increase of the volume of goods and services delivered. As one of the goals of the marketing strategies of the export companies, the marketing strategies will be made by the companies to empower their influences in the target markets. Based upon such influence as well as the success of marketing strategies of the export companies, the export volume of goods or services will be dramatically increased as the consequences.

Weakness of Marketing 
Although marketing is very important for the export companies which would probably determine the business performances of the companies, the export companies have to realize there are some other aspects which will influent the success of the export companies such as keeping profitable price of goods or services and avoiding additional legal risks. Importance of Keeping Competitive Price of Goods or Services There has an obvious relationship between the price of goods or services and the volume of exporting of the companies because the importers of foreign markets would like to choose those exporters with low price in case that their qualities are equal to each other. Therefore, if a company pays too much attention to the marketing strategies otherwise some focuses on keeping the competitive price of goods or services they provided. Such company will be washed out by the competition of the price by its rivals. Therefore, in order to keep the competitiveness of the export companies in the market, they have to fight for keeping the competitive price of goods or services, no matter how they reach such purpose such as decrease the costs of the goods or services or avoiding exporting to those countries with high customs. The quality and price of products of the companies are two main basic reasons for a foreign consumer choosing the products of the export companies. That is the reason why the export companies should concentrate on the development of how to keep#p#分页标题#e#

competitiveness of the goods or services they provided.

Importance of avoiding legal risks
Legal risks should be well managed during the whole process of carrying out business for the\ companies because they will cause great harm to the companies if the legal risks are not controlled well by the companies. For an export companies, the harm of lost control of legal risks will be especially serious for the export companies because a transaction of international business always involves a hugehttp://www.ukassignment.org/daixieEssay/daixieyingguoessay/ amount of values. However, those international transactions are made out based upon the complex legal relationship between the domestic companies and the foreign companies. Any mistake made during the process of exporting will relate to bulks of loss for the export companies. Therefore, the legal risks during the process of exporting should be well managed in order to avoiding additional loss for the

export companies.

To sum up, successful marketing strategies are very important as they are for the export companies; however, they are only the only problems should be fixed by the export companies. There are some other aspects should be focused on by the export companies such as keeping competitive price of goods or services they delivered and avoiding additional losses caused by mistakes made in legal documents during the process of exports.



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