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英国留学生教学类assignment指导服务:市场营销专业教学分析Marketing Analysis Project

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-10-22 10:15:18 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

one marketing project teaching analysis of the advantages

Project approach is very popular in today's international education as a teaching method , especially in MBA education more widely used . The so-called Project Approach (projectlearning) refers to the teachers and students through joint implementation of a complete project work carried out teaching activities. Project Approach The key is to design and develop a project task. Its guiding ideology is a relatively independent task given to a student completes the project , from the collection of information , program design and implementation , to complete the evaluation by the students in charge . Through the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical teaching in the project , the students ' participation in the learning process more in-depth learning initiative enhanced by doing, learning to do the way to strengthen the students' professional knowledge and ability . Marketing as a highly practical and social applications integrated disciplines in the teaching process , the design practice-oriented teaching methods, teaching to introduce the project to marketing teaching , for the training of professional interest , a comprehensive improve the overall quality of great benefit. With the traditional teaching model compared to marketing , project teaching method has the following comparative advantages :

1.1 Formal education teachers play a dominant

Traditional marketing teaching, teachers in the teaching of a dominant position , the use of rigid teaching methods instill , the objective limits the students' potential into full play. The Project Approach use of " project lead , task-driven " teaching methods , emphasizing the dominant position of students , teachers as mentors and guides .
1.2 emphasis on integrated learning content
Traditional marketing focus is teaching the theory of teaching , combined with the occasional case or experiential learning , and project approach emphasizes not only imparting knowledge , but also pay more attention to the application of knowledge to enhance the overall quality of students .
1.3 autonomy on learning
Marketing project teaching has changed the traditional way of teaching students passive learning , emphasizing the students in teaching subjective dynamic role in enabling students to complete the project in the process of active learning , positive thinking , encouraging students to acquire new knowledge and skills.
1.4 on the depth of involvement
Marketing Project Approach , students greatly improve the level of participation , information transfer is bidirectional. As the project comes from the actual business activities , students should focus on the real project , in-depth business practice, learning more relevant and practical.
1.5 evaluate the diversity of the means
In traditional marketing, teaching, in order to score as the primary means of evaluation , which is an extrinsic incentives . Project evaluation is not only teaching evaluation results of the project , the students pay more attention to the whole process of project evaluation capacity development , motivation means exactly is inside.

Two marketing problems in project teaching

While marketers project approach has many advantages, but also has its specific functions and limits the scope of application . Teachers should combine teaching objects , teaching conditions , teaching the different environment , etc., for scientific use , give full play to the positive role of project approach should also pay attention to the problems .

2.1 Project Contacts difficulties
Education is the key to the project design and formulation of a project task, and by the reality conditions, enterprise project is difficult to contact , thus affecting the popularity of teaching marketing projects and applications. Even linked to the project , because the project itself or the low level of participation limitations contact surface is difficult to come into contact with large integrated projects or new projects , is bound to affect the ability of students to apply innovation effectively . Meanwhile, if the project selection properly, may allow students to gain little , fell into cumbersome daily work .
2.2 student attention completion of the project , ignoring the basic knowledge
In marketing project teaching , students in an isolated , special scenario for the project team learning , relying in practice in order to explore the experience and the law , and the resulting knowledge and experience is fragmented , concrete , and traditional classroom compared taught , for a long time , the efficiency is low , it is difficult to provide systematic knowledge and theory. Meanwhile , in view of the teaching of marketing project appraisal requirements, classroom teachers are bound to compress the time that may affect the student's basic theory.
2.3 emphasizes the subjectivity of students , ignoring the teacher's role
Project Approach is a student-centered teaching mode , open the students is the protagonist of project activities , but does not require students to complete laissez-faire , independent study . As students and teachers can not accurately be their role , leading to unclear responsibilities , inadequate preparation , which appears suited to the problems . As students in the teaching of marketing projects problems are often some random unexpected problems , teachers without a full range of knowledge and strong practical experience is difficult to be able to give students timely guidance .
2.4 Student grouping problems
Marketing projects rely mainly on project teams work teaching , student grouping is an easily overlooked aspect . Project team division is not clear , it may result in the student appeared dependency, affecting the effective implementation of project tasks . The team members too easily lead to disagreement , fragmented, is not conducive to coordination between the students . Therefore, the grouping principle , members of the match, the number of members , the work of the division of labor , etc. have a direct impact on project teaching effect.
2.5 appraisal problems
Project teaching evaluation methods may help to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning , but the marketing team for each project approach often results of the evaluation is no standard answer , the teacher and student performance on the results of the project evaluation with a certain subjective, even loss of equity. For example, in the group 's self-assessment process, some students gave poor performance due to human team members score, leading to other members of the dissatisfaction .

Third Implementation Strategies Marketing project teaching

3.1 select the appropriate item
Project Approach emphasizes project centered around the completion of the project reached to organize the teaching process , so careful preparation and proper project planning and design , teaching is the key to successful implementation of the project . Related to the quality of project selection is to stimulate students 'learning initiative and enthusiasm , whether it is conducive to students' comprehensive ability. Therefore, the choice of projects to be integrated various factors , combined with the teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching objects , teaching environment so different, the choice of project tasks should also be different. Selection of projects can follow the following principles:
3.1.1 Practicality
Projects should be derived from the reality of marketing activities to suit the actual life or work , so that students involved in real scenarios, apply their theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems in marketing .
3.1.2 operability
The selection of projects to teaching objectives , combined with curriculum requirements that marketing knowledge points integrated into each project in order to enable students to complete the project through , combining theory and practice , along with the corresponding basic skills.
3.1.3 Autonomy
The selection of projects should take full account of the actual level of the students , and to combine the students 'interest , with some difficulty , to enable students in-depth projects, and actively explore , active learning , enhance students' creativity.
3.1.4 evaluability
Project -based teaching evaluation should have diversity , students focus on the overall quality of all aspects of assessment, evaluation activities including student participation and performance of various aspects of the quality of project completion .

3.2 Project prepared, reasonable schedule
Before the implementation of project teaching , teachers should develop a complete and orderly plan to ensure the smooth progress of project teaching . In determining the basis of project tasks , teachers and students should be carefully carried out preparatory work before class . On the one hand , teachers are required to state on the selected item in the background and an understanding of the relevant circumstances , acquire the relevant knowledge and case ; On the other hand , students are required to read in advance the relevant materials, and extensive collection of relevant information for the project to carry out the teaching done good preparation.
Meanwhile, in order to facilitate students' knowledge of the marketing system to learn , combined with marketing curriculum framework , teachers should develop different aspects of the curriculum of marketing projects . As each course project teaching objectives and teaching content requirements are different, project assignments inevitably vary the difficulty of each project is different , so the timing of each project should also be scientific and reasonable and can not be evenly distributed . In the course of the project , teachers should focus on certain arrangements for timely exchange of learning time required to replenish the students theoretical knowledge, while learning and interaction through the team , solve problems and improve the effectiveness of teaching project .

3.3 Project grouped scientifically valid
Teachers according to the specific characteristics of the project to establish the project was completed independently by the student , or a group cooperation to complete. For pure knowledge against a new project , completed by the individual student ; against more integrated projects will have to work in groups to complete . Teachers must first be familiar with the basic situation of students in the class , can be used when grouping students to freely mix can also be grouped by the teacher . Personnel selection , and should be based on project needs and personnel expertise to build , generally the number of members in each group of three to five people , no more than 8 people. Implementation of the project by the group prior to the formulation of the task steps and procedures , easy to manage and control the progress of project implementation .
Teachers during grouping , pay attention to consider the good , medium and poor students mix, grouped according to the characteristics of the students , to enable students to division of labor, brainstorming , complementary advantages . Meanwhile , the teacher can assign each group different situations different project tasks, team division requires the decomposition to the activities of the various elements of each member of the team , a clear division of labor, in order to facilitate students group collaboration and teamwork, so that all the students can be harvested .

3.4 Teacher clear responsibilities and improve the overall quality of teachers
In order to effectively implement the project task of teaching students to complete the project during the operation , the teacher should clarify their role . In the project approach , teachers should pay attention to switch roles teachers play a leading position as a teaching service providers. On the one hand , teachers teaching in the project as a guide who plays the "information library" effect on students ' answers to questions in a timely manner , provide relevant information and materials for students' reference counseling for students at different levels , a clear teaching requirements , guiding students to complete the required project tasks. On the other hand , teachers teaching in the project as a guide, play "director " role, to guide students into the state to help students switch roles , in-depth experience of corporate marketing practice.
Marketing Project Approach is an open approach, the task of teachers is not reduced, but the overall quality of teachers put forward higher requirements. First, teachers have to have a high level of knowledge , a good knowledge base , the ability to answer the students in the project implementation process issues raised ; Second, requiring teachers to strong practical experience to guide students to practical work in the case of to the question ; Third, teachers' workload increased exponentially , due to the design and implementation of the project requires careful preparation teachers , comprehensive and systematic consideration.

3.5 integrated use of a variety of teaching methods, to mobilize the enthusiasm of students
Marketing Project Approach marketing of traditional teaching mode reform and innovation , focusing on the practical application of student ability, however , can not completely replace the theory of teaching , but in the system to support the theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems. Therefore , marketing teaching to avoid a single teaching method, three-dimensional teaching methods should be used , project approach with other teaching methods such as heuristic Case Method Teaching Scenarios simulation teaching , etc. together through a variety of activities , each kinds of ways for students to learn marketing theory and practice , students of applications and innovative ability to provide more training opportunities for students to effectively play its strengths.

In the project implementation process, the students ' self-learning and collaborative -based, teachers should encourage students to think independently , a bold attempt. Students should combine their responsibilities , clear understanding of their roles , in-depth real marketing scenarios , experience marketing practice, apply the theoretical knowledge to analyze and solve problems . Meanwhile, students in the project implementation process, should emphasize teamwork, enhance interpersonal communication abilities, stimulate their potential and ability to innovate.

3.6 scientific evaluation system
Project evaluation should assess not only the results of the project , the whole process of the project should also be evaluated . Presentation and evaluation of project results to improve transparency and participation , so as to stimulate students' self-awareness and competitive spirit. The results show the students from the written report , oral report to evaluate two aspects , a written report from the integrity of the content , structure, logic, written expression , analytical and problem solving skills and innovation, etc. given score , oral presentations from the performance of methods , communication skills , etiquette , teamwork , etc. given score .

In the project evaluation methods desirable method of public criticism and students , teachers rated 50% , accounting for 50% of the student peer assessment . Evaluation , the teacher first self-assessment guide for each group , and then between the group and the group peer assessment . According to group self-assessment and peer assessment of the results of the last teachers do review. In the project the students discussed or illustrated , the teacher should adjust topics atmosphere , motivation of students , and guide students to integrate theory with practice , coordinating project implementation problems , so that enterprises , students and teachers , and to improve project teaching effect.


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