英国essay 澳洲essay 美国essay 加拿大essay MBA Essay Essay格式范文


论文价格: 150 时间:2024-06-05 02:10:18 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

目  录

摘  要


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1 BB公司基本情况 1

1.1.2 中国县级医院情况、 2

1.1.3 研究意义 3

1.2 研究内容与方法 4

1.2.1 研究内容 4

1.2.2 研究方法 4

第2章 BB公司外部环境分析 6

2.1 外部宏观环境分析 6

2.1.1 政治环境 6

2.1.2 经济环境 8

2.1.3 社会文化环境 12

2.1.4 技术环境 16

2.2 行业竞争结构分析 17

2.2.1 竞争对手分析 17

2.2.2 潜在进入者竞争 18

2.2.3 供应商议价能力 20

2.2.4 客户议价能力 21

2.2.5 替代品竞争 22

第3章 BB公司内部环境分析 26

3.1 公司主营业务概况 26

3.1.1 产品组合及解决方案 23

3.1.2 数字化平台服务 26

3.2 公司内部资源分析 26

3.2.1 人力资源分析 26

3.2.2 品牌资源分析 27

3.2.3 财务状况分析 27

3.3 公司内部能力分析 28

3.3.1 生产运营能力 28

3.3.2 市场开拓能力 28

3.3.3 经销体系分析 29

3.3.4 研发能力 29

第4章 BB公司SWOT分析及市场策略的选择 31

4.1 BB公司SWOT分析及市场战略 31

4.1.1 BB公司SWOT分析 31

4.1.2 基于SWOT分析的BB公司市场战略选择 34

4.2 BB公司县级市场细分与战略目标 35

4.2.1 县级市场细分 36

4.2.2 目标市场的选择 37

4.2.3 市场策略的定位 37

4.2.4 县级医院市场总体战略目标 38

4.3 县级市场组合策略 39

4.3.1 产品和服务差异化策略 39

4.3.2 价格差异化策略 42

4.3.3 渠道拓展策略 44

4.3.4 促销推广的品牌策略 45

第5章 BB公司市场策略的实施保障 48

5.1 市场拓展队伍保障措施 48

5.1.1 BB公司县级医院市场销售队伍的组建方案 48

5.1.2 4S战略经销商的管理方案 49

5.2 财务资金投入保障 50

5.2.1 加强政策事务处理的投入 50

5.2.2 加强信息化建设投入 51

5.2.3 加强国产品生产及供应体系 51

第6章 结论与展望 52

6.1 结论 52

参考文献 1

摘  要





Under the new medical reform environment, the increasingly strict medical policy is also in-depth supervision on the problems such as insufficient centralized procurement, imperfect price mechanism and unclear market access standards in the field of medical devices. Medical device companies will face strong market rectification plans such as the threshold of policy access, standardized access price control and the implementation of bidding and procurement mechanism. For foreign medical device companies, they should not only operate the Chinese market according to the strategic needs of the parent company, but also make timely strategic adjustments in China according to the characteristics of the Chinese medical market, so as to seize the opportunities and meet the challenges.

The research object of this study is BB company, a foreign-funded medical device company with industry influence. Combined with the analysis of the external macro environment of BB company's development in China, the internal environment of the medical industry and the enterprise's own competitiveness, this paper analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of foreign-funded enterprises in the new environment. On the basis of relevant medical industry policies, economic and social research, it is concluded that foreign medical device companies will usher in opportunities such as increased market demand, increased policy support in second and third tier cities and strengthened industry quality supervision. They will also face challenges such as increasingly strict market access policies, the impact of the two invoice system on the circulation channels of medical devices, DRG and the reduction of bidding purchase price. Taking the medical device sales giant BB company as an example, by studying the current marketing ability, talent management ability and technological innovation ability of BB company, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of BB company in today's new medical environment. BB company combines the interpretation of China's medical policies with the company's development goals to formulate a development strategy that can achieve profitable growth for the company in China.

Key words: medical devices, county-level market development, marketing, competitive strategy


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