英国essay 澳洲essay 美国essay 加拿大essay MBA Essay Essay格式范文


论文价格: 免费 时间:2010-02-17 13:35:51 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网


Essays Are an Integral Part of Your Application

While the Admissions Committee will review a variety of input concerning your application to the Harding University MBA Program, the essay questions give you an opportunity to provide detailed information about yourself—your ambitions, your goals, your achievements, your interests.

You may wish to share additional aspects about your background that are not reflected in the main application.  Please include information that you believe would be helpful to the Admissions Committee in considering your admission to the program.  The Essay is provided by UK Assignment http://www.ukassignment.org
The essay questions are designed to provoke thoughtful responses that will help us get to know you as a person and as someone who can profit from and contribute to the Harding MBA program.

Please compose your essays carefully.  The Committee will review your ability to use acceptable grammar, to organize your thoughts, to include relevant information, and to write coherently.

Instructions:  Please submit your responses to the questions below on separate sheets of paper.  Use only one side of the paper.  Use one-inch margins and double spacing for your paragraphs.  Include your name and social security number at the top of each page.  Restate the question before beginning your response.  Attach your responses to this sheet.

Essay #1

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”  Socrates, The Apology by Plato

In light of the above quotation, please discuss a decision you have made that in retrospect has had a major influence on your present situation—career, personal, professional, or otherwise.  In hindsight would you make a different decision?  (500 words minimum; no maximum length)

Essay #2:  Answer ONE of the following (A or B):

A.  What do you like about your job?  What do you dislike?  If you were promoted to        senior management tomorrow, what changes would you make to your former position to address your dissatisfaction(s)?  (500-750 words)

B.  Describe an ethical dilemma you have experienced and discuss how you handled the situation.  (500-750 words)

Esaay #3The Essay is provided by UK Assignment http://www.ukassignment.org

Please discuss your intermediate and long-term professional goals and why you want an MBA at this point in your career.  In what ways do you think an MBA degree will help you achieve these goals?  What do you want from an MBA program?  Why have you chosen the College of Business at Harding University? (500-750 words)



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